University Crisis Is Coming To An End


By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé

The Perspective
Atlanta, Georgia

October 8, 2004

According to fresh reports from Monrovia, it appears that the longstanding arm wrestle between the University of Liberia Faculty Association and the Bryant Administration is headed towards an amicable resolution, with the teachers backing off on their demand that LNTG Chairman revisits the appointment of Dr. Al Hassan Conteh.

In a telephone conversation, ULFA Acting President Professor Pewee Lavela said: “Things have evolved towards a peaceful resolution.” He said the association leaders had a meeting of the mind and had talks with Dr. Conteh whose appointment by Chairman Bryant to preside over the country’s highest institution of learning sparked protests on the university campus. The faculty had gone on a one-day strike and last week issued a statement calling for the resignation of the Chairman and vowed to never allow the induction of Dr. Al Hassan Conteh.

Among the many arguments, the faculty argued that the new president be chosen from amongst “those who remained on the ground”. In their most recent press release, the faculty association also raised issues about their salary arrears. Now it seems that some of the claims have been addressed.

When reached by telephone in Monrovia, Dr. Conteh confirmed that he had had meetings with some members of the faculty association leadership and that “much progress has been made.” Both Dr. Conteh and Mr. Lavela confirmed that a meeting would be held with religious leaders on the campus of the University of Liberia on Saturday, October 9, 2004 to iron out remaining issues and move forward with the induction of the new president.

Before leaving Monrovia to attend the UN Annual General Assembly few weeks ago, Chairman Bryant said that the appointment of Al Hassan Conteh was irreversible and brushed aside the arguments advanced by the faculty.