Speaker Dweh Against Re-Naming Of Police

The Inquirer
Monrovia, Liberia

Distributed by

The Perspective
Atlanta, Georgia

Posted May 10, 2004

The Speaker of the National Transitional Legislative Assembly(NTLA) says, “the United Nations Mission in Liberia lacks the authority to change the name “Liberia National Police” as the name of the police force of Liberia.

Speaker George Dweh said, the Liberian National Police was created by an act of legislation and so if anything at all, that name must remain or be changed by an act amending the previous legislation.

The NTLA Speaker reminded the UN Mission in Liberia that Liberia is a sovereign state and that the transformation of the Liberia National Police must be done in accordance with the laws of the country.

According to the NTLA press bureau, Speaker George Dweh said, until the United Nations Mission in Liberia or the public makes suggestion and justified why the act creating the Liberia National Police should be changed, the act remains in force.

Speaker Dweh, according to the release, accepts the recruitment guidelines for a new police force and calls on those who might be affected to remain calm as the NTLA will ensure that benefits are paid before redundancy of the police officers.

Meanwhile, the NTLA Speaker is quoted as saying that the high school requirement for a new police force should be accepted in the eyes of the public as this will ensure a professional police for Liberia capable of fighting crimes and protecting citizens and foreigners throughout the country.

© 2004: This article is copyrighted by The Inquirer newspaper (Monrovia, Liberia) and distributed by The Perspective (Atlanta, Georgia). All rights reserved.