The Principles
Of Wholesome Functioning Safety Management
A Speech By
Syrulwa Somah, Ph.D. (Keynote Speaker)
Associate Professor, Environmental and Occupational
Safety & Health
NC A&T State University, Greensboro,
Delivered at Greensboro City Annual Safety
January 21, 2005
The Perspective
Atlanta, Georgia
February 7, 2005
So how do these principles work and what are involved
in the process? For the most part, we know that management
is the process of getting activities completed efficiently
and effectively with and through the assistance of
other people. This concept applies to nation building
not just in the workplace. In other words, when a
person has been persuaded that he or she has a vested
interest in doing a job safety, he or she accepts
ownership of the job and the safety requirements come
along with it. And this is to say that once a safety
employee accepts ownership and responsibility for
a particular job task, the safety manager can step
aside confidently, knowing that the job will be done
not only on schedule but safely.
In our common world, the “WHOLESOME BEING”
is the fulcrum around which all successful safety
programs evolve. Unquestionably, the “wholesome
functioning” of any safety program depends on
the safety leaders who must be able to accomplish
set institutional goals through other people. By safety
leaders, I do not mean the administrative body of
the safety program. I am talking about the embodiment
of the rules of the match and the behavior blueprint
of the leader who leads the employees. I am talking
about a leader who enunciates a vision, hears all
sides of an issue, and thoroughly devises alternative
positions. I am talking about a leader who effectively
presents positions on safety issues, and gathers support
for strategizing, developing, implementing and evaluating
plans and tasks of the safety program.
In essence, good safety leaders make good safety promotion
decisions and enforce them by leading well. In fact,
the task of any leader is to get subordinates employee
from where they are to where they have not been. In
most instances, subordinates, employees or people
of a nation may not fully understand the world the
leaders want them to travel in, but it is always necessary
for professional safety leaders to lead by vision
and conviction. Accordingly, great safety professionals
build good safety programs while poor, non-visionary
safety leaders create backward weak safety programs.
Hence, a great economical and accident free work environment
is a task (T) of a visionary, responsible and knowledgeable
safety professional. Here is the simple equation:
Great economical and accident free environment = T
(Visionary safety leadership). However, employees
are people and people are sometimes followers. My
point is that employees or subordinates usually follow
the examples of their leaders, so the safety leaders
must take great care in how they interact with their
subordinates or people. But in order to lead by example,
safety professionals and managers must first decide
what they want! Second, safety professional and leaders
must decide on what it will take to put in place a
Now, in addressing the first question, I think safety professionals and managers, we must show keen interest in the personal health and safety of our employees and nation! But that doesn’t make the issue simple either because by safety, which is defined as the total freedom from harm, we want our employees and nation to able to do the work right the first time always and thereafter. By health, we want the optimal state of well being of our employees and nation in all areas of life – physical, emotional, social, and spiritual. Health is more than the absence of disease, because health must include a sense of wholeness, a sense of belonging to a work environment, and a sense of control over one’s work environment and other circumstances (WHO, 1948).
Therefore, WHOLESOME FUNCTIONING SAFETY MANGEMENT philosophy must take into consideration Seven Stages of Well Being, which include 1) psychological or mental well being; 2) economic well being; 3) environmental well being; 4) social well being; 5) peaceful well being; 6) physical well being, and 7) spiritual well being. For the most part, well Being means different things to different people. For some people, financial well being is most important; for others, physically being well; and still others desire well being in relationships and family affairs. Generally, freedom from fear, civil war, worry, and anger, and the freedom to pursue individual dreams and goals in life are key considerations of individual well being. Let us now look more closely at the seven stages of well being that are the cornerstone of a wholesome functioning safety management.
1) Psychological or Mental Well-Being
Well being always begins in the mind with regard to
human emotions. Thus, psychological or mental well
being speaks to the science of the mind. The human
mind is a complex machine, and it is the source of
all human thought and behavior. Therefore, any failure
by a safety professional and leader to understand
and appreciate the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
of co-workers or citizens can lead to deadly consequences
in terms of individual output and general job safety.
Equally, it is very important for the safety leaders
to never stop nourishing the sound minds of co-workers,
subordinates and nation if a WHOLESOME FUNCTIONING
SAFETY MANGEMENT must be achieved because there is
a reciprocal relationship between personal factors
such as cognitive skills or attitudes and behavior
in relation to others.
2) Economic Well-Being
Economic Well Being is vital to a WHOLESOME FUNCTIONING
SAFETY MANGEMENT. Mind you, I am not talking about
every city employees earning $60, 00 dollars annually.
Get over it. It will never happen! That would be economic
growth, not economic well being. I am using economic
well being to mean the extent to which a safety professional
is informed about the consequences of different choices,
given a set of assumption or normative in regard to
various types of theories, axiom, ism, beliefs, or
statements. I also mean how the safety professional
or leader provides information and sets up opportunity
for employees or people to economically develop or
multiple what they earn. For example, making money
and spending it foolishly is completely meaningless
to the economic well being of an employee. Such an
employee might work very hard but might never get
to realize his or her economic dreams. People need
help in these areas but they are often afraid to put
their problems out there. But knowing the right investment
strategies and other information might help an employee
overcome this kind of problem and free his or her
mind from worrying.
3) Environmental Well Being
First, understanding our environment whether at work,
home, play, or travel is very important to our individual
well being. Second our roles as stewards of nature
(trees, water, birds, reptiles, animals, etc) are
important to our environmental well being. In other
words, an employee or individual’s well being
in his or her work or natural environment is very
important for maximum productivity. After all, when
an employee or individual cannot wait for day to break
to come back to work, there is something greatly wrong
with the environment at home.
4) Social Well-Being or the B’s:
Getting along in a work environment plays a major
role in abating accident. Just showing care for a
co-worker can lead to the social well being of that
co-worker, without the need to do anything extra.
And this brings us to the three B’s: Being,
Belonging, and Becoming.
. Being: Being refers to defining
who we are” (physically, psychologically, and
spiritually) and includes personal values, attitudes,
knowledge, and behaviors.
. Belonging: is finding our place
in the real world of employment and it is about an
employee’s fit within a particular environment
(physical, social, and company).
. Becoming: is achieving our personal
goals, hopes and aspirations, which include mastering
social skills, developing lifelong learning habits,
developing a sense of curiosity and exploration.
5) Physical Well-Being (Physical Wellness)
Life can be tremendously discouraging when a person
is in civil war, convoluted conflict, unemployed,
pain and there appears to be no way out. Physical
well being encompasses both a person’s body
and environment. It is helping employees and people
in general to improve their physical well being and
mental health outlook with an aim to reduce stress,
organize their life, build their self-esteem, pursue
and achieve goals, and develop a positive attitude
with suggestions for motivation, inspiration, and
6) Peaceful Well Being
Well being comes ultimately from our inner sense of
peace at home on the job. Employees must be given
rest time to reflect on what is important in their
life because that is the most important foundation
for workplace safety. Workplace safety is enhanced
when enough employee attain inner peace. One employee
with inner peace can make a significant contribution
7) Spiritually- Well Being
Spiritual well being is closely associated with our
connection to nature and to our cosmic energy source.
Spiritual well being is fundamental and critical to
the development of human beings and safety management
in that spirituality defines:
. The foresight as a spiritual imminent
of who we are
. Why our existence on this earth
. Where we go hereafter
Values might be similarly defined as standards of
spiritual worth by which we try to live in accordance
with our vision. From this perspective, one's view
of spirituality has an important influence on one’s
values and self- concept.
By values, I mean everything from interminable ideas
to behavioral actions. By self or self-concept, I
mean the generally conscious reflection of one's own
being or identity (culture), as an object separate
from other people or the environment (nation). One’s
self-image generally refers to the totality of a complex,
organized, and dynamic system of learned beliefs,
attitudes and opinions that each person holds to be
true about his or her personal existence. I am not
talking about having church service on the job. Spirituality
is keeping in touch with a higher power, based on
individual beliefs.
Ladies and Gentlemen, before I take my seat, I want
to remind you that visionary leaders or safety professionals
build great economical and hazard free environments,
while non-visionary leaders or safety professionals
create backward and dangerous work environments. I
firmly believe that if safety professionals or safety
leaders do not lead well, the people, employees or
subordinates will not follow well. In fact, we often
learn by examples set by our leaders. Of course, since
two thinking heads are better than one, it is believed
that the leaders or safety professionals and the employees
once on the same mental, economic, spiritual, social,
health, and environmental levels, a “Wholesome
Functioning Safety Management” is assured. With
the following, I end my treatise by stating that a
leader or visionary safety professional is not someone
who never makes mistakes, but an astute visionary
leader or safety professional is someone who gains
knowledge from his or her oversight and does not replicate
them. Think on these things. Thanks!