The Vanguard Students Unification Party: A lost generation of militants—what is our mission, comrades?

By Kwein W. Kwein II

The Perspective
Atlanta, Georgia
October 21, 2018


On October 6, 2018, I woke up to a text message that had been sent by a young and conscious militant of our party called comrade Selma. In his text message, comrade Selma cited an incident that occurred on October third that saw militants insulting and assaulting leaders of our party—including members of the Bureau of political affairs and the Central Committee. He further added that militants should be party discipline and desist from such act. Hence, I write with the sole intent of reinforcing his arguments and further sharpening the apparent or visible contradictions that engulf our party in this dispensation.

Apparent contradiction

The open and flagrant disrespect shown by militants of our party to party leaders, especially members of the Politburo Bureau and Central Committee is not only diametrical to the traditions of our party, but it is also counterproductive, backward and reactionary in its nature. These alarming proportions of share disregard to party constitution and tradition is completely unacceptable and uncalled for. We therefore categorically and unequivocally condemn the act and demand those militants involve to immediately apology to those party leaders, and at same time call on the Politburo Bureau and Central Committee to take swift and appropriate actions before these contradictions get out of hands. Furthermore, we call on all militants and leaders to uphold the constitution and traditions of our party; to seek first the interest of masses.

Under this pro-poor regime led by former footballer, George M. Weah, that has not a plan nor a strategy to transform the lives of the mass of our people, but rather to amass ill-gotten wealth at the expense of the people; the need for a strong revolutionary vanguard party who will stand in defense of and guard the masses in the revolutionary process after the material condition for a popular revolution based on the suffering of the mass of our people has been created, is crucial.

As a serious revolutionary vanguard party with a revolution mandate to stand in defense of the masses interest; we must mean what we say and say what we mean; when we say in the cause of the masses the struggle continues, we must mean it! But on the contrary, in this dispensation, the underlying or imply interpretation of the latter quotation is “in the cause of our bellies the struggle continues”. It is often said, “when the struggle for bread intensifies, a man buries integrity”. But have we forgotten the words of Frantz Fanon of the Algerian revolution who said: “every generation, out of relative obscurity must identify its mission and either betray it or fulfill it”? What is the mission of this generation of SUP militants, is it our bellies or the emancipation of our people from rampant corruption, abject poverty, economic deprivation etc.? what is our mission, comrades?

The misuse and abuse of power

While we frown on other militants for being insolent to party leaders, we also call on leaders of our party to use their position and manage their powers wisely. It can recall that some leaders, a few weeks ago, were accused of allegedly receiving cash to fight our party. Others have also been accused of single-handedly consuming cash that was intended for militants’ welfare, while others were seen giving militants mandates to brutalize each other. These contradictions only amount to gross misuse, abuse, and overuse of power and it has the propensity to divide our party. Emerging leaders look toward current leaders for direction, if our party must remain on course for the next five to ten years, the leaders of today must be able and well positioned to teach them (emerging leaders) the party’s traditions and philosophy--not only in words but also in deeds.

A call for unity              

As the motto of our party depicts, “Unity for Progress”, we want to stress the need for unity and harmony throughout the length and breadth, and every strata and spectrum of our party. As we all prepare for the 48th anniversary of our party, we will like to recommend to the Politburo Bureau, Central Committee as well as the anniversary committee that reconciliation form part of the activities marking the celebration of the anniversary. We also want to emphasize the need for rigorous and intensive training of militants of the party; because it is easily determined that the current breed of militants understanding of the party is superficial; thereby putting the survivability and sustainability of the party at risk.  



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