(Part II)
By Elder Siahyonkron Nyanseor
J. Kpanneh Doe
The Perspective
Atlanta, Georgia
December 27, 2018
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Our previous article regarding Michael P. Doe called for Senator Prince Y. Johnson, one of the principal architects of the civil war and those involved in the culture of impunity during Liberia’s 14-year war, not to go unpunished. We believe that ending the culture of impunity can only be done if Liberians advocate for prosecuting those who committed these heinous crimes against them. That is why we have maintained a longstanding position and support for the establishment of the War & Economic Crimes Court in Liberia so that there can be criminal accountability of warlords many of whom are yet to face justice for the crimes they committed against the Liberian people.
Mr. Prince Y. Johnson who has found protection under the disguise of a lawmaker with such esteemed title of being called a “Senator” is still a perpetrator of war with the notoriety of one who butchered and killed thousands of innocent Liberians without having second thoughts about it. There are many other stories that describe how innocent Liberians who had no involvement with the war suffered and were murdered by the cruel hands of Prince Johnson and other warlords who today are entrenched in the corridors of power.
Moreover, we cannot discuss the atrocities and heinous crimes committed by Prince Johnson, the NPFL/INPFL, LURD, MODEL, ULIMO, and all the other warlords and their various war outfits without underscoring the significant involvement of the master planner, General Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. The ‘Iron Lady’ whom Cllr. Winston Tubman referred to as the ‘Mother of the Civil War’ bears the greatest responsibility for the destruction of Liberia. She is the one who provided the initial capital that started the war. She admitted contributing $10,000.00 to the NPFL for what she described — “humanitarian” purposes — even though the NPFL was never a humanitarian organization.
In order for Ellen to remain in charge and cover her own involvement in the war, she shielded warlords by given them protection and a safe haven, almost entering a silent agreement with them not to ever pursue justice against them during her 12-year reign, while together they engage in massive plundering of the country. She allowed corruption to flourish under her reign - refusing to prosecute cases related to her with the exception of those she perceived as opposed to her administration; i.e., former Chairman Gyude Bryant, who eventually died as the result of grief. Also, she failed to prosecute NOCAL, NASCORP, LPRC, Finance and other entities that were deemed corrupt; and she successfully bribed lawmakers in usurping the leveraging power of the President by creating “Tenured Positions” in all strategic ministries of the government.
This article is Part II of Better Late than Never: The Execution of Michael J. Doe by Gen. Prince Y. Johnson.
The expression: “Ninety-years are not forever” is a wish that someday, whether in ninety years or so, those who took the laws into their hands, killed and violated every law in the country with impunity will have to pay for their sins. To the ordinary person, “Ninety years are not forever” is their cry for JUSTICE.
“Ninety-years not forever” was also a popular expression by ordinary Liberians who were abused and exploited by “You know who I am” government officials and elites who suppressed the masses until the People’s Redemption Council (PRC) came to power, and sent many of them into exile in neighboring African countries, the United States and Europe. And then there comes ‘Iron Lady Machiavelli’ Ellen with her Universe! No doubt, in Ellen’s Universe anything goes – for which she bears the greatest responsibilities. Many atrocities took place in Liberia and the West African sub-region. For over 30 years, including 12 years of Ellen’s presidency; the end justified the means. As the result, she earned the title: “Mother of Civil War”.
Peace and Reconciliation vs. Justice
Nowadays, all we hear many people in and out of Liberia advocating for - is PEACE and RECONCILIATION. Our position on this issue is: Reconciliation without Confession and Repentance is meaningless! Some say we should forgive those that committed these heinous crimes against the Liberian people; while others say, they MUST be brought to justice; but several persons in the Weah administration say we should concentrate on present issues and “Let a sleeping dog lie”. This position brought back memories of what we were told in the late 50s and the 60s by parents and older folks to mind our business and to “Leave the people’s business alone.”
We contend that it was this culture of “Leave the people’s business alone” that led our country into the present deplorable state. This culture was such that the mere expression of concern about a social, economic or political issue was like committing a cardinal sin. And those that had the guts to question the ills that existed in our society were dismissed as being ‘Cracky’ – a Liberian expression which means –crazy.
This reminds us of a story told by former Ambassador Andrew Young at a Democratic National Convention in Madison Square Garden, New York. According to him, a farmer had two cocks, which on this particular day he was traveling with to a cockfight for which he had them trained. As he drove on, the cocks began to fight in the back of the truck. They fought until both of them died. When the farmer reached his destination, he opened the back of the truck and found that both cocks were dead. The farmer stood for a while and said, “Look how pitiful they are. They did not know that they were on the same side.” Those who argued that the country should focus on peace and reconciliation, and not bring war perpetrators to justice should realize that peace and justice represent two sides of the same coin and that Liberians who are advocating for both positions are basically on the same side and should find common ground to work together.
At this point, let us review Ellen’s Method of Operation. This ‘Iron Lady’ used all sorts of schemes and strategies to get elected and put into action her evil deeds. As it stands, the Liberian people and the international community must mobilize to bring pressure on President George Weah’s administration to adhere to the wishes of the Liberian people for the economic and war crimes that Ellen and her warlords committed against them.
Ellen perfected the method of getting even with perceived enemies and critics by eliminating them by whatever means necessary. Here are some examples of how these individuals were killed under strange and unexplained circumstances.
KEITH JUBAH: In November 2009, Keith Jubah served as Head of the Public Procurement and Concession Commission; he was killed by gunmen outside Monrovia. Jubah’s body was set ablaze but did not burn completely since it was during the rainy season. He was killed at a time the PPCC was getting tough on contracts related irregularities which is one of the major means through which corruption in government is perpetuated. The Executive at the time stated that President Sirleaf was shocked by the killing of Jubah.
It was believed the crime was carried out by "disgruntled" former employees that had lost their jobs. President Sirleaf described Jubah as a reformer promising that his death will not go unpunished. "He believed in the reform agenda of this country. His death will not go unpunished." A few years later, following prosecution, Criminal Court "A" sentenced the nine men accused of killing Jubah to death by hanging. Judge Sikajipo Wollor's judgment was confirmation of a unanimous guilty verdict given by a 12-man jury team. Security forces did not release any report prior to the prosecution of the nine accused.
FAYIAH J. SAAH GBOLLIE: In December 2013, Fayiah Gbollie was killed by unknown men and was found dead in the pool of blood at his Congo Town residence. According to the report, he was killed when the two kids who lived with him had gone to school leaving him alone at home. While in the United States, Gbollie founded the Free Democratic Party (FDP) to contest the 1997 elections for the presidency. In 2005, he ran for Senator of Lofa County unsuccessfully on the ticket of the ruling Unity Party (UP) before being appointed by President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf as Deputy Minister for Transport.
A brother to the deceased said at the time that his brother was allegedly brutalized and hit in the mouth, while the attackers tied a rope around his neck and pretended as though he hung himself and fled with his vehicle. The LNP and other security institutions launched a vigorous search for the alleged murderer but today they are yet to make any arrest after nearly three years. [Up to the time the report was written]
CLLR. MICHAEL ALLISON: Atty. Allison was a former consultant to the National Oil Company of Liberia who reportedly blew the whistle that had led to an investigation by the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) involving the Speaker of the House of Representative and Lawmaker Adolf Lawrence was found dead in similar vicinity as the body of Greaves in early 2015. According to accounts from a woman whose identity was sealed, claiming to be a girlfriend, she came out with the deceased on the beach around late evening hours and after a while, he (Cllr. Allison) decided to swim in the ocean where he drowned.
The death of Cllr. Allison came in the wake of ongoing negotiations for sale of some of Liberia’s oil blocs and discussions between the legislative branch and the National Oil Company of Liberia to ratify agreements for the sale of oil blocs. NOCAL came under criticism for an attempt to sell oil blocs in the midst of a deadly Ebola outbreak and the scandal drew some members of the Legislature at the center of a questionable payment of US$25,000 from NOCAL to the body for legal fees. The Government of Liberia through the Liberia National Police announced it was conducting an investigation but after months only an autopsy was conducted pointing out Allison died of drowning. The autopsy turned out to be the only means of investigating deaths in Liberia.
HARRY A. GREAVES, JR.: Greaves died under similar circumstances as Cllr. Allison as he was last seen at the RLJ resort on the Robertsfield Highway but his body found on the beach behind the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in similar vicinity where Allison’s body was found. Bruises were found on Greaves body and following more than a week of an investigation by Liberian security agents, the government hired Pathologists to conduct an autopsy. On Tuesday, Justice Minister Benedict Sannoh disclosed that the results indicate that Greaves died by drowning. But there was the question of injury after his death that has not been in Greaves’ case. The case remains unsolved.
MRS. WATTA ALLISON (With her husband): A disturbing video surfaced on social media showing former warlord now Senator Prince Y. Johnson interrogating and brutalizing the wife of former Liberian Defense Minister General Gray D. Allison.
Max Dennis, the son of Mrs. Watta Allison said, “Mr. Johnson sentenced my mother to death, and her execution was carried out by a female soldier, upon the order from Prince Johnson. It was said that she killed my mother and threw her body into the St. Paul River. The tragedy is that, after she was shot and killed, her body was thrown into the St. Paul River, where, immediately, it was wedged between some rocks. A few witnesses, saddened by the spectacle, used a few long sticks to push her body out into the main flow of the River, while others lamented the scene by saying, ’Ma Watta, never mind, ya!’”
MICHAEL J. DOE - Luke 8:17 (NIV) reminds us, “…there is nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.” This is true of the cold-bloody execution-style killing of our beloved brother, cousin, father, uncle and Citizen Michael J. Doe by then General Prince Yormie Johnson of the break-
Michael J. Doe 3rd from left, St. Patrick’s Soccer Team of late 50 ’s away fashion (Independent –
and early 60’s (Photo: courtesy of George C. Kollie) INPFL) of Charles Taylor’s
National Patriotic Front of Liberia (NPFL).
There are many other stories that mirror how innocent Liberians who had no involvement with the war suffered and were murdered by the cruel hands of Prince Johnson and other warlords who today are entrenched in the corridors of power.
This culture of impunity became so pervasive in the Liberian society; therefore, it must not go unpunished. Liberians who were victimized and still bear the scars of the civil wars orchestrated by power-hungry men and women must show courage and remain relentless in pursuing the Campaign for Justice that will ensure the likes of Prince Johnson and several others who committed war crimes and crimes against humanity to face the full weight of justice that would lead to them being prosecuted.
Below is another displayed of pretense hypocrisy at the highest level by VP Howard-Taylor.
VP JEWEL HOWARD-TAYLOR visited the Rwandan Genocide Museum to pay homage to those who lost their lives during the violent incident. She deposited a bouquet flower in memory of her fellow Africans who were massacred between April and June 1994 - a scuffle between members of Hutus and Tutsis tribes in Rwanda that killed an estimated 800,000 Rwandans within 100 days. We cannot remember VP Howard-Taylor ever paying“such tribute to her deceased parents and others whose lives were taken away needlessly by forces belonging to her former husband Charles Taylor.” Instead, of condemning those responsible for the atrocities, she wants to create a war museum in Liberia as a way of instituting inclusive reconciliation and bid farewell to the victims of the civil wars. That’s adding insults to injuries!
To General Prince Yormie Johnson and the rest of the warlords who killed and maimed innocent people; forcibly took people’s lands, properties, converted some of those properties into so-called “White Flowers” residence will have to return them to their rightful owners. These so-called LIBERATORS did exactly what they said they were against for which they fought the senseless evil war.
“Ninety-years are not forever” is the Liberian people’s cry for JUSTICE. The Ninety Years scenario has made many African leaders and criminals alike become casualties by their own doing; but for some reasons, due to their wicked and greediness for power, they failed to learn from history, so they keep repeating the same offense over and over – either by hook or crook to maintain and remain in power. They are not alone! They have cheerleaders who cheered them on; no matter the consequence.
No Place to Hide
Few of the perpetrators of the civil (evil) wars have been indicted, tried and found guilty; the rest of them will have no place to hide; even death will not exempt them from justice. And as long there is social media, Center for Justice and Accountability (CJA), Coalition for Justice in Liberia (CJL), Liberian Human Rights & Refugee Welfare Organization (LIHRRWO) and other Civil Society organizations, none of them will go scot free. Ellen and her partners in crimes will have to face the War Crimes Court for the atrocious and Economic crimes they committed against the Liberian people.
No one who had any part to play in the civil wars that left the country devastated, the economy in ruins, and the population traumatized will go scot free.
The March 10, 2016 (FPA) message by St. Augustine Episcopal Church’s Rector Rev. Victor Moses King that “…it’s time for ministers to stand up for the truth” includes all of us. For example, “Not knowing the truth doesn’t make you ignorant; not wanting to know the truth is what makes you ignorant”. Therefore, it is no excuse to remain silent in seeking justice for Augustus Barchue, the aid worker that was murdered in public view by General Prince Yormie Johnson; and let it be remembered: God moves in a mysterious way and that every truth stuck to the ground will rise again.
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf said it better: “Be not afraid to denounce injustice, though you may be outnumbered. Be not afraid to seek peace, even if your voice may be small. Be not afraid to demand it”.
This is the woman who resorted to righting WRONG with another WRONG – by playing a key role in the Liberian Civil War which most Liberians referred to as the EVIL WAR. Madam Sirleaf and like-minded people, including the General now Senior Senator from Nimba County, Prince Yormie Johnson, and various faction leaders forcibly recruited Liberian boys and girls between the ages of 11 and 13 to serve as child soldiers like the LORD’S RESISTANCE ARMY in Uganda must account for their actions.
In short, we call on Liberians at home and in the Diaspora to join the chorus of vigilant Liberians and the international community in exposing and bringing to justice these wicked and evil individuals for the economic and war crimes they perpetrated against unarmed and innocent Liberians in the name of LIBERATION.
To make matters worse, they drugged these young children to commit all sorts of atrocities against their own people. Some of these atrocities included lootings, gang raping of women, betting to open the stomachs of pregnant women to see if their unborn babies are boys or girls. These warlords and their child soldiers are credited with one of the worse tragedies in recent Liberian history - equaled to Rwanda; over 250,000 people were killed, some from hunger, diseases; several thousands of people were displaced in neighboring African countries and throughout the world, and the nation’s infrastructure damaged and are still in disrepair.
Since we have faith and place our complete trust in the Almighty GOD, the Liberian people will be victorious in their quest to bring to justice those that killed innocent people and committed economic crimes in the country. In this regard, and in this public manner, we openly join in solidarity with individuals, groups, and organizations that are calling for establishing War and Economic Crimes Court in Liberia.
Therefore, in the words of Bob Marley, we call on all of you to:
Get up, stand up: stand up for your rights!
Get up, stand up: stand up for your rights!
…Most people think,
Great god will come from the skies,
Take away everything
And make everybody feel high.
But if you know what life is worth,
You will look for yours on earth:
And now you see the light,
You stand up for your rights......
Get up, stand up: stand up for your rights!
Get up, stand up: don't give up the fight!
The time for the people has come!
We give thanks to all who made this story possible.
SOURCE: Personal contacts & interviews with victims of the civil wars, ThePerspective, FrontPageAfrica.org, Liberian observer, other online web magazines; and others documents revealed that Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf was the principal fundraiser for NPFL activities.
ABOUT THE AUTHORS: Elder Siahyonkron J. K. Nyanseor, Sr. and J. Kpanneh Doe are relatives of the late Michael J. Doe who, since 2005, have investigated this story to bring to justice the killer of their relative. Nyanseor can be contacted at: siah1947@gmail.com and Doe at: kpannehdoe@live.com
© 2017 by The Perspective
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