Marketers Demand L$5,000,000 From President Blah


The Inquirer
Monrovia, Liberia

Distributed by

The Perspective
Atlanta, Georgia

Posted October 10, 2003

Peanuts and pepper sellers at the Paynesville ‘Red-Light’ are urging the Liberian leader, President Moses Blah to pay them damages in the sum of L$5,000,000 for their goods and money looted as a result of the recent shoot-out in the area.

Recently, marketers at the Paynesville Red light who are dealers of peanuts and pepper suffered great losses when their warehouses were massively looted. The incident occurred when LURD Chairman Sekou Conneh was en route to Pres. Blah’s residence in Paynesville. The LURD leader was honoring an invitation extended by President Blah.

In an interview with the marketers, their spokeswoman Betty Kpangbai said they are asking President Moses Blah to assist them get some of their money back because it was he (Blah) who invited Konneh to the city.

Madam Kpangbai, surrounded by a group of aggrieved marketers, told this paper that besides their lost properties valued more than L$5 million, they are also asking for security protection.

At the same time, peanuts and pepper sellers at the Red light have clarified that at no time were they dancing for Sekou, Conneh as it was being rumored in Monrovia.

Madame Kpangbai also clarified that those who sell at the peanuts and pepper warehouses looted are not Mandingoes, reiterating "we are victims of lies and deception".

© 2003: This article is copyrighted by The Inquirer newspaper (Monrovia, Liberia) and distributed by The Perspective (Atlanta, Georgia). All rights reserved.