Marylanders for Progress
(Liberia) condemns the war in Liberia
Marylanders for Progress (Liberia) Inc., observes with great dismay the indiscriminate
attacks on the people of Liberia, which have resulted in death and destruction.
More than 30,000 citizens from Maryland County fled and are now seeking tent
space to lay their heads while others are in open fields waiting to be helped
at the border city of Tabou and other villages in Cote d’Ivoire. The
basic cultural, social and economic structures of our people are being destroyed
by this senseless and unjust war. The people of this region, as well as Liberians
throughout the country, are suffering immeasurably because of continuous war.
As it stands today, the recriminations and impact from the long standing conflicts
in Liberia will adversely affect generations.
Marylanders for Progress (MFP) categorically rejects the use of force to attain
political power and therefore calls upon all warring forces including the government
of Liberia to immediately stop the spilling of civilian blood. MFP further calls
upon the Government of Liberia, (GOL), LURD and MODEL and all participants at
the Accra conference to wake up and make the right decisions for the sake of
the Liberian people. We call upon the international community to withhold recognition
and support from any participant actively involved in this war.
MFP calls on the international community, particularly ECOWAS, the United Nations,
the United States, the African Union and the European Union to take on a more
proactive role in assisting Liberians to resolve their conflicts. The United
Nations must take an active part in meeting the increasing humanitarian needs
of the suffering people of Liberia.
MFP wants to extend its thanks to the Honorable Mayor Yao Bin’dri of Tabou
and his people for opening their doors once again to the people from the Southeastern
region of Liberia who were forced to run for safety.
Hello! Is anybody listening? Can you hear the cry of our people as they are
being shot in their backs while searching for food and running for safety? Liberians!
Are we sensitive enough to care and unite without an agenda for power and lust
at any price?
God, please forgive Liberia. God Bless Liberia. God Bless AFRICA.
Signed: Roberta Brown
Marylanders for Progress (Liberia), Inc. is a non-political organization
with no political agenda. Our goal is to bring social and economic development
to Maryland County and the Southeastern region of Liberia. For more information
about MFP, Contact: Roberta Brown, President, 301-248-6496