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Amnesty International Human Rights
October 2001
Letters To The Editor |
(WASHINGTON, DC, November 29, 2002) -- In the wake of media reports about plans for a merger between Charles Taylor's National Patriotic Party (NPP) and the United People's Party (UPP), members of UPP in the United States and others in West Africa have grouped themselves under an organization they call the Movement To Stop The Sale Of UPP (MOSSUPP).
Liberia - One Nation, One People By God's Command At the inception of the Coup in 1980 LBS played without ceasing, "I WANT TO KNOW WHO OWNS THE LAND..." This song with its divisive undertone was alluding that our country was for a particular group(s) of people, and others did not have any rights to the land. That period in our history was mired with other divisive utterances that fueled the chasm among us as a people. Appointment to positions in government was not only based on your name, but on tribal identity. This forced some to quickly adapt traditional names Liberia And Biblical Oracles: The Devastation Of The Locusts (Part One) An Old Testament prophet named Joel uttered some words in the days of old that echo Liberia's tribulations - relevant to our present-day crises as they were at the time spoken. According to biblical scholars (King James Version), there are two major themes in the book of Joel. "First the plaque of the locusts, signifying the thick devouring darkness that overcame the land parallels the gross ignorance and unavoidable consequences of man's actions today". The Liberian Government Finally Admits Support to RUF When the world, led by the United States, accused the Taylor Government of supporting the Revolutionary United Front of Sierra Leone a few years ago, Taylor did not only clearly deny but started a big public relation campaign to prove that the Governments of the United States, Great Britain and Sierra Leone were great liars. Taylor called meetings and press conferences at the Executive Mansion to tell the Liberian people that his government was being falsely accused and called upon the Liberian people not to believe the accusation against his government. Miss World Protests - CREDO Calls on Nigerian government not to be Opportunist in Punishing Media for Previous Critical Reports, Cautions Against Self-censorship Following recent events in Nigeria related to the Miss World Pageant, which led to violent protests and the torching of the Kaduna offices of the national newspaper ThisDay, CREDO for Freedom of Expression and Associated Rights, extends its condolences to all those bereaved or injured. Aloysius Toe : Another Prisoner of conscience Over the last few months, The Government of Liberia has increased its attacks on human rights defenders. In some cases, like mine, no charges have been levied by the Government. In some cases, the Government has levied charges not supported by Liberian law, as in the case of Hassan Bility who the Government declared a soldier and charged with being an "unlawful combatant". HIV/AIDS And Africa: Back To The Drawing Board After 21 years of dealing with the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Africa, it appears that Africa has now reached the crossroads. According to the United Nations agency coordinating the pandemic (UNAIDS) nearly 30 million Africans live with HIV/AIDS. More than 21 million Africans are dead of AIDS. At least, four African countries-Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland and Zimbabwe- have more than 30 percent of its adult population living with HIV/AIDS. Taylor's Washington Post Ad. - An Act Of Gross "Insensitivity" With the once relatively peaceful country now lying in complete ruins, growing repression by the day, and most vexing, many dedicated civil servants denied their meager "survival wages" for their services to the morally bankrupt government in Monrovia, one would think that Liberia's beleaguered president, Charles Taylor, would be humane enough to wisely use all available resources, particularly, financial (regardless of where he's getting it), to bring some much needed relief to his severely traumatized and impoverished people. Re-Opening The Old Wounds, Are They Prepared? Somewhere down memory lane a nursery rhythm says "stakes and stones may break my bones but words cannot." Life in today's world is quite different. Words, especially hit speech, has been the cause of most evils, civil wars, massacre, division, and destruction of the human race than in any period in history. Rwanda is a case study. Charles Taylor's First Policy Statement Issued on January 1, 1990 I came upon this document today while rummaging through my pile of documents. I thought to share it with your reading public, especially those interested in recent Liberian history. Any editorial or public use of this document, whether now or in the future, as long as is for our common good is herewith authorized. Corruption, Greed, Injustice And Humanitarian Assistance In Sierra Leone: The Slpp Government A Case Under Review Now that the brutal war in Sierra Leone is over and peace, though still illusive, is gradually advancing throughout the country, many quarters including the international community seem to be loosing sight of some of the key factors that facilitated the brutality and savagery of the senseless death and destruction in the country. The rush for repatriation, reconstruction and economic recovery largely preoccupy all, particularly the Kabba- Berewa Government, while the pillars of future stability, reconciliation and national progress have been neglected once again.
Canada's Supreme Court Judge Louise Arbour was in Paris recently where she delivered a key note address on her reflections about the International Court of Justice basing her views on the Stakes, Challenges, Hope and Realism of the New Justice system that came into effect on July 1 2002. Arbour who between 1996 and 1999 was the Chief Prosecutor of the UN Tribunals of the Ex-Yugoslavia and Rwanda later talked to The Perspective about the UN Tribunal for Rwanda and it's credibility and whether it was apt to enabling Rwandans achieve reconciliation If the Opposition Does Not Merge, NPP Could Win in 2003 Elections A Trip to the Future - Take a mental trip with me into the future, for a moment. Two Thousand Three is the future. Elections had just concluded in Liberia. Twenty political parties and independent candidates took part in the recent elections. Over the airwaves, a mellow radio personality at the Liberia Broadcasting Corporation (LBC) declares the National Patriotic Party victorious, followed by Radio Veritas and DC 101 FM in Monrovia. Now Is The Time To Cry Out For War Crimes Inquiries Sando Johnson's accusation against Archbishop Michael K. Francis and Dr. Amos C. Sawyer is not only an insult to both men, but also a gross disrespect to the Liberia Council of Churches of which Archbishop is a staunch member, the entire Christian community, and all peace-loving Liberians. A Sensible Remedy Taylor's regime rose to power by exacting fear and intimidation upon the populace as well as bribing many so-called opposition politicians. As a result, he has governed the country with absolute disregard for the rights of the citizens. As we head toward the next election, let us not repeat the fiasco that brought a warlord to power. MODEL Takes Gov't To Court In 7 Days, Condemns ECOM's Dismissal of Staff The Movement for Democracy and Elections in Liberia (MODEL) has vowed to institute a lawsuit against the Government of Liberia. Speaking at a news conference on Tuesday of the week, MODEL's Executive Director K-Hasting Panyonnoh, said the legal action of his organization was provoked by the acquiescence of Government in the illegal arrest and imprisonment of MODEL Project Officer Sherman Seequeh and ECOM Elections Magistrate George Kabakollie, and the confiscation of MODEL workshop materials in Rivercess County during a trip there to conduct civic education. Nigerian Newspaper Offices Burned Down By Fundamentalists Says RSF The Paris-based Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has urged Nigerian authorities to protect Press Freedom in the North of the country following the burning down of parts of a Nigerian daily newspaper, This Day, in Kaduna by Islamic Fundamentalists. "It is getting harder and harder for journalists to do their job in the region," complained RSF secretary general Robert Menard in a letter addressed to Kaduna state governor Alhaji Ahmed Makarfi. Liberia: The UN Security Council Should Accord Highest Priority To Protection Of Human Rights - (Amnesty International) As the United Nations (UN) Security Council considers the latest report by the Panel of Experts and reviews sanctions on Liberia, Amnesty International supports the recommendation of the Panel of Experts that the ban on arms and ammunition and other military assistance to Liberia remain in force. Dogs, Fleas and the Archbishop Archbishop Michael K. Francis is a rare man, a man of distinction. He is loved by his flock, the Catholic community of Liberia, respected by his peers of cross-denominational and religious leaders and recognized by the international community as a tireless fighter for the oppressed people of Liberia. He is a recipient of the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Award - a prestigious prize by any standard. UN Concerned with Human Rights in Egypt - (FIDH)) Paris- Geneva, November 21, 2002 - On November 1st, 2002, the United Nations Human Rights Committee (CCPR), after examining Egypt's report on its implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, expressed wide concern about the human rights situation in Egypt, including torture, state of emergency, discrimination against women, anti-Semitism, and human rights defenders. Liberian Journalist Wins National Leadership Award In The U.S. Liberian journalist and author, Gabriel I.H. Williams, has won the prestigious National Leadership Award, which is presented by the National Republican Congressional Committee, for his leadership qualities. Taylor Lambastes LCC Leaders, Says No One Is Above The President President Charles Taylor addressed the nation yesterday on the Sando Johnson's baseless accusation against Archbishop Michael K. Francis and the entire Catholic Church in Liberia. Yesterday address by Taylor came after he had had a meeting with leaders of the Liberian Council of Churches to discuss Bomi Representative Sando Johnson's barrage of accusations and insult on His Grace, Michael K. Francis. Liberia : Editor and Board Chairman Arrested Jerome Dalieh, editor and Wilson Tarpeh, board chairman of The News newspaper, were arrested on Friday November 15, 2002 by Police director Paul Mulbah for publishing an article in its Friday edition of the newspaper. Clowns, Hoodlums and a Naked Emperor - US $500,000.00 for four pages of revealing stupidity The November 12th edition of The Washington Post was certainly very revealing as to the level of desperation of the Taylor government in Monrovia. From Marie Washington, the Chairperson of the Liberian Marketing Association who wonders why the U.S. is supporting a Muslim insurgency to Fred Bass who asked why America cannot act like the British in Sierra Leone or the French in Abidjan, the desperation of the government is laid bare on the streets for all to see. "Why would the United States not welcome a country of people that is unequivocal in its devotion to America and everything American?" says Ms. Washington, the woman whose report from Conakry led to the imprisonment and torture of Counselor Gongloe Mr. Sando Johnson's Allegations: A Great Disservice to Liberia There are times when it is necessary that we all unequivocally speak out against evil forces poised to add further destruction to our fragile country. The recent allegations leveled by Rep. Sando Johnson, Majority leader for the Ruling NPP Party, against Archbishop Michael Kpakala Francis, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Monrovia, necessitates speaking out. Distortion Of The Liberian Reality: The Case Of The Five Murdered American Nuns A serious controversy is taking place in Liberia, where the Catholic Church has decided to set up a commission to investigate the rape and murder of five American nuns during the country's civil war in 1992. According to the church, the commission is intended to establish that indeed the five nuns and other prelates who were killed in 1992 died in the service of God and mankind. Church Ends Boycott, Government Searches for CIA Allegedly Sent to AssassinateTaylor Officials of the Liberia Council of Churches have ended the boycott that closed schools and health centers operated by churches. The just ended boycott was felt all over the city - Monrovia was practically dead. The children and wards of the so-called big shots in government do not attend public schools beside those schools that were justly protesting against the attack on the Catholic Church. We Need To Build A New Society And Renew Our National Spirit, Says Charles Brumskine It is crucial for the next government to address poverty, social exclusion, unemployment, lack of education, the sense of hopelessness, among others things, that has become the breeding ground for the type of violence that has destroyed our country and caused so much suffering among our people. The real change that Liberia needs may begin with sound public policies, but will depend on the character and resolve of the people to rid us of the locust that lies within. Remote Sensing Identified as a Critical Tool for Africa's Development Nigeria's President Olusegun obasanjo's Senior Special Assistant adviser on Space Science and Technology Adigun Ade Abiodun has lamented that while remote sensing was a critical tool for Africa's development scientists at the heart of this satellite driven technology had yet to influence Africa's policy decisions in ways that would help to harness the strategy for the overall progress of the continent. A Dictator's Pitch (Washington Post) With the full realization that your newspaper is a commercial endeavor, I wonder if it would accept a four-page paid advertisement extolling the virtues of Saddam Hussein and his government. Statement Of Solidarity With His Grace Archbishop Michael Kpakala Francis, The Christian Community And The Democratic Forces Of Liberia The New Democratic Alternative for Liberia Movement (The New DEAL Movement), takes great delight and satisfaction in the overwhelming, unequivocal and fearless solidarity stance being taken by the Christian Community and the democratic forces at large in face of desperate attempts by representative of demonic forces to launch a smear campaign against the Catholic Church in particular and the Christian Community at large. Certainly, the singular most effective language that tyrants and their cronies, the World over, understand is mass action; mass solidarity; and fearless, decisive rebuff in the face of provocation. Sierra Leone to Extradite Liberian Opposition Politician to Liberia? Unconfirmed reports from Sierra Leone say Liberian Opposition politician Amos Lincoln was arrested and detained by the Sierra leoneon security forces recently, and is awaiting extradition to Liberia from a maximum security prison cell in Sierra Leone. Measuagoon Urges Archbishop Francis to Ignore Rep. Sando Johnson's Irresponsible Statement Measuagoon joins other organizations in Liberia in condemning the lies and diabolical statements of Representative Sando Johnson regarding Archbishop Michael Francis of the Roman Catholic Church of Liberia. Liberian Church Leasders Conference Declaration Statement of declaration from the churches at the recent Church leaders' conference on Peace and Reconciliation in Liberia held under the theme: "BRINGING CHURCHES TOGETHER FOR A UNITED PROPHETIC VOICE FOR PEACE AND RECONCILIATION IN LIBERIA" at the Mamba Point Hotel in Montserrado County, Liberia from October 30, to November 1, 2002. LLC Commends Merger Efforts On behalf of the Liberian Leadership Conference (Bethesda), which I chair, I extend sincere congratulations to the leaders and membership of the five Political Parties, for their bold efforts in seeking a political merger of their parties. Let me further congratulate my brothers, Counselor Chea Cheapoo, Mr. Alhaji kromah, Dr. Harry Moniba, Dr. George Toe Washington and S. Fayah Gbollie for spearheading this political undertating. Human Rights Defenders Decry Rep. Johnson's Statement Against Archbishop Francis MONROVIA, NOVEMBER 15, 2002: The National Human Rights Center of Liberia, a consortium of nine local human rights organizations, says Representative Sando Johnson's statement that the murder of five Catholic Nuns and other massacres during the civil war were masterminded by Archbishop Michael Francis and others, is tantamount to BREACH OF THE PEACE. Niger ALERT: Court Upholds Sentence Against Journalist The Niamey Appeal Court on Monday November 11, 2002, upheld the 8 months prison sentence passed on Abdoulaye Tiémogo, managing editor of the Canard Déchaîné newspaper. Calling For Political Compromise: A Rejoinder to Brother Konneh In his open letter to Liberian opposition politicians, Brother Nvasekie Konneh espouses the thinking of Liberians who want firm-oppositional unity in order to avoid more harm to their beloved country (http://www.theperspective.org/openlettertoopposition.html). He recommends, among other things, that one opposition candidate should represent the opposition in the scheduled 2003 presidential election. This recommendation is profound, and thus, requires a timely and civil talk among Liberians. Alhaji Kromah, Harry Moniba and Others Are Part of the Problem The Wednesday, November 13, 2002 Edition of the Perspective Magazine reported that a group calling itself the Committee for the Merger of Liberian Political Parties (CMPP) met in Philadelphia on November 10, 2002 and called for a united front against Mr. Taylor during the 2003 general and presidential elections in Liberia. ZIMBABWE: CPJ mourns death of award-winning journalist (CPJ) New York, November 13, 2002-The board of directors and staff of the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) are saddened by the death of Zimbabwean journalist Mark Chavunduka.... Chavunduka, 37, died on November 11 at West End Hospital in Zimbabwe's capital, Harare, according to his relatives. The cause of death is unknown, but friends and family said he had been in poor health for a long time and was checked into the hospital for severe dehydration. Torture in Egypt - (FIDH and HRCAP)) On the Occasion of the 29th session of the United Nations Committee against Torture and its consideration of the Egyptian government report on Torture, the Human Rights Center for the Assistance of Prisoners (HRCAP) presented an alternative report, supported by the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and World Organisation against torture (OMCT) Lofa County Washington DC Chapter Installs Officers The Lofa County Community Association of the Washington DC Metro Area including Virginia and Maryland will host its installation program on Saturday, December 14, 2002 at 9:30 PM at the famous Sahara Oasis International Cuisine and Catering Services. The Sahara Oasis is located on 3010 Hamilton Street, Hyattsville, Maryland. Open Letter To Members Of The United Nations Security Council (Amnesty International) Amnesty International welcomes the continued attention by the United Nations Security Council on transfers of military assistance to Liberia, including in particular the role that the trade in illicit diamonds has played in those transfers. We recognize that the implementation of Security Council resolutions in relation to Liberia has had an important impact on the security situation in Sierra Leone which has resulted in a very significant improvement in the human rights situation in that country. Forming A United Front Against Mr. Taylor Yesterday, The Perspective received a statement on the efforts by some Liberians in the United States to form a united front against Mr. Taylor come 2003. The group, known as the Committee for the Merger of Liberian Political Parties (CMPP), is headed by former Chief Justice Chea Cheapoo, while former warlord and former Vice Chairman of the Council of State Alhaji G. V. Kromah serves as its spokesperson. "The five parties are conclusive on [the merger] - [but] not conclusive in the sense of a leadership... The question of leadership is a crucial issue, but it is secondary now... We don't want alliance, we want merger," Chea Cheapoo said in an interview with BBC Focus on Africa yesterday." Committee for the Merger of Liberian Political Parties November 11, 2002; Five of the thirteen political parties that contested the 1997 Liberian elections have begun consultations aimed at merging into a single party. Senior officials of the parties have established a working group called the Committee for the Merger of Liberian Political Parties (CMPP) to immediately begin broad consultations among partisans in and out of Liberia and seek the advice of civil society and democracy institutions. Serious and Substantial Human Rights Violations in Bangui The FIDH and its affiliated organisation, the Ligue Centrafricaine des Droits de l'Homme (LCDH), firmly condemn the serious human rights violations which followed the coup de force of the former Central African chief of the military headquarters, General Bozizé, against President Patassé, and which currently continue in the capital, Bangui. An Open Letter To Liberian Opposition Politicians I am writing you this letter out of genuine concern for our country and its future. I am doing so, fearing that unless we, especially those of you seeking the presidency, make a firm decision concerning a single opposition candidate, we are doomed to see another six years of Taylor's criminal misrule. I don't think you want that, and neither do the majority of Liberians. Donors Must Pressure Museveni to End the War in the North, International Agencies Demand The Ugandan government of President Yoweri Museveni must bring about an immediate end to the war in Northern Uganda, international relief agencies and human rights organizations are now saying in a series of reports that are for the first time bringing the 17-year war in Northern Uganda to the attention of the international community. In a report to be presented to Uganda's international donors, which have lavished aid and debt breaks on the country since Museveni came to power in 1986, aid agencies have presented the case that the "seemingly endless war" in Northern Uganda has cost the country "$1.3 billion. It [the government] must do whatever is necessary to resolve the conflict peacefully." The Sierra Leone Special Court And Charles Taylor's Possible Indictment The Statue of the Sierra Leone Special Court, established recently to "prosecute persons who bear the greatest responsibility" for war crimes and crimes against humanity during that country's decade-long brutal civil war, provides hope that Liberian President Charles Taylor and others culpable would eventually be brought to book. Liberia: Who Are We? Students and teachers of psychology, psychoanalysis, sociology, humanity, and a host of occult and other social sciences have tried very hard over the centuries to capture the essence of human beings without much success. Who Are We? How did we come to be called Americans, Liberians, Africans, Europeans, and blacks or whites? What about our language, our culture, our dress, our leadership and artistic prowess, or the lack thereof? These are some of the vexing questions that continuously confront us each day as human beings. Free Aloysius Toe and Others Now! It is a pity that Mr. Taylor and his government have made a profession out of arresting the touch barriers of democracy, justice, and the rule of law in Liberia. First, the human rights lawyer Tiawan Gongloe, a Liberian of impeccable reputation, was arrested because he spoke out about the failure of the Taylor presidency. Second, it was Hassan Bility, the courageous editor of the Analyst Newspaper. Harassment and Intimidation Continue in Liberia According to reports reaching The Perspective, the home of Dr. Charles Clark, Chairman of the Unity Party, has been searched by security officers. Efforts to reach Dr. Clark were unsuccessful. We will however bring you more details as they become available.
Again, another set of UN findings regarding the sanctions on the government of Liberia is revealed, with a litany of accusations of arms trafficking and diamonds exports. This comes to no one as a surprise. There has never been a shortage of arms in Liberia since the beginning of the war. The fall of the communist regimes in Eastern Europe has all but created a bonanza market for arms dealers. Kplio Association Gets A Boost The Second installation program of the Kplio Association in the Americas held on November 2 in Washington, DC will probably go down as the day the organization ever got a sustainable boost since its inception five years ago. The rousing program, which was attended by representatives of a dozen organizations mainly of the Kwa-speaking people, was clearly a southeastern Liberian event. There were reps of the Bassa Association, Grand Gedeh Association, and Sinoe Association among others. Email and Treason This morning, I registered the following email address, dahkpanacharlesghangaytaylor@yahoo.com, with the password "clayashland." This is the message I received from Yahoo: "Thanks for registering with Yahoo! Mail! Your account is now active and you can send and receive messages immediately with your Yahoo! Email address: dahkpanacharlesghangaytaylor@yahoo.com." Of course, I have no intention of using this email address, but set the account up to demonstrate that with the free email services, one can set up any name that you select, so long as it is not being used by another account. Liberian Youth and the New Declaration of Independence: An Agenda for Action The main point of my address is that because life has become unsustainable in Liberia today, Liberian youth associations urgently ought to embark on a national and international agenda of democratic renewal in Liberia that would complement current and ongoing national capacities for social and political change. NY-DC Protests Against Beheading Of Female Author OnThursday The fatwa, or death warrant, was issued Sept. 26 in London, according to Boof, by Sudanese diplomat Gamal Ibrahaim. A Sharia court purportedly has found her guilty of blasphemy and treason by "deliberately and maliciously bearing false witness against religious sentiment and of willing treason against her Arab Muslim father's people and against her nation, the Sudan." SHIFSD Condemns the Unlawful Arrest and Detention of Human Rights Activists in Liberia Dismayed by the upsurge of despotism, and the flagrant lack of respect for the civil liberties of individual citizens and other residents-- a mastermind and calculated orchestration of the Taylor-government, SHIFSD, through its Human Rights Unit, condemns in no uncertain terms the unlawful arrest and detention of Human Rights Activists Dempster Browne, Aloysius Toe and others. Liberia: Leading human rights activist charged with treason must be released (Amnesty International) Amnesty International is calling on the Liberian government to immediately release Aloysius Toe, a leading human rights activist who was arrested on 4 November 2002 and charged with treason. "Aloysius Toe has done nothing but work legitimately for the defence of fundamental human rights in Liberia," Amnesty International said. "There is no basis to the charge against him and he must be immediately and unconditionally released." Aloysius Toe Escorted to the Police Headquarters, Charged with Treason 4th November, 2002 Monrovia - The National Human Rights Center of Liberia, a consortium of nine local human rights groups, pursuant to its respect for the rule of law, escorted its Project Officer, Mr. J. Aloysius Toe, to the Police Headquarters today's morning in response to government's demand that Mr. Toe is wanted. Writ of Arrest For Aloysius Toe YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED TO ARREST THE LIVING BODY OF ALOYSIUS TOE, Defendant and forthwith bring him before the Monrovia City Court to Answer to the charge of TREASON based upon the OATH and complaint of the Republic of the Republic of Liberia in which it is substantially alleged as follows to wit: Civil Liberty and Security Interest Collide in Liberia By sheer coincidence, President Charles Taylor told Muslim leaders in the Liberian capital, Monrovia, Monday, October 28, that Journalist Hassan Bility and other fellow Muslims locked up since last June by the government for allegedly supporting the dissident Liberian United for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD) would be released within 72 hours ... Liberia Alert: Human Rights Defender Charged with Treason (Media Foundation for West Africa) Aloysius Toe, Secretary General of the Liberia Coalition of Human Rights Defenders (LCHRD) has been charged with treason by the government of Liberia. A Monrovia Magistrate Court, on Monday November 4, 2002, charged Toe after he turned himself over to the government in the company of his lawyer and a Priest. Under Liberian law, treason is punishable by death or life imprisonment and an individual charged with treason cannot be granted bail. "Youths Must Remain Vocal," Says Conteh "...we are witnessing a digressive trend today where mundane, non Liberian interests and values have overshadowed the important role Liberian youths once manifested as agents of change in Liberian society," says Dr. Conteh. Aloysius Toe, leading human rights activist, charged with treason (Amnesty International) On 4 November 2002, in the latest of a long line of attacks on human rights activists in Liberia, Aloysius Toe was arrested, brought before a court and charged with treason. Amnesty International believes that there is no basis to the charges against him and that he has been specifically targeted because of his persistent and legitimate work in the defence of human rights. Politics and Good Governance, with Emphasis on Democracy, Human Rights and Ethics and National Integration in Africa Before, proceeding any further, I humbly request that you stand with me in one minute of silence in memory of the thousands of people who die on a daily basis on the African continent from civil wars, diseases and state sponsored brutalities which are direct consequences of the total disregard for the respect of the fundamental rights of individuals and groups by most governments on the continent, with the government of Liberia being at the top amongst the ranks of human rights abusers in Africa and the world. Thank you and you may have your seats. Meet New Deal's Presidential Aspirant, George Klay Kieh, Jr. The place Trenton, New Jersey, the Date October 26, 2002, the time 10:30 AM, the occasion, an audience with the Northeast executives and members of the New Democratic Alternative for Liberia (New Deal Movement) to formally inform them about his campaign for the presidency for Liberia. "Warlords Must Face War Crimes Tribunal" "Liberia's warlords must all be tried and persecuted for war crimes," Co-founder and President of Freedom and International Justice Foundation, Charles Kwalonu Sunwabe told participants of a youth empowerment workshop in Philadelphia over the weekend. Getting Together for Peace The conflict in Liberia is not along lines of ideology. And although there are those who say that we are fighting along ethnic lines, the truth is that all ethic groups in Liberia are represented on any side of the conflict. That leaves the question of why we are still fighting. Local Authorities Against Privatisation Of Essential Services in Africa African Local authorities officials attending a one day meeting in Paris have warned against the privatisation of essential services such as water, electricity, transport and other social amenities saying the move risked compounding poverty levels that African governments were struggling to reduce. The Liberian Leadership Conference Calls for Cease-fire, Restoration of Peace in the Ivory Coast The Chairman of the Liberian Leadership Conference, Mr. Cletus S. Wotorson, recently called upon all sides in the Ivorian conflict to work toward a cease-fire and restoration of peace in the country as soon as possible. He urged the sides to end the hostilities and instead go to the dialogue table; because it is only through serious and sincere negotiations could lasting peace and stability be achieved in the country and the sub-region. Violating UN Sanctions The UN Panel of Experts says Liberia is still violating the sanctions imposed on that country by the United Nations Security Council. Click the link above for the full text of the report. Gongloe Breaks Silence on his Detention and Human Rights in Liberia A Liberian Human Rights Lawyer, Tiawan Saye Gongloe was detained by police officers on the evening of April 24, 2002 and held without warrant or charge in Monrovia. As a result of beatings during the night, he had to be carried out of the cell the next morning and taken to the S.D.A hospital. At the hospital, government intensified security at the hospital where Gongloe was being treated for injuries sustained during the night in a cell at the headquarters of the Liberian National Police. Gongloe has been out of Liberia and is presently in the USA for further medical treatment. 2004 U.S. Green Card Lottery Kicks Off October 7 The 2004 start of the annual U.S. Immigrant Visa Lottery or Green Card Lottery, officially called Diversity Immigrant Visa Program (DV), kicks off at noon Monday, October 7, 2002 through noon Wednesday, November 6.2002. Liberia is one of 53 African countries whose citizens are qualified to participate in DV-2004. Blue Print For Stability In Liberia (LURD's Blueprint) We present here our blueprint for a democratically stable Liberia. We are committed to the full and unconditional implementation of these proposals regarding structures of governance, and the radical re-organisation of security and other key components of the government. We believe these structures would take the country towards cessation of hostilities, democratisation and reconciliation, stability and reconstruction and development. It is our firm belief that, considering the current state of affairs of our country, this is the way forward. The Liberian Media March To 2003 : What Hope For A Successful Non-Violent Elections? Press freedom and the establishment of genuine democracy in Liberia continues to elude us even in this 21st century. The NPP-led government under President Charles G. Taylor has not allowed the press to operate freely. There has been this uneasy relationship between the government and the press. Some journalists have served prison sentences without violating any law. Hassan Bility for instance, is still languishing in an unknown prison in total disregard for the rule of law. Some have had their offices ransacked by state security operatives. In the face of the current self-imposed censorship by the media houses, they still deserve some commendation for attacking some ills in our society. U.S. Senator Advocates Permanent Resident Status For Liberians U.S. Senator Jack Reed of Rhode Island, whose State is home to thousands of Liberian refuges, says he is pleased with a decision by the Bush Administration decision on September 26 to extend for one more year the legal stay of over 10,000 Liberians in the U.S. under Temporary Protective Status (TPS), but thinks Liberian families in Rhode Island and elsewhere in the U.S. could be better off with a permanent resident status. Public School Students Beaten by Police in Monrovia Report from Monrovia indicates that students of public schools are demonstrating. Their demonstration is said to be in solidarity with their teachers who are on a go-slow because they have not been paid by the Liberian government for several months. According to the report, several students and a cameraman from DC radio were beaten by police. Another Last Minute Bitter-Sweet Victory for Liberians WASHINGTON - Just two days before their legal right to stay in the United States was to expire, Attorney General John Ashcroft notified U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) by telephone this afternoon that President Bush has granted 10,000 Liberians permission to remain in the country for one more year under Temporary Protected Status. Each year since 1992, these Liberians have relied on a reprieve from the White House extending their legal right to remain in the United States for one more year. This year their status was to expire on Saturday, September 28, 2002. Taylor's Mercenaries Treated at Duside Hospital Report reaching The Perspective speaks of several wounded ex-combatants who were sent to Guinea by the Taylor regime to fight alongside with dissidents attempting to overthrow the Guinean government. According to reliable sources, the Taylor regime had recruited several ex-fighters to join Guinea dissident force in its effort to topple the government of President Conte. Questions And Answers About TPS On September 27, 2002, United States Attorney General John Ashcroft granted Liberians Temporary Protected Status (TPS). The TPS, which takes effect today (October 1, 2002), will benefit about 15, 000 to 20,000 Liberians. The following questions and answers provided by the INS are designed to assist Liberians wishing to adjust immigration their status. For more information, contact the INS website. |