Exiled Student Leaders Express Condolence, Solidarity with US
The Perspective
September 18, 2001
Fifteen exiled Liberian student leaders of the University of Liberia, currently based in Accra, Ghana, who fled Liberia in May of this year, escaping the wrath and terror of the Taylor regime, have expressed their condolence and solidarity with the United States after the September 11, 2001 terrorist assault. The exiled student leaders include: J. Alphonso S. Nimene (President), Bornor M. Varmah (Vice President), J. Karku Sampson (Secretary-General), K. Emmanuel Yarkpazuo, Wilmot J. Paye, Uriaus Teh Pour, Lester Z. Tenny, Jr, L. Kutubu Sherif, Janga Augustus Kowo, Francis K. Colee, Ms. Garmai Kaine, Ms. Roseline Nagbe, Robert Mason J. Rexford Belleh, and Alranso Nimene. They say that the menace of terrorism and the states which sponsor it are not confined to size or to geography. Below is the full text of the statement:
We, like the aggrieved people of
the United States of America, are deeply saddened by the unwarranted,
unjustified and barbaric attacks on the peaceful people and Government
of America by faceless harlots on Tuesday, September the 11th.
Not only is this act criminal and intended to drag the most pluralistic
society in the world into a conflagration with the so-called Islamic
world, but it is undoubtedly tantamount to an outright declaration
of war on all freedom lovers and those who aspire for the basic
tenets of Democracy.
As future leaders of a civilized world, we are strongly convinced that a thoroughly planned and prudent clampdown against the perpetrators of Tuesday's mayhem and the dozens of other previous terrorist acts and those rogue states that have recalcitrantly provided sanctuaries to all terrorist organizations, will ultimately serve as a deterrent to those who might still wish to distract attention from the insurmountable socio-economic problems that plague our world today.
We however disagree with those who are delusively drawing an unqualified parallel between the US Policy on the seemingly endless Arab-Israeli conflict and the cruelty meted out to thousands of innocent people, as well as the colossal material losses caused by such barbarity. There can be no rationalism for any terrorist attacks on such free society as America which is, by all accounts, the melting pot for all races, including Arabs, Africans and even the Muslim fanatics themselves.
Unless a final and decisive blow is dealt to these villains and their cohorts beyond the scope of "Operation Desert Storm", which had superficially addressed the enormous threats that Saddam Hussein poses to world peace and security, the world can never be a safe place to live in. The US as Leader of the Free World must be prepared to muster the courage not only for retaliatory purposes but also to ensure that mushrooming sanctuaries for terrorist activities being created in sub-Saharan Africa are included in the list of states that fall within the network.
By this, the Bush Administration's earlier promise to help create a climate of freedom wherever necessary could be a realizable dream, and the colossal burden created by the growing internecine conflicts that litter the globe because of the actions of the Terrorism Empire will ultimately be brought to an immediate end. We therefore caution the Bush Administration against the avalanche of flatteringly delusive expressions of condemnations and condolences, some of which are coming from states directly linked to the terrorism network but which, because of their geography and relative sizes, may be overlooked in any future punitive measures. For we believe that no state is too small to be ignored as far as the unregulated destruction of lives across the world is concerned.
Bravo To Democracy! Down With The Terrorism Empire! Victory
To Globalization! Down With Islamic Fanaticism!"
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