Putting to Rest the Matilda Newport Myth - Part 2
By Siahyonkron Nyanseor
Atlanta, Georgia
January 7, 2004
Part I of this
article ended with the natives (African Liberians) running helter skelter “for
their lives”, as portrayed in the novel written by Prince Massala Reffell, The Black
Mayflower, 2000. Part II will now address whether the Matilda Newport
story is true or a myth, and I shall provide my findings on the subject in the
About three years
ago, while conducting my research on Matilda Newport’s alleged deeds, I came
across a bibliography in the Liberian Studies Journal about, “The Search
For Matilda Newport,” a study conducted by Jane J. Martin and Rodney Carlisle
in 1975. Immediately, I contacted Dr. D. Elwood Dunn, who provided me with
information on how to get in touch with Dr. Martin. Eventually, I contacted her
and she provided me with a copy of the study and gave me the permission to use
the material; for this I am indebted to her, Dr. Rodney Carlisle and the
Students of the “1st Seminar Historical Sources” at the University
of Liberia – 1975.
The “Search For
Matilda Newport” is the first publication to actually made sense of the Matilda
Newport Story.
Artist View of Matilda Newport in Action
The Search For Matilda Newport
According to
Martin, Carlisle et al: Liberian history
tells the tale of Matilda Newport and the Battles of Fort Hill (the Gatoomba
War of 1822) and her famous deeds - similar to that of Joan of Arc. Reportedly,
she fired a cannon using a coal from her pipe and destroyed the Dey warriors.
She has been characterized as “Liberia’s Joan of Arc” and called “This Sainted
Mother.” In the annals of Liberian
history, she is ranked among the likes of “Cleopatra and Queen Elizabeth I of
England.” In textbooks written by both
Liberians and non-Liberians, Matilda Newport is described as “pipe-puffing, be
skirted, widowed, occasionally as from Georgia, sometimes as a teacher. She was
‘intrepid,’ quickwitted, acting calmly and with complacency.”
Recounts of
Matilda Newport’s heroism tell diverse versions of a story that say that
Matilda outwitted her enemy and/or captors, using a coal from her pipe to
detonate a cannon to decimate the Dey warriors. Whether Matilda Newport is a historical or mythical figure is not
answered either by oral tradition or these colorful accounts. An initial search
of written records did not confirm the existence of the widow Newport. Census
rolls and lists of emigrants to Liberia did not confirm her existence either,
at first blush. Further research reveals that Matilda Spencer, married to one
Thomas Spencer, was a settler in Liberia.
Reports indicate that Thomas Spencer was killed in one of the battles,
which took place in 1822. There is a record of Matilda Spencer (Thomas
Spencer’s widow) being married to Ralph Newport and bearing a son named Isaiah;
this was confirmed in an article written in the Liberian Recorder,
(November 11, 1905). The same newspaper
earlier recorded the act that gave rise to her celebrity in an article
published in December 1899.
The Liberian
Foreign Ministry has records of a deed registered to Ralph Newport and his
wife, Matilda in May 1832. This deed
memorializes the sale of Town Lot No. 10 to Ralph and Matilda Newport. From these records, we can infer that
Matilda Newport was a true life figure.
The question, which remains is whether or not she performed the exploits
attributed to her by oral tradition.
Based on the
research by Martin, Carlisle et al, “Although printed speeches, newspaper
articles, readers, and descriptive literature had contained the story, the
History of Liberia by Abayomi Karnga, published in 1926 is the first published
text to mention Matilda Newport’s act. Karnga gave Matilda Newport credit for
saving the colony. He stated further that the colonists through their victory
and Matilda Newport’s action were able to survive against odds and maintain
their independence from foreign control. An indirect reference to the British
and the French who had colonies in the area…”
“In 1922, the
Newport Volunteers, along with a company of women are responsible for the
erection of the Matilda Newport Monument in the part of the Centennial
D. Twe who had
opposed to the continued celebration of Matilda Newport Day in his 1926 Matilda
Newport Day oration agreed with Karnga that without the settlers the other
peoples of Liberia would be either British or French subjects. In the same speech, D. Twe stressed the need
to “civilize” the “uncivilized” man. He felt that uncivilized men must “be
taught to think nationally” and that “We must teach them ourselves. We can’t
leave their training to foreigners”. And the way to achieve this goal was
through “the increasing body of aboriginal young people who have been lifted
out of their natural social environment by education and training in civilized
families. Edward Wilmot Blyden saw it differently. In 1866, he said, outsiders (outlaws) contributed to some of the
wars, but he attributed the deliverance of the colony to “a merciful
Providence” and not to Matilda Newport. (Jane J. Martin & Rodney Carlisle,
“The Search For Matilda Newport,”
Monrovia, Liberia, 1975). Yet, President Edwin Barclay continued the
Matilda Newport myth by dedicating a poem her honor, which is entitled “Silent
‘Tis not the fame of blackest shame
That makes our neighbor’s virtue less:
‘Tis not great deeds proclaimed abroad
That can our vileness e’er repress;
But pure soul-searching principles,
A soul that ‘s great, a heart that seeks
A mind from vileness free.
The mystic Trinity.
‘Tis not the wealth of coin and health
That makes one man o’er others blest;
‘Tis not earth’s fill of happiness;
‘Tis not good motives unexpressed:
But ‘tis the wealth of sacred love;
Good thoughts in deeds expressed
A sweet commune with heavenly souls,
That give the spirit rest.
Full many a flower of sweetest fume
Oft wastes its sweetness midst the thorn;
Full many a bud of brightness bloom
Wakes not to see the light of morn;
But this makes not its sweetness less,
Nor shades its brilliancy:
It lives in silence, and alas,
It dies, but happily!
See below
a partial Roll of Emigrants to Liberia, 1820-1843 and Liberian
Census Data, 1843 -
Tom W. Shick, Principal Investigator.
This list supports
the findings of the research conducted by Martin, Carlisle et al and this
writer. Between 1820-1843, there were only three (3) Newports that went to
Liberia, among them was Ralph Newport, who in 1820 was 17 years of age. Later,
Ralph Newport married Matilda Spencer when her husband Thomas Spencer was
killed in one of the battles, which took place in 1822. The same 1820-1843 Emigrants Roll showed a 25 year-old
Matilda Spencer, a wife of Thomas
Spencer (32 years old).
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The Attitude
of Let Sleeping Dog Lie
According to Dr.
Martin, one individual with whom she discussed her research, condemned it as a
futile exercise in scholarship, serving no useful purpose except to exhume
attitudes and words better left buried with the past. A typical Liberian
behavior – “Your leave the people’s thing alone” or “Mind your own business!”
Based on
available sources, Matilda Newport was a real person who resided in Liberia during this period. She came to
Africa on the “Elizabeth,” March 9, 1820 at the age of 25 as Matilda Spencer,
the spouse of the 32 years old, Thomas Spencer. According to records, she could
not read nor write (illiterate). During the Battles of Fort Hill, Matilda
Spencer was 27 years old. Had she performed the deed she is credited with,
she would have been known as Matilda Spencer, and not Matilda Newport.
Probably, her husband, Thomas Spencer was killed in one of the conflicts.
According to the Emigrant List, he died as a casualty in 1822. Matilda Spencer
married to Ralph Newport sometime after 1822. Her story borne of the need to
pass on the so-called victory of the Settlers over the natives, and it was
nurtured through myth of larger-than-life proportions, passed on as a ‘Griot’
would to his family. In passing on this tradition, the ‘Griot’ acted as if
truth is woven within every treasured word of myth, fable, etc., that’s how
this story was passed on from generation to generation. And that’s exactly what
the Matilda Spencer Newport myth intended to achieve!
As an adult, I am
of the belief that history should be written in such a way that it will enable
students to distinguish between those aspects of the subject which are based on
facts, and those which lean more heavily on myth.
Unlike Dr. Chieka
Anta Diop, most Liberian historians of the “old school” wrote history to
glorify the past no matter how inaccurate it is. Dr. Diop on the other hand,
sought to expand the role played by history in the day-to-day life of all
people. He did not undertake the study of Africa’s “past to generate a mere
collection of data to be used for contingent reference, or a catalog of persons
and places and a picturesque list of political events”.
African Liberian history, can be traced from their
activities with Europeans - such as the Normans who visited the Liberian shores
in 1364, Pedro de Cintra in 1461, the English in 1551, 1556, 1562, 1564 and
1567, a German-Swiss by the name of Samuel Braun in 1611, the Dutch in 1626 and
1668 and the French in 1725. Therefore, to suggest, “The cannon went off. The sound was so loud, it frighten
(sic) the attackers who had never seen such a discharge of firing power
before.” This is not only a BIG LIE but a ridiculous portrayal of African
Liberians. In fact, during this period, some of the natives were literate;
they traded and interacted with the Portuguese, Dutch, French, and Germans
prior to the arrival of the Settlers. Common sense tells us that in order to carry
out these activities or transactions, some of them had to speak these
Furthermore, earliest reference to Kru (Klao) offshore
employment relates to a Spanish vessel that stopped at Elmina on the Gold Coast
in February 1645. In the eighteen century, Klao migrated to Freetown and from
there they were employed on vessels owned by the Sierra Leone Company. By the
end of the 1790s, more than 50 Klao were employed as deckhands and in other
jobs on British colonial vessels. Klao participated in contract work in the
nineteenth century was almost always voluntary (Amos C. Sawyer, The Emergence of Autocracy
in Liberia, Tragedy and Challenge, 1992).
Why were a people
who has had extensive interaction with Europeans prior to the arrival of the
Settlers (Americo-Liberians) portrayed as stupid, “savage, primitive, and
belligerent people”? The portrayal of African Liberians in “Liberian history”
written by these old school “scholars” and their contemporaries resembles some
comic script out of Hollywood, which depicts Native Americans in similar vein
and Cowboys/Scouts as smart and intelligent, and were always victorious in their battles with Native
Americans. You get the picture? A repeat of American history in Liberia!
Since new evidence has proven Matilda Newport’s so-called victory to be FALSE, the People’s Redemption Council (PRC) did the right thing to abolished a Day whose aim it was to divide the Liberian people rather than unite them. To have continued it would have only satisfied the segment of the Liberian society who found pride in promoting and celebrating antebellum southern culture.
It is therefore
imperative that we pay close attention to the advice offered by Frantz Fanon:
“Every generation
must out of relative obscurity, discover its mission, fulfill it, or betray
Therefore, as
Liberians, it behooves us to make it our mission to base our account of history
of the people of Africa, Liberia in particular on facts by applying that which
modern technology has to offer in order to acquire the correct perspective on
African history, culture and tradition so as to wrestle from the clutches of
the distorters of our civilization and history - who are bend on keeping up
such tale as Matilda Newport’s alleged victory against the natives of Liberia.
Instead, we should do as one patriot suggest, “to produce one people that shall
see with one eye, think with one mind, feel with one heart, and work for one
purpose – the building up of a strong and exemplary Negro Republic on this
continent, small but elastic enough to accommodate all the sons of Africa who
wish to become Liberians ‘for the love of liberty’”.
“Until lions have their own historians, tales of the hunt shall always glorify the hunter,” says an African proverb. This should be our mission!
In point of fact, Professor V. R. Ruggiero wrote in his book, “The Art of Thinking” that, "If everyone makes his own Truth, then no person's idea can be better than another's. All must be equal. And if all ideas are equal, what is the point in researching any subject? Why dig in the ground for answers to archeological questions? Why probe the causes of tension in the Middle East? Why search for a cancer cure? Why explore the Galaxy? These activities make sense only if some answers are better than others, if truth is something separate from, and unaffected by, individual perspectives."
This exercise should be seen that light. We certainly seek the Truth, and
not to offend anyone group in particular but rather to do the right thing.
We seek the Truth in the hope of effecting change of attitude. This is in
no way an attempt to change history (what
has already taken place) but rather to put history in the proper perspective.
Like D. Twe said in his 1926 Newport Day address: “… I went against my conviction. The task was therefore a very uncomfortable one to perform, for I have always felt that the continual celebration of the destruction of men of the Bassa Tribe by Matilda Newport is a short sighted policy to sustain. It invites ill feelings from within and criticism from without. The outside world would feel, and rightly so, that [it] is radically wrong in Liberia where, one brother fires canon in celebrating the day he was successful to kill the brother.”
Many of us too, celebrated Matilda Newport Day without the slightest idea of what we were celebrating. We did so like we did when we cheered at Gabriel Cinema and Walker Theater for Tarzan, a boy raised by animal, who was portrayed as being wiser then the natives he encountered. Now that the truth has been revealed about how the Matilda Newport myth was manufactured, IT IS ABOUT TIME WE PUT IT TO REST ONCE AND FAR ALL! However, since today is Pioneer Day, I ask that we work towards the goal of achieving peace, genuine reconciliation and for the “Love of Liberty to Unite Us” in LIBERIA.