A Press Release Issued By The General Auditing Commission
The Perspective
Atlanta, Georgia
August 4, 2009
Those audit reports submitted today to the National Legislature include, four Heavily Indebted Poor Country (HIPC) initiative audit reports conducted on the Ministry of Lands, Mines and Energy, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, and the Ministry of Public Works; all for the fiscal year ended 2006/2007.
The HIPC audits have a pivotal role in Liberia’s economic recovery as this will determine whether or not Liberia has reached the completion point of getting complete debt relief from friendly countries and the international community.
The outcome of HIPC audit will also establish perfect window of opportunity and a floodgate for the Government of Liberia to get other substantial support from the international community and friendly governments.
Other reports submitted to the National Legislature are the Special Forensic Audit on the Intellectual Property System (IPS) and the US$4 million South African Grant to the erstwhile National Transitional Government of Liberia (NTGL).This grant was provided to cover demobilization and severance benefits for ex-soldiers of the Armed Forces of Liberia who were demobilized.
The US$450,000 balance in Appropriation of the Free and Compulsory Primary Education of the Ministry of Education completes the list of seven audit reports released by the GAC today.
GAC, with its supreme and professional auditors and staff, reaffirms its commitment to support the effort of the President and the Government to work to the last atom of its strength and capacity to ensure that efficient and effective system and control are put in place that will barricade or estop public officials from stealing.
It is the ardent goal of the GAC that transparency and accountability remain the cornerstone upon which public resources and the monies of our children, grand children and great grand children are protected from waste, abuse, fraud and fiscal impropriety.
GAC is performing its statutory mandate to the letter with all sincerity of our hearts, minds, souls and bodies to ensure that public monies are truly accounted for by those occupying public offices.
The GAC has thus far, conducted completed and submitted nearly 30 audit reports to the President, the National Legislature and the auditees. Most of the completed audit reports were submitted nearly a year now.
The media, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), the student and religious community, international partners, are among those recipients of audit reports after submission to the National Legislature, the President and the auditees.
GAC audit reports completed thus far, include, National Social Security and Welfare Corporation (NASSCORP), fiscal years ended 2005/2006 and 2006/2007; National Housing Authority (NHA), fiscal year ended 2006/2007; Independent Human Rights Commission, fiscal year ended 2006/2007;National Lotteries,2006/2007; Ministry of Finance (Revenue) ,fiscal years ended 2005/2006 and 2006/2007; Bong Mines Community Escrow Accounts; Ministry of Youth and Sports Recreational and Vocational Centers,2006/2007 and the Ministry of Finance Expenditure and Administration, fiscal years ended 2005/2006 and 2006/2007;
Others include, Special Forensic Audit Report on the Sale of Road Construction Equipment by Consolidated Group Incorporated to the Ministry of Public Works for the fiscal year ended 2006/07;Special Forensic Audit Report on the Sale of Iron Ore for the period January 2004 January 2006; Special Forensic Report on the Ministry of Internal Affairs County Development Fund (CDF) for the fiscal period ended 2005-2006; the Special Forensic the Liberia Holdings in the International Maritime Limited for the fiscal period of January 2004 to January 2006; Significant Matters Liberia Telecommunications Authority audit for the period ended December 31,2008 ;the Sale of the Iron Buchanan Ore January 2004-January 2006; and the Liberia Holdings in the International Maritime Satellite(INMARSAT) for the period ended 2003-2006.
Audit reports also conducted, completed and submitted to the National Legislature and the President also include, the Fiscal Accounts of the Government of Liberia (Expenditure for the Fiscal years ended 2005, 06 and 2006/07; the Monrovia Transit Authority (MTA) for the fiscal years ended 2006/2007;Consolidated Revenue Accounts of the Government of Liberia 2007/2008
GAC maintains that the true path to obtaining transparency and accountancy relies squarely on the collective efforts of the branches of government, civil society organizations, religious community, students and the media.
Ernest S.Maximore
Chief Communication Officer (GAC)