GAC's Press Release
The Perspective
Atlanta, Georgia
December 31, 2009
GAC release indicates that since AG Morlu assumed the post of Auditor General, there have been wide guess and speculation most likely from those who knew in advance that they will be exposed, named, shamed and blamed in GAC audit reports because of their shady deeds in expanded public money and their acculturation to spoilt system and control.
According to the release, there has been and continued to be a massive campaign by so many to undermine AG Morlu efforts by attempting to search for his motives and agendas instead of focusing on the relevancy and valuable services he is rendering for the Government and the people of Liberia, who has won the admiration and trust of the people of Liberia, President Sirleaf, international partner, and the GOL to the extent that scores of Supreme Auditing Institutions plus other auditing body in and out of Africa are now using GAC as a model institution.
GAC says it is concerned that the rumor mill is incessant and a clever attempt to sway the public against the high level of work of the GAC and focus on unnecessary, irrelevant and unfounded noise that may make the over 25 published audit reports plus 500 recommendations to lie in the oblivion of dustbin and this could also cause the next bundle of 35 audits to remain in coma.
Not long ago, the release noted, a local daily lied on the Auditor General Morlu and Professor Winston Tarpeh that both have met and planned to take over the Congress for Democratic Change (CDC). This was far from the truth, as it was also meant to undermine the AG professional obligation as an independent Auditor General who is recruited and paid to perform professional tasks.
AG Morlu, the release emphasized has again being included amongst another group of people on the same subject matter.
The release further proffers that the Auditor General has never discussed with anyone any intent to enter politics in Liberia or anywhere else for that matter and that he has never discussed even anything of such nature to his wife, children and sisters, much less outsiders.
The release maintained, Morlu is not a member of any association, much less a political party and that it would be very hard to find a Liberian who will say that Auditor General Morlu has been in a political meeting or an association meetings.
GAC release says the Auditor General only active participation has been in professional associations such as the Institute of Management Accountant, the American Accounting Association, National Association of Business Economists (USA), the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, and the Institute of Internal Auditors, amongst others.
AG Morlu will continue to remain a professional because that is what he has done for more than 17 years, the release stressed.
Auditor General Morlu, the release further asserted has a contract with the European Union that spanned to 2011 and that it is hard to imagine how Auditor General Morlu will even think about breaking his professional contractual obligation with the European Union, an international body of significant importance.
Professionals like Morlu do not break contracts for expediency. He would have refused to renew his contract with the European in July 2009 if he had any intention of contending or pretending for any political post in Liberia, GAC release said.
GAC says, it is a sad and strange phenomenon that any Liberian who tries to remain corruption free has political ambition.
The release rhetorically asked whether one must be corrupt in Liberia before one is considered not to have political ambition.
GAC release says it is sure that if the young ,energetic and uncompromising Auditor General Morlu were corrupt and compromising audits as was the case in Liberia, then he would not have had political ambition as far his critics interpretation of political ambition is concerned. But as long as he remains uncompromising and present moral clarity, integrity on the issue of corruption, he will be attacked and gossiped.
GAC release: It is sadden that many are discussing as though they know the Auditor General. Again it would be difficult to find many Liberians who will say they knew him personally in America or in Liberia. In the last 17 plus years, he has been concentrated on family and professional work.
GAC says its response to the FrontPage Africa is not intended to get into an argument or conflict with the paper. It is the paper’s prerogative to print what it believes is news worthy, but at least the paper should have contacted AG Morlu to get his side since people tend to feed on gossip.
The release says it is also important to note that FPA also indicated that this is what people have been saying. Politicians and people who have been opposed to credible audits since the arrival of AG Morlu have said on radio and in gossip that he has political intentions. So the media was not justified to print a report without first talking to the AG; this is carrying on the gossip of politicians who have been bent on undermining the work of AG Morlu and the General Auditing Commission.
However, while such speculation about contenders and pretenders are proper in an American context, in Liberia it feeds on the gossip column and rumor mill that is permeating from all levels of Government. It also puts the lives of people in danger.
GAC assures the Liberian people and the international partners that AG Morlu and the GAC will remain focus on the fight against corruption, in spite of the continued noise and unnecessary distractions.
The release then concluded: Auditor General cannot pretend what he has not planned. Nor can he contend when he has a contract with the AG. Instead he is a professional Liberian who is prepared to breach the trend of people leaving America to come to Liberia just to conform to a broken down and corrupt system. He will prove to all that Liberians too can be professionals and remain professionals in the exercise of their duties.
For Further Information, Please Contact Ernest S.Maximore,
Director of Communications, GAC Tel: 06578794/049