Fans Trouble Surfaces Again
By: Francis Pelenah
The Inquirer
Monrovia, Liberia
Distributed by
The Perspective
Atlanta, Georgia
Posted January 19, 2004
The usual fans disturbance that goes along the quarter finals and semi-finals
stages of the Inter-Schools Sports Association Annual Basketball League, is
once again raising its ugly head at the open air Sports Commission on Broad
In a tension-packed match yesterday at the sports commission, students of the
College of West Africa and the Monrovia College went wild and began throwing
missiles including water bags at each other as well as on the pitch.
Immediately following their action, which punctuated the game with spectators
running helter skelter on the court, authorities of ISSA then ruled that the
game be cancelled to allow an investigation into the matter.
The ISSA decision further aggravated students of the CWA who then began throwing
additional waterbags on the court in a bid to disrupt the other match even at
the time they were forced out of the court by their instructors.
Their latest action prompted ISSA to award the game to the Len Miller High School,
thus qualifying her for a quarterfinal birth today. Prior to the disruption
of the match, the score was at 18 points each.
Earlier in the female category, SDA forfeited to Len Miller. In the day’s
last encounter, St. Edward came from 0-7deficit to edge out Monrovia College
37-25 points.
On Wednesday, ISSA’s female basketball power-house, St. Teresa’s
Convent outclassed St. Kizito 24-4 points in a match she dominated from start
to finish. In game two, J. J. Roberts bowed down to Cathedral 27-36 points while
Star Studded First Assembly of God Mission School whipped her sister Sinkor
A. G. M. 46-30points.
The Racoons of J. J. Ross for their part dumped Worldwide Mission 32-18 points
to close Wednesday’s activities at the Sports Commission.
Already, three schools have qualified for the male semi-finals which come up
next Wednesday. They include A.G.M., J.J. Ross and St. Edward. They are expected
to be joined later today by the winner of Len Miller and Cathedral’s encounter.
The games are in continuation of the 2002/2003 ISSA League Season which was
abruptly halted due to the recent Monrovia fighting.
© 2003: This article is copyrighted by The Inquirer
newspaper (Monrovia, Liberia) and distributed by The Perspective (Atlanta, Georgia).
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