Father Of Triplets Appeals For Assistance
The Inquirer
Monrovia, Liberia
Distributed by
The Perspective
Atlanta, Georgia
Posted February 6, 2004
"It is fortunate and a blessing for me and my wife to have the triplets,
but I am not working and have no means of supporting my children", were
the words of the distressed father of a set of triplets born recently.
Mr. Stephen Kartoe and his wife, Oretha Kartoe, who are residents of Barnersville
Estate, have launched the SOS appeal to all Liberians of goodwill, humanitarian
organizations including UNICEF, Eqip-Liberia, Save the Children(UK), etc, to
come to their assistance for the upkeep of the babies.
The worried parents of the triplets are also appealing to the Chairman and Vice
Chairman of the National Transitional Government (NTGL), Catholic Bishop Michael
K. Francis, Chairman of the National Patriotic Party (NPP), Liberia’s
Goodwill Ambassador George M. Weah and leaders of all other political and religious
organizations to come and help with the upkeep of the children to avert any
The triplets, two males and a female who have been christened as Darius, Cyrus
and Princess respectively, were born recently at the Redemption Hospital following
hours of "labor of love" by their mom, Oretha Kartoe.
The father of the triplets Stephen Kartoe, a former employee of the Liberia
Petroleum Refinery Company (LPRC), lost his job at the genesis of the Liberian
crisis, some 14 years ago, and has since not been gainfully employed to support
his family.
Meanwhile, the parents of the triplets have extended their gratefulness to the
staff of MSF/France hospital in Mamba Point for their initial support and interest
in the children.
All assistance could be made through Kansan Torseh at the Barnersville last
Bus Stop or cell-phone number 377-47-528090.
© 2004: This article is copyrighted by The Inquirer newspaper (Monrovia,
Liberia) and distributed by The Perspective (Atlanta, Georgia). All rights reserved.