Methodist Church In Liberia Alarm Over Massive Looting Of Properties

The Inquirer
Monrovia, Liberia

Distributed by

The Perspective
Atlanta, Georgia

April 26, 2003

The United Methodist Church says it regrets the recent violence in Ganta in which its Mission Station was damaged and excessively looted.

This incident has made it impossible to provide vital health and educational services and at this time to the people of that area.

The UMC is therefore calling on workers, students and administrative staff to exercise the highest degree of caution and restraint while the church is making efforts to liaise with the appropriate government authorities to visit the Mission Station and assess the level of damage done in the hope of revitalizing the system to once more commence operation.

The Church further says the inconvenience of being unemployed and displaced is act beyond the Church’s control and prays that God’s intervention to bring the situation under control.

On Friday, March 24, 2003 life at the Ganta Mission Station was normal until Saturday, March 25, when the rebels entered Ganta City.

Ganta is the second most populous city in Liberia; The Ganta United Methodist Hospital is the only referral hospital in Nimba County. The City has nine high schools and fifteen junior high schools.

Reliable sources have confirmed that the Mission has been completely looted. The hospital’s vehicles and equipment were looted and taken away. The Ganta United Methodist School equipment was reportedly and furniture destroyed after a rocket fell on the part of the building. Also, the Guest House popularly known as the "STONE HOUSE" was burned down, the release signed by Edwin J. Clarke, Jr. , Director of Communications of the Liberia Annual Conference United Methodist Church concluded.

© 2003: This article is copyrighted by The Inquirer newspaper (Monrovia, Liberia) and distributed by The Perspective (Atlanta, Georgia). All rights reserved.