A Group of Liberians calls for US intervention, displays dead bodies outside US Embassy in Monrovia
The Liberian Crisis: Liberian Expectation versus the American Reality
The grisly image of a pile of corpses that had been purposely dumped before the United States Embassy in Liberia last week and the picture of protesting Liberians in the background demanding that the US should intervene to end the war, is perhaps the most graphic indication of desperation by Liberians. In the past, Liberians have prayed, petitioned and cajoled the Americans to dispatch just a small portion of their tremendous "shock and awe" power to rid them of their disgraced and unconscionable president, Charles Taylor. Some demonstrators reportedly chanted, "We Have Oil," hoping to entice US President George Bush; Mr. Bush probably figured out that the protestors were "pulling his leg" about the oil.
How to Secure Peace in Liberia
The United States must lead urgent international action to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe spreading across West Africa, argue Gareth Evans and Comfort Ero - leading experts from the International Crisis Group. Nobody expects the current pause in the fighting in Liberia to last very long. Unless bold and decisive international action is taken to bring lasting peace to this troubled country, a devastating humanitarian catastrophe is all too likely.
African Leaders Seek U.S. Peace Force (AP)
ACCRA, Ghana - West African leaders have proposed an international force that would include 2,000 U.S. troops to restore peace in Liberia, officials said Monday.
The Myth of 'Our Once Peaceful Country'
Many Liberians and outsiders have argued that Liberia was a "peaceful country" prior to the 1980 coup, and that the ongoing military and political conflicts in Liberia are a direct consequence of the 1980 coup. And, in fairness to the proponents of the "peaceful country" myth has some validity to their claim. First, members of the minority ruling class and their offspring had no reasons to think that Liberia was anything but peaceful, since they operated above the laws of the land, pacified the majority Liberians through draconian punishments and totalitarian rule, and dominated social, economic, cultural, and political opportunities in the country.
Annan Keeps Pressure on U.S. for Liberia Role (Reuters)
MONROVIA (Reuters) - U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan kept up pressure on the United States to lead intervention in Liberia on Monday as troops strengthened defenses around battle-worn Monrovia in fear of another bloody rebel attack.
West Africa to Send 5,000 Troops to Liberia (AP)
ACCRA, Ghana - West African leaders promised to deploy a peace force of at least 5,000 troops to warring Liberia after a cease-fire has been reached, and said France had offered soldiers and logistical support.
No US step seen in Liberia until Taylor is gone (Boston Globe)
WASHINGTON -- The US government plans no military intervention in the war-ravaged African nation of Liberia until President Charles Taylor resigns or is driven from power, US officials said yesterday, despite appeals from activists and other countries for American action to halt fighting that has killed hundreds in recent days.
Liberian Troops Rob Families Amid Siege (AP)
MONROVIA, Liberia - Government forces roamed house-to-house under a barrage of rockets and mortars Friday, robbing desperate families trapped in a four-day rebel siege of the city.
It's Time for United States' Intervention in Liberia
Liberia currently holds the key to promoting United States' foreign policy goal of ending conflict and enhancing democracy in West Africa. It is for this reason that Sir Jeremy Greenstock, the UK representative on the UN Security Council, has advised that the United States should lead a force to stop the carnage in Liberia. "Britain had performed a similar function to help end a 10-year civil war in neighboring Sierra Leone and France was spearheading a peace-keeping force to try and end a civil war in its former colony Cote d'Ivoire."
The Liberian Peace Conference
Three weeks ago, Liberians across the political, socio, and economic divides converged at the Accra International Conference Center for the official opening of the ongoing Liberian Peace Conference. The Conference is held under the auspices of ECOWAS, the African Union, the International Contact Group on Liberia, the United Nations, and the European Union. The opening ceremony was graced by the presidents of South Africa, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, and the Ivory Coast.
Liberian Rebels Driven Back from Monrovia Port (Reuters)
MONROVIA, Liberia - Fighters loyal to Liberia's President Charles Taylor pushed rebels out of the capital's port Thursday after fierce battles that prompted a British call for U.S. intervention.
Liberia In Crisis: The Structure And Underlying Causes Of A National Failure
The long aspiration for a durable peace and security in Liberia is once again in tatters. The country is once again under the threat of total anarchy as competing gangs march on Monrovia with an eye on ejecting the current occupants of the executive mansion. As tensions have heightened in recent days, the nation has once again sunk to the lowest depths of human depravity with obvious consequences. Many, including the children, elderly, sick and other innocents have been forced to pose the simple question - when will this all come to an end?
Amidst Cease-fire Violations: Mediators Justify Delay In Deploying Verification Team
West African and Western mediators seeking peace for Liberia have outlined reasons why they could not deploy the Joint Verification Team (JVT) following the signing of a truce between both the Liberian Government and rebels on 17 June, 2003.
Liberia: Annan condemns fresh violence in Monrovia (UN)
In the wake of renewed fighting in Liberia, United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan condemned again any attempts to resolve political differences through armed violence and called on the parties to give splintered peace talks a chance to succeed.
Rebels Poised to Capture Central Monrovia, Heavy Bombardments in Monrovia
Reports from Monrovia say LURD rebels are poised to enter the city center of Monrovia. According to sources in Monrovia, LURD forces are now in Vai Town. A Source said that only the old and new bridges (Gabriel Tucker and Waterside bridges) separate LURD and government forces. "LURD controls Duala, New Krutown, Logan Town, Freeport and Vai Town. LURD captured Vaitown at about 4 - 5:00 this morning", the source said. According to the source, president Taylor said the government forces are doing everything possible to fight the rebels but failed to give any assurance that they will repel the rebels. President Taylor also told Liberians that he is still in Monrovia, contrary to rumors that he has fled the city.
The United States and Liberia: The Question of Moral Responsibility
Does the United States of America have a moral responsibility toward Liberia? Some argue no. Some say yes. On both sides, a number of good arguments are made, but the question doesn't go away. And now is a ripe time to revisit this sensitive question.
Ensuring Liberty And Justice For All!
And they came in large numbers; the young, the old, politicians, piety, civil society, but again their efforts were to no avail, as the Great Deceiver spun yet another yarn of twisted half-truths.
Liberians enslaved again by civil war (Telegraph)
In Africa's 'land of the free' magic wigs and powdered leaves are the only answer to bullets. Tim Butcher reports from Monrovia.
Rebel strike panics Monrovia (BBC)
Rebels in Liberia, defying the ceasefire in the civil war reached last week, have launched a fresh assault on the capital Monrovia.
International Crisis Group Calls for a Regional Approach to the Liberian Conflict
Violence in West Africa shifts rapidly from country to country. A civil war and a large-scale humanitarian crisis rage in Liberia. A fragile peace exists in Côte d'Ivoire, although it remains on the brink of full-scale war, in part stimulated by interference from Burkina Faso. Guinea, while contributing to the civil war in Liberia, faces a humanitarian crisis along its southern border, a potential power vacuum due to an ailing president, and the prospect of seriously flawed elections in December. Sierra Leone's hard-earned peace can still be destroyed by the region's instability.
Rebel strike panics Monrovia
We Are Skeptical Of Any Agreement Signed By Mr. Taylor Without International Guarantee
When the Taylor regime and dissident forces in Liberia initialed the ceasefire agreement on June 17, 2003 in Akosombo, Ghana, the event was widely viewed as a sign of progress. That process gave the besieged Liberian capital, Monrovia, an immediate relief from the inferno of violence that was rapidly descending upon it as representatives of the various warring factions began to tackle the intricacies of a post-Taylor governing mechanism.
LURD Suspends Participation in Peace Talks, Wants Chambas Recused
One of Liberia's belligerent parties attending the ongoing peace talks in Accra has announced a "temporary suspension" of its participation in the talks. The group, Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy(LURD) said its delegation will stay away from all formal sessions of the talks until ECOWAS' Executive Secretary Dr. Mohammed Ibn Chambas recuses himself from the Liberian peace negotiations.
500 Liberian soldiers flee to Sierra Leone (The Inquirer)
Sierra Leonean Ambassador to Liberia, Patrick James Foyah has disclosed that 500 Liberian soldiers have fled fighting in Liberia into Sierra Leone.
Liberian Government Accuses Guinea Again (The Inquirer)
There are reports of heavy artillery shelling across the Liberian border by Guinean regular forces. The shelling which started late this week has continued throughout Sunday with reports of casualties and massive destruction of properties.
Liberians Still Suffering From June 6 Heavy Fighting (The Inquirer)
Liberians and residents alike are still traumatized from the June 6, 2003 attack on Monrovia and its suburbs by rebel forces of the group, Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD).
Humanitarian Crisis In Liberia Worsen (The Inquirer)
Reports gathered by The INQUIRER revealed that thousands of displaced people who fled their various homes as a result of a fierce fighting between government troops and rebels of the Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD) on the out sketch of Monrovia are faced with a serious humanitarian crisis at their respective camps.
Switzerland freezes Taylor accounts (BBC)
The Swiss authorities have frozen several bank accounts belonging to Liberian leader Charles Taylor. The money was blocked in accordance with a request from the United Nations-backed war crimes court in Sierra Leone. It is not known how much money is involved at this stage.
Banks to Block Liberian President's Funds (AP)
BERN, Switzerland - Swiss authorities ordered a freeze Monday on any bank accounts of Liberian President Charles Taylor, so war crimes prosecutors can search for possible illegal diamond profits linked to West Africa's conflicts.
At Peace Talks: Delegates Brainstorm Over Comprehensive Peace Agreement
Conferees at the ongoing Liberian peace summit in Ghana have been deliberating on a draft agenda put forward by mediators at the talks for a comprehensive peace agreement for Liberia. The six items proposed agenda, when accepted will consider issues such as the creation of a democratic space in the country, human rights, elections, socio-economic reforms, reconstruction and rehabilitation and the formation of a transitional government to substitute President Charles Taylor and his government.
Liberian Democracy Groups Want Charge Drop Against Human Rights Activist (The Inquirer)
A pro-democracy advocacy organization, Liberia Democracy Watch is calling on the Liberian Government to drop all charges against human rights activist J. Aloysius Toe. This, the pro-democracy group says, would further enhance reconciliation, national unity and promote the ongoing peace process.
Twenty-five Journalists Victimized by the Fighting in Monrovia Need Helping Hand
We, the war-affected Liberian journalists, write to acquaint you with the chaotic and desperate conditions that we are presently faced with owing to the fighting in Monrovia between Liberian government troops and rebel forces.
As a result of the hostilities which claimed over 500 innocent persons' lives in Monrovia, the administrative seat of Liberia, 25 Liberian journalists including practicing journalists and editors of both print and electronic media are displaced in the various parts of Capital.
Talks On Transitional Government In Liberia Gain Momentum (The Inquirer)
Discussions leading to the formation of a transitional government that will exclude President Charles Taylor have begun at the on-going Liberian peace talks in Accra, Ghana.
Liberian Lawmakers Change Venue, Meet in Parking Lots? (The Inquirer)
As all efforts are being exerted to unseat the NPP-led Government by forming an interim government, members of the National Legislature are seen meeting regularly in their respective parking lots instead of the House Chambers to discuss their fate; our Legislative correspondent reports.
Liberian refugees stand in for absent players (The Star)
Algeria and Nigeria qualified for the 2004 African Nations Cup this weekend, but were overshadowed by a small group of Liberian refugees.
ECOWAS' Record of Inaction: LURD May Walk Away From the Ceasefire Agreement
Liberian President Charles Taylor's June 4, 2003, declaration of intention to step down from the Liberian presidency was the basis for LURD's decision to sign the June 17, 2003, ceasefire agreement that should still be in effect. Therefore, Mr. Taylor's June 21, 2003, announcement that he will no longer honor his own timetable for departure from the Liberian presidency is as a breach of the June 17, 2003, ceasefire agreement, specifically Item 9, Section G, under "Ceasefire Violations."
Political Bickering At Peace Talks - As NPP Sets Pre-conditions For Discussions
Liberian political parties attending the peace summit in the Ghanaian capital, Accra, could not reach a consensus Thursday on the formulation of an agenda that would impel discussions on the issue of governance.
U.S. Says Taylor Has No Place in Liberian Government (Reuters)
The United States said on Friday there was no place for Liberian President Charles Taylor in any future government and he should abide by an agreement to step down when a transitional administration takes office.
Liberian leader hedges on resigning, as new strife leaves cease-fire in doubt (Boston Globe)
Under pressure from two rebel groups and a United Nations-backed war crimes court that has called for his arrest, President Charles Taylor of Liberia appeared to waffle yesterday on his pledge to step down under a cease-fire agreement with rebel leaders.
Cease-Fire Agreement
The Taylor regime and the rebels fighting to unseat Mr. Taylor signed a cease-fire agreement yesterday. Click the link above to access agreement
Breakthrough At Peace Talks - Govt, LURD, MODEL Declare Ceasefire
It seemed the happiest moment in the lives of scores of Liberian refugees including women groups who thronged the M-laza Hotel in Accra when both the Government and belligerent forces finally affixed their signatures to a ceasefire agreement.
Two-Tongued Supporters of Freedom
The refusal of the Ghanaian government to arrest Liberian ruler Charles Taylor as requested by the warrant issued on June 4, 2003 by the UN Special Tribunal for Sierra Leone and the subsequent justifications given by that government and some individuals have terribly undermined efforts to bring true freedom and peace to the oppressed people of Africa in general and the suffering masses of the West African sub-region in particular. The failure of the government of Ghana to respect the UN Tribunal's request and the attempts made to justify the inaction have also done a horrible disservice to practical approaches that are intended to dispense justice to those who are responsible for the untold human misery that has engulfed nearly all of Africa today
Liberian President Pledges to Yield Power (AP)
ACCRA, Ghana - Liberia's President Charles Taylor, a war crimes suspect who fueled many of West Africa's bloody conflicts, pledged Tuesday to yield power as part of a cease-fire with rebels. But his government quickly hedged on the resignation.
Liberian Ceasefire Stirs Small Hope of Real Peace (Reuters)
West African mediators said Western troops, possibly Americans, might help keep the peace in Liberia as a new cease-fire kindled hopes on Wednesday of an end to a war that has sapped West Africa.
Presidential Hopeful Assesses Peace Talks
Despite "enormous efforts" by West African mediators to secure a peace agreement aimed at quashing continuous violence in Liberia, a presidential hopeful has described the ongoing Akosombo peace negotiations as a one that is gradually becoming a "big fiasco."
HIV/AIDS in Africa: Yoweri Museveni is a living icon in the struggle against this deadly disease
A Tribute by Dr. Chinua Akukwe at the Luncheon organized by the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, Constituency for Africa, Africa Society of the National Summit on Africa, and, Church World Service, June 12, 2003, Washington, DC, for President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda.
Uncertainty Beclouds Cease-fire Agreement
West African mediators brokering peace for Liberia have failed to secure a cease-fire agreement between the Government and belligerents despite assurances that it would have been signed Monday.
LURD's "Revised Press Release" - A Joke at People's Expense
On Friday, June 13th, a flimsy and obviously hastily prepared document was issued by the LURD Secretariat titled "Revised Press Release". At first glance it reads like a joke from a horror movie, appropriately timed to coincide with Friday, the 13th. Upon further examination, one realizes that such a crude joke, played at the expense of Liberians is dangerous and unfunny. This self-styled "liberation" army must not be allowed to complicate our lives any further.
Africa's bloody wars reach turning points (Chicago Sun-Times)
DAKAR, Senegal--Prevailing wisdom pins the world's civil wars on two causes: Greed and grievances. Both are fueling Africa's two most dangerous conflicts, in Liberia and in Congo.
Sierra Leone's Ex-Junta Leader Dead, Court Says (Reuters)
Sierra Leone's fugitive former junta ruler Johnny Paul Koroma, who had been indicted for war crimes by a U.N.-backed court, has been killed in Liberia, the court's top investigator said on Sunday.
Returning From Ghana
It was late Tuesday night, June 11, 2003 and I was having a late night drink with Cyril Allen, the Chairman of the National Patriotic Party. "We are not about to discuss anything further with nobody until they lift the indictment. We will stop the hostilities but as far as transitional government is concerned, there will be no deal until this matter is resolved," said an unapologetic Allen. He was speaking with confidence, because he had had discussions with some political leaders who had gone as far as agreeing to take the issue up with ECOWAS and the UN.
Mediators Earmarked Cease-fire Verification Team For Liberia
West African Mediators seeking a truce to the Liberian armed conflict have earmarked the formation of a joint cease-fire verification team, urging parties to the fighting in the country to be committed to the process.
US navy ship diverted to help Liberia (Financial Times)
A US marine expeditionary force was heading for the strife-riven west African state of Liberia last night after Washington came under increased pressure to deploy troops in what would be its biggest military engagement in Africa since the early 1990s.
Cease-fire Agreement Would Be Signed If...
The man who is behind the Liberian peace deal and former Nigerian head of state, Gen. Abdusalami Alhaji Abubakar, has said a cease-fire deal would be signed by the Government and dissidents factions as soon as the belligerents can agree on the terms and conditions of the cease-fire agreement.
Taylor's Indictment Crucial To Peace
The mediator on the Liberian peace process Gen. Abdusalami Alhaji Abubakar has spoken of the need for Liberian and international stakeholders to critically discuss and factor out a way over the indictment of President Charles Taylor if the attainment of peace to Liberia must be successful.
Liberian Children Plea For Peace
The quest for the restoration of genuine and durable peace to Liberia has taken a rather different dimension, with the involvement of scores of children in the advocacy for peace. The children yesterday lined the route to one of the entrances of the conference hall at the Volta Hotel in Akosombo, where peace negotiations among parties to the Liberian conflict are currently ongoing.
Traditional Bassa Education and Leadership
Joseph M.N. Gbadyu, served as the Keynote Speaker for the "African Governance, Philosophical Thought & Rule of Law" Symposium held in Greensboro, NC on April 26, 2003. Due to illness, his message was delivered via a VCR recording. Mr. Gbadyu is a Bassa Historian, former Radio News Reporter, former Deputy Minister of Local Government and former Superintendent of Grand Bassa County, Republic of Liberia.
Liberian Leader's Plea Rejected (BBC)
Liberian President Charles Taylor must still be arrested, the United Nations-backed war crimes court has told BBC News Online. Mr Taylor on Thursday warned that there would no peace in Liberia unless his indictment was lifted.
The LLC/LLF Formula For Peace in Liberia
As information continues to filter in about the Liberian peace conference in Ghana, and the unfolding of events inside Liberia, it has become important and the LLC/LLF has determined to take on a more proactive role, relevant to the Liberian nation and people, and the unfolding realities generated by recent events. We have seen both the United Nations and the United States express concern about the current activities in Liberia. The events currently evolving in Liberia are reminiscent of the events that unfolded in Liberia in the early 90's.
In Memory of the June 13 Massacre in Cestos City
Today marks the 13th anniversary of a day that will not be forgotten by the people of Rivercess County. By dawn on June 13, 1990, fighters of Charles Taylor's National Patriotic Front of Liberia (NPFL) rounded up five prominent citizens of the county and summarily executed them and their bullet-ridden bodies put on display in Cestos City.
Political Parties Split Over Taylor's Indictment
Intense controversy is said to be brewing amongst Liberia's 18 political parties attending the ongoing peace negotiations aimed at putting to an the spiral of violence that has engulfed the country. The division comes amidst efforts by peace mediators to secure a cease-fire and quell the carnage that continues to ravaged the country.
Cease-fire Agreement Likely Today
Although the ongoing peace conference on Liberia has successively failed to get underway, there are positive signals that the signing of a ceasefire agreement between the Government and dissident factions is imminent.
Crisis in Liberia: A Call to Action (A Memorandum Sent to the UN Security Council by the International Crisis Group)
The 4 June 2003 announcement of the indictment of Liberian President Charles Taylor by the Special Court for Sierra Leone propels the Liberian conflict into a new situation, with both opportunities and risks for the international community. Handled correctly, it can provide an opportunity to purge the region of one of the most serious threats to regional stability and usher in a new era of peace, stability, and democracy for the people of Liberia and the region.
The Indictment of Taylor is Part of the Uncertainties, not the Solution to Liberia's Problems
As a Liberian, I feel compelled to participate in the ongoing debate about the indictment of a sitting president of Liberia for crimes committed in Sierra Leone, and the outcries over the apparent refusal of the Ghanaian government to honor an international arrest warrant by not arresting the president while he was attending a Liberian peace conference in Ghana. I am perturbed by both the emotional displays over what seems to be a legitimate Ghanaian action, and the apparent jubilations in certain Liberian circles at the indictment of President Charles Taylor for crimes committed in Sierra Leone, instead of crimes committed in Liberia
International Community Should Not Recognize Rebel-led Government in Liberia
There has been widespread fear of mass death and destruction since rebels seeking to violently remove Liberian leader CharlesTaylor from power attacked Monrovia, the Liberian capital of more than one million mostly war-weary inhabitants. Monrovia could turn into a bloodbath as government and rebel forces battle for control of the already ruined city, where factions in Liberia's brutal civil war fought several times in an attempt to seize power.
Brumskine Decries Humanitarian Crises
Potential presidential contender Cllr. Charles Walker Brumskine has described as alarming and disheartening the current humanitarian situation in Liberia as a result of renewed military hostilities between the Liberian Government and dissident factions in Monrovia.
Talks Delayed Once Again
Talks scheduled to start today are once again postponed because the ECOWAS Delegation sent to Monrovia and Guinea to negotiate a ceasefire has yet to return. According General Abdulsalami Abubakar, chief ECOWAS negotiator, the ECOWAS delegation has yet to reach Monrovia because of poor visibly last night. "I doubt we will have anything going today, we have to get a report from Monrovia before we can proceed.," said the general who has been meeting with various parties and delegations at the Conference site.
Political Parties, Others Want Taylor Resign - Say Indictment Compromises His Ability To Govern
The leaders of eight of Liberia's 18 political parties and the Exiled Liberian Student Leaders as well as the Union of Liberian Associations in the Americas have pointed to the need for President Charles Taylor to expedite his decision to step aside in the supreme interest of the State and its people.
Liberia President Offered Deal (CNN)
Five West African mediators are putting a deal to Liberia's besieged President Charles Taylor in an effort to stop a bloody battle as rebels ring the capital city Monrovia. CNN's Jeff Koinage says the deal offered by mediators from the West African bloc ECOWAS would provide for an immediate cease-fire, as well as establish a peacekeeping force to curb further violence, set up of an interim government and receive humanitarian aid workers.
Liberians Look to U.S. for Salvation (AP)
MONROVIA, Liberia - Killers with AK-47s - empowered by their weapons, whiskey and warlord-president Charles Taylor's sanction of savagery - have overrun an electricity-less capital named in homage to a long-ago American president.
Liberian Women Cry Out For Peace - Say Govt, Dissident Factions Responsible For Crimes Against Humanity
In the face of the whirlwind of carnage and bloodletting perpetrated by the Government and dissident factions in Liberia, the women of Liberia have avowed to hold all fighting forces, including the Government, the rebels Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD) and the Movement for Democracy in Liberia (MODEL) responsible for crimes against humanity.
Two Pinoys held hostage in Liberia (The Philippine Star)
Two Filipinos and several Lebanese nationals were taken hostage by Liberian rebels during a coup attempt in the capital of Monrovia, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) reported yesterday.
Liberian Peace Confab Faces Impediment
International stakeholders and facilitators of the Liberian peace summit have pointed to the resumption of hostilities, especially in Monrovia as a key factor impeding the peace negotiations.
Talks Delayed, Peace Postponed
For the third time in ten days, Liberian peace talks in Akosombo, Ghana have failed to start due to renewed fighting on the ground in and around Monrovia. Last week, the talks were scheduled to start on Friday but were later postponed to allow for some participants to arrive - MODEL finally arrived on the ground Monday morning at the conference site. However, Model says that its political leaders are still due from the United States and they are expected here in a day or so.
On The Search For Peace In Liberia (A Position Statement Of Exiled Liberian Students Leaders)
"Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is therefore in the minds of men that the best defenses for peace can be erected"(UNESCO). The quotation above emphasizes the extreme significance of this Assembly, which is of so much historical necessity for the people of Liberia. That our Nation has been embroiled in a conflict with many faces is no overstatement at all. The war of attrition born out of greed and the uncontrollable appetite of leaders for dominance that has been raging in Liberia since 1999 is the clear basis for the concern which has forced each of us to partake in these deliberations
The Dictatorial Treaty: A Sad Sign for Africa
Our generation has been tasked to take its continent from the Dark Age to a world that has surpassed it in many respects. So it is a welcome symbol of progress, when the Body that has passively allowed Africa to virtually destroy itself for the past 42 years, takes redemptive steps to give justice to the African people.
Ghana Peace Talk: the Single Most Significant for Peace, Democracy and Social Justice in Liberia
The civil conflict in Liberia has reached another zenith, with increased arm hostilities between government forces and forces of the LURD who are battling for the Capitol, Monrovia. Daily, for the past 72 hours, residents of the city have been living through the anguish of the sounds of gunfire and the fear for their lives. Already, bodies litter the streets of Monrovia. Once again, the people of Liberia have become displaced, lives lost, and properties damaged.
LDI Calls For Cessation of Hostilities, Taylor's Resignation
The Liberian Democracy Initiative (LDI) demands an immediate and unconditional cessation to the war and hostilities between the armed rebel groups and government forces in Liberia. LDI further calls for the immediate deployment of an international stabilization force to stop the costly sufferings of the Liberian people.
Mediators hope to secure Liberia ceasefire (Reuters)
MONROVIA (Reuters) - West African mediators hope to persuade Liberian President Charles Taylor to agree to a ceasefire today in a last-ditch attempt to prevent a bloody battle for the capital
'Alarmed' by intensified clashes in Liberia, Annan calls for protection of civilians (UN)
Alarmed that escalating clashes between rebels and government forces in Liberia have severely impacted the already-desperate people living in and around the capital of Monrovia, United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan today called on the parties to take all necessary measures to ensure that civilians are not targeted and spared the effects of war.
Ghanaian Decision on Taylor: Right or Wrong?
Here is a debate that will pre-occupy many (especially Liberians), for quite some time to come: Was the Ghanaian authorities' decision not to arrest and turn over President Charles Taylor, as requested by the UN Special Court of Sierra Leone, the right or wrong thing to do? This is a debate, I suppose, where many will not be indifferent but will passionately cling to one position or the other.
Americans, Europeans Flee Liberia Capital (Washington Post)
MONROVIA, Liberia - French military helicopters evacuated Americans and other foreigners from the besieged capital of Liberia at dawn Monday, ferrying them out of embassy compounds to a ship in the Atlantic.
Mano River Journalists Support Interim Government
As Liberians meet in the Ghanaian town of Akosombo June 4; the Mano River Media Forum (MARIFO) has expressed its strong support for the establishment of an interim government in Liberia.
Liberian Foes to Start Peace Talks as Fighting Rages (Reuters)
MONROVIA - Liberia's warring factions were due to start peace talks on Monday but rebels kept up the pressure on President Charles Taylor with an offensive on the doorsteps of the capital Monrovia and an ultimatum for him to step down.
Rebels Make 2nd Push for Liberian Capital (AP)
MONROVIA, Liberia - Liberians raised their voices in prayer to a backdrop of crackling weapons fire and mortars, appealing for peace Sunday as rebels again pushed into the besieged capital of this West African nation.
Ghana, Taylor's arrest, and the Liberian peace process
The Liberian Contemporees would like to register its disappointment with President Kufuor's Government for its failure to arrest Charles Taylor upon receiving official notification of his indictment by the United Nations-backed War Crimes Court for Sierra Leone. This wanton disregard for rule of law is inexcusable and unpardonable. What a setback for peace, democracy and the rule of law in Africa?
Liberia's Vice President Resigned (The Inquirer)
In the aftermath of the indictment of President Charles Taylor of Liberia by the United Nations War Crimes Tribunal in neighboring Sierra Leone, the Vice President of Liberia, Moses Blah, has resigned his post.
Indictment of Charles Taylor
On Wednesday, June 4, 2003, the UN War Crimes Tribunal in Sierra Leone issued an arrest warrant for President Charles Taylor while he attending the Akosombo Peace Talks. Mr. Taylor has been indicted by the Court for crimes against humanity. Click the link above to access the indictment.
Liberian President Struggles for Power (Globe And Mail)
Liberian President Charles Taylor struggled to retain power Thursday, a day after being indicted for war crimes and fleeing an international arrest warrant in Ghana.
Liberian Rebels 'Moving on Capital' (BBC)
Rebels in Liberia are reported to have entered the suburbs of the capital, Monrovia, as President Charles Taylor struggles to hold on to power. At the same time, aid workers said thousands of refugees had fled in terror from camps on the outskirts of the city.
Rebels in Push to Capital: Report (AFP)
REBELS opposed to the government of Liberian President Charles Taylor have entered the suburbs of the capital Monrovia, an eye-witness said today. The aid worker, who fled her home in the suburb of Brewerville, said her children had seen the rebels, from the Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD) group, in Banjor, a western suburb.
Several President Guards Arrested Monrovia For Hijacking Vessel (The Inquirer)
Several officers of the presidential elite force, the Anti-Terrorist Unit (ATU) have been apprehended in Monrovia for attempted hijacking of a shipping vessel at the Freeport of Monrovia on Wednesday.
In Search for Peaceful Resolution of Liberia's National Crisis
As a Grand Gedian and citizen of the Republic of Liberia, it is certainly an honor and, indeed, a responsibility for me to be with you.
The Beginning of the End
I was listening to Mrs. Rachel Diggs, Liberian former Ambassador to the US, complaining about the "lack of courage of Liberians" when it comes to making a decision. The President of The Liberian Senate, Mrs. Grace Minor was sitting very close by and listening, so was Mr. Monie Captan, the Foreign Minister of the Taylor government who has seen his work reduced to showing his face in public. There was nothing unusual about the delay in starting the conference. Then, a friend approached me, called me on the side and whispered that BBC had just announced that the International War Crimes Tribunal in Sierra Leone had indicted President Taylor for crimes against humanity. I walked out of the conference room to ascertain the news from the BBC reporter in Accra who confirmed the news.
Immunity for Acting Heads of State is no Excuse for Prosecution
Paris, June 4, 2004 -The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) welcomes today's decision to indict acting Liberian Head of State Charles Taylor for crimes against humanity and war crimes.
Open Letter To Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe
We are writing today to implore you to seek a peaceful and just solution to your country's escalating national crisis. Those signed below are Americans of Africa descent - many of them representing major organizations of civil society in the United States - who have worked for decades to support the liberation movements of Africa and the governments that followed independence which promoted and protected the interests of all of their nation's people. We form part of an honorable tradition of progressive solidarity with the struggles for decolonization, and against apartheid and imperialism in Africa.
My Comments Were Mischaracterized and Exaggerated
In the past five years since leaving Liberia, I have maintained a policy of silence, not disengagement or indifference, on the unfortunate human tragedy that continually unfolds in Liberia.
Liberian Newspaper Editor Receives Bachelor Degree (The Inquirer)
The Foreign News Editor of The INQUIRER Newspaper, Josephus Moses Gray, on 28th May, proudly and majestically walked out of the walls of the University of Liberia (UL), with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Mass Communication and Political Science, with concentration in Print Journalism and International Relations.
Sierra Leone Special Court Issues Arrest Warrant For Charles Taylor (BBC)
Liberian President Charles Taylor has been indicted for war crimes by a United Nations-backed court in Sierra Leone. Mr Taylor is currently in neighbouring Ghana, where peace talks with rebels started on Wednesday.
In Akasombo: A Time to Give Peace a Chance
We Liberians have reached another critical moment in these contemporary times. We have arrived at a fork in the road as we ponder our destiny as a people and a nation. As in all conflicts, opposing forces and views pull every which way, as the voices of reason remain shrunk in the middle. We must remember, whichever way we end up will be our making. Will the divisive forces calling for self-destruction prevail? Let's hope not. Will the calmer and more positive voices calling for peace, understanding and a new beginning triumph? That is what I (among many of my fellow war-wearied countrymen) hope - hence, the call for giving peace a chance.
Position On The Restoration Of Peace, Stability, Security And Democracy In Liberia
In the last decade of the twentieth century, Liberia, our native homeland, found itself in the throes of fratricidal crises, which were premised on anarchy, massacres, the wanton destruction of properties, the disintegration of national institutions, etc. These crises, which appeared intractable, saw the intervention of member states of ECOWAS, who came and tried to bring about peace and stability in Liberia. ECOWAS and the International Community, particularly the United Nations, saw the compelling need to help return Liberia to democratic governance, peace and security.
While Liberia Bleeds
Of all the countries in Africa, Liberia has the second longest history of nationhood. Therefore, any data extracted from Liberia's social and political history can soundly support any prediction of the behavior of the country's social and political elite. But the behavior in question is not such a strange phenomenon. Anyone with any measurable amount of knowledge of the sad foundation upon which Liberia was founded will understand the fervor with which some elements of the Liberian society stake their claims to political power.
"Ah Mu Nyan," Let's Move Ahead in Peace
Since our migration from home in the early 90's there has been a very strong tide of ethnic grouping in this country among Liberians. This grouping has left a lot of people wondering, especially for the future of our country. But I would like to laze the fears of some of us about this grouping and to say that in the period of uncertainty, there is always the tendency for greater tide between and among people of the same ethnic group.
All Eyes Are Watching To See Which Option Liberians Choose
As the humanitarian, security and political situation in Liberia slides further and farther into the abyss of catastrophe, the country once again finds itself in the international spotlight. But this is not new to the average Liberian who has endured under the wretched conditions caused by Charles MacArthur Taylor for the past 13 years.
ULAA: The Conflict Within
As all eyes are fixed on Akasombo, where interested parties and stakeholders will meet soon to attempt to resolve the issues affecting Liberia, a new crisis is brewing right here among us. Our premier Liberian organization, ULAA, is slowly following the ugly example of the homeland; it is headed down a path of self-destruction.
T.Q. Harris - LURD Negotiator or Hoax?
On 17 May 2003, a press release from the office of a U.S.-based Liberian politician, Mr. T. Q. Harris, was carried by this magazine as a public-service announcement. This press release carried under the title
"T.Q. Harris Appointed LURD Negotiator" was purportedly issued by the Liberian rebel group, LURD - and signed by a General Prince Seo Chief of Staff., Military High Command. After elaborating its [LURD's] origin, purpose and philosophy, the press release continued: "LURD has taken its first step toward peace by calling upon Mr. T.Q. Harris, an untainted neutral politician, to serve as its Principal Representative in negotiating an immediate ceasefire and the formation of a Unity Government. We are pleased Mr. Harris has responded favorably to our appeal..."
Twenty-five Years Old Man beaten to death by Liberian Security (The Inquirer)
What could be described as a very pathetic situation unfolded Wednesday, when two personnel of the Anti-Terrorists Unit (ATU), a personnel of the Special Security Service (SSS) and a civilian allegedly flogged a 25 years old petit trader to death.
Two Liberian Political Parties Sue Election Commission (The Inquirer)
Two of the country’s 18 registered political parties have requested the Supreme Court to put a halt to the holding of the forthcoming elections this October.
Liberia City Corporation Employees Take "Sassawood" For the mysterious Disappearance of Mobile Phone (The Inquirer)
The mysterious disappearance of a Cell Phone from the office of the Personnel Director of the Monrovia City Corporation (MCC), on Friday, May 30, 2003 left employees of the institution to take "sassa wood."
Liberian Government Halts ECOWAS citizens Peace March (The Inquirer)
The much publicized march for peace in the country which was to be held last Wednesday has been cancelled by government. In a press release issued late yesterday, the Ministry of Justice informed the Civil Society Movement of Liberia (CSM-L) under the Chairmanship of Mr. Saa Philip Joe, and also the ECOWAS Citizens Union that "due to very recent intelligence information available, the planned peaceful march as requested and subsequently approved for May 28, 2003
Liberia's foreign Minister Speaks Out (The Inquirer)
Liberia’s Foreign Minister Monie Captan says the country is tied to the society of violence as determined by the people's greed for power, personal interests etc., but peace can only be obtained if Liberians consider the root of their failure.
Twenty-four Liberian Journalists Receive Bachelor Of Arts Degrees In Journalism (The Inquirer)
Hundreds of students walked out of the walls of the University of Liberia(UL) as graduates on May 28th, Wednesday, following the completion of their studies in various disciplines. The graduating class has been christened, "Royal Class."