Africa---The West's New Frontier
At the end of the Cold War in the 1991, influential Western and Eastern
nations that once supported autocratic regimes in Africa departed
from Africa, shifting their attention to Eastern Europe and deprived
Africa of much needed international financial aid and the United Nations'
assistance, particularly in peaceful conflict resolution. Africa's
share of global foreign direct investment dropped miserably in the
1990s, which prompted the World Bank Group, the International Monetary
Fund, and the Economist Newsmagazine to declare Africa as a continent
faced with "imminent economic disaster".
Maryland Youths
Reject Representative (The Inquirer)
The Concerned Youth of Maryland County has sharply reacted to the election
of Mr. Samuel Wilson to represent the county in the National Transitional
Ligislative Assembly (NTLA.) The youth group said their decision to
oppose the election of Mr. Wilson is predicated upon the fact that his
nomination was done outside of political participation of the four nominating
districts of that county: Harper, Pleebo, Karluway and Barrabo districts.
Lawyer Foresees Brighter Future for Liberia (The
A prominent Liberian lawyer, Cllr. Varney Sherman says he foresees a
brighter future for Liberia, but pointed out that good leadership and
good governance are sine quo non for transforming the country. Speaking
on Sunday at the convocation exercises of the Cuttington University
College(CUC) at the Trinity Cathedral on Broad Street...
The Record: We Need Answers
(By: Ramses K. Nah)
So many times in the history of this Republic, have so-called leaders/rulers
come to power and we, the people, have no insight into their educational,
financial and social standings. For the record, it is now time for full
accountability from all who seek political offices in the Republic of
Liberia. We, Liberians do not want, at the end of the day, to find these
leaders building big houses in Paynesville, ELWA ro
You Reprint Anything and Everything as Long as it Seems Tantalizing?
Do you reprint anything and everything as long as it seems tantalizing?
The article about Mr.
Ranney B. Jackson, Sr. and Mr. Mohammed S. Kromah seems like something
straight out of a gossip column, if I ever saw one.
Rebels Block U.N. Deployment (Reuters)
Liberia's biggest rebel faction on Thursday stopped U.N. troops deploying
into their territory outside the capital, Monrovia -- the latest setback
in a checkered disarmament process.
Gyude Bryant |
is Chairman Bryant so Impervious to Advice?
By A. Sayku Kromah)
Mr. James Kollie's article "
All Else, Jobs - Especially GOL jobs!!" is about
the "War for Jobs" that forms the root cause of the Liberian
vicious cycle of killings. Mr. Kollie's words will fall on deaf ears
(like most of us). Ours is a society where rogues are honored, flamboyancy
takes precedence over substance, and mediocrity thrives.
Guns and Peace
By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé)
Liberia Foreign Minister, Mr. Thomas Nimley-Yaya said that the memorandum
signed by the warring factions and submitted to transitional President
Gyude Bryant was not simply about jobs. He said it was about creating
a new administrative environment where those who had been excluded are
again participating in the process of running the government. We are
not attempting to take jobs from people who have served their country
for the past 13 years without pay, health benefits of anything of that
Above All
Else, Jobs - Especially GOL jobs!!
James F. Kollie, Jr.)
A few months ago I authored an
article on
The Perspective web site in which I tried to ask a number questions
including Chairman Bryant's power regarding firing of ministers
appointed by warring factions and also the prosecution of people who
have plundered our national wealth. I am not an experienced historian
or writer but I have concerns, which I believed could help, in a minute
way, shape the destiny of our country. I may not have all the words
necessary to describe so eloquently my views, but I believe that I owe
it to my conscience and prosperity to air my view no matter who is offended.
Toe: An Unsolicited Eulogy
By: Ezekiel Pajibo)
One way I have taken in my need to get re-immersed in the "Liberian
way of life" is to attend Mass regularly, to fellowship, to worship
and for the inevitable - running into old acquaintances. But this Sunday,
the sermon was as telling as it was relevant. My parish priest said
that his sermon was being delivered with a "heavy heart."
He said his heart was heavy because he just lost a best friend, a childhood
friend, a schoolmate and a neighbour, he grew up with. He lost Patricia
Toe. He did not mention her married name, the one that makes the woman
belongs to a man. He did not even mention the fact that she was married
and a mother of three. He remembered only that she was a close friend
and that he had only last seen her the Thursday before her death.
the People's Thing Alone" or Mind Your Business!"
By Siahyonkron Nyanseor)
In my previous article entitled: "
Tax Collector and the Canoe Operator," published by The Perspective
on December 9, 2003, I talked about an incident that occurred between
a tax collector from Monrovia, and a Klao (Kru) man, whose duties it
was to provide services for those that had to go across the Sanquin
River. But when the Government official who was on an "important
Government business" arrived at the crossing, he did not meet the
Canoe Operator.
Ex-Soldiers Eye Disarmament Deal (AP)
MONROVIA, Liberia - Ex-soldiers from an elite military unit loyal to
former President Charles Taylor demonstrated in Monrovia's streets Monday,
demanding that they be eligible to receive cash in exchange for turning
in their weapons.
Council Extends Liberia Sanctions Another Year
U.N. sanctions must stay in force in Liberia for now, despite an end
to years of civil war, because the West African nation's government
and economy remain in shambles, U.N. envoy Jacques Klein said on Monday.
UNMIL Team Visits
Buchanan (The Inquirer)
The acting commander of MODEL forces in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County,
has expressed their readiness for the disarmament, demobilization, rehabilitation
and reintegration (DDRR) exercise in their controlled areas, but with
some concerns.
Civil Society
In Liberia Blasts Warring Parties (The Inquirer)
The Coordinating Council of the segmental groupings of Civil Society
Organizations in Liberia says the "Memorandum of Understanding"
between the former Government of Liberia (GOL), the Liberians United
for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD), the Movement for Democracy
in Liberia (MODEL), Political Parties and Civil Society Organizations
on the effective implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement
on Liberia does not provide convincing clarification for peace in Liberia,
and must be abandoned.
in Washington: Who Runs the Liberian Embassy (Part III)
"I am not aware of any letter of recall sent to Mr. Abdullah Dunbar
and when we get back home, I will look into the issue and find out who
wrote such a letter," the Minister of Foreign Affairs said when
he spoke to us from Accra, Ghana where he was attending the annual ECOWAS
Summit. The Minister was referring to two letters sent to Aaron Kollie
at the Embassy of Liberia in Washington, D.C. regarding the confusion
as to who is the Chargé d'Affairs at the Liberian embassy
in Washington, D.C. The letters were dated December 15 and 16, 2003.
Elie E. Saleeby,
Governor of Central Bank of Liberia |
Our National Coffer With Impunity?
By: Theophilus Totee Bettie)
Nowadays, one can barely engage a fellow Liberian in a conversation
over the current state of affairs of our country without arriving at
a mutual desire: the need to bring to justice those warlords who raped,
maimed, and slaughtered our fellow compatriots. As understandable as
this may be, what is disconcerting is the lack of a comparable outrage
that ought to be apportioned to a group of noncombatants equally culpable
for the current misery of the Liberian people. This group comprises
of those who have perfected the art of looting our national coffer with
UNMIL's Faux Pas
By: Ezekiel Pajibo)
The decision by the United Missions In Liberia (UNMIL) to suspend the
disarmament of militias in Monrovia until late January is most unwelcome
news for Liberians who are anxious to rid their country of the thousands
of weapons in the hands of individuals who would shoot before they ask
questions or think. The fact that the disarmament process would not
re-commence until after the holidays certainly will make Liberians more
cautious in their desire to celebrate during the festive seasons. This
is a huge damper.
Political Parties Threaten to Pull Out of Government
(The Inquirer)
Nine of the country's 18 registered political parties have lashed
at the three warring factions in the Liberian conflict of masterminding
an attempt to relocate positions allotted to them under the comprehensive
Accra peace accord.
First Impressions
By: Ezekiel Pajibo)
As the Air Weasua landed at Roberts International Airport, and the 16
seater Soviet built plane opened its rear door and passengers disembarked,
the hot and humid wind of the South Atlantic hit my face and the sweat
began to stream from my bald head down my face, I knew that at long
last, I had arrived home, sweet home. I left on February 12, 1986 and
was making my first trip to Liberia. I finally returned to the blessed
land of Liberty. Strangely, a line from the Liberian national anthem
came to mind: "…We will shout the freedom of a race benighted…"
11,000 Liberian Fighters Disarmed So Far - UN (Reuters)
More than 11,000 Liberian fighters have given up their weapons, including
8,555 guns, since the start of a disarmament scheme meant to end 14
years of war, the United Nations said Wednesday.
Day Two
By: Ezekiel Pajibo)
On the evening of Tuesday, December 9th the Chairman of the National
Transitional Government of Liberia (NTGL), Charles Gyude Bryant in effect
declared a state of emergency only slightly less than two months into
his tenure, when he imposed a curfew from 10:00 P.M. - 6:30 A.M. This
declaration underscores the difficult task in bringing peace to Liberia
and the need for due diligence, careful planning, deliberative consultations
and participatory processes to animate the implementation of the Comprehensive
Accra Peace Agreement (CAP).
UN Gives
reasons for Suspension of Disarmament in Liberia, But...
(The Inquirer)
Amidst public outcry over the temporary suspension of the disarmament,
demobilization, rehabilitation and reintegration program(DDRRP), the
United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) says the suspension is timely.
To disappointment of many Liberians, UNMIL recently announced that the
cardinal part of the peace process, which is the DDRR, will be temporary
suspended as of 2:00p.m. today. The DDRR exercise according to the UNMIL
release will resume on January 20, 2004.
China to Renovate Samuel K. Doe Sports Complex (The
The People's Republic of China (Mainland China) has accepted in
principle to carry out a comprehensive renovation of the Samuel Kanyon
Doe Sports Complex, which lies in ruins due to its occupation by thousand
of IDPs.
Charles Taylor Top
Security Officer Kills Wife, Commits Suicide (The
A top officer of the Special Security Service(SSS) and one-time aide
to former Liberian president, Charles Taylor, has murdered his wife
and committed suicide, on 13th December in Monrovia. Mrs. Patricia
Toe-Korvah, 28, was murdered on last Saturday at about 12 midnight
by her husband Mr. William Korvah, also known as Bill, on suspicion
of having an extramarital affair.
Day One: Lessons Learnt
By: Ezekiel Pajibo)
It appears that anything that could have gone wrong on the first day
of disarmament did go wrong. A large number of disgruntled militias
belonging to the defunct Government of Liberia were seen on the ELWA
Road and in other areas including Paynesville, Congo Town and nearby
locations menacingly brandishing their weapons and incessantly shooting
"into the air." In the Paynesville area, near the red light,
the shooting erupted during the daytime and was followed by a lull.
At about 2300 hours the shooting began again and continue until dawn
when it subsided. There was sporadic gunfire the following day and residents
were exercising caution in going about their work. They were not necessarily
panicked, not yet anyway.
New Deal's
George Klay Kieh, Jr. Visits Liberia
By Winsley S. Nanka)
Dr. George Klay Kieh, Jr. the New Democratic Alternative for Liberia
(New Deal Movement) presidential aspirant visits Liberia on December
15, 2003 to participate in the national stabilization process in Liberia.
In view of this, Dr. Kieh has reiterated his commitment as contained
in a communication to Interim Chairman Charles Gyude Bryant "to
offer his services to the interim government in whatever capacity that
will help bring peace and stability to Liberia".
Johnson-Sirleaf Wants Three Major Reforms in Liberia (The Inquirer)
The Standard Bearer of the Unity Party (UP), Mrs. Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf
has underscored the need for social, economic and political reforms
in the country. In her keynote address delivered recently at the First
commencement exercises of the Smythe Institute of Management and Technology
in Monrovia, Madam Sirleaf discussed the three major reforms separately.
8,000 Combatants
Disarm To UN In Liberia (The Inquirer)
Despite the two-day disruption of the DDRR program that formally commenced
on 7 December, at the Camp Schieffelin cantonment site, UNMIL has
disclosed that some 8,000 combatants were screened, whilst 4,002 weapons
were collected at the site.
in Washington: Who Runs the Liberian Embassy? (Part II)
By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé)
In a state of confusion, the messenger always gets the slap. So I did
and I deserve it, because I put myself in the position of bringing to
the public, in a Liberian web-magazine, a situation that has the potential
of embarrassing our government. Rather than look at the issue, people
jumped on me, wondering where and when I served as a journalist, questioning
my moral integrity and my judgment. I received calls and emails asking
"whose side I am on" as if I owed anyone any explanation
about my political leaning.
Alone Is Not Enough! Let's Involve The People
By Gbe Sneh)
Disarmament is a nationwide campaign. Several articles by various writers
articulated the importance of the involvement of the public in the process.
Already we have seen the result of downplaying or perhaps ignoring this
pivotal instrument of the engagement to get the ex-combatants to tender
their weapons.
The Love Of Country
(By Siahyonkron Nyanseor)
The Holy Bible reminds us that "The desirable thing in earthling
man is his loving-kindness" (Proverbs 19:22). In retrospect,
acts of kindness rendered for the sake of love - are truly desirable.
The "Loving-Kindness" referred to in the Bible is based
on an already existing relationship, such as one founded on a prior
act of kindness on the part of another,
Suspends Disarmament Exercises In Liberia (The
Following detailed discussions with Liberian political and military
leaders, the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) announces that
the disarmament of ex-combatants and payments of an advance reinsertion
allowance will continue until 2:00 p.m. of Wednesday, 17 December,
and will resume after the holiday season on 20 January, 2004.
is the Lawful Chargé d'Affaires at the Liberian Embassy
in Washington, DC?
By Mohamedu F. Jones)
After reading the December 10 2003 story by Abdoulaye W. Dukulé
in Washington: Who Runs the Liberian Embassy?" like many Liberians,
I was particularly troubled by the events reported by this respected
journalist. The story suggests that there is so much "confusion"
at the Embassy, which to say the least, (is another thing to add to
all the others) that is not good for our country. It is not precisely
clear from the story whether Mr. Aaron Kollie or Mr. Abdullah Dunbar
is the legitimate representative here in Washington.
In Monrovia Start Disarming Again, But... (The
Following two days of an abrupt disruption of the ongoing disarmament
exercise that commenced on 7th December at the Camp Schieffelin cantonment
site out side Monrovia, an overwhelming number of combatants submitted
themselves on 12th December, ready to disarm.
Deputy Information Ministers at Confirmation Hearing (The
Deputy Minister for Administration-designate Bernard Waritay, at the
Ministry of Information, says MICAT must at all times remain government's
only mouthpiece.
Mr. Waritay said in order for its information dissemination system to
be cohesive, responsible and proactive government must allow MICAT to
effectively carry out its mandate.
Vulnerable Women Training Skills Training At Displaced Center In Liberia
(The Inquirer)
Several vulnerable women, sheltering at various IDPs centers in Montserrado
and Bong counties were last Thursday, proud recipients of certificates
after successfully completing a six- month intensive training in various
disciplines. The training program, aimed at empowering the vulnerable
women and making them productive citizens in the Liberian society, was
organized and sponsored by the Concerned Christian Community (CCC),
a leading local NGO in the country.
Liberian Government
Imposes Curfew In Monrovia (The Inquirer)
The National Transitional Government of Liberia (NTGL), has announced
the imposition of a curfew beginning Tuesday, December 9th, 2003. The
government's action comes in the wake of acts of vandalism by
former GOL combatants as protest to demand incentives and other benefits
before surrendering their weapons in the ongoing DDRR program.
Decries Unfolding Events in Monrovia
The Union of Liberian Association in the Americas, ULAA is deeply saddened
by the unfolding events in Liberia that have threatened few months of
relative stability since the signing of the Peace Accord on August 18th
2003 in Accra, Ghana by all parties to the Liberian conflict.
LURD Says Fighters
Will Not Disarm, Until... (The Inquirer)
The Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD) has warned
that its fighters will not surrender their weapons, not even a bayonet
to any peacekeeper until proper education on the disarmament process
and the full package promised is made available.
Blamed For Recent Chaos In Monrovia (The
Speaker George Dweh of the National Transitional Legislative Assembly
(NTLA) has blamed the United Nations Secretary General's Special
Representative to Liberia Jacques Paul Klein for the insecurity created
in Monrovia by former GOL fighters during the start of the DDRR program.
in Washington: Who Runs the Liberian Embassy?
By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé)
At a recent donors preparatory conference on Liberia in Washington,
DC, after the State Department recognized the presence of the Liberian
Chargé d'Affairs at the conference table, another voice
rose in the back of the room and said: "My name is Abdullah K.
Dunbar and I am the new Chargé d'Affairs and Minister Plenipotentiary
at the Embassy of Liberia and I represent the government of Liberia."
The whole room, filled with ministers and ambassadors from the United
States government, European Union, Japan, China among others turned
to look and then there was a moment of embarrassment. The question on
every face in the room seemed to be: "Whom are we dealing with?"
Persons Killed, Others Wounded Outside Monrovia
By: Josephus Moses Gray)
The violent protest that started in Paynesville on the second day of
disarmament has taken the lives of several persons, while the looting
of properties, harassment and intimidation of unarmed civilians in various
parts of the capital continue. Despite of the presence of the United
Nations Military Mission in Liberia (UNMIL), the chaotic situation continues,
leaving scores of persons dead, several wounded and properties looted
and damaged. The situation is concentrated in the suburbs of Paynesville
and its surrounding areas.
Gogh-manan: History, Migration And Government of the Bassa
By Pianapue Kept Early)
In today's New Africa where wars and civil wars are the order of the
day, Dr. Syrulwa Somah has provided a model that can end some of Africa's
deadliest conflicts, if the leadership models put in place were applied
in Africa. The model itself originates out of the Bassa cultural group,
a Liberian ethnic group and that of the author. The book identifies
other African nations where the Bassa people, a once nomadic cultural
group, are concentrated.
and the Politics of Fear and Violence
(By Tiawan Gongloe)
First, I want to thank Dr. Paul martin and his dynamic staff of the
Center for the Study of Human Rights for inviting me to speak at this
historic conference, marking the 25th Anniversary of the existence of
the Center for the Study of Human Rights here at Columbia University
in the City of New York.
The Tax Collector and the Canoe Operator
By Siahyonkron Nyanseor)
In the 1940s, an incident occurred between a tax collector from Monrovia,
and a Klao (Kru) man who provided services for those who had to go across
the Sanquin River. In those days, some government officials such as
district commissioners, tax collectors and constables had what in Liberia
we referred to as "bad attitude" when dealing with those
they regarded as "natives" or "country people,"
and this tax collector was one of those persons.
Fighters on Rampage After Gun Cash Offer (Reuters)
Liberian militia fighters smashed and hijacked cars in the capital Monrovia
Tuesday and then raced to a disarmament camp, firing their guns in the
air, after hearing they would be given hard cash for guns.
Scenes from December 7 Commencement
of Disarmament - Photos by Josephus Moses Gray |
UN Agencies,
Relief Workers Flee Disarmament Site In Liberia (The
Barely 24 hours after the successful commencement of the disarmament,
demobilization, rehabilitation, and reintegration (DDRR) of about 40,000
combatants of the bloody and devastated war in the West African State
of Liberia, several hundred fighters of the disbanded ex-president Charles
Taylor's National Patriotic Party-led government staged a violent
protests in the suburbs of Paynesville, some 10 miles from the capital.
Several Hundred
Fighters Start Disarming In Liberia (The
The process of disarmament, demobilization, rehabilitation and reintegration
(DDRR) of Liberian combatants got off on good foot on Sunday, December
7th with several former Government of Liberia (GOL) militias turning
in their weapons.
Bishop Wants Liberians to Stand Up For Principles
(The Inquirer)
Catholic Archbishop Michael K. Francis has urged Liberians to cultivate
the habit of taking the destiny of the country in their own hands. He
said Liberians should stand up for principles and speak out against
vices that could plunge the nation into chaos or to make it retrogress.
Over 2000
Vulnerable IDPs In Central Liberia Receive Food Assistance
(The Inquirer)
The Concerned Christian Community (CCC), recently distributed rice,
mixed soy blend, salt, underclothes, lappas, and enriched cooking oil
to more than 2000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) in central Liberia.
The beneficiaries were the IDPs of Salala, Maimu II, and E. J. Yancy
camps in Lower Bong County. The recipients are mainly sexually abused,
battered, or otherwise affected women who are currently benefiting from
CCC's Psychosocial and Skill Training Programs in targeted camps
in the country.
is Key to Any Progress," says Minister Christian Herbert
By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé)
The Minister of Planning and Economic Affairs, Mr. Christian Herbert
was in Washington, DC last week to attend a preparatory meeting of a
major donors conference scheduled for early February 2004 under the
joint auspices of the US government and the United nations.
in La Cote d'Ivoire: Implications for Liberia
(By Ezekiel Pajibo)
Recent news report that the Ivorian Government and the rebel forces
have reached a deadlock in their negotiation to peacefully resolve
their conflict is bad news for Liberia. The news is worsened by the
fact that our government officials, at least publicly, appear to be
disinterested in the diplomatic activities next door. About a week
ago, ECOWAS Chairman and President of Ghana John Kufour convened a
meeting in Accra to assist in resolving the impasse between President
Laurent Gbagbo of La Cote d'Ivoire and the New Forces, as the
rebel group is known. Liberia is not known to have participated in
that meeting.
Fighters Begin Disarmament (AP)
CAMP SCHIEFFELIN, Liberia, Dec. 7 -- Thrusting their AK-47s in the
air one last time, Liberia's fighters started surrendering weapons
to United Nations peacekeepers Sunday, a major step toward ending
14 years of bloodshed and one of West Africa's most vicious conflicts.
President: Turn Mr. Taylor Over to The UN War Crimes Court
(By Winsley S. Nanka)
The recent statement by the Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo that
if the interim government requests that exiled brutal Liberian dictator
Charles G. Taylor faces war crimes trial, Nigeria will honor the request
and turn Mr. Taylor over for prosecution is intended to accomplish two
UNMIL Says Renewed Fighting In Central Liberia
(The Inquirer)
As December 7, the scheduled date for the commencement of disarmament,
demobilization, rehabilitation and reintegration (DDRR) of combatants
draws nearer, news about fighting in Nimba County has been reported
in Monrovia.
Liberian Refugees
in Ghana Honor Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf (The
Liberian refugees in the Republic of Ghana recently bestowed a prestigious
honor on Unity Party's Standard-bearer, Madam Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf,
who is described as the "Iron-lady of Liberian politics".
According to a dispatch from the Buduburam Refugees Camp, outside Accra,
the wonderful event which brought together hundreds of Liberian refugees
and representatives of various organizations, was climaxed with the
gowning of Madam Sirleaf.
Health Workers
Still On Minister Coleman's Back (The
Contrary to claims by some officials of the National Health Workers
Association of Liberia that Dr. Peter Coleman as Health Minister did
not enter into any agreement with the Monrovia Developer and Management
Corporation (MDMC) for the printing of Birth and Death certificates,
documentary evidence, copies of which are in the possession of this
paper, has proved otherwise.
Liberian Police Prepared To Respond to Armed Roberies
In Monrovia (The Inquirer)
In a bid to curb the wave of insecurity including armed robbery in Monrovia
and its environs, the international police force of UNMIL in collaboration
with the Liberia National Police (LNP), has taken a series of measures
to arrest the situation.
Happened to the Watchdogs of Government
(By Ezekiel Pajibo)
Two recent announcements have got me thinking about the role of non-governmental
organizations (NGOs) in the current Liberia transitional process and
the re-creation of the new Liberian state. (In this piece, NGO is in
reference to local Liberian non-governmental organizations.) The first
has to do with the November 30, 2003 announcement by the Ministry of
Finance of an International Monetary Fund (IMF) delegation that is visiting
Liberia from December 1-14, 2003. Among the list of names, i.e. stakeholders
that the delegation is to meet, not one Liberian NGO was mentioned.
I have yet to hear any protest from the Liberian NGO sector on this
totally unacceptable practice.
in the Transition
(By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé)
Dr. Alfred Kulah said he planned to return home soon and contribute
whatever he can to the transition to peace. When asked what he thought
of the chances of success of the Gyude Bryant government. Dr. Kulah
said, "Bryant is between a rock and hard place. On the one hand,
he is beholding to the warring factions who elected him and, on the
other hand, he must assert himself as leader for a new Liberia, hungry
for peace and everything else that comes with peace and stability and
that means, jobs, education and health."
procedure for a Civil War six pound cannon
Newport and the Miracle at Crown Hill
By Mohamedu F. Jones)
I drafted the PRC Decree that ended Matilda Newport Day. In November
1980, I was a senior civil servant in the Ministry of State for Presidential
Affairs. A few months before, I had been a professional staff member
of the National True Whig Party of Liberia. Dr. George Boley, the Minister
of State, and Mr. Emanuel Shaw, Deputy Minister of State had sought
me out in May 1980 to come to work in the Mansion, "for the good
of our country." I had worked with Shaw and Boley the year before
on a Task Force appointed by President Tolbert to reform the True Whig
party, and by definition of the circumstances, the political process
in Liberia
Nations Intervention: An Opportunity for Peace in Liberia
(By Tiawan Gongloe)
Since the Liberian civil war started on December 24, 1989,
there have been several efforts made by Liberians and the international
community to find lasting peace. These efforts have largely led to periodic
cessation of hostilities but not peace. The first initiative to bring
peace to Liberia was led by the Interfaith Mediation Committee of Liberia,
a group comprising of Muslim and Christian leaders of Liberia. The Economic
Community of West African States led the second initiative. ECOWAS and
the International Contact Group led the third initiative again on Liberia.
Struggle this Time!
(By Jeremiah Jefferson Kringar Harris)
After almost fourteen years of constant warfare and internecine strife,
the Dove of Peace suddenly hovers on the horizon of our woefully besaddened
nation. As this divine messenger of peace majestically glides in the
extraordinarily beautiful and brilliant African sunlit sky, the eyes
of the Liberian people, glistened by years of tears, are locked in bewilderment
and anticipation on this heavenly host, the bearer of good tidings and
hope for our nation. The Dove of Peace firmly clasps in its golden claws,
the message of peace.
the Warlords Say
(By Ezekiel Pajibo)
The last weekend in November assumed a disquietude with the
news that warring factions' representatives walked out of a meeting
with United Nations official at which time issues related to Disarmament,
Demobilization Rehabilitation and Reintegration (DDRR) were to be discussed.
According to press accounts, the various warring factions are contending
that unless and until they scoop all the jobs they believe they are
entitled to they essentially would not disarm. The response from the
UN is very heartening indeed.
Why Are
You Drawing Back Now? Hand Over The Weapons And Let's Step Into
The Political Arena
(By Gbe Sneh)
"The full package must be disclosed. It is not a hidden agenda.
The people that are going to be disarmed must know what is in the package
for them," Nimely said."All we want is that the (peace) accord
should be respected by all parties and once that is respected, once
the government is fully seated, we will be able to participate fully
in the disarmament process." This one is by Cheaye Doe. (courtesy
d'Ivoire: "The War Is Not Yet Over" (ICG)
There are ominous signs that the Côte d'Ivoire peace process initiated
in January 2003 has broken down. If the country goes back to war, it
could well take all West Africa with it, endangering even recent progress
in Sierra Leone and Liberia.
Board Opens Investigation into the Seating of Ranney Jackson on the
(By Sam Stevquoah)
December 3, 2003, Lowell, Massachusetts:-Members of the ULAA National
Board of Directors will, this Friday, December 5, kick off investigations
into the circumstances surrounding the seating of former ULAA Board
Chairman Ranney B. Jackson on the National Transitional Legislative
Assembly in the Republic of Liberia.
Bryant Nominates Several Persons (The Inquirer)
The Chairman of the NTGL, C. Gyude Bryant this week nominated
the following individuals to the National Transitional Legislative Assembly
for confirmation consideration.
"Liberia Is
Still Rich In Minerals"
-Says Min. Mayson (The Inquirer)
Lands, Mines and Energy Minister-designate Jonathan Mason has disclosed
that Liberia still has huge deposits of mineral resources despite the
past extensive mining of 35% - 40% of the country's iron ore deposits.
FAO, GOL Sign Over
US$400,000 Projects (The Inquirer)
The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Government
of Liberia (GOL) have signed two projects totaling US$478,000.
British Government To Assistance Liberia
(The Inquirer)
The Government of Great Britain has promised to provide assistance to
Liberia in a number of areas in the reconstruction process of the country.
Women Want
Action Against Gender Violence Violators (The
Gender and Development Minister-designate, Mrs. Vabah Gayflor, wants
the transitional government and the international community along with
all peace-loving Liberians and human rights advocacy groups in Liberia,
to ensure that the rights of women are protected and respected and that
perpetrators of violence against women are brought to justice.
Brumskine Wants
Land Reform Law (The Inquirer)
Liberian Unification Party's presidential aspirant, Cllr. Charles
Walker Brumskine says there will be land-reform law in the country.
Mah Sarah's
(By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé)
It was over the Thanksgiving weekend at a party for Ms. Sarah Sawyer,
in Silver Spring, Maryland. As usual, on these occasions, there were
tens of Liberian professionals. I counted at least 5 former ministers,
all well-oiled professionals, a former president and scores of young
people who could have all been in Liberia, were not for the decades
of folly we imposed on ourselves and our people in the name of "liberation."
Every liberation movement brought its own lot of miseries, death and
Gov"t, Catholic Bishops, Several Others Denounce Liberian Warring
Groups (The Inquirer)
The walk-out by representatives of the three warring factions from the
maiden meeting of the National Commission for Disarmament, Demobilization,
Rehabilitation and Reintegration(NCDDRR) last Thursday, has provoked
a barrage of condemnations from several quarters.
The Violence Against Women (The Inquirer)
"If we can stop violence at home, it will be the start of peace
in the world," asserts UNHCR Deputy Rep. Martin Bucumi at programs
marking the launch of the 16 Days of Activism Against Violence Against
Women on 25 November, 2003 at the Banjor refugee camp, outside Monrovia.
Two Liberian
Students Top West African Examinations (The
Finally, the Monrovia National Office of the West African Examinations
Council (WAEC), has released the names of students who made exceptional
marks by topping the 2001/2002 Liberia Senior High School Certificate
U.S. Based NGO
Assesses Humanitarian Situation In Central Liberia (The Inquirer)
A mission from the United States-based International relief and humanitarian
organization, Mano River Relief and Development Network (MRRDN) last
week paid a one-day visit to the embattled county of Nimba to assess
the deteriorating humanitarian situation in the area. Nimba is situated
in Central Liberia.
Grand Gedeh Association in the Americas is Shocked by News of the
Walk Out by the Three Warring Factions
The Grand Gedeh Association in the Americas, Inc. was shocked by news
of the three warring factions to the Liberian conflict walking out
of the inaugural meeting of the National Commission for Disarmament,
Demobilization, Rehabilitation and Reintegration. The Commission is
charged with the responsibility of disarming all combatants under
the Accra Peace Accord that brought the current interim government
of Liberia to power.
in Africa: Politics, Policies, Programs and Logistics
(By Chinua Akukwe)
The UNAIDS 2003 update on the AIDS crisis in Africa paints a gloomy
picture after more than two decades of battling the epidemic: 26.6 million
Africans live with HIV/AIDS; Southern Africa account for 30% of all
HIV/AIDS in world while representing only 2% of the global population;
Africa is the only region where more women than men live with HIV, with
highest disparities among the 15-24 age group; less than 1% of all infected
Africans have access to lifesaving antiretroviral therapy; a mere 1%
of pregnant women in countries with the highest rates of HIV have access
to proven strategies that can drastically reduce mother-to-child transmission,
although 95% of such transmissions occur in Africa; and, two countries,
Botswana and Swaziland have at least 39% of their adult population living
with HIV/AIDS.
Putting the
Matilda Newport Myth to Rest - Part I
(By Siahyonkron Nyanseor)
Liberian history is replete with accounts of heroism on the
part of Americo-Liberians (Settlers), and accounts of cowardice on the
part of Native-Liberians (the aborigines). And it is this slanted view
of Liberian history, and this false sense of heroism and cowardice that
have been the main source of conflict amongst generations of Liberians
on either side of the political and social divide, and undermined true
patriotism and nationalism in Liberia.
Controversy of the Legendary Matilda Newport
(By Theodore Hodge)
No sooner had I learned how to read, I was introduced to the
legend of Matilda Newport, the heroine who purportedly used a single
piece of coal from her pipe to light a canon that exploded and killed
a multitude of advancing hostile natives, whose apparent intention it
was to wreck havoc on a settlement peopled by peace-loving pioneers
- immigrants newly arrived on the Liberian coast. From the point of
view of some 'historians', this one act of bravery and heroism
may have saved the union - the Liberian union, that is.
The Chains in Liberia (The New York Sun)
Tiawan Gongloe, a lawyer and torture victim in exile from Liberia,
was in town to receive a much-deserved award from Human Rights Watch
last night. He stopped by The New York Sun to discuss the situation
in Liberia and remind us all of America's unfinished business in West
Africa.Over and over, as if reciting a mantra, Mr. Gongloe emphasized
the two things that his country desperately requires: respect for
human rights, and the rule of law. There are only 200 attorneys in
Liberia, no independent judiciary to speak of, and a small number
of newspapers that are subject to intimidation and worse by the tens
of thousands of armed soldiers, many of them children, who still control
large swaths of the country.