Oppong Weah Presidency would be risky for Liberia’
(By Winsley S. Nanka)
Former Margibi County Senior Senator and a long time member of the
Transitional Assemblies in successive interim governments during the
1990s, David Menyongai says that “a George Oppong Weah presidency
would be risky for Liberia. He argues that Mr. Weah is inexperienced
and he lacks the capacity to govern”. Speaking to The Perspective
during a phone interview, David Menyongai said he was reacting to
the recent political developments in Liberia.
Ellen's Supporters at Gbarnga City Hall
GRIPS LIBERIA --Thousands of Ellenites Swarm Margibi, Bong Counties
(Press Release Issued by LIFE)
It is now evident that the October 11th elections in Liberia presents
a daunting challenge to all the candidates, if any of them should
win a simple majority in the first round. That is why as the campaign
heats up, Unity Party’s flag bearer, Mrs. Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf
has triumphantly embarked on a nation-wide VictoryTour
aimed at meeting with her swarm of supporters across the country
and also persuading undecided voters as to why she’s considered THE BEST AMONG THE REST.
Stop The Ambiguity
(By Emmanuel Abalo)
This writer is stunned and taken aback by the ambiguous positions
by some Liberian political operatives, particularly on the Charles
Taylor extradition to face the Special Court in Sierra Leone to
answer the indictments. According to news reports emanating from
a presidential debate held on August 19, 2005 in Monrovia, among
the first four presidential candidates, namely Messers Togba-Nah
Tipoteh, Roland Massaquoi, Varney Sherman and Ms Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf
I Am
The Voice Of The Voiceless, Says George Weah
By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé)
It is what any politician would dream about when running for elections:
thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of young voters, in the night,
cheering and screaming at every word you proffer, scanting your
name every time you take a breather to wipe sweat from your face,
and demanding more of your words whenever you try to stop speaking.
As in a rock concert, facing a crowd of groupies and super fans,
George Manneh Weah felt at home, on a stage, surrounded by a reggae
band and backdrop of hundreds of older partisans in the background.
Test in Liberia
(By Theodore T. Hodge)
George Weah, at 38 is probably the youngest candidate in Liberia’s
presidential race race. With barely a high school education to his
credit, he is by far the least formally educated. He has never held
public office and practically has no management experience. Yet,
to his credit, he is the most widely known Liberian, not only in
the race, but arguably the most popular Liberian alive.
Conclusion is Fueling Election Violence in Liberia
(By Dionysius Sebwe)
The level of election violence unfolding in Liberia should be taken
seriously. With all the frenzy, our focus should be on the future
of Liberia – and that means electing a visionary with excellent
leadership experience, sound policies, and practical platform messages
to improve the lives of ordinary Liberians.
Weah May
Boycott Presidential Debate -As Baccus Prepares To Step In (Forum)
The Standard-bearer of the Congress for Democratic Change (CDC)
George Oppong Weah, is reportedly designing excuses aimed at avoiding
the planned debate which is conducted by the Radio Varitas and Search
for Common Ground under the sponsorship of the European Union and
Carter Center.
God Is Watching!
HAVING CREATED LIBERIA and Liberians and granted them all recipes
of life, including the power to think, figure out and drive themselves
along the path of social, political and economic destiny, God, no
doubt sits upon His heavenly throne, hoping and expecting that Liberia
and its people, like others earth- wide would exhibit and conduct
themselves in a way that they would reap peace,...
And Its dilemma
(By Aaron B. Weah)
Illiteracy and its dilemma has set the pace and premise for almost
everything controversial known to this country. History has established
facts that the 5% so- called ruling class that ruled Liberia for
more than a century succeeded in suppressing and denying the natives
equal rights and opportunities particularly education; knowing that
education is an incentive of freedom, development and sound decision
Our Country
Has Seen Nothing But Failed Leadership
(Speech delivered by the Standard bearer of the Alliance, Hon.
John Sembe Morlu, at the formal opening of Elections Campaign 2005
in Monrovia, Liberia on August 18, 2005)
Today marks the beginning of a new chapter in the history of Africa’s
first republic, our beloved country, Liberia. Liberia and the Liberian
people have suffered too long. Our country has seen nothing but
a failed leadership for the past 158 years. Our country and its
people were engulfed in a self-inflicted, senseless civil war that
caused physical and psychosocial wounds, displaced thousands of
people and blighted nearly 300 lives.
A Rejoinder
to Harry Greaves and Harry Yuan’s Response to My “Open
(By Tarloh Munah Quiwonkpa)
The purpose of this article is two folds: (a) to address the concerns
of Liberians who have questioned my motivation for daring to raise
the issue of my husband, General Thomas Quiwonkpa’s death
during an election season, and (b) to extend my thanks and appreciation
to the hundreds of Liberians who have expressed their sympathy to
the Quiwonkpa family through emails and phone calls, and who have
also expressed their support for our cause.
2005: First Presidential debate
By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé)
A year ago, a debate amongst the presidential aspirants who met today
in the studios of the Catholic radio station Veritas would have been
a determining moment for the upcoming elections. The four candidates,
to a certain extend, personify the various currents and major political
tendencies of the past twenty-five years.
The October Election
A New Beginning Or A Continuation of Our Hellish Journey To The
(Stephen O. Adams)
Finally, another dawn is falling on Liberia and all Liberians have
been granted a third chance in little more than three decades to
do the right thing and put in position of power an individual with
the foresight to lead us from the backwaters of the abyss.
Dual Citizenship
and its Importance to Liberia’s Economic Development
By Edmund Zar- Zar Bargblor
Dual citizenship in some intellectual circles is perceived as the
expression of two major tendencies that are observed in the world
today. There is on the one hand globalization, transcendence of
all borders, emergence of common identities, multiple new identities
that didn’t exist before. Another attribute points to the
return of nationalism, very often associated with the collapse of
empires and old state entities, like the Soviet Union.
and Power in Liberia
(By J. Patrick Flomo)
I was surfing the net one day last week and came across an interesting
article by Mr. Abdoulaye W. Dukulé, posted on the Perspective
Web site. I found Mr. Dukule’s argument intriguing and think
it worth the attention of all Liberians who care deeply about the
sociological composition of the new Liberia that is in the making.
Drowns Political Campaign
By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé)
Hopes for a civil and quiet campaign were dashed when unruly partisans,
mostly youth supporting the George Weah campaign took to the streets,
swirling rocks at convoys of opponents, attacking partisans of other
camps and tearing down posters of those they perceived to be “enemies”
of their man.
NEC Warns
Against Campaign Violence
By Lewis K. Glay
The National Elections Commission (NEC) says it will not relent
to revoke the acceptance certificate of any political party, alliance
or independent candidate whose supporters will perpetuate violent
acts during the campaign period.
Chief Justice
Defends Judiciary
By Lewis K. Glay)
Chief Justice Henry Reeves Cooper has dispelled the public perception
that the Judiciary would divert fund intended for renovation of courthouses
across the country. Cllr. Cooper made it crystal clear that there
has been a tripartite agreement between the Judiciary and UNMIL to
help revamp dilapidated courthouses in the country due to the civil
Campaigning for two presidential candidates? |
Campaign Kicks Off
By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé)
The tropical August rain started on Saturday evening and went on
for two days uninterrupted, except for a few moments, now and then,
just to allow the clouds to gather again to pour more rain on the
wet city of Monrovia. Then, today, Monday, August 15, 2005, around
10 a.m., as if to allow the campaign for the 2005 presidential and
general elections to kick off, the downpour stopped. Not sooner
has the rain stopped that crowds started to take over the major
arteries of the city.
762 Candidates
Qualified For 2005 Elections, 17 Others Kick-Out, Campaigning Starts
August 15
By Josephus Moses Gray)
The National Elections Commission (NEC) credited by the Liberian Government
and Liberia’s partners to conduct the ensuing October 11 Presidential
and Legislative Elections has qualified 762 candidates, while at the
same time the commission has rejected the applications of 17 aspirants,
thus denying them participation in the electoral exercises.
Especially Violent Death, is a Very Painful Experience
(By Harry Greaves)
I read Tarloh's open letter on your website after I wrote.
Since she chose that medium to query me, I am choosing the same
medium to respond. I would therefore like my response to be carried
in the same publiction.
Times Prediction Carried by The Perspective is Unfounded and Irresponsible
(By Bennie Warner)
Recently the London Times Online predicted that the upcoming Presidential
race in Liberia will come down to two contestants, those being Ellen
Johnson Sirleaf and George Oppong Weah. The pronouncement was further
reported on The Perspective published online from Atlanta, GA, USA
last week.
A Response
to Tarloh Quiwonkpa's article
(Press Statement Issued By Harry T. Yuan)
The purpose of this press statement is two-fold. First, I want to
address Mr. Kerper Dwanyen’s allegations pertaining to my
involvement with the Nimba Redemption Council (NRC).
Campaign Manager Resigns, Joins Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf
By Winsley S. Nanka)
Hilary F. Gbunblee has resigned as the national campaign manager for
the Liberia National Union’s presidential nominee, John S. Morlu.
Gbunblee resigned recently from the Morlue campaign in Monrovia and
has returned to the United States. Gbunblee, however, plans to return
to Liberia shortly to campaign for Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf.
Candidate Disappears - As Disgruntled Partisans Loot Head Office
The Standard-bearer of the Liberia Education Development Party (LEAD),
Rev. Hanniah Zoe is said to have absconded the country for the United
States of America leaving the partisans of the party in disarray.
Dragnet for Trouble Makers
The International Contact Group on Liberia (ICGL) has assured Liberians
that it is in full support of UNMIL and Liberia’s law enforcement
agencies as it will firmly and decisively deal with any group having
attempts to derail the electoral process.
Disqualify Dual Citizens, If…,
-Weah, Dahn Face Gavel
The Chairman of the National Elections Commission (NEC), Cllr. Frances
Johnson-Morris, has clarified that the Liberian constitution rejects
dual citizenship, and anyone who obtains such status cannot be qualified
by law to run for presidency.
17 Nimbaians
Die In Sinoe Diamond Mine
Reports reaching The FORUM has revealed that 17 Nimbaians are known
to have died as a result of what believed to be an outbreak of cholera
epidemic in the diamond-mine area in Sinoe County.
in the Name of God: Only Time Will Tell
By Wilfred M. Manyango)
One thing that has become a staple in the Liberian election circus
is the claim by many politicians of receiving some divine instructions
to run for a position in the forthcoming election.
A Group Accuses Several
Presidential Canidates of Dual Citizenship
(By Josephus Moses Gray)
A group calling itself “Progressive Action for Change in Liberia
has protest to the National Election Commission (NEC) not to allow
Madam Sirleaf and 14 other candidates Dr. Togba Nah-Tipoteh, Cllr.
Charles Brumskine, Cllr. Varney Sherman, Alhaji G.V. Kromah, Mr.
Natheniel Bannes, Mr. Sokou Konneh, Dr. Roland Massaquoi, Mr. David
Fahart, John Morlu to contest the elections on grounds that they
all allegedly hold dual citizenships.
Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf
Power That’s Unassuming: The Case of a Presidential Candidate
More People Believe Would Deliver
By James Seitua)
The singing of Liberia’s favorite patriotic song, “The
Lone Star Forever”, generated a thunderous applause, but it
was the message of hope for a new Liberia delivered by Liberia’s
foremost female politician that brought down the house.
Persons Join Elections 2005 Race
(By Josephus Moses Gray)
In less than a three day- time for the official conclusion of the
nominations exercise for candidates to contest various political
seats in the October 11 Presidential and Legislative Elections,
a total of 780 persons have so far submitted their applications
to the National Elections Commission (NEC).
A Friend or Foe to Liberia's Future Progress?
(By Alex Redd)
The Republic of Guinea was once Liberia’s closest ally in
keeping the political idealism of Pan-Africanism - ranging from
economic interests to the promotion of the Organization of African
Unity (OAU), now African Union (AU). But what has happened with
respect to this next door neighbor’s role in Liberian politics
since the 1990s?
An Open
Letter to Harry Yuan, Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, Amos Sawyer, Boima
Fahnbulleh, and Others
(An Open Letter By Tarloh Munah Quiwonkpa)
It has been 20 years since I lost my friend and husband, General
Thomas Quiwonkpa on that unforgettable day in Monrovia, Liberia
(1985). Many people may be wondering why it has taken me this long
to break my silence. Yes, it has taken me this long for many reasons.
Obasanjo Hijacks Liberia Elections
By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé)
No single politician has influenced ECOWAS sub region as Charles G.
Taylor in the last 14 years. He has become an icon of evil for many
people. Since 1989, on that fateful day when he launched his rebellion
against the military dictatorship of Samuel Doe, no day goes by in
Liberian life without a mention of Charles Taylor.
and Laws of Liberia are clear with regards to the citizenship issue
(By George K Fahnbulleh)
The last paragraph of Mr. Hodge’s rejoinder to the C. Alake
Williams does a disservice to his readers. He writes:" The Liberian
constitution does not clearly address the issue of dual-citizenship.
We can at least conclude that the issue remains ambiguous and ambivalent."
This is incorrect. It would be of great service to his readers to
go through exactly what the Constitution of Liberia says with regards
to citizenship.
Times Predicts Two- Horse Race In October Elections
(By: Josephus Moses Gray)
The 2005 Presidential and legislative Elections scheduled for October
11 is expected to be a two-horse race between Madam Ellen Johnson
Sirleaf, a Harvard-trained political stalwart, and international
soccer legend, Ambassador George “ Oppong” Weah, latest
report published by London Times Online has said.
A Call
For Out Of Country Voting
The Liberia Campaign for Out of Country Voting for All Liberians,
comprising of Liberian church and community organizations, ordinary
Liberians, friends of Liberia in the United States and around the
world, joins with tens of thousands of Liberians and friends of
Liberia around the world, in calling for out of country voting for
all Liberian citizens in the Liberia’s historic post-war
UPP, LPP Giants
Brace Johnson-Sirleaf, As She Crosses NEC’s Examination (Forum)
(By: Helroz Zorleh)
The Standard-bearer of the Unity Party (UP), Madam Ellen Johnson
Sirleaf, has finally passed the screening process by the National
Elections Commission (NEC) which qualified her to campaign and run
for presidency in the coming October 11, elections.
GEMAP Will Be Meaningless, If…
(By: Josiah S. Hallie)
I am one of those who put “my head on the chopping board”
that the only way Liberia can recover from its economic malaise
is through the intervention of the international community by working
in partnership with them in streamlining those viable sectors.
No One
Can Do It Better than Ourselves
THE LIBERIAN NATION has gone through 158 years since independence,
but could hardly boast of the vibrancy and reality of social, political
or economic life.
Charles Taylor
Charles Taylor and Elections
By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé)
A few months ago, the transitional legislative assembly – that
huge and costly white elephant of the CPA - suspended its leaders
for “corruption,” with Speaker George Dweh and his deputy
accused of mismanagement. Later, the heads of the social security
were “suspended” for tempering with bank accounts of the
institution. This was followed by the dismissal of the Board of directors
of the NPA
Liberia’s Constitution in this Election Year
(By Elliott Wreh-Wilson)
Because we did not convene a national conference to plan for the
October elections in Liberia, I thought I should seek your permission
to call our collective attention to the place of the Constitution
in this election year. Despite the many revisions it has endured,
the Constitution remains the most sacred and stable symbol of the
will of the Liberian people.
Roads To Development
(By Gbe Sneh)
At the core of economic development is a network of roads. Reconstruction
takes shape on the road. Resettlement of Internally Displaced People
happens on the road Relieving congestion in Monrovia is down the
road. All the farmers that we are training will only get to the
farms by road. All the crops the farmers will harvest can only get
to the market by road. To go to school, the learner has to walk
or ride a car on a road.
Bank 'S Silence On The Misuse Of The $359 Million Dollars
(By J. Yanqui Zaza)
On February 19, 2005 and April 8, 2005 (theperspective.org), the
Vanguard and this writer respectively did not only question the
squandering of the $359 million dollars, about 69% of the $520 million
dollars pledged in February 2004 by donor organizations. They also
focused on why the World Bank (WB) and International Monetary Fund
(IMF) failed in their fiduciary role in administering the disbursement
or appropriation of the donors’ funds.
Beware of Opportunist Politicians
(By Wilfred M. Manyango)
If anyone has been paying attention to the news from Liberia lately,
you may have read of politicians crossing over from one party to
another. This has been especially true of politicians from the National
Patriotic Party crossing over to other parties.