Decentralization Of Political & Administrative Power In Liberia
(By Bai M. Gbala)
The fifteen-year (1989-2003) ethnically-driven and deeply-divisive civil war with its mind-boggling and brutal summary executions exposed to the world, graphically and dramatically, the most extreme form of hatred, antagonism, prejudice, jealousy, and envy apparently intrinsic in our Liberian socio-political nature. These conditions partly explain the magnitude of the mindless atrocities committed against unarmed, innocent men, women, and children, and the profound ethnic/tribal cleavages created
Respecting the Rule of Law in the John Auffrey Murder Investigation
(By Renford Engelbert Walsh )
Over a month ago, an American civilian employee of the U.S. Department of Defense (John Auffrey) was murdered in Monrovia, Liberia. Since that time, the police has named four (4) suspects , arrested and detained three (3) of them, launched a manhunt for the main suspect, Emmanuel Mulbah (aka Boye T. Moore), and rounded up fifty (50) persons to assist with the investigation . Meanwhile, bounties have been announced by the NTGL Chairman (Gyude Bryant), the U.S. Ambassador (John Blaney), and the U.N. Secretary General Special Representative to Liberia (Jacques Klein)..
"Blood From Stones: The Secret Financial Network of Terror" (Press Release)
(A new book (by Douglas Farah) that unearths the ties between Charles Taylor, the RUF and al Qaeda in the blood diamond trade)
A veteran investigative reporter exposes the crucial piece of the terrorism puzzle Western intelligence missed: the subterranean financial network that stretches from the diamond fields of West Africa and commodities markets in Europe and the Middle East to terrorist-front charities based in U.S. cities-and that remains intact and ready to support al Qaeda's next plot...(available at
My Country ‘Tis of Thee, a book by James B. Freeman
A Book Review By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé)
Born the son of town chief Manju Fahnbulleh, he was being groomed to learn the Qu’Ran and steps into his father’s shoes one day. But after he spends an afternoon at the local school singing with pupils, his life takes a turn. Rather than the Muslim school, he ends up at the Mission reading the Bible, graduating many years later from the premiere private Christian institution of Liberia, the Cuttington College and Divinity School. Mission schools could only take children whom they could “civilize,” not only by teaching them how to read or write English but also by instilling in them the ways of God according to the Holy Bible...
Liberian Educator Recommends A Department of Liberian Studies at Universities
(By Josephus Moses Gray)
Dr. Syrulwa Somah, a United States based Liberian educator and author stressed the need for the establishment of a Department of Liberian Studies at the various universities operating in Liberia to grant undergraduate and graduate degrees in Liberian Studies. Dr. Somah, a tenured Associate Professor of Occupational Safety and Health at North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University, Greensboro, North Carolina is also the Executive Director of the Liberian History, Education & Development, (LiHeDe), Inc.
Cuttington University College Students listen to Dr. Somah’s speech.
Who Will Lead Liberians to the Promised Land in 2005?
(By Dr. Syrulwa Somah)
God didn’t come down from heaven to lead the children of Israel to the Promised Land. Instead He counted on the children of Israel, the men, women, and children of the Hebrew people, led first by Moses, and then by Joshua, to follow His direction to the Promised Land. Today, in Liberia, we need good leaders such as Moses and Joshua to lead us on the path of unity, peace, and reconciliation so we can together rebuild our country. We ought to be tired of being slaves in our own country. It is time that we think long and hard about the kind of life we want for our children and ourselves tomorrow. We have to be firm in our desire to see total peace and stability in Liberia, otherwise we will continue to guess about the kind of life we want to live if we do not work together and choose the best leaders for us.
SIERRA LEONE: Taylor could be tried upon request by Liberian government (IRIN)
The former Liberian president Charles Taylor could be brought to trial in the near future if the government of Liberia issues a request, said the United Nations officials visiting Freetown.
Taylor’s Associates Decry UN Sanctions
By: Josephus Moses Gray)
What many describe as a “ radical” but positive decision taken recently by the Security Council of the United Nations to freeze the assets of several individuals especially close associates of the deposed regime of Charles Taylor is now said to be bearing fruits thereby greatly affecting those who have been brought to book by the world body.
Response to Review of "U.S. Policy Toward Liberia, 1822 to 2003" (AllAfrica)
As the author of "U.S. Policy Toward Liberia, 1822 to 2003" (Africana Homestead Legacy Publishers), I am saddened and disappointed that Dr. D. Elwood Dunn, in his review of my book felt compelled to resort to mis-statements of fact and baseless innuendo in an attempt to destroy my credibility, rather than to applaud a work that urges upon the United States government a more pro-active policy toward Liberia in its hour of need.
An Uneven Examination of U.S. Policy Toward Liberia (AllAfrica)
In this well-packaged presentation, Hyman joins a number of American observers of the Liberian political scene, especially during major moments in the country's modern history. Raymond Leslie Buell of Harvard sought in his writings to defend Liberia's interests during the crucial negotiations that led to Firestone's installation in the 1920s. Ibrahim Sundiata wrote perhaps the definitive account of the forced labor crisis of the 1930s. And J. Gus Liebenow articulated a "black colonialism" thesis in his path-setting Liberia: The Evolution of Privilege (1968).
Chairman Bryant Missed a Golden Opportunity in Eradicating Corruption
By Ambassador James B. Freeman)
Please allow me to comment on three articles that The Perspective carried on 18 June 2004... The three articles are:
"Liberian Diplomatic Passports in Wrong Hands-European Countries Raise Concern; NTGL Orders Probe" [published by The Inquirer in Monrovia and distributed by The Perspective],
We Welcome Probe Into Passport Scam [also published by The Inquirer in Monrovia and distributed by The Perspective] and
Liberian Officials sell Ambassador's Residence at 52 Whatley Avenue, London SW20 published by The Perspective.
Liberia’s Transitional Government Buys Luxurious Vehicles For Lawmakers
(By Josephus Moses Gray)
Amidst abject poverty, misery and hardship besetting the greater Liberian population, the National Transitional Government of Liberia (NTGL) with what is believed to be the approval of Chairman Charles Gyude Bryant, has paid deaf-ears to public outcry and proceeded to purchase luxurious vehicles worth over United States two million dollars for members of the First Branch of transitional government.
Liberians Bid Dr. Mary Antoinette Brown-Sherman Farewell
(By Winsley S. Nanka)
Middletown, New Jersey - Hundreds of exiled Liberians including academics, alumni and former students of the University of Liberia, former Liberian government officials and friends joined the Grimes, Brown and Sherman families on June 19, 2004 to bid Dr. Mary Antoinette Brown-Sherman 77, the former president of the University of Liberia farewell.
UN Security Council Mission Arrives Thursday (The Inquirer)
A 14-member United Nations Security Council Mission, headed by Ambassador Emyr Jones Parry, Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom to the United Nations, is scheduled to arrive in Liberia on 24 June for a two-day visit.
Grand Kru Representation Issue: What A Shame to the Kru People (The Inquirer)
One Monday morning in this month, I was awakened to a BBC program about the history of high-life music. As I listened to the program, the producer said that the ever popular “high-life” music of Ghana was carried there by Kru sailors and fishermen from the Southeastern region of Liberia.
Charles Bennie Asked To Prove Allegations About US$7m (The Inquirer)
The Chairman of the National Transitional Government of Liberia (NTGL), Charles Gyude Bryant, has appointed a committee chaired by Vice Chairman Wesley Johnson, to speedily inquire from the Commissioner of Customs, Charles Bennie, the basis of claims and allegations attributed to him by the Chronicle and Diary Newspapers.
Towards Elections 2005 (The Inquirer)
For sometime now, there have been concerns in certain quarters about the possibility of holding the 2005 general and presidential elections in accordance with the comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA).
MVTC Extends SOS Call (The Inquirer)
Following a protracted period of dormancy, the Monrovia Vocational Training Center (MVTC) in Paynesville has resumed operation under serious constraints due to the lack of basic equipment for its programs including training tools and cash.
Briefing Notes On Government’s Huge Spending And Practice Of National Neglect
(By the Foundation for Human Rights and Democracy (FOHRD), INC.) Liberia’s socioeconomic and political landscape is laboriously undergoing trying times again. Conditions had been acutely worse in nearly twenty years in the aftermath of civil upheavals that intermittently cropped up and brought life to outright standstill and turned it into menace for the people.
Former First Lady Decries UN’s Action On Her (The Inquirer)
Liberia’s former first lady, Madam Jewel Howard-Taylor says the decision of the United Nations Security Council to place her name on the Travel Ban list and also have her assets frozen, is a travesty of justice and denial of her right as a person.
Charles Taylor Out, But More Taylors Still In
By James Seitua)
The disgraceful departure of Charles Taylor from the Liberian presidency never ended his culture of theft and death he so artistically inculcated into his cronies. Some of these loyalists, now government officials by circumstance who in normal situations cannot pass for messengers, are the ones who are working with the government so that the government won’t work.
Occupation: Candidate For the Presidency of Liberia (Part II)
By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé)
The phone rang three times. I was in the middle of a story, a new book by former Ambassador James Freeman that flows like the St.Paul River, from tales of a remote village in 1950s’ Liberia to nightly escapades in Paris and to dehumanizing war displaced camps in Monrovia.
Any Attempt to ‘Hijack Rubber Plantation in Maryland? (The Inquirer)
A new campaign by certain individuals within the transitional government circle seeking to "hijack" the rubber plantation in Pleebo, Maryland County, to the detriment of the war weary citizens of the area has been uncovered.
“Peace Process is Irreversible” (The Inquirer)
Chairman Gyude Bryant yesterday challenged all Liberians to strive for peace and oppose any attempt that would derail the peace process, and asserted that the process is “irreversible”, therefore, every Liberian should work to achieve peace.
Finance Disburses Civil Servants Salary Checks (The Inquirer)
The Finance Ministry has begun the disbursement of salary checks for civil servants throughout the country. A Finance Ministry release said the payment covers all government ministries and agencies for the months of May and June respectively.
Liberian Ambassador’s Residence at 52 Whatley Avenue |
Liberian Officials sell Ambassador’s Residence at 52 Whatley Avenue, London SW20
As if it is not enough, another property of the Government of Liberia has been sold in London apparently with the full knowledge of the power that be in Monrovia. Historically, this is the third time that properties of the Liberian government have been sold in the City of London. From what most Liberians already know, the first time was in early 1986 when the then Ambassador Willie Givens sold the property at 21 Princess Gate. The second time was in 1997 when Gerard Cooper, then head of Liberia’s Maritime office in London, sold the
Ambassador’s residence in the porch area of New Malden. Now for the third time, staff of the embassy and officials of the interim government in Liberia are believed to have sold another property in London.
The Emerging Liberia: A Responsible Government Part II
David K. Flomo)
A year ago, The Perspective published my first article on "The Emerging Liberia: A Responsible Government" which outlined accountability and transparency in government if the NTGL of Chairman Charles C. Byrant is to restore some trust and confidence in government during this transition period.
Liberia’s Environment Remains Bleak
(By Morris Koffa)
It is now over four months and counting since the United Nations-sponsored Donor Conference was held in New York City in February 2004 for the post war reconstruction of Liberia. Donor countries and international aid agencies in sympathy with Liberia’s plight pledged over half a billion dollars to the rebuilding of the war-ravaged nation.
Liberian Diplomatic Passports In Wrong Hands (The Inquirer)
It has been disclosed in Monrovia by the head of the National Transitional Government of Liberia, Chairman Charles Gyude Bryant, that some European nations have expressed grave concern about the high number of individuals possessing Liberian diplomatic passports and therefore, posing as Honorable Consuls and Consul Generals representing Liberia abroad;as Patrick K. Wrokpoh reports.
We Welcome Probe Into Passport Scam (The Inquirer)
For years now, there have been persistent reports about Liberian passports found in the hands of wrong individuals. In the past, it was even alleged that some officials of government were marketing the passports, especially the diplomatic ones to individuals for financial reasons and not because they merit such.
UN Security Council Renews Travel Ban list (The Inquirer)
The Security Council Committee which has been established pursuant to resolution 1521(2003) concerning Liberia, has approved a new list of individuals and entities subject to measures contained in paragraph one of the Security Council resolution 1532.
World Vision(Lib.) Gets Liberian Country Director (The Inquirer)
The Christian relief and development agency, World Vision International has appointed a Liberian for the first time to head its Liberia program, since establishing the program here ten years ago.She is Etmonia Tarpeh, a certified educator and administrator. She was recruited recently in Dakar, Senegal, where she had worked for Plan International.
Picking Up the Pieces: Sierra Leone’s resurgence From Devastation
By Dr. Sakui W. G. Malakpa)
On May 1, 2004, Dr. Sakui W. G. Malakpa served as the keynote speaker on Sierra Leone Independence Day (April 27). The occasion was hosted by the Sierra Leone Association of Michigan (SLAM). Dr. Malakpa who is a Liberian, graduated from Albert Academy in Freetown, Sierra Leone. Currently, he serves as a professor at the College of Education, University of Toledo, OH.
Presidential Credentials
(By Beyan Samah)
Liberia is Africa’s oldest republic. It was founded by freed slaves from America who were in search of a free land. As Africa’s oldest republic, Liberia ought to be a shinning example of political freedom amongst the other nations of the continent. When one considers that Liberia was founded by freed slaves who were in search of a free land, it would be hard to deny that the very roots of our country were cultivated by the forces of freedom and liberty.
Two Liberian Educators Take Chairman Bryant to Task on the Lifting of Sanctions
(By Josephus Moses Gray)
Two Liberian educators presently visiting the country from the United States have seriously criticized the recent efforts by the Chairman of the National Transitional Government of Liberia (NTGL), Mr. Charles Gyude Bryant for the United Nations Security Council to lift the sanctions on Liberia.
Who carries the burden of proof - the accused or the accuser?
(By Charles Alake Williams )
In the June 14, 2004 publication entitled “Provide Evidence to the Contrary, not just Sheer Denial”, the writer called upon Mr. Harry Greaves, Economic Advisor to the Chairman of the National Transitional Government of Liberia (NTGL), and Counselor Varney Sherman, aspirant for President of Liberia during the October 2005 elections, to provide evidence that the NTGL did not pay for the ticket for Counselor Sherman’s recent visit to the United States.
Knuckles Calls For 4-Year Presidential Term (The Inquirer)
The president/owner of Transglobal Express Services, Mr. Willis D. Knuckles, Jr., has called for the term of office of the Liberian Presidency to be reduced to four years.
Violence Again? (The Inquirer)
Over the weekend, news from the Central Liberian provincial city of Gbarnga, said ethnic clashes have erupted between the Kpelle and Mandingo tribal groups in the area, resulting to the death of at least one person with several others wounded.
Assistant Police Chief Ordered Me Flogged (The Inquirer)
A 16-year old boy has accused the Assistant Police Director for Interpol Affairs of ordering some of his bodyguards to flog him on grounds that he had allegedly stolen a 20-watt tape recorder from his house.
“Our Brother was Killed for his Land" (The Inquirer)
Relatives of the late Harrison Tarplah who was recently mobbed to death by a group of residents at the Timber field Community around the Freeport, say their brother was killed by persons illegally occupying his land in the area.
Maryland University Students Threaten Court Action Against MODEL Rebels
By Josephus Moses Gray)
Students from the Liberian southeastern county of Maryland enrolled at the University of Liberia, under the banner of Maryland University Student Association (MUSA), has threatened legal action against the MODEL rebels, if it fails to halt all forms of inhumane treatment against the peaceful residents of their county.
No Genuine Commitment to Accountability and Transparency in NTGL
By Dusty Wolokolie)
Quoting Chairman Bryant’s final remarks in his June 3rd Address to the UN Security Council in which he failed to convince the Council members to lift sanctions on timber and diamonds, one can readily rationalize that the failure to convince is due to the fact that the arguments advanced are bereft of any evidence of the NTGL attempting to comply with an essential precondition by the international community – accountability and transparency in development of sound fiscal policies and adoption of proper and acceptable financial management practices.
Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf Embarks On Humanitarian Program, Calls For Greater Unity
(By Josephus Moses Gray)
What one might describes as a challenging and difficult task for a single individual especially a female to undertake in a country that is devastated by a 14-year of bloody war, is what a Liberian political figure is embarking upon.
The Spiritual Dimension: A Key Ingredient for a Successful DDR Program in Liberia
By Rev. Wilfred M. Manyango)
People of all walks of life, whether religious or non-religious, would agree that there is more to a human being than just the physical, material or flesh. Mankind is also comprised of an immaterial component. Whether you refer to it as soul or spirit, we all have an immaterial part. Both our material and immaterial components are integral to how we behave and act.
The Role and Status of Liberian Women
By Samuel Zohnjaty Joe )
How can improvement in the role and status of Liberian women have a beneficial impact on development prospects in Liberia? This kind of question would in normal circumstances generate a lot of theories and propositions by economists, politicians, journalists, and market women. This is a very critical question to address; owing to the fact Liberia as a nation we never had a defined economic approach to poverty alleviation in the sector in question.
NEC Warns Against Use of State Funds (The Inquirer)
In the wake of claims in some quarters that some political aspirants have already begun receiving and spending state funds on political campaign activities for the pending elections, the National Elections Commission(NEC) says it will not hesitate to institute punitive action against anyone or group found engaged in such acts; as Patrick K. Wrokpoh reports.
Amb. Foyah Donates To Foyah Varsity Students (The Inquirer)
The Sierra Leonean Ambassador accredited to Liberia, Dr. Patrick James Foyah yesterday donated US$1,000 to the Foyah University Students Association.
Provide Evidence to the Contrary, not just Sheer Denial
(By Frederick Varney)
I am constrained by time to lately respond to Harry Greaves’ article: [
A Response To The Analyst Newspaper's "Graduation spree or State visit?" Article]. Mr. Greaves sadly failed to address the key issue at stake in the Analyst June 1st 2004 (Vol.5 #125) edition. The Analyst claimed that Varney Sherman, Harry Greaves and others were in the United States on Liberian Government expense as members of Chairman Gyude Bryant's delegation.
How Liberians Live on the Camp at Buduburam in Ghana
(By Saah Charles N'Tow)
I recently returned from the Buduburam Refugee Camp in Ghana. The trip was sponsored by the Black River Project (BRP), as part of a collaborative effort with the Liberian Professionals in Rhode Island (LPRI). While the Black River Project focuses on refugees’ health, Liberian professionals in Rhode Island focuses on refugees orientation and adjustment to their new environment.
Statement from the Liberian Studies Association on the Death of Dr. Mary Antoinette Brown-Sherman
The members of the Liberian Studies Association are deeply saddened to hear of the death of Dr. Mary Antoinette Brown-Sherman, former President of the University of Liberia.
Speed Up The Investigation! (The Inquirer)
ON LAST THURSDAY, the Vice Chairman of the National Transitional Government of Liberia(NTGL),Wesley Momo Johnson openly expressed his frustration over the slow pace of the investigation into the murder of the late John Auffrey, a member of the last United States Military Mission that visited the country to assess conditions for the possible restructuring of the Armed Forces of Liberia(AFL)
For Possible Lifting of Sanctions On Liberia: UN Team Coming in 90 Days (The Inquirer)
Contrary to claims in some quarters that the NTGL Chairman Charles Gyude Bryant’s mission to the UN headquarters to meet with the Security Council relative to the lifting of the sanctions on the country was unsuccessful, the transitional government head says the response was positive as a UN Mission is due in Liberia within 90 days
Global Funds Gives over US$23m (The Inquirer)
The international group, Global Funds has approved a Grant of US$24.3million to help in Liberia’s fight against HIV/AIDS pandemic, Malaria and Tuberculosis; as Patrick K. Wrokpoh reports.
"Liberians Must Not Select Untrained People for Leadership" (The Inquirer)
A Liberian educator and author, Dr. Syrulwa Somah says Liberians need to do away with selecting people who are not trained to be their leaders.
U.N. Decides to Maintain Liberia Sanctions (Associated Press)
The U.N. Security Council decided Thursday that peace in Liberia (news - web sites) was still too fragile to lift sanctions but acknowledged progress by the West African country toward meeting conditions to end timber and diamond embargoes.
Report of the Liberian Community Association of Northern California Humanitarian Aid Mission to Liberia
(By Rufus S. Berry II)
Liberians residing in Northern California have witnessed the ongoing suffering of Liberians in Liberia, especially the women and children. Liberia and its people have been devastated by more than fourteen years of civil war. We realize that life is a gift. LCANC decided to assist in the healing, reconciliation and reconstruction of our beloved country through a humanitarian aid drive.
“To Everything Turn, Turn, Turn...” A Time To Lift Sanctions?
By Gbe Sneh)
To seek the lifting of Sanctions On Diamonds and Timber (UN Resolution 1521) at this time is to place the cart before the horse. True it is that the sanctions are UN based, but isn't it wise that we take them a step further by treating them as self-imposed restrictions? In other words, while the sanctions may have succeeded in curbing the flow of arms, it is arguable that a blueprint for a transparent and accountable administration of the mining and timber industries are not yet in place.
Liberia is not Ripe for the Lifting of UN Sanctions
Contrary to the appeal from the Liberian Interim leader that UN sanctions regime imposed on Liberia be lifted because the Taylor government is no longer in power and that sanctions are hurting Liberians, recent report filed by the UN Panel of Experts on Liberia indicates that the West African nation is not yet ripe for the lifting of sanctions.
Angry Refugees Protest the Untimely Death of Legendary Goal Keeper
By Ernest G. Smith Jr. & Mantue S. Reeves)
The international refugee community at Oru refugee camp in Oru-Ijebu, Ogun State, Nigeria on the fateful morning of Thursday, June 3, 2004 awoke amidst loud noise and chants from angry Liberian refugees. The protest was the result of the untimely death of former Liberian legendary goalkeeper Boye “Dino Zoff” Cooper, who according to eye-witnesses died because the camp commandant refusal to rush him to Ogun State University Teaching Hospital at Sagamu, Ogun State.
Educational Project for Liberia
(By Alex Redd)
The Lutheran Memorial Church in Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A will embark on an educational project dubbed "School Kit," a drive intended to help needy Liberian students with stationery supply that will be used in the classroom.
Liberia's rebels suspend leader (BBC)
Liberia's main rebel group has suspended its leader Sekou Conneh.Officials from Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy (Lurd) took the decision last night on the recommendation of their military wing.
Remembering Former US President Reagan From A Liberian Perspective
By Cecil Franweah Frank)
Since the passing of former US President Ronald Wilson Reagan on Saturday, June 5, many tributes have been pouring in to honor his memory, mostly from Europe. As one commentator put it on CNN, Mr. Reagan was immensely popular in the US than on the international arena, which contrasts sharply with his predecessor President Jimmy Carter. As if to reflect his standing in the eyes of men, Mr. Reagan was given many names, including "Dutch" (his official biography was written under this name) and the "Great Communicator" for what seems to be his adept ability to connect to voters and the American people as a whole.
Liberia’s sanctions are holding, UN report says - (UN)
A United Nations expert panel on Liberia has found no proof of weapons-smuggling into the West African country after August 2003 or of diamond- and timber-smuggling out, and the imposed sanctions contributed significantly to ending the country’s armed conflicts over a 14-year period.
I’m Here To Monitor CPA’s Implementation, Discuss Elections Issues -Says ECOWAS Facilitator (The Inquirer)
ECOWAS’ Chief Facilitator Gen. Abdulsalami Abubakar says his presence in the country at this time is to demonstrate the importance ECOWAS and the International Community attach to the electoral process of the transitional arrangement.
Parties Want Local Elections Before National… (The Inquirer)
Some political parties attending an ongoing two-day consultative meeting of signatories to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement are proposing that elections for local government officials be held before national elections come 2005
Liberia In Urgent Need Of Leadership
Where did Chairman Bryant go wrong? What did he do right? Why all the fuss? Where is the love? How soon we forget that yesterday we were at war. Yesterday, shells were raining down on the most populous city in Liberia, Monrovia.
In Support of Political Parties (The Inquirer)
In its efforts to ensuring that the pending elections are free, fair and transparent, the National Elections Commission(NEC) has been holding discussions and consultations with relevant groups and institutions in the country. Besides, it has been touring some parts of the country to get first-hand information about electoral issues.
“Eat Their Rice, But Vote Your Conscience” (The Inquirer)
The Managing Editor of The INQUIRER Newspaper, Mr. Philip N. Wesseh has cautioned Liberians to vote wisely in the upcoming 2005 elections so as to move the country forward. He cautioned Liberians to be very conscious and not to sell their birthrights for a bag of rice from over zealous political candidates.
Wives of 2 Slain Officials Still Demanding Justice (The Inquirer)
The wives of two slain former government officials, the late John Yormie and the late Isaac Vaye, are still demanding justice for their gruesome murder.
Rallying Call For Mandate 2005
By Brownie J. Samukai)
The anticipated Election in 2005 is intended to redirect our nation on the path towards peace, and prosperity. Avalanche of political parties and presidential aspirants in a traumatized society like ours may reflect the desire for expansive political involvement on the assumption that "the presidency is the basis for power and wealth without fear of accountability". In a society with less than 35% literacy rate and assuming that majority of potential voters are presently living in displaced areas in and around Monrovia, the rationale for level playing the field must reflect the desire of the traumatized population (including Civil Society, former combatants, and the larger society) for a government accountable to its people through a realistic strategy designed prior to elections 2005.
The Role of the Bassa in Reshaping Liberia
Dr. Syrulwa Somah, an Associate Professor of Occupational Safety and Health at NC A&T State University and Executive Director of the Liberian History, Education & Development, Inc. (LIHEDE) , during the Memorial Day weekend (May 28 – 31, 2004) served as the Keynote Speaker at the 14th National Convention of the United Bassa Organization in the Americas (UNIBOA), Inc. The Convention was held in Atlanta, Georgia
Charles Taylor’s Men linked to Killing of American Citizen in Liberia
(By Josephus Moses Gray)
Reports gathered in Monrovia have linked two top close associates of exiled former Liberian President Charles Taylor to the killing of a high profile American citizen, John Auffery, 44, who was a civilian employee of the U.S. Defense Department.
A Response To The Analyst Newspaper's "Graduation spree or State visit?" Article
(By Harry A. Greaves, Jr.)
I read with bemusement the article captioned, "Graduation spree or State visit?", in the June 1st edition of The Analyst newspaper, asserting that I and a number of other members of the Bryant administration are merrymaking in the United States instead of attending to matters of state.
Angry Crowd mobs Man to Death (The Inquirer)
Some residents of “Timber Field” on the Somalia Drive near the Freeport of Monrovia yesterday mobbed to death a middle-aged man for his alleged connection with the mysterious death of a child.
Finance Opens Revenue Post near Kakata (The Inquirer)
The Finance Ministry has announced the erection of a new Custom Port of Entry by the Bureau of Customs on the outskirt of Kakata, Margibi County.
PUL, UNMIL Begin Series of Workshops Today (The Inquirer)
The Press Union of Liberia (PUL), in collaboration with the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL), will today, June 7 begin a month-long series of workshops under the theme “Empowering Liberian Media for Sustainable Peace.”
Ellen Sirleaf on UP’s Strength (The Inquirer)
Liberia’s “Iron Lady” of its contemporary politics and Unity Party’s standard bearer, Mrs. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf boasts that the strength of her party is “the bringing together of people from all walks of lives to work for the development of Liberia”.
How Lone Star Clipped Aigles’ Wings (The Inquirer)
From the Antoinette Tubman Stadium (ATS) to the Baptist Seminary and to the Samuel Kanyon Doe Sports Complex was all it took for the Liberian national soccer team, Lone Star to clip the wings of Mali’s Aigles.
UN Mission In Liberia Decorates Namibian Peacekeepers
By Josephus Moses Gray)
The United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) on June 3rd presented medals to Namibian troops on a peacekeeping mission in Liberia at a well organized and elaborate ceremony. The ceremony is one of series of similar occasions held for other countries contributing to the UN mission to Liberia.
A Trip Down Memory Lane: What's cooking in Abuja again?
(By Wellington Geevon-Smith)
As a daily routine in the evening before leaving office, I browsed all the websites that focus on news from Liberia on Wednesday and came across this headline on two of the websites: "ECOWAS KEEN ON LIBERIA'S ELECTIONS - Invites NEC Chairman to Abuja". Two words mentioned in the headline; ‘NEC' and ‘Abuja' took me down memory lane.
Liberians In Nigeria Mourn Soccer Legend
(By Richard F. Ngafuan & Ernest G. Smith, Jr.)
Boye "Dino Zoff" Cooper, former Liberian celebrated national goalkeeper has died on the Oru Refugees Camp amidst the wailing and tears of grief - stricken refugees at the Oru Refugees Camp. The legendary Boye Cooper died from a brief illness during the early hours of Thursday, June 3, 2004 at precisely 1:36 A.M.
Another Cash offer for the Arrest of killers (The Inquirer)
Some Liberian American Military veterans in the United States of America are offering US$10,000 for the arrest and prosecution of the killer(s) of John Auffery, an American who was recently murdered in a local hotel last month.
ECOWAS Women Observe 29th Anniv. (The Inquirer)
ECOWAS Women in Liberia on Saturday commemorated the 29th Anniversary of the sub- regional body, Economic Community of West Africa(ECOWAS), with appropriate program.
As Fuel Prices Increases On World Marker Gov't Takes Step to Avert petrol shortage (The Inquirer)
The National Transitional Government of Liberia has announced an immediate increase in the pump price of petroleum products.
Not For Profiteering (The Inquirer)
JUST YESTERDAY, THE National Transitional Government of Liberia (NTGL), issued a statement announcing an increase in the pump price of petroleum products on the local market.
Africa Will Become The New Breeding Ground For Terrorists If...
(Letter from Thomas Awadjie)
Here is a topic I have touched on several times, according to an article in The Perspective "Al-Queda suspect hid in Liberia after the embassy attacks". I have always stated that Africa will become the new breeding ground for terrorists if the international community continues to ignore the African continent.
Slain American's Body Flown Home, …4 Nabbed; Prime Suspect Still At Large (The Inquirer)
The mortal remains of the slain American, John Auffrey, has been flown back to the United States of America, where an autopsy is expected to be performed on the body.
China Brings In Supplies (The Inquirer)
The Government of the People's Republic of China has brought in a consignment of office and medical equipment as well as other logistical supplies valued at US$1.2 million as a goodwill gesture towards the people of Liberia and a boost to the operation of the National Transitional Government of Liberia (NTGL).
As Fuel Prices Increase On World market: Will NTGL Reduce Taxes Or Accept Increase? (The Inquirer)
The mounting increase in the price of petroleum products on the world market is gradually affecting the Liberian market. With the sharp increase in price on the global market, importers are said be to losing and could forgo the importation of the products into the country unless the government of Liberia act swiftly and appropriately.
Handle It With Extreme Care (The Inquirer)
TODAY, IMPORTERS OF petroleum products are expected to meet with the management of the Liberia Petroleum Refining Company (LPRC) to discuss a number of issues relative to the petroleum industry in the country.
Firestone, Union Sign Bargaining Agreement (The Inquirer)
The Firestone Rubber Plantation Company and the General Agriculture and Allied Workers Union of Liberia (GAAWUL) local number one, FAWUL, have formally signed their post-war collective bargaining agreement in Monrovia.
Muammar Gaddafi |
The African Continent Mired in One Violent Conflict After Another
By Kate S. Peabody)
Is it any wonder that the African continent is mired in one violent conflict after another? Consider the comments made by Libyan president Muammar Gaddafi at the recent Censad conference in Bamako, Mali.
Al-Qaeda Suspects Hid in Liberia After Embassy Attacks (AP)
Al-Qaeda suspects in the bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998 took refuge in Liberia after the attacks, the Associated Press reported, citing a United Nations court investigation.
Chinese Experts Coming to Assess hydro Plant (The Inquirer)
It has been disclosed in Monrovia that a team of Chinese experts are expected in the country to carry out a comprehensive assessment of the Mount Coffee Hydro plant; as Timothy T. Seaklon reports.
JPC Ends Two-Day Human Rights Workshop In Buchanan (The Inquirer)
A two-day human rights and peace building training workshop organized by the Catholic Justice and Peace Commission (JPC) and funded by Mercy Corps under its Diompilor Program, ended over the weekend in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County.
Support City Corporation (The Inquirer)
ON MONDAY, THE Monrovia City Corporation through Mayor Ophelia Hoff-Saytumah lamented the lack of financial and logistical support from the Central Government to carry out its statutory mandate of making Monrovia a clean and healthy place.
City Hall Cries For Help (The Inquirer)
The lack of adequate funding is said to be hampering the smooth operations of the Monrovia City Corporation (MCC) in its strive to make Monrovia a garbage-free city.
Stability returning to Liberia but challenges remain - UN report
1 June 2004 United Nations troops have made steady progress in stabilizing Liberia and are now deployed almost throughout the country but challenges remain as the country attempts to consolidate peace, Secretary-General Kofi Annan says in a report released today.
"Breakdown of Family encouraging prostitution" -CPD's Survey reveals (The Inquirer)
It has been gathered that the breakdown of family union caused as a result of the civil war, has left many children to support themselves directly and encourages them into anti-social activities such as prostitution.
Irish peacekeepers return from Liberia (Breaking
The first contingent of Irish troops has returned home from Liberia after serving on a UN peacekeeping mission in the war-torn African country.
Storm Destroys Several Homes in Barnersville (The Inquirer)
About 150 persons were made homeless yesterday in the Behwein Community as a result of a heavy storm during a downpour of rain that lasted for some 30 minutes. The storm removed the roofs of 30 homes and uprooted trees within the community that is located behind the Barnersville Housing Estates yesterday.
The United Nations Must Maintain the Sanctions Imposed on Liberia until After the 2005 Elections
(By Winsley S. Nanka)
Media reports from Liberia indicate the interim Liberian head of state; Charles Gyude Bryant has departed Liberia for the United States to address the United Nations Security Council on June 3, 2004. According to the reports, Charles Gyude Bryant would persuade "the United Nations Security Council to lift the sanctions imposed on Liberia diamond and timber industries."
Taylor Loses War Crimes Appeal (BBC)
Former Liberian President Charles Taylor has lost his appeal against being prosecuted for war crimes. The UN-backed Special Court for Sierra Leone ruled that it does have the right to try Mr Taylor for his alleged role in the 10-year Sierra Leone civil war.
Civil Servants Begin Two-Day "Go Slow" Action (The Inquirer)
Despite repeated appeal from the National Transitional Government of Liberia (NTGL) to the Civil Servants Association of Liberia to abandon its "stay home" action, the latter is calling on its members to observe the planned action for two days beginning today.
UPP Wants Presidential Aspirants in Gov't Resign (The Inquirer)
The United People's Party (UPP) has urged presidential aspirants currently serving in government to immediately resign their posts. The party said as the 2005 election approaches, it has observed the emergence of a troubling electoral behavior that has the potential to make the political playing field un-level.
Media women Want UNMIL Rescue 25 children (The Inquirer)
The Liberian Women Media Action Committee (LIWOMAC) is imploring the National Transitional Government of Liberia LNTG and the United Nations Mission in Liberia UNMIL to secure the release of some 25 children subjected into slavery by Zig-zag Mazai, a notorious general of the Charles Taylor militia.
FDA Seeks Lifting of Sanctions on Timber (The Inquirer)
The Managing Director of the Forestry Development Authority (FDA), Mr. Dean Eugene Wilson has extended an appeal to the United Nations Security Council(UNSC) to lift the sanctions on Liberia's timber sector.