A Response to Mrs. Jewell Howard Taylor
By Eric S. Kaba )
The Liberian Daily Observer published an article on December 14, 2005 under the title ““I Will Not Support Extradition”. In that article Mrs. Taylor is quoted as saying a number of things, some of which I found to be very offensive, false and down right outrageous. In this rather belated reaction I will attempt to respond to some of her sickening statements.
LIBERIA’S BUDGET DROPS TO US$520M - Pres. Sirleaf Discloses (Forum)
President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has disclosed that Liberia which used to have an annual budget of 600 million United States dollars is today trailing behind by 520 million United States dollars as its present budget stands at 80 million USD.
Horror at LAC! - Widow Cries for Justice (Forum)
While the Management of the Liberia Agriculture Company (LAC) might be pursuing the residents of Compound #3, Grand Bassa County for the death of the company worker, Morris Zogbor, there are different versions emanating from the widow of the deceased and the locals concerning the circumstances surrounding the mysterious death of Morris; writes, Josiah S. Hallie.
NPA Stops All Employments - As New MD Takes Over (Forum)
The New Management of the National Port Authority through the Board of Directors has placed a moratorium on all new employments.
Observational And Situational Report: Liberia Medical And Dental Association Of The USA (LMDA-USA) Visiting Professorship Program At The A. M. Dogliotti College Of Medicine, University Of Liberia
(By Dougbeh C. Nyan)
As Liberia dawns into another critical era in our country's history, there is a need to contribute to the reconstruction efforts in various sectors of the society in order to direct the country on the path of academic progress and socio-economic development. On this note, the Liberia Medical and Dental Association of the USA (LMDA-USA) initiated a Visiting Professor Program to assist the A. M. Dogliotti College of Medicine of the University of Liberia with instructional materials and manpower.
The Liberian International Professional Networking Directory
Thanks to hundreds of Liberians and Friends of Liberia who responded by completing the personal data form. Due to the overwhelming response, the directory will be published earlier than planned (early summer). We’ve already documented over 130 pages of professional and business information.
President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf: Daunting Challenges and Extraordinary Opportunities
By Chinua Akukwe)
Liberia on Monday January 16, 2006 began the process of regaining its historical role in Africa as the oasis of stability and inspiration when its new president, Madam Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf assumed office. As the first elected female president in Africa, President Johnson-Sirleaf made history for herself, for women and her country. However, the new president must now contend with major challenges.
Learning from the Zambian Experience
(By James Seitua)
The sky is the limit when a genuine humanitarian effort mixes with a heroic national spirit. The coming together of forces such as these, no doubt, generates a tremendous power not only because the people involved are selflessly dedicated, but also because the mission they set for themselves – service to humanity – is greater than the power of the world’s most notorious tyrant.
All business owners all over the world should applaud Mr. Doe for this article: “Why many Liberian-owned businesses fail: A first person account”
(A Letter)
I have been reading The Perspective online for many years and this is the first time that I felt a need to comment on an article. The article, “Why many Liberian-owned businesses fail: A first person account” is one of the best pieces of work that the Perspective has ever published. I am an American female with a husband who has recently started a business in Liberia.
Let This Be The Beginning Of Progress (Forum)
LIBERIANS HERE AND those in the Diaspora joyfully celebrated the ushering in of the first female President into office yesterday marking the new dawn of our democracy in the country.
Corruption Will Be My Enemy - Sirleaf (Forum)
(By: Lewis Glay)
If anything attracted the people of Liberia and their foreign partners at yesterday’s inauguration of Madam Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf and Amb. Joseph N. Boakai, it was the vow to declare public assets very shortly in pursuit of a fight against corruption.
Methodist Church Undertakes Conflict Resolution Initiative (Forum)
(By: Lewis K. Glay)
Following years of civil war in Liberia, conflict resolution remains an outstanding obligation for institutions and individuals to fulfill.
LAC Accused of H’Rights Violations - Citizens Vow Mass Action (Forum)
Residents of Districts #3 & 4 of Grand Bassa County have accused the Management of the Liberia Agriculture Company (LAC) of committing worse human rights violations.
Could Tell It Like It Is: The Speaker Of The House Race Was A FARCE
By Gbe Sneh)
Corruption, as a powerful destabilizing force, has manifested in the outcome of the just concluded Speaker’s Race. Corruption has a knack for self-replication. Thus the failure of a vast majority of our Members of The House of Representatives to consider corruption as one of the deciding factors in who becomes Speaker is indicates that corruption has already found its way in the new era of governance, and is about to be propagated if strong measures are not taken for its immediate arrest.
Food Policy: The “Iron Lady” Vervus The World Bank
(By J. Yanqui Zaza)
Could our President-elect, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf influence the World Bank (WB) to abandon its antagonism toward the idea of a state becoming a guarantor of food, a policy that would provide jobs and save her children? Dr. Lawrence Amos Zumo, a Liberian neurologist residing in Maryland, USA, commenting on Emily Wax’s article, said the 2005 elections, held after wicked, murderous years, without sustainable programs such as food production, might not save our children and our nation.
Finding Common Purpose In The Face Of Broken Bridges: Liberia’s Search for Ethnic Tolerance and Peaceful Co-existence
A presentation at the King Sao Bosso Lecture Series
By: Counselor Tiawan Saye Gongloe
Human Rights Lawyer)
Let me first thank the Liberian Mandingo Association of Pennsylvania for inviting me to address this important lecture series. Named in honor of Sao Bosso, a powerful King of 19th Century Western Liberia, who attempted to bring several Liberian ethnic groups under the Condo-confederation, the kingdom led by him and who also served as a sober voice resolving the dispute between some of his colleagues and the American Colonization Society
Liberians need to be optimistic--but cautiously
Joseph K. Solo)
Recently, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Kofi Annan expressed concerns that there are looming clouds over the relatively peaceful atmosphere that exist in Liberia today. The secretary-general highlighted certain issues which if not dealt with prudently and with level head could potentially disrupt the peace that has been enjoyed so far in that war wearied country.
Blazing Fire Of Corruption At NPA
-Over US$2M Disappears
With few more days of Joe Gbala-led administration at the National Port Authority (NPA) to face away, information gathered by The FORUM has revealed that for the period under review, more than two million United States and several hundred thousand Liberian dollars are said to be missing or gone in people’s pockets at the entity.
Job Creation Necessary: As Ellen Diagnoses Liberia’s Postwar Economy for Revamping
(By Josiah Hallie)
With the elections being over and many Liberians are now awaiting inauguration, all eyes are focused on the incoming government of Madam Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf as how she will remodel the socio-economic development system of this country after being affected for the past fourteen years.
The Day Monrovia Stood Still
(By: Emmanuel King, Jr.)
Residents of Monrovia had begun the day beautifully conducting normal business when I suddenly heard at around 12:15p.m. on Friday January 6, 2005 that traffic in Central Monrovia had come to a stand still.
Could Snowe Be Guilty of Perjury?
By Gbe Sneh)
We are going to let the National Election Commission handle this one. It fall flatly in NEC’s nest. Making electoral candidates declare their assets, which we presume was administered “UNDER OATH”, is now paying dividend.
Teaching Youth To Transcend Ethnic Difference: The Road From Polarization To Pluralism
(By Emmanuel Dolo)
In the previous months, my works have had three purposes. First, they have sought to call attention to shortcomings in the public policy making infrastructure within youth, healthcare, and social welfare. Second, they have been aimed at policy and institutional realignments in these arenas. Third, they have been geared toward shaping legislative priorities in the upcoming government. This paper deviates slightly from such a schema
The Corporate Side Of Corruption
By Gbe Sneh)
The adage literally reads, “We Talk Here, To Talk Over There.” We’ve heard it similarly expressed as, “It Takes Two To Tango.” Recently the news is dominated by the uproar on public corruption. But, often times the corrupt public official has a silent partner, the corrupt private corporation. It is now time to let these private corporations know that we are also aware of their role in fueling the nationwide corruption.
Why many Liberian-owned businesses fail: A first person account
(By Jackson Fiah Doe, Jr)
Travel with me, if you will, back in time to the early 1980’s. As a kid growing up in the northeastern Liberian city of Sanniquellie, I knew many foreign and Liberian businessmen; most of them were my father’s friends. They often visited my father – the late Jackson F. Doe, an erudite and well-respected politician – at our home, and discussed many issues, including business. It was there that I keenly observed the differences between these two groups. The Liberian businessmen were always well groomed and flamboyant.
Edwin Snowe, Managing Director of LPRC |
A Baptism Of Fire For The "Snow"
By Wonderr Koryenen Freeman)
If you were a snow, and you are dreaming your promise land – the Liberian presidency, but you are told you can only achieve your dream if and only if you can undergo a baptism of fire, what would you do? Impossible, foolhardy, terribly risky, forget it – would be some of the most common answers. But if you lived in Liberia prior to and during the prolonged civil war, you wouldn’t think it’s impossible though, after all, during the those periods Liberians clapped for the ridiculous and shouted death to common sense.
Two Gifts for the New Year: Travel Ban Respected & U.N. Reveals Misuse of US $10 Million Public Funds at the LPRC
The Center for Democratic Empowerment welcomes the decision of the Government of Ghana to prevent those on the U.N sanction list from entering their country. Four members of Parliament have been denied that privilege and this is a harbinger of things to come. It is often said that “as you make your bed so shall you lie in it” The four constituencies in Liberia...
New Directions In Public Policymaking In Liberia: Part II
(By Emmanuel Dolo)
In Part I of this paper, public policy referred to actions mandated by legislation in response to public problems. Public policy arises out of vigorous debate and compromise, and represents the beliefs, values, and social preferences of those responsible to evolve these ideals. Public policy is n ot synonymous with programs. Instead, it provides principles that inform the development of specific programs.
Unleashing Their Attack Dogs
By Ezekiel Pajibo)
When I called a press conference in my capacity as Director of the Center for Democratic Empowerment, (CEDE) to update the Liberian public on the probable misuse of public funds at the Liberia Petroleum Refining Company (LPRC), I anticipated that some Liberians would welcome this act of public duty and others would disagree and a third, perhaps those targeted and thereby the wounded ones, would disagree violently. Thus far my critics have employed such tactics as mudslinging, character assassination, mis-information and out right lies.
The Historical and Pedagogic Relevance of the Dunn-Allen Debate: A Comment
(By Moses Saigee Geply)
The growth of knowledge in societies throughout history has had one common trend, whether in the ancient Kingdoms of Asia, Africa and what is known today as Latin America or in the Europe of the “Dark Ages”. That unique similarity, in the days of Socrates, was called “dialogue” or what is known in contemporary linguistic schools as “debate”. The importance of debate as “a pedagogical device” in crystallizing issues has led some universities such as Oxford to encourage students, before leaving their walls, to eagerly participate in the school’s debate clubs as a way of sharpening their intellectual skills.