Condemns Walkout at Liberia Disarmament Talks (Reuters)
MONROVIA (Reuters) - The United States on Friday condemned Liberian
factions for walking out of the inaugural meeting of a disarmament scheme
and urged them to return, saying the plan was the only hope of lasting
Civil society
In Liberia threatens Strike Action (The
The Civil Society Movement of Liberia has threatened a three-day stay-home
action if the parties to the comprehensive Accra peace agreement continue
to violate the it thus undermining the peace process. The Chairman
of the 35-member coordinating committee of the seven sectoral groups
of the Civil Society Movement of Liberia, Mr. Dan Saryee said since
the signing of the Accra peace agreement, the chairman of the National
Transitional Government of Liberia(NTGL), Gyude Bryant and other parties
continue to violate the agreement.
peacekeepers to start for Liberia on Nov. 30
(People's Daily)
China's first team of peacekeepers to the west African nation of Liberia,
composed of five policemen, will set off on Nov. 30, according to
sources from the Ministry of Public Security (MPS).
Members Question Former Officials (The
Members of the US-based organization, ‘Union of Liberian Associations
in the Americas’ (ULAA) are questioning the presence of two
of its officials in the National Transitional Government of Liberia
Liberian President Speaks Out
(The Inquirer)
Former president Moses Z. Blah has said that the former GOL will exert
every effort to bring lasting peace to Liberia. He said as head of
the former Government of Liberia, he will collaborate and cooperate
with relevant groups including the United States Government, the International
Community, the African Union, ECOWAS and the National Transitional
Government of Liberia (NTGL) to fully implement the comprehensive
Accra peace accord.
The Army is Costly;
disband it
(By Kolec E. Jessey)
In a recent remark that has sparked a major debate, the head of the
United Nations mission in Liberia, Jack Klein, called for the abolishment
of the national army arguing that soldiers only “play cards and
plot coups”. If Liberia is to break with the circle of continuing
violence for the past 14 years, then Liberians need to listen to Mr.
Klien and others calling for the elimination of the army and demilitarized
the country. In fact a few weeks ago, I suggested that that the decision
to reorganize the army should be deferred until after the elections
because organizing the army under the present military (warlord) leadership
will create an army that will be saturated with rebel fighters of LURD,
MODEL, and NPFL that have no respect for human rights and the rules
of law.
cannot Afford to Take its Stability and Security for Granted
(By Cecil Franweah Frank)
Over the pass few weeks I have been following with interest
the argument surrounding the issue as to whether post-war Liberia
needs an army or not. This all began with the statement of the SG
Special Representative to Liberia, Mr. Jacques Klein, which was reported
by the UN Integrated Regional Information Network published online
on November 5, in which Mr. Klein stated that Liberia does not need
an army. Since then there has been statements and counter-statements
made on this issue. A lot has been mentioned about this and in particular
I would like to draw attention to the positive observations made by
Ezekiel Pajibo in his article piece under the heading 'Does Liberia
Need an Army? A Rejoinder to NTLA's Speaker Pronouncement."
ULAA's Thanksgiving
The Union of Liberians Associations in the Americas, ULAA
extends special greetings to all Liberians residing in the Diaspora,
as well as friends of Liberia on this occasion of National Thanksgiving.
The Union is exceedingly thankful to the Almighty God for showering
his mercy and Grace on Liberia for the relative peace and tranquility
that is now prevailing in Liberia. The Union also expresses special
thanks to the Economic Community of West African States, ECOWAS, the
United Nations, the United States Government, and the international
community for their sacrifices and support for the peace process in
Fist fight
for Jobs In Monrovia (The Inquirer)
As the scramble for jobs in the National Transitional Government of
Liberia (NTGL) continues in Monrovia, a group of persons believed
to be partisans of the All Liberian Coalition Party(ALCOP), yesterday
stormed the Ministry of Youth and Sports (MYS) to forcibly install
their favored candidate as Deputy Minister-designate/Administration.
Says It Would Surrender Liberian for Trial There (Associated
Nigeria will surrender ousted Liberian leader Charles Taylor to face
a war crimes trial if Liberia requests it, President Olusegun Obasanjo
said Tuesday.
Failure to Speak Out Has Undermined the Creation of a Democratic Society
(By Winsley Nanka)
Liberians’ failure to speak out against undemocratic practices
in the Liberian society has undermined the creation of a democratic
Liberia. Liberians have a history of sitting silently while repressive
governments humiliate the few that dare to speak out or challenge
the political system. Cases in point are: In the 1950s, David D. Coleman,
Didhwo Twe (D. Twe), Nete Sieh Brownell, Tuan Wreh, and the others
that challenged the autocratic rule of Liberia’s 18th President,
William V.S. Tubman were subjected to all forms of inhumane treatments
resulting into either deaths, forced exile or years in jail.
Wants Revolution of Authority in Liberia
(By Sidiki Trawally)
The former interim president of Liberia says there is a need for a
revolution of constitutional authority that will provide opportunities
for people to serve, thereby decongesting the Monrovia power-access,
which is centralized in the presidency. "Let there be a kind
of revolution of authority," Dr. Amos C. Sawyer urged.
Does Liberia Need
an Army? A Rejoinder to NTLA Speaker's Pronouncement
(By Ezekiel Pajibo)
The New National (November 14, 2003), a weekly newspaper, ran a story
in which United Nations Special Envoy to Liberia, Jacques Klein, was
reported to have said that Liberia does not need an army. The question
of the dissolution of the Liberian army has been debated among Liberian
Internet surfers in the recent past. Specifically, this writer has written
and published on the website of
The Perspective, an electronic
news magazine, based in Atlanta, Georgia in early October 2003.
Elie E. Saleeby, Governor of Central Bank of Liberia
LUBI Bank and Central Bank of Liberia: Will
it be Business as Usual?
After 150 years, can a political system built on patronage and nepotism
avoid these practices? Promising to do away with these practices is
one thing, and doing it is another. Every government since the founding
of Liberia has promised to eradicate corruption but the story is always
the same - more corruption. When will this end - patronage and nepotism?
To fight corruption requires the will and commitment to change things.
Since Chairman Charles Gyude Bryant came to power, he too has promised
to fight corruption and monopolies in Liberia.
Weah Eyes Liberia Football Presidency (The
With barely three weeks for his arrival in the country, after a protracted
period of absence, Africa’s soccer legend, King George Manneh
Weah Snr. has disclosed his primary goal as the development of football
and other sporting programs in the country. "King George",
as he is affectionately called in France, said with him running the
affairs of the Liberia Football Association as its head, will swiftly
develop the game in the country.
U.N. Agencies
Launch Over US$137 Million Appeal For Liberia (The
The United Nations Inter-agency operating in the country has launched
a US$137million Consolidated Appeal for humanitarian aid for Liberia.
The amount covers the UN agencies programmes for 2004.
Protect Over Bad Sharpe Of Prison Compound In Monrovia (The Inquirer) "Human rights man! human rights man! We’re suffering
here-o! No food, no water! No speedy trial! We’re just here
dying-o!!!" were the shouts of one of the inmates of the cell
at the Police Headquarters, when he caught sight of the international
police chief Commissioner
Liberia: Eye on
the Public Purse
(By Ezekiel Pajibo)
A number of government officials have now begun to publicly state that
the cost of running their assigned ministries is being shouldered personally.
One of such government official, Mr. Fred Bass Golokeh, Advisor on International
Affairs, reportedly told a reporter that he was personally assuming
the cost of supplying office equipment for his office at the Executive
Mansion (The News November 10, 2003). He was responding to a news story
(The News November 7, 2003) in which the government was accused of awarding
contracts to foreign nationals surreptitiously.
Archbishop Francis Warns Against Silence In Liberia
(The Inquirer)
Catholic Archbishop Michael Kpakala Francis has called on Liberians
to desist from the culture of silence. He said, as we approach the new
year, Liberians must speak without fear to change the trend of events
unfolding in the country. Archbishop Francis said speaking out against
the ills in the society will help shape for the better the future of
the country.
Liberian Rebel Movement
Accused Of Raping, Maltreating Civilians In Grand Bassa County
(The Inquirer)
The Movement for Democracy in Liberia(MODEL) has been accused by the
Catholic Justice and Peace Commission(JPC) of mistreating and raping
civilians in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County. JPC said in recent times,
the citizens of Grand Bassa have become direct objects and victims of
torture, rape, brutalities, and extortion by fighters of MODEL.
Liberiaan Health
Minister Accused of Corruption (The Inquirer)
The health workers raised this issue during its meeting with Dr. Coleman
last Friday at the premises of the Ministry intended to give Dr. Coleman
a chance to address himself to dozens of allegations leveled against
him by health workers in the country.
300 Fighters
Voluntarily Disarm In Liberia (The Inquirer)
Ahead of the December 7 date set for the commencement of the disarmament
of an estimated 40,000 combatants in Liberia, latest reports from the
authority of UNMIL have revealed that some 300 fighters have voluntarily
disarmed to the international peacekeeping force.
Liberia: Why
Demilitarization Makes Sense (By
Ezekiel Pajibo)
The nomination of Daniel Chea as the Minister of Defence by the former
Government of Liberia was greeted with opposition by some members of
the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL). Newspapers reported that when the
Minister appeared at the Defence Ministry to take up his assignment,
pending confirmation by the National Transitional Assembly, he was jeered
and heckled by the men in uniformed. Mr. Chea was accused of neglecting
the Army, who has not been paid for the past three years, while he served
as Defence Minister. According to them, Mr. Chea was more interested
in seeking and protecting the interests of the Anti-terrorist Unit (ATU),
Charles Taylor’s brutal and criminal private army, which terrorized
the Liberian people.
Dr. Amos Sawyer
We Are On Our Own... Says Dr. Sawyer
Former interim president of Liberia observes there is a fundamental
problem when people put electoral politics at the center of their
transformation process, adding, “It does not help any process.”
Dr. Amos C. Sawyer called on Liberians to engage in constructive dialogues
in order to move the country forward.
and LURD’s Leaders Must be Held Responsible For Atrocities Committed
The massive destructions of lives and properties in Nimba County,
Bong County, Grand Bassa County and other places in Liberia by MODEL
and LURD’s thugs are indication that the two rebel groups predominately
made of the late Liberian President, Samuel K. Doe’s followers
have never been serious about helping to liberate Liberia for the
benefit of the Liberian people.
Chief Justice Promises Good Governance (The
The Supreme Court Bench consisting of the Chief Justice and four Associate
Justices-designate have stressed the need for the practice of good
governance and the rule of law if Liberians are to enjoy freedom and
fair justice.
Liberian religious
Group In confusion Over US$250.000 Embezzlement
(The Inquirer)
Dispute seems to be brewing within the hierarchy of a Liberian religious
group, the Liberia For Jesus (LFJ) over circumstances leading to the
controversial US$250,000 check donated to the organization for internally
displaced Liberians by an American Evangelist Dr. K. A. Paul.
Liberian Journalist
Probes the Humanitarian Crisis in Nimba County (The
In order to obtain the actual happening of the pressing humanitarian
situation and the reported atrocities and fighting in the embattled
county of Nimba, Central Liberia, The INQUIRER Foreign News Editor,
Josephus Moses Gray, last Friday ventured into that troubled part of
the country to get accounts of the true picture of the general situation
on the ground.
UN Earmarks
Over US$49 Million For Disarmament In Liberia (The
The United Nations has earmarked US$49,794,629.00 for the disarmament,
demobilization, rehabilitation and reintegration program (DDRRP),
of about 38,000 ex-combatants of the Liberian bloody civil war.
Saying No To America’s
$2M Bounty
In the days of old, perhaps during the reins of Julius Caesar, the evils
that men did was said to have been interred with their bones, but in
this age of electronic wizardry and globalization, the evils that men
do tend to robustly haunt them, even to their graves.
Democrats and Republicans Must avert Delaware Valley Refugee Crisis
As thanksgiving and winter approach, worries within the Pennsylvania
Liberian community is deepening for the safety and welfare of thousands
of Liberian refugees without Temporary Protected Status, TPS, refugee
status, political asylum, green card or US citizenship residing in the
Delaware Valley.
Moses Zangar, Jr.
Journalist Off To South Africa For Training
The President of the University of Liberia Press Club (ULPC) is in
South Africa attending a two-week journalism training programme organized
by the Reuters Foundation. Mr. Moses M. Zangar, Jr. is among 12 African
journalists selected by the Foundation to attend courses in Conflict
Reporting and Writing International News. The courses are being run
at the Rhodes University and the Burntkraal Military Training Center
in Grahamstown, South Africa.
Displaced People Receive Relief Supplies from CCC/Dorcas
Fighters Terrorizing
Bong Residents (The Inquirer)
Fighters of the Liberian crisis are said to be terrorizing and subjecting
residents of Bong county to severe hardship and untold sufferings.
A fact-finding report gathered from Bong County reveals that residents
of the county seeking sanctuary in the outskirts and areas surrounding
Gbarnga are the most vulnerable to forces believed to be LURD fighters.
In Buchanan (The Inquirer)
Reports that filtered in the capital from the port city of Buchanan
yesterday, gave a sketchy account of fighting in that political seat
of Grand Bassa County.
Bad Political
Precedence in the NTLA (The Inquirer)
What seems to be a bad political precedence is said to be unfolding
at the National Transitional Legislative Assembly (NTLA), as the body
has refused to honor the ECOWAS’ Special Representative’s
request to proceed with the swearing-in of Mr. Joseph N. Cornomia
as the representative of Bong along with eight others expected to
be inducted to form part of the NTLA on tomorrow.
Bryant Nominates Supreme Court Bench (The
The Chairman of the National Transitional Government of Liberia (NTGL),
Gyude Bryant has nominated the Chief Justice and Associate Justices
of the Supreme Court of Liberia
Works Begin At Capitol (The Inquirer)
As renovation works begin at the Capitol, the People’s Republic
of China has pledged its preparedness in providing supply of office
materials to enhance the process.
GOL Officials Want Travel Ban Lifted (The
Former officials in the defunct government of ex-president Charles
Taylor, are calling on United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan
to use his offices to pursue the Security Council to lift the travel
ban that has been imposed on them.
Beefs-Up Security At Taylor’s Residence (The
Former Liberian president Charles Taylor presently exiled in Calabar,
Nigeria is back in the news as his host country has beefed-up security
around his compound following reports that the United States government
has posted a US$2 million reward for his capture.
Liberians into the 21st Century
A couple of years ago, I visited Liberia and spent a few weeks there,
especially in Monrovia. I was astounded at the depth of destruction
I witnessed all around me. I was equally appalled with the poor caliber
of individuals who were occupying high positions in the government.
Above all, what affected me most was the obvious absence of professional
Liberian owned enterprises. The Liberian workforce, from the very top
appeared to be inept and incompetent.
Revisiting America’s
Hands-Off Policy on Liberia
Last summer, the Bush administration was assailed by its critics for
its refusal to deploy U.S. troops as peacekeepers in Liberia. At the
same time, conservatives expressed opposition to the deployment by
citing the lack of strategic interests. Since then, the Economic Community
of West African States (ECOWAS) has deployed troops in Liberia and
the United Nations has taken control.
Sekou Damate Conneh
Damate Barks Again!
The big kahuna of warlords in the Liberian political jungle, Damante
Conneh, has fired another salvo at the tenuous peace arrangements. Conneh’s
beef: additional government slots for the LURD. Behind this not unexpected
power grab, falsely cloaked as reason and legitimacy, is a cruel threat
to checkmate the fragile peace. The big kahuna wants his palms greased
some more in exchange for the slow chariot of peace to retain its lease
on life, and for Liberians to be spared another horrible dimension of
bloodletting that, in some spheres of informed opinion, approaches Rwanda.
Tiawan Gongloe |
Rights Watch
Honors Liberian Lawyer (HRW)
On November 12, Human Rights Watch will give its highest recognition
to Tiawan Gongloe, a leading Liberian human rights lawyer and torture
victim. An August peace agreement ended fourteen years of civil war
in the west African nation.As vital defender of the rule of law in Liberia,
Tiawan Gongloe has often spoken out against government and rebel abuses
at great personal risk. In April 2002, he was detained without charge
and tortured after giving a speech on the role of non-governmental groups
in bringing peace to the region.
gets new US police chief (BBC)
A retired United States police chief has arrived in Liberia to take
over a new United Nations police force. The current force of 4,000 officers
is poorly equipped and badly paid. It is being disbanded and rebuilt
by the UN.
Gyude Bryant's Third Address to the Nation
On November 1, 2003, Liberia's Interim Chairman Gyude Bryant delivered
his third Address To The Nation since his selection to lead the war
ravaged nation. Below is the speech in which Mr. Bryant, among other
things, called for the reductions in the price of rice and gasoline:
Peacekeepers find horrors of Liberia's continuing
civil war in rebel territory (AP)
The first UN peace missions to Liberia's rebel-held far east have
found deserted towns emptied of all but looting insurgents and terrorized
civilians under rebel grip or lying rotting in the bush.
Rights Watch Honors Global Rights Defenders: Egyptian, Liberian and
U.S. Activists Recognized (HRW)
Leading human rights defenders from Egypt, Liberia, and the United
States will receive Human Rights Watch's highest honor at its annual
dinner on Wednesday, November 12, in New York.
Criminals Cannot Be Pardoned Unconditionally
Kindly allow me to be a part of the ongoing debate, by publishing
my conterview to that of Mr. Jonathan J. Williams, published on your
site on November 6, 2003 under the caption:
Support Of A Truth And Reconciliation Commission. Brother Williams,
you are assuming that those who bear greater responsibility for the
continuing genocide in our country want to repent and seek forgiveness
from those they offended. Women are still being raped, and people
are being hacked to death, even as you read this article today. Nimba
County is a death zone; Tubmanburg has become a criminal enclave,
while Buchanna and other parts of the country are being turned into
slave centers by these criminal elements of our society.
A Symposium:
On Paradoxes, Autocracy and the Betrayal of a Nation
The most distinctive feature of Plato's symposium is that Socrates and
his peers gather for a dinner and drinking party at the home of Agathon
of Athens to discuss the category of love in all its complexities and
variable dimensions.
Charles Taylor
US Offers Reward Money For Capture of Former Liberian Leader (VOA)
President Bush has authorized payment of $2 million in reward money
for the capture of exiled former Liberian President Charles Taylor.
The reward money was included in an $87 billion legislation to fund
military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.
UNICCO Decries
Attacks and Destruction in Nimba County
The United Nimba Citizens' Council (UNICCO) is horrified by attacks on unarmed citizens resulting in deaths and massive destruction in Nimba County at the hands of forces belonging to the Movement for Democracy in Liberia (MODEL). According to the BBC, these attacks and killings occurred in Graie, Gbanquoi, and other localities in Nimba County over the weekend of October 31, 2003. United Nations Peacekeepers who attempted but failed to land in the affected areas substantiated the BBC report. They also spoke of sighting armed fighters in the streets and billowing smoke.
IDPs Receive Relief Assistance From CCC/ Dorcas-AID (The Inquirer)
Several vulnerable groups including women, children and old folks
were, over the weekend, proud recipients of a huge consignment of
relief items distributed by the Concerned Christian Community (CCC)
and Dorcas-AID.
Support of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Anybody knows Ma Ennie from Sugar Farm, in Lower Buchana, Grand Bassa
County? Okay, so you don’t know her. Anyway, for the record,
her official name was Edith Travers Campbell. In the early ‘70s,
she and some man got into an argument over a house that she had rented
from supposedly the wrong person. When the real owner of the house
showed up, there was a long argument, which resulted in Ma Ennie receiving
a blow to her chin with a hammer from the man from whom she had originally
rented the house.
The Security Challenges
(A Report Issued by the International Crisis
Group on November 3, 2003): Although the Liberian warring parties
initialed an agreement that ushered in a new interim government, the
security situation in Liberia has not improved. Fighting between LURD
and Taylor’s forces continues. MODEL is also battling Taylor forces
and the people of Nimba county. There are reports of heinous crimes:
burning villages, raping of women and killing innocent people in the
county. MODEL is also engaged in selling timber in Southeastern Liberia
in violation of UN sanction imposed on Liberian timber early this year.
On the other hand, LURD Sekou Damate Conneh is now saying that the only
way LURD will disarm is if UN buys LURD’s arms from him. The International
Crisis Group recently issued an analysis on the security situation in
Liberia and the West African sub-region.
Who Stole
the Soul from the Land of Liberty?
Now that our tiny impoverished nation of Liberia is once again in the
spotlight of the international community, it is time that we Liberians
put aside all of our differences - hatred, tribalism and classicism
that led to the slaughter of over two hundred and fifty thousand of
our brothers and sisters. Such hatred brought about the displacement
of thousands of families, and the destruction of an entire nation.
campaigns to get 750,000 Liberian children into school (UN)
3 November – Tens of thousands of children will go to school,
thousands for the first time in their lives, during the United Nations
Children's Fund's (UNICEF) "Back-to-School" campaign in
Liberia, the UN agency working for the protection and development
of youngsters said today.
Central bank
Governor Back Chairman Bryant Action to Reduce Prices
(The Inquirer)
Measures announced last Friday by the head of the National Transitional
Government of Liberia, Chairman Charles Gyude Bryant, aimed at improving
the lots of Liberians, have been described as hallmark for good economic
policies and governance.
Zimbabwe :
Arrest of the Daily News Director
The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and ZimRights,
its affiliate organization in Zimbabwe, vigorously condemn the arrest
of Mr. Washington Sansole, Director of the independent newspaper the
Daily News.
Liberian women
group Disturbed Over war Threats
(The Inquirer)
The Liberian Women Initiative(LWI) says it is disturbed by the frequent
vacillating from peace talks to war-mongering emanating from LURD's
Chairman Sekou Damate Conneh.
Reported Again In Central Liberia
(The Inquirer)
Despite the seating of the National Transitional Government of Liberia
(NTGL), that comprises all factions in the Liberian crisis, fighting
has again erupted and wracked the people of Nimba County.
Political Parties compromised On Education Ministry Post
(The Inquirer)
The country's 18 registered political parties yesterday held a mass
meeting at which time they resolved to constitute a technical committee
that would approach the NTGL Chairman Gyude Bryant on the filling
of slots allotted to them under the Accra peace agreement.
servants In Liberian To Receive Salary Arrears For October 2004
(The Inquirer)
The Speaker of the National Transitional Legislative Assermbly (NTLA),
George Dweh says the incumbent transitional government will begin
the payment of salary arrears owed civil servants by the end of this
month, October, 2003.
Liberia, America
Relations On Good Footing
(The Inquirer)
An occasion that could be the manifestation of a change
for the better in Liberia/United States relationship occurred last
Friday, when the Chairman of the National Transitional Government
of Liberia, Charles Gyude Bryant and U.S Ambassador John William Blaney
met for over three hours at the US Embassy in Mamba Point.
Political Party Chairman threatened to resigns
(The Inquirer)
The Chairman of the All Liberians Coalition Party (ALCOP), Mr. David
Kortie has threatened to resign his post because of what he termed
"continued undermining by some officials and a few county chairpersons
of the party." Without indicating when he will resign, Mr. Kortie
maintained he is very serious about his intention.
War Against Corruption: A
Big Job for the General Accounting Office (GAO)
Are we experiencing too much theft? Yes. So let's get a guard dog -
a General Accounting Office (GAO). We don't mean the "gbagbati"
one in place now that comprises state auditors that steal. These guys
put on expensive suits and hold shinning attaché cases. They
roam the dusty roads, from cities to towns to even villages. Instead
of reports, their shinning attaché cases are filled with raw
cash by the time they return to Monrovia. That's when the party begins.
They hit Dualla and New Kru Town, and take over the bars. They take
off the coats, loosen the ties, flaunt money, chatter the bars
Faux pas and its Criminal Liabilities
Charles Taylor's quest for control started the very day he launched
his bloody war in 1989. On the surface he called it ‘revolution'
and multiple of people, for different reasons, followed him. But not
much of his followers were aware that his main intention was to build
a criminal empire.
After Charles Taylor: Prospects for Peace and Security in the West
African Sub-Region
Dr. Levi B. Zangai, former Minister of Education, presented a paper
titled: "Liberia After Charles Taylor: Prospects for Peace and
Security in the West African Sub-Region" at the NIIA-Friedrich
Ebert Joint Workshop to the House of Representatives’ Foreign
Relations Committee. The workshop was held at the Nigerian Institute
of International Affairs (NIIA), Lagos, Nigeria.
team probes Liberia clashes (BBC)
United Nations peacekeepers are due to fly back to Liberia's
Nimba County after finding evidence of fighting. They were unable
to land on Sunday but saw armed fighters in the streets and "huge
columns of smoke" hanging over some towns, officials say.
Wants $2m Bounty for Capture of Warlord (Guardian)
Congress has attached to the Bill approving President Bush's plan
to spend $87 billion rebuilding and securing Iraq and Afghanistan,
an unexpected $2m 'for the capture' of the former President of Liberia,
Charles Taylor.
Elects New Board Leadership
Mr. Anthony Varfilay Kesselly, the ULAA Board Representative of the
Liberian Association of Pennsylvania, Inc., has been elected the new
Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Union of Liberian Associations
in the Americas (ULAA)