No elections in the absence of stabilization force, say opposition leaders
All things being equal, Liberians should be headed to the polls next October, just about six months from now to elect a new leadership, not only for the Executive Mansion, but also for the Legislature. In the past, President Charles Taylor, elected in 1997, said that being "the constitutional animal" he professes to be, elections would be held, "even if there is shooting on the outskirts of Monrovia" in reference to the war that opposed him to LURD armed dissidents. However, from the perspective of the opposition, nothing points to the possibility of elections in a six-month period. According to Dr. Tipoteh of the Liberian People's Party (LPP), it would take no less than a miracle to have free and fair elections in Liberia within six months.
OTC Employees and Formaldehyde Exposure: Industrial Indiscipline or Corporate Irresponsibility
Recently, a news story appeared on the Website, which caught my attention. The story, written by Moses M. Zeogar, a reporter for The NEWS Newspaper (published in Monrovia), centered around the grievances of some employees of the Oriental Timber Company (OTC) in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County, about health problems which they blame on the work environment at the company's plywood manufacturing facilities. The workers specifically complained about respiratory problems that they attribute to daily exposure to formaldehyde, a chemical allegedly used by the OTC in the manufacture of plywood.
Detained Human Rights Activist's Lawyers Demand Evidence (The Inquirer)
Lawyers representing human rights activist Aloysius Toe, have requested the Criminal Court "A" to compel the state to provide all evidences in its possession linking their client to the crime of treason. The defense lawyers in a two count motion, said their request is in keeping with statute law and practice.
Over 20,000 9th, 12th Graders to Sit National Exams In Liberia (The Inquirer)
In spite of the prevailing situation in the country, the national office of the West African Examination Council (WAEC), has revealed that several thousands 9th and 12th graders are scheduled to sit this year's national examinations in a few days time.
Liberia's Former Ambassador to US Supports Calls for Stabilization Force (The Inquirer)
Former Liberian Ambassador to the United States, Mrs. Rachel Gbeyon Diggs, has supported calls for the deployment of a stabilization force in the country. Mrs. Diggs said if such a force is not deployed in the country as is being opted for by many people, Liberians will kill themselves continuously. She said the voice of the people is great and as such, since they want to see the deployment of a stabilization force such should take place.
President charles Taylor, Take the Lead (The Inquirer)
The recent statement by President Charles Taylor that there is a need for intervention in the onging crisis by the international community, has been greeted with much satisfaction and happiness. Many citizens who see the President's statement as a positive move in the drive to ending the state of violence, insecurity and instability which have engulfed the country for nearly five years now.
Human rights Activist's Trial Resumes In Liberia (The Inquirer)
Following over a month of delay in the Aloysius Toe treason trial due to what was described as "No Money" the National Human Rights Center of Liberia says it is relieved by the issuance of a notice of assignment by the Justice. The process started on Monday at 11:00a.m.
Women Group at the Executive Mansion
Top Liberian Politician Commends Liberian Women For Peace Initiative (The Inquirer)
Presidential aspirant Dr. Togba-Nah Tipoteh has commended Liberian women for leading the way towards peace in Liberia. He praised them for their courage and determination in staging a well-organized and sustained peaceful demonstration for peace in Liberia. Dr. Tipoteh said that the women have clearly shown that peace can be attained in Liberia if Liberians can work and act together for peace, a release said.
Methodist Church In Liberia Alarm Over Massive Looting Of Properties (The Inquirer)
The United Methodist Church says it regrets the recent violence in Ganta in which its Mission Station was damaged and excessively looted. This incident has made it impossible to provide vital health and educational services and at this time to the people of that area.
Liberia Needs Intervention of International Community..., Says Presiddent Taylor (The Inquirer)
The President told the women that his government is sincerely committed to seeing a lasting peace in Liberia, as such will do all at the pending Accra Peace Talks to ensure that the wishes and aspirations of Liberians are realized.
ULAA President Responds to Allegations
In recent time, we have witnessed a systematic campaign by our detractors to derail our mission of providing services to our people who have entrusted us with the leadership of ULAA. Those behind this campaign are shamelessly and unconsciously exploiting the issues of ethnicity and religion to achieve short-term political goals. Their campaign of lies and hate will not stop me from doing what I am committed to do in this capacity as president of ULAA. At this time in our nation's history, it is a poor judgment on the part of anyone to launch campaign of ethnic and religious hatred.
Taylor, Tipoteh Congratulate Obasanjo (The Inquirer)
President Charles Ghankay Taylor has sent a message of congratulations to the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Olesegun Obasanjo on the auspicious occasion marking his election to another term as president of that country.
UNICEF Country Rep. speaks On AIDS In Liberia (The Inquirer)
A renowned medical doctor at the J.F.K. Medical Hospital, has attributed the rapid spread of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in the country to lack of information about the virus.
Desist from Hindering Peace (The Inquirer)
The National Campaign for Liberia’s Survival (NACALS), is urging Liberians, particularly government officials, to desist from acts that could endanger the success of the pending peace conference on Liberia.
Liberia's Lawmaker Wants Taylor Government Use US$1Million to Pay Salary Arrears (The Inquirer)
Bong County Representative Joseph Cornomia has suggested the need for the Liberian government to use the amount of US$1million donated to the Elections Commission by the Taiwanese government to pay civil servants salary arrear.
Political Party Concerned About Fighting In Liberia (The Inquirer)
The Liberian People's Party is gravely concerned about the escalation of the civil war between the Government of Liberia and the rebel Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD).
Covering Global War on Terrorism Through African and American Lenses
On Friday April 18, 2003, the African Studies Department of the University of Pennsylvania, held a One Day Workshop entitled: "Covering Global War On Terrorism Through African And American Lenses" at its campus in Philadelphia. Ms. Massa Amelia Washington, a Liberian journalist, served as a panelist at the workshop.
The Level Of Poverty And Suffering That Liberians Now Live Under Has Become Unbearable
It was quite traumatic to watch thousands of people walking aimlessly with their few belongings on their heads last week. They were fleeing from the armed attack during the distribution of relief food at the Jahtondo and Wilson Town displaced camps. Out of the crowd, I saw a two-year old child at the Freeport area who had been abandoned by his fleeing mother. He was not only very frightened but also hungry and shabbily dressed. The torn clothes on him were the only ones he owned and he had no shoes on his feet, as he clung to a total stranger.
Pro President Taylor Group Apologizes Newspaper In Liberia (The Inquirer)
The National Executive chairman of the Patriotic Consciousness Association (PACA), Mr. Frederick Baye has apologized to the Management of The INQUIRER Newspaper for statements made by him regarding the arbitrary flogging of the paper's reporter Throble K. Suah, last December.
War Spreads HIV/AIDS In Liberia (The Inquirer)
The Executive Director of the Organization for Children and Adolescent Mothers (OCAM), Cllr. Lois Lewis Bruthus says war and poverty are responsible for the rapid spread of the deadly disease AIDS in the society
Liberia's Transport Minister Petition to Contest Top Post In Government (The Inquirer)
Lofa County Senatorial aspirant in the October 2003 presidential and general elections, Liberia's Transport Minister, Joe W. Mulbah has received another petition from the people of the county, endorsing his candidacy.
Sick Child Condition Worsens...Mother Cries for Help (The Inquirer)
A 34-year old woman, Mrs. Sangay Faeflen is again calling on various humanitarian organizations and personalities of goodwill to help save the life of her son, Sarwee Faeflen, who is dying slowly.
Tortured Liberian Journalist Explains Ordeal
On 14 December, 2002, I was arrested and Tortured (Beaten) severely by five (5) members of the Anti Terrorist Unit (ATU), a Presidential Elite force, which is the most accused of innumerable human rights abuses in the country, especially on journalists, rights activists and political leaders who are perceived as "troublemakers" because of their contrary views, analysis and reports on the excesses of the Government of President Charles Taylor. Therefore, the Government embarked on a campaign to "Get Even" with us; hence, my ordeal while returning from work at 8pm (20 hours) GMT.
"Accelerating African Unity, Peace & Progress Through Understanding of Traditional African Government Structures and Practices."
Greensboro (April 22, 2003): A one-day symposium on "African Governance, Philosophical Thought and Rule of Law" opens this Saturday, April 26, at the McNair Auditorium at North Carolina A&T State University in Greensboro from 9 am to 4:30 pm. Panelists and participants at the symposium will deliberate on a series of topics geared towards the promotion of good governance and rule of law in Africa, including "The Influence of Religion in African Governance, Social Order & Justice," "The Impact of Colonization on the African System of Government..."
The Battle for the Control of Ganta (The Inquirer)
As fighting continues between government forces and the forces of the rebel Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD), for the control of the once bustling town of Ganta in Nimba County, the latter have resorted to arson attacks by setting ablaze key buildings and privately-owned residential houses, but the town remains divided.
International Distractions Caused by War in Iraq
With the war in Iraq winding down, the United States is expected to institute swift measures aimed at easing international tension, and providing leadership and the necessary support to get the international system fully back into business. The need to refocus on other issues could not be more pressing, as the global economy is in a slump and the lives of millions of people worldwide depending on emergency relief are at risk due to shortfalls in donor aid, among others.
Sad Times Are Already Here: Analysis Of The Liberian Apocalypse
During the dark era of Europe's colonization of the African Continent, Liberia was one of two African countries (Ethiopia being the other one) that survived the scorch of the intolerable colonial system that devastated Africa. Prior to the demise of colonialism, Liberia positioned itself as a champion of the African liberation struggle that swept through the African Continent in the late 1950s and early 1960s. On the eve of de-colonization, Liberian leaders hosted, educated and encouraged African dissidents to live in Liberia and use Liberian territory to conduct anti-colonial campaigns against colonial Europe.
Let's Shun Tribalism In Liberia (The Inquirer)
It is an open secret that one of the problems that continues to affect this country is divisiveness based on tribal background. Over the years, this has permeated the nation's social fabric to the core resulting in bitter conflicts where innocent citizens have lost their lives or dispossessed.
Liberian School Reminds President Charles Taylor of US$25,000 Pledge (The Inquirer)
The administration of the JJ Ross High School in Monrovia is humbly appealing to President Charles Taylor to fulfill his US$25,000 pledge made to the school few years ago.
Liberian People's Party Wants Taylor, LURD Dialogue (The Inquirer)
The Liberian People's Party (LPP) has recommended the need for the Liberian leader, President Charles Ghankay Taylor, to attend and sit at the pending peace talks on the Liberian crisis with the LURD; as Patrick K. Wrokpoh reports.
United People's Party Foresees 2003 Election Postponement (The Inquirer)
One of Liberia's 18 registered political parties, the United People's Party (UPP) says it does not see the possibility of the holding of the 2003 General and Presidential elections if the ongoing fighting between the Liberian government and LURD continues.
PEPA Expresses Concern Over Humanitarian Catastrophe In Liberia (The Inquirer)
The People's Power Association says, it is profoundly alarmed by the chaotic situation in Liberia which has resulted to a humanitarian catastrophe, hence wants the international community to intervene urgently.
War Hampers Child Survival In Liberia (The Inquirer)
Health Minister Dr. Peter Coleman has outlined a number of conditions which he said are hampering child survival in the country. Minister Coleman said the ongoing armed insurrection coupled with the United Nations imposed sanction on the country are problems affecting the survival of the Liberian children.
Students Mobilizing Against the AIDS Crisis
On April 7, 2003, over 200 medical and undergraduate students from over 40 states gathered on Capitol Hill for a Day of Education and Action on Global AIDS- the largest effort of this kind ever - to urge Congress to make good on President Bush's $15 billion funding pledge to fight the global pandemic. The students, representing, "Students Mobilizing Against the Crisis of AIDS Coalition" (SMAC AIDS Coalition), met with over 250 members of the House of Representatives and the Senate and their staff.
Changing Gears at LURD: Chairman Conneh to be Replaced Soon
The National Executive Committee of Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD) met in Washington, D.C., on April 13, 2003, to draft a preliminary agenda for a similar but more extensive NEC meeting in Africa in mid-May 2003 to take action on two issues. These have to do with the growing need for a review of the conduct of the current Chairman of LURD, and the establishment of the office of Supreme Military Commander of LURD's joint forces.
BBC's Stringer Jonathan Paye-layleh "Naively Serving the Whims of" Taylor?
In a recent BBC Focus on Africa news clip (17/4/2003), the BBC stringer- Jonathan Paye-layleh reported that Taylor's militia were presently engaged in fierce battle with LURD's hard core guerillas within the environs of voinjama City, Lofa County, National Headquarters of LURD.
NPWJ calls for Charles Taylor's indictment over Sierra Leone atrocities
Debriefing records from key persons gathered by No Peace Without Justice "Conflict Mapping" personnel throughout Sierra Leone indicate that the campaign of terror and atrocities undertaken by the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) in the country were directed and supported by Liberia's President Charles Taylor.
MDCL Issues Statement of Concern
The lessons of the past seem to teach us nothing about the present and the future, as the vicious cycle perpetuates itself in Liberia, in the form of mass killings of innocent Liberians and foreigners alike, peace remains ever elusive, and the grave seem to be our only goal.
Liberians Urged not Repeat the Mistakes of the 1980s and 90s
We, the Manos, Krahns, Mandingoes, and Dans of Grand Gedeh and Nimba Counties residing in the Americas, standing together as one family, appeal to our people at home in Liberia and elsewhere in the West African Sub-region to work together in search of a solution to the Liberian conflict. Let us not repeat the mistakes of the 1980s and 90s by allowing others to use us in their bid to seize or maintain power.
Taylor's Propaganda Site: Stretching the Truth to Make a Point
I read with amazement and disbelief an article carried by the website under the sensational title: "Where There's Smoke, There's Bound to be Fire - Perspective Turns Mohammed Kromah Mouthpiece", by one L. Dora Podge - real or pseudo. Apparently, this was in response to an article I had written recently and posted on the website,
The Perspective, titled: "
ULAA President under Fire...Remains Silent".
Process and Outcome for Peace in Liberia
It has taken years to realize this: Liberia's civil war never ended. Many Liberians and international observers thought it did in 1997, but that was no more than wishful thinking - perhaps better put, it was hopeful thinking. The civil war simply evolved into another phase in 1997, but remains ongoing. One factor that is true today, as it has been throughout the war, is that the Liberian people are spilling their "blood, sweat and tears" for reasons totally unrelated to their interests, and that are actually adverse to them.
An Open Letter to Lurd and all its Supporters
I recently read a communiqué written by your group entitled, LURD Denies Abducted Nurses' Claims, dated March 19, 2003, and published in The Perspective, an Atlanta-based Liberian newspaper. In that statement, you write, among other things, that LURD is fighting an "honorable war". I do not understand what your concept of "honorable" is, but what I do know is that your war is far from being "honorable", insofar as the word truly means. Yours is purely a vendetta against the peaceful people of the Republic of Liberia, a dangerous psychotic condition that is fueled by your ignorant tribal hatred.
Amb. Gordon Streeb
Liberia not ready for Elections, Says Carter Center - (Taylor and US (Part II))
After our last article on this subject, a Liberian scholar at the Carter Center in Atlanta called us and said that Ambassador Gordon Streeb wanted to make some clarifications about their presence in Monrovia, at the Executive Mansion. This led to a telephone conversation where Ambassador Streeb said that reports in the press did not reflect the content of his discussions with the Liberian government regarding a possible participation of the Carter Center in the upcoming electoral process.
4 Parties to Field One Slate of Candidates (The Inquirer)
As the date for the pending Presidential and General Elections in the country draws nearer, four of Liberia's 18 registered political parties have agreed to cooperate in forging a united front and in essence field a single slate of candidates.
Beware of Pseudo Loyalists (The Inquirer)
FOR SOME TIME now there have been utterances from some quarters and individuals in society relative to the ongoing war and the pending peace talks to find a lasting and workable solution to the Liberian crisis. Some of these individuals prefer the continued engagement in warfare with the dissidents, while others oppose any peace talks with the dissidents.
More Parties Join Senatorial, Ten-Year Residency Debate (The Inquirer)
Five political parties have joined the All Liberian Coalition Party (ALCOP) in its petition for declaratory judgment filed against the Elections Commission, the Liberian Senate and other institutions over the interpretation of the 10-year residency clause and tenure of members of the Senate.
Missing TDS Staffers Break Silence (The Inquirer)
Two of the three correspondents of Search For Common Ground/Talking Drum Studio-Liberia whose whereabouts were unknown have broken silence.
Labor Party Suspends Chairman (The Inquirer)
The Labor Party of Liberia(LPL), through its Executive Committee on Sunday, April 6, 2003, took an action to suspend for time indefinite its National Chairman, Rt. Apostle S. Washington Broh, I, for unruly acts and behavior on his part that have the potential to tarnish and bring the party in disrepute, and his continuous blatant violation of the code of ethics of the Constitution and By-laws of the LPL, a release said.
Put US$8.3 Million elections Funds in ECOM's Account (The Inquirer)
Registered political parties in the country have requested the Elections Commission(ECOM) to prevail on President Charles Taylor to deposit into its(ECOM) bank account the amount of US$8.3m which is the approved budget for the electoral process. The parties said this will encourage the donor community, partners and true friends of Liberia to believe that the commission is serious to conduct the pending elections as planned and in transparency.
Brumskine to Lobby for Stabilization Force (The Inquirer)
Presidential aspirant, Cllr. Charles Walker Brumskine has vowed to lobby within the international community for the coming into the country of a stabilization force that will help bring Liberia's nightmare to an end.
AMESU Graduates Over 200 (The Inquirer)
The African Methodist Episcopal Zion University College(AMEZU), yesterday held its third commencement exercise with over 200 students receiving Bachelors' Degrees in various disciplines.
The Bulgur Wheat Attack
The attack on Jah Tondo displaced camp was once again attributed to LURD. The fact of the matter is that on that Wednesday afternoon April 9, 2003, the World Food Program distributed food among the displaced people in that camp. The Taylor's militia boys were around at the time of the distribution of the food items, which included bulgur wheat, flour, sugar, etc.
ULAA President under Fire... Remains Silent
Recently the Taylor propaganda website published a piece critical of Mr. Mohammed Kromah, the recently-elected president of the Union of Liberian Associations in the Americas (ULAA). The article, under the sensational headline: "The Islamization of ULAA - Kromah Enters Pact with LURD Financiers In Europe" was very blunt in its charges against Mr. Kromah. Among others, it accused him of attempting to move the all-Liberian organization towards "Islamization".
Debunking the Mystery of 'LURD'
Liberians have suffered enormously under the rogue regime of Mr. Taylor. Liberians have left the comfort of their homes to become displaced people all over the world and a group calling itself "Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy" (LURD), seized the opportunity to appoint and anoint themselves as the new saviors of the Liberian people.
Elections MODEL and War MODEL
The Movement for Democracy and Elections in Liberia (MODEL) says it deploys the continued Balkanization of the Liberian state by elements who prefer brute force and violence to solve national problems. MODEL observes that there exists a conspicuous conspiracy amongst a few Liberians who acquire catches of war-like materials as a means to trust their way to political power, plunder the natural resources of Liberia and torment the silent majority.
Liberian Rebels Strike Deep Into Timber Region (Reuters)
MONROVIA -- Rebel fighters have struck deep into southeastern Liberia, the centre of a logging industry used by the West African state to buy weapons in defiance of a UN arms embargo, security sources said.
Grand Gedeh Association Deeply Disturbed by Reported Attacks on Grand Gedeh County
The Grand Gedeh Association in the Americas, Inc. is deeply disturbed and concerned over recent reports of an attack on and occupation of Grand Gedeh County, Liberia. Early last week, a group known as the Movement for Democracy in Liberia (MODEL) claimed responsibility for the attack. A few days later, LURD claimed that it was its forces that attacked the county. The Grand Gedeh Association is investigating these claims and the current situation in the county.
Politics of Tribal and Religious Intolerance
We have been through more than a hundred years of Americo-Liberian oligarchy. Then the native revolt that swept away that oligarchy, giving the people a great sense of renewal. The people's expectation of this revolt was betrayed by the military dictator who desired to stay in power against the wishes of the people. Then entered Taylor with the Manos and Gios who had become dissatisfied with the brutal regime of Doe and were brutally victimized because of their opposition and several attempts to seize power through force.
Choosing Our Friends, We're Our Own Worst Enemy (Post-Gazette)
I'm getting ready to move. So I'm going through my vast collection of old stuff -- papers, photographs, clippings -- and sneezing vigorously amid the dust of nostalgia and the misty watercolor memories of the way I were.
Joe Wylie
Disunity in the Hierarchy of the Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD)
The National Executive Council of LURD is the highest decision-making organ of our movement; this is the law as enshrined in LURD's constitution. We the founding fathers of this great vanguard organization, guided by historical experience, set up LURD in such a way no one person will exercise power to the exclusion and detriment of the rest of the members of LURD. Mr. Sekou Conneh has failed to understand this simple fact of our inter-organizational democracy ever since we recruited him in 2001.
Two Liberian Journalists Reportedly Missing
Monrovia, Liberia (PANA) - Two journalists of the privately owned Inquirer newspaper in Monrovia are reportedly missing following attacks on Ganta, Nimba County and Zwedru in Grand Gedeh County, the Inquirer reported here Thursday.
Al-Jazeera claims military 'cover up' (Guardian)
Arabic satellite news channel al-Jazeera has accused the US of deliberately bombing its offices in Baghdad in an attempt to "cover up" its activities in Iraq.
The People's Interest Versus Political Agenda: An Avenue for Continued War
Recent news from Liberia confirmed that LURD rebels are on offensive move on Taylor government's position at all fronts. This in itself jeopardizes innocent lives in our motherland, Liberia. For the past four years Taylor and the LURD rebels have been on seesaw battles in Lofa, Bomi, Cape Mount and Bong Counties, and now hitting Nimba County, which is said to be the stronghold of Mr. Taylor. Specifically, the fighting is now reported in Ganta, the fastest growing and commercial city in Nimba County.
A group of Liberians confronts LURD's Joe Wylie (Right) at the USIP forum
LURD Says Joe Wylie is not its Official Conduit in the United States and Europe (A Press Release Issued by LURD)
...LURD leadership herein completely disassociates itself from any remarks/comments issued by one Mr. Joe Wylie presently domiciled in the United States.In a recent interview with COPLA, the said Joe Wylie attempted to clarify pressing and sensitive issues relative to LURD's military operations in Liberia for which he grossly misled LURD's sympathizers, since infact, he is not fully acquainted with the latest developments on the ground.
HIV/AIDS In Africa: Children Infected And Affected By The Pandemic
Africa is at the crossroads of multiple issues such as poor governance, underdevelopment, conflicts, environmental disasters, economic exploitation, and grinding poverty. However, the HIV/AIDS epidemic is by far the biggest challenge of modern day Africa. With more than 30 million individuals, mostly men and women at the prime of their lives, living with HIV/AIDS in Africa, and less than 5% of these individuals having access to lifesaving medicines, the future is not very promising.
Fighting in Southeastern Liberia
According to reports reaching
The Perspective, the fighting in Southeast Liberia is getting serious. Several logging trucks from Sinoe and the Bassa areas have been coming to Monrovia lately. On Wednesday, a convoy of trucks was seen in Sinkor heading towards the Port area. People are said to be fleeing from Sinoe to Buchanan, whereas some residents of Buchanan are coming to Monrovia just in case. Internally displaced people in the Grand Gedeh area have been cut off from aid as Medecins sans Frontieres recently stated:
"Liberia for Jesus" Prayer Crusade Saddened by Unbridled Violence
The Churches in Liberia acting under the auspices of the "Liberia for Jesus" Prayer Crusade is saddened by the unbridled violence suffered by the Liberian people demonstrated by displacement of about 50% of the country's population, massive killings and destruction of precious lives, etc as a results of the seemingly unbreakable vicious cycle of violence, consequent of the ongoing armed conflict between the Government of Liberia and LURD.
Liberians to Protest Against the Illegal Detention of Aloysius Toe and Others
The National Civil Rights Movement (NCRM) is deeply concerned about the current Monrovia regime's habit of committing gross human rights violations against the Liberian people, and demands that the regime abandon this undemocratic practice.
Liberia Denies Ivorian Rebel Links (BBC)
The Liberian Government has rejected reports that it created and still controls two Ivory Coast rebel groups. "It's impossible... we are not involved," said a spokesman for President Charles Taylor.
Earlier this week, UK-based campaign group Global Witness released a report, accusing Liberian President Charles Taylor of being behind the Mpigo and MJP groups which emerged in western Ivory Coast after the conflict began.
A New Rebel Group Operating in Southeastern Liberia?
According to information reaching The Perspective, a new rebel group known as the Movement for Democracy in Liberia (MODEL) has emerged in Southeastern Liberia. There is paucity of information about the group and its activities and what it is trying to achieve: Did they attack Toe Town in February? Were they responsible for the murder of SADRA's aid workers? Are they currently fighting Taylor's forces in Zwedru? Who are the leaders of the group? When and where was the group organized? How is it different from LURD? If they believe in democracy, why not use the ballot box.
Liberians in the Netherlands Call for Total Disarmament and Elections in Liberia
WHEREAS, The Liberian Association is the umbrella Organisation of all Liberians in the Netherlands, which represents the views and seeks the general welfare of approximately 3,000 Liberians residing in the Netherlands...
In The Shadow of War: Backlash Against Human Rights (Amnesty International)
Since the military action by the USA, UK and their allies began in Iraq on 20 March, a backlash against certain human rights has been witnessed around the world. These include: attacks on the rights to freedom of expression and assembly; excessive use of force by police against anti-war demonstrators; restriction of asylum rights.
Britain Says Post-War Iraq Will Be Run by Iraqis
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain insisted on Wednesday that a post-war government in Iraq would be run by Iraqis, not outsiders, but tried to play down differences with Washington.
Taylor Uses "Intimidation, Patronage, and Corruption to Maintain Power", Says US State Department in Its Report on Human Rights Practices in Liberia
The Report on Human Rights Practices in Liberia for the year 2002 has been issued by the United States State Department. Submitting the report to the US congress, Secretary of State Colin Powell wrote that the US "gain little by ignoring human rights abuses or flinching from reporting them." The 2002 Report, like the previous reports issued since Charles Taylor became president of Liberia, does not show any improvement in human rights practices in Liberia. During the course of 2002, the Taylor regime imposed the state of emergency, which was then used to harass and intimidate perceived or imaginary enemies. Immediate victims of the state of emergency included former Chief Justice Frances Morris-Johnson, Tiawan Gongloe, Hassan Bility, just to name a few.