LIBERIA: Adults amputated, more children forced to fight - churches say (IRIN)
ABIDJAN, - The increasing numbers of armed groups in Liberia are forcing more children aged 12-18 to join them and amputating limbs of men, women and children who they suspect to be opposed to their activities, the Church World Service (CWS) reported on Wednesday.
A Coup Ruse to Eliminate Perceived Enemies
Sources in Monrovia say the city is replete with a rumors of what they called a "sinister plan" allegedly concocted by the Taylor regime. According to the sources, Mr. Taylor wants to stage a palace coup with the objective of eliminating some of his perceived enemies as well as using such a scheme for him not to go to Ghana.
Special Court Chief Prosecutor David Crane at the FOSL Town Meeting
On Tuesday, May 27, 2003, the Chief Prosecutor of the Sierra Leone Special Court attended a meeting hosted by the Friends of Sierra Leone at the International Student House in northwest Washington, D.C. Click the link above to access Mr. Crane’s statements:
Liberians in the Netherlands want Peace, if it means that President Charles Taylor Resigns and UN forces deployment in Liberia
The Liberian Association in the Netherlands (LAH) applauds Mr. Ruud Lubbers U.N. refugee Boss’s statement that called for forceful step down of the Liberian President Charles Taylor and a deployment of U.N. peacekeeping force in Liberia. Mr. Lubbers has heard the cry of the Liberian people.
Grand Gedeh Association in the Americas Resolution of the 13th Annual Convention
We, the citizens of Liberia originating from Grand Gedeh County and residing in the Americas, having convened in the City of Silver Spring, Maryland to discuss issues that relate to the development of Grand Gedeh County and peace in Liberia, do hereby resolved:
Liberia: Leadership For A State In Denial
(Remarks delivered by J. Chris Toe, Ph.D at the 13th Annual Convention of the Grand Gedeh Association in the Americas Silver Spring, Maryland on May 24, 2003)
I hope your reflection on the prevailing social, economic and political conditions in Liberia brings us closer to finding lasting solutions to our lingering problems. It is also my hope that our experiences, our struggles and our toils in the Diaspora have taught us and instilled in us respect for democratic principles and values. We must embrace these principles and values if we are to attain excellence in the Liberian mosaic. As you aspire for unity in excellence, please be reminded that an inextricable linkage and an undeniable consistency exist between excellence and democracy.
Liberia accuses UN refugee agency of colluding with rebels (AFP)
MONROVIA, May 27 (AFP) - Liberia has accused the United Nations refugee agency of backing a new rebel group in the war-ravaged west African country and supplying it with food rations.
State of the Grand Gedeh Association in the Americas
I am pleased to report that our Association is in sound health and well on its way to becoming one of the better managed Liberian organizations in the Americas. Gradually we are driving home the principles of good management, the imperative to respect public resources, and the wisdom in directing our energies away from personalities towards real issues and policies.
On My Way to Accra
When I mentioned to a friend that I was going to Ghana for the Liberian peace talks, she said I was taking a risk. When I wrote to my friend and colleague Tom Kamara of the New Democrat and asked him if he would be in Accra, he said he thought it was waste of time, because he said, "I don't trust Ghana." The former Speaker of the Transitional Government and Former minister of Information, Honorable Morris Dukuly said that it would be "an exercise in futility because Ghana and Nigeria have done everything they can to make Taylor president and maintain him there... It would be a waste of time," adding that we have been involved in this process for too long to understand the position of everybody.
The Murder Of West Africa Most Feared Warlord Sam "Maskita" Bockarie : An Attempt To Distort Evidence And Obstruct International Justice
AAI has learned from credible inside sources, that warlord Sam "Makita" Bockarie was tortured to death, murdered on Wednesday night, May 7, 2003, behind the Executive Mansion in Monrovia, Liberia by a gang of the Liberian government military- security forces on the direct instructions of President Charles Taylor.
MODEL Calls For Taylor's Resignation
The Movement For Democracy In Liberia (MODEL) supports the efforts of the International Contact Group on Liberia, the various Liberian political parties, interest groups and international NGOs working for the peace and security of Liberia.
LURD Denies Liberian Government's Claims that LURD Harbors Fugitive Johnny Paul Koroma
A deceptive news clip boldly displayed on the frontpage of an independent newspaper -The Exclusive of Sierra-Leone on May 22, 2003 - falsely claiming that the fugitive erstwhile junta AFRC leader Major Johnny Paul Koroma has reportedly cast his lot with the LURD forces is misleading and preposterous - Johnny Paul is not with LURD - Taylor is cloaked with layers of deceit
US$1.2m Needed to Reopen Vocational Training Center In Liberia MVTC (The Inquirer)
The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the renovated Monrovia Vocational Training Center,(MVTC), Education Minister Dr. Evelyn Kandakai has disclosed that about US$1.2 million is needed for equipment and furnishing of the center before its reopening.
Residents Of Liberian Port City Of Buchanan Worried over Rebels Attack (The Inquirer)
Residents of Buchanan and its environs are said to be living in fear and deeply worried over the apparent spreading of dissident activities in the country, particularly the south-eastern region. Their fear has been heightened by the threat of an attack in the county by rebels of the Movement of Democracy in Liberia (MODEL) in the southeast.
University of Liberia Graduation Preacher Identifies "Enemies of the State" (The Inquirer)
The Senior Pastor of the First Assembly of God Church, Rev. Edwin A. Gbelly has outlined the enemies of the nation. Serving as guest preacher at the Baccalaureate Service of the University of Liberia yesterday, Rev Gbelly said those who use public funds for their personal gain and those who misuse public office to do evil are enemies of the state.
Computer Experts Testify in Liberian Human rights Activist's Case (The Inquirer)
The Criminal Court "A" at the Temple of Justice on Capitol Hill, will be the scene of attraction this morning, as some computer experts are expected to demonstrate to the court how internet works.
Blamo Nelson
Key Liberian Government Official Speaks on Peace Process (The Inquirer)
An executive member of the United People's Party (UPP) has described the up-coming peace talks on Liberia, slated for June 4, 2003 in Ghana, as "a real Liberian meeting". Cabinet Director Blamo Nelson, who expressed optimism about the meeting, said the Akosombo Meeting is all about "Liberians doing it together in a bid to find a common ground and build an environment where they will once more live together as brothers and sisters."
Liberia Lone Star Coach Lamblast Sports Authorities (The Inquirer)
The technical director of the Liberia national soccer team says there is nothing wrong with naturalizing an alien to play for Liberia.Coach Kadala Kromah said other players including Mass Sarr Sr. and the Brazilians in the past were naturalized to play for Liberia.
Al-Hajj Mory D. Kaba, Chairman Muslim Congress of Liberia: An Appreciation
When, in the early 1960s members of the Muslim community of Monrovia decided to amalgamate their various Islamic organizations into the Muslim Congress of Liberia, the late Al-Hajj Mory D. Kaba (née Diakity) was one of its key founders among other prominent Liberian Muslims. Through their efforts, the Muslim Congress of Liberia was enacted by an Act of the Liberian Legislature in 1966. He died in Monrovia on March 7, 2003, following a protracted illness.
Liberian ruling Party Says President Taylor Can resign For Peace Sake (The Inquirer)
The National Patriotic Party’s chairman, Cyril A. Allen says President Charles Taylor will only resign for the sake of peace, but no "little meeting" nor conference will make him step down.
Chairman Allen stressed that President Taylor still has a responsibility under the Liberian constitution though he is not President for lifetime but only for a period. As such, he must be given the chance.
Fighting in Liberia (US State Department)
The United States is greatly disturbed by reports of intensifying fighting in Liberia. More than 10,000 Liberians have been forced in recent days to flee for their lives from southeastern Liberia, joining the already overflowing ranks of the displaced and refugees.
Russian Government Concerned About Citizen In Liberia Plight (The Inquirer)
The apparent failure of the appropriate agency of the Liberian government to address circumstances surrounding the ‘lost’ famous sailing vessel "M.V. Zolotitsa", and the condition in which the Russian captain of the vessel, Mr. Gennady Pavlovich Medvedve has found himself in Liberia, have caught the attention of the Russian Government.
Human rights Trial Takes Dramatic U-Turn (The Inquirer)
The treason trial involving human rights activist, Aloysius Toe, seem to have taken another trend, as one of the police officers who allegedly carried out the arrest of Mr. Toe has denied his involvement in the case.
Over 200,000 Infected With HIV/AIDS In Liberia (The Inquirer)
USAID/Liberia, says more than 200,000 people in Liberia are believed to be infected with the HIV/AIDS virus. Dr. Adams K. Lincoln said, using the total projection of 2.7 million with the current national HIV prevalence rate of 8.2 percent, more than 200,000 people in Liberia are HIV positive.
Liberian Peace Talks Go to Akosombo Again (The Inquirer)
The date of the peace talks on the Liberian crisis has been changed from June 2, to 4th June, 2003, while the main conference venue has also been changed from the Ghanaian capital of Accra to Akosombo, in the eastern region of that country.
Analysis of the Peace Options for Liberia
Liberians are preparing for the "mother of all reconciliation" conference in Accra, Ghana on June 2, 2003. Politicians, religious leaders, the rank and file of the Liberian people and members of the international community are proposing several major options under which Liberians could achieve peace and eventually proceed with electoral democracy.
Liberia is Life (Part II)
And it came to pass that early on the morning of May 8th, 2003, there arose a multitude. And there were women, men, and children of varied ages; Christians, Muslins, and others, and they represented a cross-section of Liberia. And with deep sorrow in their eyes and hearts, they had traveled from far and near to Washington, D.C., on buses and metros, air and sea, to unite their voices for democratic freedoms.
Hunger Hits Displaced Camps In Liberia (The Inquirer)
Internally displaced persons (IDPs) residing in camps in Brewerville, outside Monrovia, are said to be dying daily as a result of hunger. Within just 10 days, a total of 16 persons died of hunger in both the Jah-Tondo and Wilson Corner IDP camps.
Liberian Political Party Dismisses Chairman (The Inquirer)
The James Harris-led National Executive Committee of the All Liberian Coalition Party (ALCOP) wishes to inform all print and electronic media, and the general public that Mr. David E. Kortie is no longer the National Chairman of the Party.
MODEL Invites International Organizations
MODEL, the Liberian rebel group that controls most of Southeastern Liberia, says it invites the international press and humanitarian organizations to the area under its control. In a press release issued yesterday, MODEL wrote:
Liberians Want Stakeholders To Go to Peace Talks Without Preconditions (The Inquirer)
With just days to the holding of the scheduled Accra Peace Talks on Liberia, the need for all stakeholders to go there without pre-conditions has been stressed. During yesterday's edition of the popular talk show, "Topical Issues", on Radio Veritas, the two invited guests and several callers said if the suffering of the Liberian people must come to an end, then major stakeholders which include the Liberian Government and the rebel groups, LURD and MODEL, should attend the confab without pre-conditions.
Liberian Politician Gives L$10,000 for School Project In Grand kru County (The Inquirer)
Dr. Togba-Nah Tipoteh, presidential aspirant of the Liberian People's Party (LPP) has donated an amount of L$10,000 to asssist in the construction of a school in Dayokpo, Sasstown City in Grand Kru County.
Liberian Politician Detects Plot to Remove Him From Party Chairmanship (The Inquirer)
Credible information has revealed that a plot was being hatched by some disgruntled partisans of the grand old True Whig Party to unseat Cllr. Rudolph E. Sherman as Chairman of the party.
Liberia in the hands of Nigeria and Ghana, Once again!
Since August 1990, Nigeria and Ghana have played a determining role in the Liberian peace process. Presidents Ibrahim Babanginda of Nigeria and Jerry Rawlings first played a duet that, although it saved lives, failed to stop the war. When Babanginda left the scene, came Abacha and he and Rawlings started a whole new ball game that ultimately led to the presidency of Taylor.
Several Civilians, Soldiers Flee MODEL Attack In Liberia Port City of Harper (The Inquirer)
As the rebels of the Movement for Democracy in Liberia (MODEL), intensify their attacks on government positions in the Southeast, their onslaught on the administrative seat of Maryland County, that is the port city of Harper, ...thousands of fleeing persons including civilians and retreating government soldiers have arrived in Monrovia.
Meeting The 1st Family
22 Years Old Liberian Lady Exposes Human "Black Deal" (The Inquirer)
Apparently out of frustration over her relationship and in despair, Ms. Aimee Adogli walked in the offices of The INQUIRER over the weekend, to expose the ugly and con deeds of her fiancé, Willie B. Danway, 48, of Washington, USA.
The Mystery of the suffering Liberian Children And the Work Of An Local NGO (The Inquirer)
This article is aimed as giving you details on the plight of suffering Liberian children and the work of a local Liberian national humanitarian organization. This organization, the Concerned Children in Difficult Circumstances or CCDC is one of the several organizations operating in the country, without needed donors support.
MODEL Captures Maryland, River Gee In Liberia (The Inquirer)
Rebels of the group operating in the southeastern parts of Liberia, Movement for Democracy in Liberia (MODEL), has reportedly attacked Maryland County and captured the Administrative seat of Harper City on Monday.
Detained Human Rights Activist Accuses Taylor Government (The Inquirer)
Contrary to claims by the Liberian government, human rights activist Aloysius Toe says he is not an executive member of the dissident group that is fighting to overthrow the Taylor-led administration; as Patrick K. Wrokpoh reports.
Let All Liberians Strive for Peace (The Inquirer)
IT HAS NOW been disclosed that the much-talked about peace talks on Liberia will take place in Accra, Ghana, in early June. The talks are expected to bring together the Government of Liberia(GOL), the rebel Liberians United for Democracy and Reconciliation (LURD) as well as other stakeholders in the country.
Two Top Charles Taylor Men Threaten Two Liberian Journalists (The Inquirer)
The Press Union of Liberia (PUL) says its attention has been drawn to two separate incidents of attack and threats against journalists Teah Doegmah of the Talking Drum Studio and Moses Sonkarlay of the Liberia Communications Network reportedly by two public officials.
LIBERIA: Key timber port of Harper falls to rebels (IRIN News)
MONROVIA/ABIDJAN, 19 May 2003 (IRIN) - Rebels have captured Liberia's main timber export port at Harper close to the border with Cote d'Ivoire following a weekend of intense fighting with government forces, relief workers in the capital Monrovia said on Monday.
Supuwood's Friends Respond to Allegations
Our attention has been drawn to an article published in the 05/02/03 edition of the AFRICAN ANALYSIS Magazine entitled: “A New Model for Liberia”, in which among other things the writer alleged that Counselor J. Laveli Supuwood “is rumored to have some knowledge” of the death of his colleague, (the late) Sam Dokie.
Liberia's Taylor Should Step Down, says UN Refugee Chief (VOA)
The head of the U.N. refugee agency, Ruud Lubbers, says Liberian President Charles Taylor should be forced to step down for the sake of all West Africans. Mr. Lubbers is ending a week-long visit to the region.
We Showed Up For Aloysius Toe And Others, Why Didn't You?
When Nvasekie N. Konneh and his National Civil Rights Movement (NCRM) teamed up recently with Charles Kwanulo Sunwabe, Jr., and his organization, Freedom and International Justice (FIJ), to plan a mass rally in "shock and awe" about the continued incarceration of Aloysius Toe, undisputedly one of Liberia's most prominent human rights defenders, Sheikh Sackor and others, by the very brutal Taylor regime, there was no doubt in my mind whatsoever that their intention was genuine, clear and honest.
Liberian Media Executive Complains About Threats Made By Defense Minister Chea (The Inquirer)
A member of the Press Union of Liberia and News Director at the Liberia Communications Network(LCN), Moses Sonkarlay has complained to the PUL about threats made on his life by Defense Minister General Daniel Chea.
Africa's own Saddam Hussein (National Post)
The UN is trying to force Liberian President Charles Taylor from power after decades of murder and corruption
U.N. Official Blasts Liberia's Leader (Associated Press)
CONAKRY, Guinea - The U.N. refugee chief on Sunday blamed Liberia and warlord-turned-president Charles Taylor for the conflicts and refugee crises roiling West Africa and said in unusually blunt terms that Taylor should be forced out.
Power Sharing is The Way Out (The Inquirer)
Peace will once more reign in Liberia, if the Liberian leader agrees to share power or adopt the International Contact Group on Liberia's peace format for the country", was the assertion of the UNHCR boss during his recent visit to the country.
T. Q. Harris
T. Q. Harris Appointed LURD Negotiator
[LURD], therefore, [calls] upon the International Contact Group on Liberia, the Economic Community of West African States, United Nations, European Union, African Union, fellow Liberians, and friends of Liberia to give Mr. Harris your fullest cooperation. He is prepared to articulate LURD's position as it relates to ending hostilities in Liberia
Liberian Humanitarian Group Assessment Report On southeastern Liberia (The Inquirer)
An Official of the humanitarian Community says since their assessment in Grand Kru County, life of children and woman growth up in unbearable condition because of lack of humanitarian assistance to those needy. Mr. Patrick Jrikan, Executive Director of the Concerned Children in Difficult Circumstances, Inc. (CCDC), attributed the situation to the present war in the Country
NMCL Goes on Peace Mission in MRU States (The Inquirer)
A 27-man Muslim delegation from the National Muslim Counicl of Liberia(NMCL) is due to leave the country shortly on a peace mission to Guinea and Sierra Leone.
Liberian Students Urged to Become Journalists (The Inquirer)
Prospective high school graduates have been urged to make the profession of journalism their life-time career. He boasted that it is "the best profession."
The NRCM Note of Thanks
There comes a time in a person's life when he or she feels a strong urge to do something that is driven by social conscience. The March on May 8, 2003, was a first for a few of us, but the participants represented a cross-section of Liberia. The ambition to better unite ourselves in future protests is a thriving force, and we will prevail.
Africa UN Tribunal Accuses Liberian President of Ordering Murder of Rebel Leader's Family (VOA)
A U.N. war crimes prosecutor has accused Liberian President Charles Taylor of ordering the murder of the family of fugitive rebel leader Sam Bockarie.
On Being Liberian and Patriotic
The website carried an opinion piece under the title: "If Hodge is Liberian, then He's Unpatriotic". This apparently was in response to an article I recently published calling for tougher sanctions against Liberia.
Conditions not Conducive for 2003 Elections In Liberia - Ellen Sirleaf (The Inquirer)
Opposition politician, Mrs. Ellen Johnson says the prevailing security condition in the country is not conducive for the holding of presidential and general elections come October 14 this year. Responding to recent comments made by President Charles Ghankay Taylor that the pending elections will go ahead since he is under oath to do so unless the Supreme Court puts a halt to the process, Mrs. Sirleaf wondered as to why would any one press forward to hold what she termed a "fraudulent process," in the midst of the prevailing conditions
Restoration of Peace Depends on Liberians (The Inquirer)
ON MONDAY OF this week, the International Contact Group on Liberia held its third working session at the headquarters of the group in Brussels. During the one-day deliberations which was attended by representatives from the international community among others, the group expressed its deep concern about the situation in the country, which it said poses threats to peace and stability in the entire subregion.
Accra Peace Talks On Liberia Set for June 2nd (The Inquirer)
The Accra talks which is expected to bring about a final resolution to the nearly five-year old conflict in the country is slated to commence on 2nd June, 2003. This date was set at the recent ICG meeting in Brussels, Belgium.
For Accra Peace Talks - Presidential Aspirant Wants Only Two Agenda Items (The Inquirer)
A presidential aspirant of the Liberian Action Party (LAP), Dr. Joseph Korto has suggested that the pending Accra peace talks on Liberia be restricted to only two agenda items.
Two Pardoned Treason Convicts In Liberia Refute Allegation (The Inquirer)
To apparently refute a story as published in the Monday May 10 edition and back page lead of the New Liberia Newspaper, two of the 10 treason convicts who benefited from the Presidents magnanimous gesture of clemency some months back, have spoken in Monrovia.
Liberia Facing Aid Crisis - U.N. (Reuters)
Liberia faces a humanitarian disaster, with war preventing aid workers from helping hundreds of thousands of people and threatening to further destabilize an already fragile region, the chief of the U.N. refugee agency said.
Our Moral Responsibility
Thank you for giving me this opportunity to add my voice to the many Voices around this nation calling the world's attention to the very dreadful situation in our nation, Liberia. Our hearts are heavy as we continue to learn of the death and displacement of thousands of our fellow Liberians, as a result of the ongoing conflict between the government and various armed factions.
The National Civil Rights Movement Statement on Conditions in Liberia
As our women, children, and elders were eager to welcome the joys of one of the most celebrated days, the National Patriotic Front of Liberia (NPFL), under the command of Mr. Charles G. Taylor, launched an armed invasion against Liberia on Christmas Eve of 1989 from the neighboring Ivory Coast. Other rebel factions soon emerged, and the civil war became more painful and costly for the Liberian society.
Armed Robbers Victimize Parsee Family (The Inquirer)
What could have resulted to death in the Parsee family of Neezor, an area in the Pipeline Community in Paynesville, unfolded over the weekend when three men believed to be security personnel made their way into the home of the family and put them at gun point.
Liberian Political Party Reconsiders Decision Against George Toe Washington (The Inquirer)
The People's Democratic Party of Liberia (PDPL) has resolved the crisis within the party and at the same time restored the membership of its Standard Bearer, Mr. George Toe Washington.
A Call for Tougher Sanctions on Liberia and its Neighbors
On 7 may 2003, the UN Security Council met to re-examine the issue of existing sanctions imposed on Liberia. Originally the sanctions were imposed against the government of Liberia for its "support for the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) in Sierra Leone and for other armed groups in the region.
Security Matters Really Affect Everything, Not Just The Viability Of Elections..., Says Amb Blaney (The Inquirer)
I wanted to make a few comments about those important visitors. In town today is the UN-led Needs Assessment Team, which also has representatives on it from ECOWAS and the AU. As you know, the United States has urged that such a team come to Liberia for some time, so we are pleased that they are in Liberia. Their job is of central importance for charting a viable roadmap; one that will allow Liberia to extract itself from misery and endless violence."
Liberia's Supreme Court Declares All Senatorial Seats Vacant (The Inquirer)
The Supreme Court of Liberia has declared all senatorial seats vacant in the forthcoming general and presidential elections. The decision was contained in the court's ruling into a petition filed with it by some members of the incumbent Liberian Senate against the Elections Commission of Liberia.
Brumskine Welcomes UN Assessment Team (The Inquirer)
A presidential aspirant of the Liberia Unification Party (LUP), Cllr. Charles Walker Brumskine says the recent visit of the United Nations Needs Assessment team to Liberia clearly indicates that the country is on the right track to peace.
Suffering Russian National Accused UNHCR-Liberia (The Inquirer)
A Russian national, Gennady Pavlovic Medveder says the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) in Liberia should be held liable for his stolen ship, the famous "Zolotitsa".
LLF-C Program of Action for Peace in Liberia
The Liberian Leadership Conference/Liberian Leadership Forum makes this presentation as a contribution to the on-going efforts by Liberians, supported by the sub-regional, regional and international community towards ending the death and destruction in Liberia and curtailing the further spread of the instability associated with the country across the West African Sub-region.
Liberia Loosing 24,000,000 ACRES Yearly..., Says UNDP Official (The Inquirer)
The UNDP Resident Representative to Liberia, Mr. Marc Destanne de Bernis says Liberia's rich biodiversity is being seriously threatened.Mr. de Bernis said uncontrolled logging, traditional shifting cultivation, mining and human settlements constitute major challenges to the preservation of the country's biodiversity.
Liberia Peace Talks Facilitor Wants Ceasefire (The Inquirer)
The African statesman appointed to serve as facilitator of the up-coming Accra Peace Talks on Liberia, Rtd. Gen. Abdusalami Abubakar has called for an immediate cease-fire in the ongoing conflict in the country.
Two Top Charles Taylor Men In Big Showdown (The Inquirer)
The office of the chairman of the ruling National Patriotic Party (NPP) was reportedly a scene of drama on Tuesday, when Cllr. Jenkins K. Z. B. Scott, the legal advisor to President Charles Taylor, and NPP Chairman Chief Cyril Allen got in a war of words.
Liberia's Education Minister Receives High Honor (The Inquirer)
Liberia’s Education Minister, Dr. D. Evelyn S. Kandakai has challenged journalists and stakeholders in the education sector to highlight the plight of children who are out of school and girls in distress.
Global Witness Welcomes UN's New Proposed Ban On Liberian Timber As A Decisive Act To Bring Peace To A War-Torn Region
Global Witness welcomes the UN Security Council's decision to extend the current sanctions regime on Liberia for its threat to international peace and security, and applauds the inclusion of an embargo on Liberian timber1. This decision will prohibit the Liberian government and rebel groups' access to logging industry resources, which are being used to fund violent conflict in Liberia and Cote d'Ivoire. Combined with effective monitoring and sanctions compliance by all UN Member States, the Resolution will move Liberia and the region much closer to the active peace and stability that has eluded it for decades.
Sam Bockarie
The Mysterious Death of a Fugitive
Reports from Liberia indicate that Taylor's trusted RUF partner has been killed in Liberia. Sam Bockarie, alias Mosquito, fled Sierra Leone during a struggle between him and Foday Sankoh and sought refuge in Liberia. The government of Sierra Leone immediately requested the extradition of Mr. Bockarie but to no avail. Similar requests for the extradition of Mr. Bockarie for "safekeeping" were made by ECOWAS' leaders but without any success.
Taylor's Pepperbush Included in the New Sanctions Regime
On Tuesday, May 6, the United Nations Security Council renewed the sanctions regime imposed on Liberia on May 7, 2001, for Charles Taylor’s guns-for-diamonds scheme and his support for the RUF rebel group. In the past, China and France had resisted the inclusion of timber in the sanctions regime. But things changed yesterday at the UN - timber, which Mr. Taylor refers to as his pepperbush was unanimously included in Resolution1478 (2003).
Hassan Bility Speaks At The Rally For Aloysius Toe And Others
When Aloysius Toe and others planned to demonstrate for the unconditional release of Hassan Bility and fellow detainees last year, little did he know that instead of the unconditional release of these folks, he too would be added on to them. He could not have imagined that he would still be held while Hassan Bility would be forced into exile.
NEMF Decries The Violent Incursions Into Various Communities In Nimba County
Nimba Educational & Medical Fund (NEMF), is dismayed by the prolonged violence committed against the innocent people of Liberia and specifically the recent violent incursions into various communities in Nimba County. NEMF commends all organizations and individuals that are involved in providing humanitarian relief to these innocent victims, especially the women and children.
Indicted West African Warlord Killed in Liberia
MONROVIA (Reuters) - Sam Bockarie, a notorious West African warlord indicted for atrocities in Sierra Leone by a U.N.-backed court, was killed on Tuesday in a shootout with Liberian soldiers, the government said.
Liberia is Life
I have never met nor communicated with Brother Aloysius Toe. But his expressed action tells me that he is a man of selfless character. Aware of the danger of speaking out in today's Liberia, he joined other leaders and disregarded the culturally acceptable notion of pleasing the self, and announced plans for a weeklong, peaceful demonstration to call upon the Monrovia regime to timely release all illegally detained Liberians.
Indicted West African Warlord Killed in Liberia
Liberia's Undeclared War - Murder, Mayhem, and Abductions
The war in Liberia, which began in 1989, officially ended in 1997. With free, internationally monitored elections, Charles Taylor, former National Patriotic Front Leader, won with an overwhelming majority. The people declared that they were tired after 7 years of war, and only wanted peace and stability returned to the country.
Liberian Students Starts Sitting West African Examinations (The Inquirer)
About 10,500 12th graders of the Liberia School System will this Monday start sitting the Liberian senior High School Certificate Examinations while 11,650 9th graders will sit the exams next Monday.
Suffering Russian National In Liberia Demands US$50,000 From UNHCR (The Inquirer)
The owner of the once sailing vessel, M.V. Zolotitsa, the Russian, Mr. Gennady Pavlovich Medvedev is demanding from the Monrovia office of the UNHCR to pay the amount of US$50,000 for illegally using the vessel about three years ago.
A Window of Opportunity for Peace
The current security and humanitarian crisis in the sub-region could be a blessing in disguise. Guinea, Sierra Leone and Cote d'Ivoire, all countries surrounding Liberia are faced with the same situation, at varying degree, with what Liberians have faced in the past decade. Although each country had experienced political changes through military coups, the cross border violence and insecurity was never part of the picture. Each country dealt with its political tremor internally and neighbors only had to provide shelter to a few "political refugees."
Liberia: Unsafe Ground For Elections
The next Liberian election must resolve the long-standing political squabble, which has dogged Liberia for decades. The question for this generation is not whether the elections take place in 2003, 2005 or 2006; but rather, "what kind of country does the people of Liberia deserve"? And, "how should democracy be rooted so as to avoid a repeat of war as the only means of settling disagreements and disputes?"
Archbishop Michael Francis
Disagreeing With Archbishop Michael Francis
The Liberian Contemporees United Patriotic and Strong would like to take this opportunity to register its opposition to the recent proposal by Bishop Michael Francis and others which calls for an extension of the Administration of Charles Taylor with a government of national unity.
Russian National Demands Justice In Liberia (The Inquirer)
Mr.Genadi Pavovich Medvedev, who appeared frustrated with tears set in his eyes, wondered why he should be denied justice on the issue of his vessel "zolotitsa" which, he claims, is presently with the Superintendent of Maryland County, Mr. H. Dan Morais.
University Of Liberia Professors Demands Hundred Percent Monthly Salary Increment (The Inquirer)
The May 7th date set for the 2001/2002 Commencement convocation for the University of Liberia (UL) is said to be hanging in the balance, as the UL faculty Association (ULFA) is demanding hundred percent increment in their monthly salary.
Liberian Gov't Agrees for Intervention Force (The Inquirer)
It has been disclosed that the Government of Liberia (GOL) has agreed for the coming into the country of an Intervention Force to separate the fighting forces.Addressing a news conference yesterday in Monrovia, Ghana's Ambassador to Liberia, Kwame E.A Amoa-Awua said the Liberian government made this known during the International Contact Group's delegation recent visit to the country.
Zaza Reponds to LURD's Conneh
I read with total amazement a publication on the Website of the Perspective Magazine (April 30, 2003) captioned "LURD Makes Appointments". That publication purporting to emanate from you carried a statement from the "LURD Secretariat" appointing me as "Coordinator II (USA)". Whatever that title meant, I do not know.
Human Rights Group Against Extension of Charles Taylor's Gov't Tenure In Liberia (The Inquirer)
"Since the political landscape in Liberia is rowdy and seemingly impossible to conduct election in October 14, 2003, as being provided by law, which automatically creates a period of interregnum, Liberia Watch for Human Rights is calling upon all Liberians at home and abroad to set up an Interim Government with the support of the International Community, particularly the US Government instead of extending the tenure of the NPP-led Government after the expiry date of its mandate.
Greetings On World Press Freedom Day
A free Press is indeed one of the most essential components of a democratic society, which in turn is a pre-requisite for sustainable social and economic development. This fact has manifested itself in the last twelve years since 3 May 1991, at which time editors and journalists from Africa gathered in the Namibian capital, Windhoek for a regional seminar on promoting independent and pluralistic media.
Media War Opens Between Catholic Human Rights Commission and Liberian Daily (The Inquirer)
The Catholic Justice and Peace Commission (JPC) wishes to clarify that the story carried in the Wednesday, April 30, 2003, Volume 6, Number 107 Edition in the Monrovia Guardian Newspaper, captioned: "For Allegedly Performing Poorly: JPC Loses Foreign Grant?" based on "wide rumors" is purely intended to embarrass the JPC and cast aspersion on the good image the Commission has earned for itself locally and internationally over the years.
MDCL and LDI Join Hands on Liberia
We, the Movement for Democratic Change in Liberia (MDCL) and The Liberian Democracy Initiative (LDI), meeting in the City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, realizing the declining social, economic and political conditions in Liberia...
Price Of AIDS Drugs Cut By Half (The Inquirer)
GlaxoSmithKline, the biggest manufacturer of Aids drugs in the world, has halved the price of its leading Aids drug in poor countries.The move comes after intense pressure on the pharmaceutical industry from health activists, investors and charities around the world.
Charles Taylor
Taylor to be Indicted for Aiding and Abetting Criminals?
The Judge of the Special Court in Sierra Leone, Dr. White, said that he has multiple evidence that Mr. Charles Taylor is harboring Sam Mosquito Bockarie and Johnny Paul Koroma in Liberia. The judge demanded that he turn over those two indicted war criminals or he (Taylor) will be indicted for aiding and abetting the criminals, which according to Dr. White, could lead to his arrest through the U. N. system.
Liberian Government Urged to Fight Malaria (The Inquirer)
A Liberian educator says government's contribution towards the health care delivery system is negligible, therefore the key to abort malaria requires effective system and machineries rather than policy statements and rhetoric.
Liberian Women Hold Peace Festival In Monrovia (The Inquirer)
Liberian Women under the auspices of the Women in Peace Building Network (WIPNET) will this Saturday (May 3) host a peace festival and rally on the Airfield, opposite the Fish Market in Sinkor. The ceremony which begins at 10:00a.m. is expected to bring together hundreds of citizens including foreign residents, religious and opinion leaders and foreign partners in progress, a release said.
Charles Taylor's Party Chairman Says 2003 Elections Not Possible (The Inquirer)
The Chairman of the ruling National Patriotic Party (NPP), Mr. Cyril Allen says he does not see the possibility of the pending elections being held on 14th October as scheduled, taking into consideration the current prevailing situation in the country.
LPP Supports Collaboration With Other Parties In Liberia (The Inquirer)
The Liberia People’s Party (LPP) has reaffirmed its commitment to collaborate with other parties in the forthcoming general and presidential elections. The party's clarification comes in the wake of mounting speculations that LPP has failed to cooperate with the four political parties that recently signed an agreement to field a single slate of candidates
A Constitutional Argument To Hold Elections Later Than October 2003
Viable constitution governance has to be complete and total. The Constitution may not be enforceable in parts of the country, but not in others, or enforced in respect to certain provisions, but not as to others. The elections provisions of the Liberian Constitution are connected to and premised on other provisions of the constitution, each of which must have effect to afford compliance to constitutional requirements.
It is Time to Prepare a Liberian "Roadmap"
As the international community is now fully engaged with the resolution of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, it must be reminded about a similar urgent need for a roadmap for conflict transformation in West Africa. Israeli insecurity and Palestinian statehood are to the Middle East what regional instability and state collapse are to the Mano River sub-region of West Africa.
Archbishop Michael Francis
Let's Pay Heed to The Archbishop's Advice (The Inquirer)
CATHOLIC ARCHBISHOP MICHAEL Francis in his usual radio interview with Radio VERITAS Sunday, expressed pessimism about the holding of free, fair and transparent elections in October this year. THE OUTSPOKEN CATHOLIC prelate pointed out that it will take a miracle to hold free, fair and transparent elections in Liberia in just more than five months' time, with serious insecurity, no census, cease-fire, disarmament, and demobilization of belligerent forces.
Why are Things so Different in Liberia: The Case of the "Tear, Tear Money" (The Inquirer)
Sometimes, as I sit and ponder over some of the numerous problems for which I am yet to find answers on my own, I tend to think on why things are done and are so different in Liberia! My former professor of philosophy at the University of Liberia, Dr. Dr.Wollor Topor, once said, "there is only one science, and there is only one mathematics...", in reference to why things so different in Liberia.
Liberian Alleged to Shield War-Crimes Fugitives (Washington Post)
A special United Nations-backed court yesterday accused Liberian President Charles Taylor of sheltering two of West Africa's most wanted war-crimes suspects and demanded that he turn them over for prosecution.
Archbishop Francis Proposal Gets Support (The Inquirer)
Catholic Archbishop Michael K. Francis' proposal calling for the extension of the tenure of the current government of Liberia has received support from several citizens.
Liberia's Port City Over crowded... Receives Influx of Several IDPs (The Inquirer)
The densely populated capital of Grand Bassa County, Buchanan is having its social and medical facilities including clinics stretched to their limits with the influx of several thousands of persons who have fled their home regions due to the ongoing fighting between Government forces and rebel groups in the country.
3000 displaced Persons In Liberia Receive Relief Items (The Inquirer)
Several thousands of internally displaced persons (IDPs) of the Plumkor Displaced Camp in Brewerville, outside Monrovia, were at the weekend beneficiaries of some consignments of assorted food items donated by the "Hope Of Liberia Charity Foundation, Inc." based in the United States.
There are Consequences for Violators of Human Rights
Once again war is spreading like wildfire in various parts of Liberia. We are seeing history repeating itself with the apparent division of the rebel group into opposing factions, thereby compounding the already difficult problems facing Liberia. In this cycle of violence, it is the civilian population that suffers the most.
LURD's Appointee Says No Thanks
While I may have my own very strong opinions about the inner workings of the armed group that has become known as the Liberians United for Reconstruction and Democracy, as with other armed factions that have preceded it, I do not want to delve into that at this point. What baffles me is the act of arbitrarily announcing my name for a position for which I was neither, consulted, informed, or even hinted.