President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf Meets with the Liberian Community Association of Metropolitan Atlanta (LAMA)
should stop fussing with each other,” says President Johnson-Sirleaf
By Siahyonkron Nyanseor)
On a private visit to the U.S. for the graduation of her granddaughter,
President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf took time off from her busy schedule
to meet members of the Liberian Community in Georgia.
She had earlier turned down an invitation to meet with
the Liberian Association of Metropolitan Atlanta (LAMA) in a town
hall setting, but at the 11th hour, the President of LAMA, Mrs.
Sue Yancy Williams received a call from Honorable Alexander H.N.
Wallace, Acting Deputy Chief of Mission for the Liberian Embassy
stating that “the President says she could not come to town
(Atlanta) without meeting with the Community”.
America Have Lied about Liberia’s Security Condition?
On 30 March 2006 the United States State Department in Washington
issued an updated Travel Warning directed at US citizens in, traveling
to or planning to travel to Liberia. The document, according to
the US Govt., updates and supersedes the Travel Warning of November
4, 2005 (see
Promises More Assistance (Forum)
Chinese Ambassador Lin Songtain says his country remains committed
to assisting Liberia to recover from its long running civil war.
Chinese Ambassador Lin Songtain says his country remains committed
to assisting Liberia to recover from its long running civil war.
Embarrasses Government (Forum)
Recent publication in the Evidence newspaper appears to have embarrassed
the Liberian Government as far as its relationship with The People’s
Republic of China is concerned.
Commissioner John S. Morlu
"I would
like to see Maritime run like A private corporation", Says
Commissioner John S. Morlu
Dr. Abdulaye Dukule recently talked with Liberia's
Maritime Commissioner John S. Morlu in an interview. Below is the
full text of the interview: Q: Dukule: Mr. Morlu, you have been
in the corridors of Maritime for about thirty years or more, how
do you feel about heading the Bureau at this time?
Draw Gov’t Attention to The Nimba Situation (Forum)
THE SITUATION IN Nimba regarding land dispute between Gios, Manos
on one side and the Mandingoes on the other appears to be bubbling
and taking an unprecedented trend.
A Governance Flag? - Africa Writing Another History (Forum)
(By: A. Bob Fallah)
The history of the entire continent (Africa) has very long tales
as far as mankind is concerned.
Prescription for Self-Help Job Creation and Economic Empowerment
By Tito M. Johnson)
A critical survey of the Liberian economic landscape would uncover
the underlying reasons for the predicament or worst nightmare as
some would say, of the Liberian people, vis-à-vis the domination
of their nation’s economy by foreigners—especially Lebanese
and Indian business people. To spotlight this dilemma and its past,
current and future negative outlook on the Liberian nation and people,
is to take a bird’s-eye-view into Liberia’s socio-politico
as well as socio-economic order of bye-gone periods, which certainly
can be blamed for the prevailing degrading and unacceptable level
of poverty plaguing the Liberian people.
United States Government has reassured Liberia of its commitment
A Press Release From Liberian Embassy)
The United States Government has reassured Liberia of its commitment
to continue support to the Security sector reform Program until
Liberia develops the appropriate capacity to manage its own security.
Defense department Officials in Washington D.C. say the restructuring
of the Liberian Army will remain a high priority agenda for the
Tradition of Uncle Tom’s Relatives – Part 1
(By Siahyonkron Nyanseor)
The Tradition of Uncle Tom’s Relatives, is a two-part series.
Part 1 deals with how the ruling elites of Liberia brought about
the socio-cultural, political and economic divide in the country
as well show how the Tradition of Uncle Tom’s Relatives promoted
disunity and created a negative disposition and arrogance among
most of the children born into this tradition.
How Long Will Rubber Plantation Dwellers Live And Work In Fear?
By Gbe Sneh
Peace in Liberia is being portrayed as “fragile”. But,
for the already traumatized citizens that live and work on the rubber
plantations, peace is beyond fragile. It is broken. Just what will
it take for these plantation workers and their families and relatives
to have peace? As if it is not enough to grapple with slave wages,
poor living conditions, and a polluted environment, they are now
weary of terror by hooligans.
Mount citizens raise $13,000 and agree to set up Development Foundation
Nearly $13,000 was raised recently at the Reconstruction Conference
organized by the National Association of Cape Mountainians in the
Americas (NACA) held in College Park, Maryland. Of the amount, close
to $11,000 was raised in cash and checks, and the reminder in pledges.
Citizens Go on Rampage -For Attempted Kidnap (Forum)
(By: Lewis K. Glay)
Bong citizens in the District of Suakoko yesterday went on a rampage
for an attempted kidnapping of two of their citizens allegedly by
UNMIL Nigerian Formed Police.
Marginalizing Customs Officer Karyee at RIA? (Forum)
It has been revealed to The FORUM by a group of citizens in Monrovia
that some unidentified schemers are reportedly marginalizing customs
examiner Richard Karyee for the recent arrest of a Nigerian drug
dealer, Sylvester Agina at the Roberts International Airport (RIA)
few weeks ago.
Bad Governance
Is Africa’s Major Problem - ADB Veep (Forum)
(By: A. Bob Fallah)
African Development Bank (ADB) Vice President for Operations, Dr.
Zeinab E. Bakri, says Africa’s major problem as well as its
continued economic failure is the absence of good governance.
Editor's note: Ministry of Commerce charges L$10,125 to register a business, but gives you flag receipts for only L$8,200. It is not clear why the balance L$1925 is not accounted for. |
Confronting Corruption- An Effective Approach
(By Paul C. Collins)
President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has made corruption
her administration’s public enemy number one, and has convinced
the electorate that high on her priority of reforming the government
is tackling corruption head on. Very recently the president is reported
to have strongly admonished her cabinet to take concrete action to
weed out corrupt practices and officials, stressing her displeasure
at what she calls the slow pace at which the phenomenon was being
dealt with. There is even talk that there could be a cabinet reshuffle
in those ministries that were perceived not to be taking a proactive
role in dealing with corruption.
Advocacy to Public Service: A Transition Fraught with Special Challenges
(By Emmanuel Dolo)
The theme of present day discussions about governance in Liberia
is indisputably “change.” Underlying this message are
criticisms of the past and invitation for reforms. Who is best suited
to undertake “change” than those people who opposed
the previous governments for its ineptitude? The time has come for
opposition leaders and human rights activists to change the status
quo. However, the transition from activism to governance is not
without significant cost – high expectations.
Mr. Justice
By: Theodore T. Hodge)
The Honorable Counselor Kabineh Ja’neh has won his confirmation battle to become a justice of the Honorable Supreme Court of Liberia. I hereby offer my congratulations. I am somewhat confident that it is an honor well deserved and that this gentleman will do his utmost best to justify the confidence reposed.
President Sirleaf in Chicago
A Day With President Sirleaf In Chicago
By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé)
This was supposed to be a vacation of a sort, a short private family visit, with a stop at the Oprah Winfrey show and a flight back home, all in three days. Her delegation was the smallest any Liberian president has ever traveled with: a total of 6 person, including security, press and protocol. But rather, it turned into one of those excruciating day long campaign adventures that the Iron Lady has accustomed her followers and staff to during the campaign for the presidency a few months ago.
President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf |
"The War Is Over ... But We must Remain Vigilant," says President Sirleaf to Liberians in Chicago, Illinois
By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé)
Speaking to a crowd of more than 1,000 Liberians and friends of Liberia who had converged on Chicago from all points in the US Midwest to greet her on the first leg of a 3-day private visit, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf said that a "new dawn has come in Liberia," adding that "Liberia is on the verge of standing up again, to be a shining star in Africa."
A Reflection On President Sirleaf’s First 100 Days in Office
By Joseph G. Bartuah)
On November 8, 2005, Liberian voters resoundingly elected Mrs. Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, to provide the needed leadership for a country ravaged by 14 years of senseless fratricide. That epochal election gave President Sirleaf the mandate to serve the Liberian people for a six-year-year term. Wednesday, April 26th marked the first one hundred days of what historians are likely to label as the Ellen Era. In keeping with democratic tradition, it is imperative that Mrs. Sirleaf’s first 100 days of her 2,191-day presidential marathon be candidly assessed, since her inauguration on January 16, 2006.
Liberian Doctoral Candidate Calls for “Indigenous Efforts” in Rebuilding Liberia
(By Winsley S. Nanka)
Richardson Paye, a doctoral candidate in clinical psychology at Immatcuta Catholic University in suburban Philadelphia has called on Liberians to initiate indigenous efforts to meet Liberia’s development needs. Mr. Paye was speaking recently at the fundraising dinner organized by Carepath Inc. a social services organization established by a group of Liberians that is geared towards providing various intervention strategies to at-risk young people in Liberia.
Government must Purify the Muddy water (Forum)
THE LIBERIAN NATION state had been dispossessed of its normal foundation at all aspects of life as a result of the senseless 14 long years of turmoil.
Who Heads Johnsonville? -As Hoff, Berry Hoist Separate Flags (Forum)
The long-standing leadership crisis within Johnsonville Township is far from being over as residents are in doubt about who is currently in charge.
Massive Layoff Begets New Loan; It Also Threathens Stability
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf's Dilemma
(By J. Yanqui Zaza)
Is firing 500 or 66% of the 750 workforce of the Liberia Petroleum Refining Company (LPRC) an introduction of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s program of privatization? Or is her government following the economic prescriptions of the World Bank as part of a deal to renegotiate Liberia's $3.5 billion dollar debt? Predictably, some affected employees would be rehired once the government negotiates new loans and identifies new contractors.
An Account Of Chemical And Biological Weapons In Some African Countries: Potential for Acquisition and Usage
(By Emmanuel Abalo)
Today , the global debate about the proliferation and command of chemical biological and nuclear weapons capability raises concerns and suspicions among member states of the United Nations and sub-regional groups - Africa being no exception.
George Bush Bridge Dedicated in Barclayville (Forum)
President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf recently led a delegation comprised of us Ambassador Donald Booth, USAID Director Wilber Thomas, UNOPS Coordinator Wendy MacClinchy and others to Barclaysville, Grand Kru County to cut the ribbon on the George W. Bush Bridge.
CEMENCO Is A Cancer - Says Rep. Kpakah (Forum)
Lofa County Representative Eugene Fallah Kpakah has described CEMENCO – the only cement producer in the country as “cancer” to Liberia’s postwar reconstruction.
Monitor Govt. Expenditures - US Amb. Urges Liberian Press (Forum)
(By: Natoe Jallah)
The United States Ambassador accredited to Liberia, Donald E. Booth, says the Liberian press has an obligation to monitor government expenditures by exposing those who might try to benefit themselves at the expense of the people.
Mittal Steel’s Faith in Limbo (Forum)
What appears to be Liberia’s major postwar investment, Mittal Steel, is between survival and cancellation as President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf – led administration seems to be uncomfortable with the contract.
RFL: Correcting the Obvious
(A Press Release Issued By LIHEDE)
The Liberian History, Education, & Development Inc. (LIHEDE) is greatly disappointed that the management of Radio Free Liberia (RFL) would issue a public statement that purports to give credence to allegation of a possible link between the scheduled December 2006 National Health Conference in Monrovia on malaria prevention, control, and eradication in Liberia and DDT use,
(By: Obadiah Karnah, II)
What appears to be another imminent trouble over disputed lands in towns and villages of Nimba County is gradually resurfacing if nothing is done to avert the situation.