Ellen With TRC Members
Can The
TRC Bring True Reconciliation?
By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé)
The induction of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) was
hailed as a milestone in Liberia’s road to peace and stability.
It was the last tenet of the Comprehensive Peace Accord (CPA) signed
in Accra in 2003 and that brought an end to the cycle of violence.
The Sirleaf government deserves commendations for bringing the TRC
on the front burner and finding the initial funding along with the
UNDP and other donor agencies to kick-off the process.
Gambling With Stocks Might End Raising
(By J. Yanqui Zaza )
The U.S. Court ruling in June 2006 on the speculation business or
hedge funds and the $33.3 trillion dollar wealth accumulated by
8.7 millionaires in 2005 might deny, for example, Liberian capitalists
an opportunity to establish a stock exchange at home. More so, it
might also prevent Liberian corporations from raising interest-free
With The Movement for Political Reform (MOP)
(A Letter From Patrick Garmonyu Tarr)
I just read an article on your website and am using this medium
to express my reaction, in order to generate a debate for a larger
audience. Your article today and that of the June 21, 2006 edition
of the Inquirer newspaper carried a press statement from the Movement
for Political Reform (MOP), stating the 'short-fall' of the Liberian
government. I am highly disappointed with some points raised, so
the reaction.
Taylor Goes To The Hague --- London Awaits
(By Theodore T. Hodge)
The latest episode in the Charles Taylor saga brings us
news that Great Britain has agreed to provide prison for him (Charles
Taylor) if he is convicted of the charges brought against him. This
revelation has cleared the way for the trial to be held at The Hague,
Netherlands. Earlier, the Netherlands declared that the country
would only agree to hold the trial if another country agreed to
provide facilities for imprisonment should the principal defendant
be found guilty after trial.
Launching the TRC
Addressing Some Of the Foundational Challenges Of Our Quest For Post-Conflict Renewal
(A Speech Delivered By Dr. Amos C. Sawyer
At The Launching of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission on June
22, 2006)
Today we bring to the forefront the most difficult, delicate and painful part of our post-conflict reconstruction program. For a quarter of a century, our country has experienced intermittent conflicts and a brutal war. During this period, we have had three national elections (in 1985, 1997 and 2005). And yet elections have not been sufficient to set us on the course to recovery and reconstruction.
Minutes to Midnight: The Nuclear Peril
(By David Model)
The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists set its doomsday clock to seven
minutes before midnight on February 27, 2002, and despite the growing
precipitous nuclear crisis since, the clock remains unchanged. The
doomsday clock represents the global level of nuclear danger and
has been as close as two minutes to midnight in 1953 when the “United States and Soviet Union ...
Liberia’s Culture of Unlawful Practices Continues Under New
(By Siahyonkron Nyanseor)
Liberian history is replete with the country’s elites and
government officials “taking the laws into their own hands”
(dispensing justice outside the law). The recent arrest of Belleview
Airlines’ Manager, Mr. Michael Embiemu, and two of his staff
members is another example of Liberia’s culture of unlawful
Justice Johnny Lewis Must GO, If ...
If reports from the ANALYST NEWS AGENCY is true on Mr. Johnny Lewis,
Chief Justice of Liberia collosal faliure to dispense constitutional
due process, and his strange disregard to carrying out THE STATE
GO!! There must be no pampering, mollycoddling, nor legal political
cossetting here. PLAIN AND SIMPLE!!!
The Vaccine for Corruption in Government
(By J. Patrick Flomo)
Malfeasance is so deeply rooted in the Liberian government to the
extent that its contagiousness has continued to affect every succeeding
generation of politicians since William V. S. Tubman ascended to
the presidency in 1944. Corruption is, in my view, insidious, contagious,
and the greatest security threat to stability in developing countries,
especially a “failed state” such as Liberia.
Black Stars Must Shine
By Joseph G. Bartuah)
The pivotal World Cup match this Thursday between Ghana Black Stars
and the United States soccer team has some historic underpinning
as well as psychological exponents, especially for the African continent.
It was in Berlin, the German capital, that Africa’s colonial
fate was decided about 122 years ago. In 1884 the then European
powers gathered in Berlin and concocted the partition and exploitation
of Africa.
Things Re-surfacing in Liberia, MOP Says
(A Press Release Issued By The Movement for
political reform in Liberia (MOP))
The Movement for political reform in Liberia (MOP) has expressed
grave concern that factors which precipitated the civil crisis in
the country are gradually re-surfacing under President Ellen Sirleaf
while the National Legislature has largely remained silent and disengaged
from this sad reality.
Beyond Words Madam President (Forum)
IN RECENT TIMES, there have been reports of series of attacks on
journalists by state security personnel and presidential body guards.
Mano, Mandingo In Peace Deal (Forum)
(By Obadiah Karnah II and George Gonletuo)
The Special Presidential Committee set up recently by President
Ellen Johnson –Sirleaf to probe into a land dispute in Nimba
County is said to have amicably resolved the land issues among the
citizens with ease.
American Immigration Debate: Walls, National Anthems and Languages
By Theodore T. Hodge)
I have lived in America longer than I’ve lived anywhere else,
including Liberia, where I was born. I’ve contemplated becoming
a citizen but after all these years, I seem content to be a ‘permanent
resident alien’ rather than to become an American citizen.
Don’t get me wrong, it is not the easiest decision to live
with, after all, millions around the world would gladly give an
arm and a leg for a visit; millions here anxiously wait to become
Media Suffer Abuse
(By Ekena Wesley)
One name remains towering in the minds of many an American media
practitioners and journalists reminiscent of ‘Press Freedom’.
There is non other than John Peter Zenger. Zenger was credited as
the beacon of Press Freedom in American history under British colonial
reign when an article he wrote encountered the distaste of New York
Governor who was so enraged to a point that his tea turned sugarless
and bread became stale.
Cllr. Jerome Verdier
TRC Chairman
Launching Kicks Off With Massive Mobilization And Awareness This
(A Release Issued By The Truth and Reconciliation Commission)
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Liberia (TRC) will be
formally launched in Monrovia on June 22, 2006 at the Centennial
Memorial Pavilion under the theme “Truth and Reconciliation,
Challenges & Prospects For a New Liberia”.
Clampdown on Corruption at UL - More Heads
to Roll (Forum)
By: Lewis K. Glay)
The Clampdown on corruption at the University of Liberia may intensively
curtail sustained malpractices which have crippled educational value
at the higher institution of learning.
Traditional chiefs who recently gathered in Gbarnga, Bong County
to elect the head of Traditional Council of Liberia have described
the entire exercise as undemocratic.
Boss On PUL Secretary’s Back
The Managing Editor of The FORUM newspaper, Augustus Fallah is calling
on the Press Union of Liberia (PUL) Secretary General Alphonso Zeon
to desist from mischievous activities at the union.
the War: Liberian Women's Other Horror Stories
By Jestina Doe-Anderson)
The year 2005 was a momentous one for Liberian women, with two particularly
noteworthy milestones: the historic election of Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf
as the first woman president of Liberia, and the passing into law
of a new rape bill. One can only hope that the former of these mutually
exclusive events will have a significant influence on the success
of the latter.
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Addresses ILO Conference, Calls For Urgent Action For Peace And Development As Unemployment
Reaches An Estimated 85%
Facing an unemployment level that has risen to an estimated
85 per cent, Liberia requires immediate support to create sustainable
conditions for peace and development, H.E. Ms. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf,
President of the Republic of Liberia, told the annual Conference
of the International Labour Organization (ILO) here today.
Ministry Of Justice Dormancy Is Holding Up Development
By Gbe Sneh)
By now it ought to be clear to the Ministry of Justice that hurdles
that lie in the way of national development will not be cleared
with just lip service. The news media can make mention of GOL’s
resolve to combat corruption, enforce the rule of law, eschew impunity,
in every popular local newspaper, in every electronic outlet, on
all radio frequencies, on a daily basis, but, if these do not translate
into concrete actions, the nation will remain suspect in the eyes
of our development partners, and pretty soon, the people will begin
to have a morale letdown.
World Bank’s
Debt Ruins Developing Countries; Now Speculators’ $1 Billion
Dollar Pay Might Just Bury Them
(By J. Yanqui Zaza)
The Alpha magazine, published by Institutional Investor, reported
that speculating or gambling corporations are now paying billions
of dollars as annual compensations to chief executives. It would
appear that currency speculation/gambling does not affect social
programs such as education for a country that is far away from the
dealer and timber trader Guus Kouwenhoven found guilty of breaking
a UN arms embargo on Liberia after Global Witness investigations
catalysed Dutch prosecution
(Global Witness Press Release)
In The Hague today, Dutch arms and timber trader Guus Kouwenhoven
was convicted under Dutch law of violating a UN arms embargo on
Liberia. He was sentenced to eight years in prison.
Company to Establish Zinc Factory in Liberia (Forum)
(By: Lewis K. Glay)
A Belgium based zinc producing company, Alcotile Roofing Sheet Element,
has expressed interest to establish a factory in Liberia.
Crisis Looms over Kokoyah (Forum)
(By Jefferson Massah)
Reports emerging from the newly created Kokoyah Statutory District
in Bong County indicate a looming humanitarian crisis due to the
collapse of a major bridge that links the district with the rest
of the county.
Circuit Court Crowded with Murder Cases (Forum)
(By Obadiah Karnah)
The 8th Judicial Circuit Court in Saniquelle, Nimba County, is said
to be loaded with several murder cases during this term of court.
of Commerce Heads Delegation at AGOA Forum in Washington, DC.
(By Abdoulaye W. Dukule)
The Minister of Commerce and Industry of Liberia Mrs. Olubanke King-Akerele
attended the annual forum of the ministerial meeting of the AGOA
(Africa Growth and Opportunity Act) that began in the US capital
on Tuesday June 6, 2006. At the end of the first day of consultations,
the Minister said she was very happy with the level of discussion
and the many contacts she made through the day.
(By James Thomas-Queh)
Though the word “indigenous” refers to the original
inhabitants of a land, its roots “indigence” or “indigent”
relates to poverty, very poor and needy. Worst, throughout the colonial
history we have read “indigenous people” if not “aborigines”
or “natives” to mean an inferior and primitive class
of people. And precisely, this is why the Americans
With Maritime Commission: A Job Well Done
A Letter From Arthur Doe
I am very much grateful, first, to God for our existence, for
at least we can breathe air, and second, to you for the exclusive
interview you held with Mr. John Morlu, Liberia's Maritime Commissioner.
I must admit that the interview was to the point, and I think that
the learned Commissioner performed to his best.
Ministry of Defense Brownie Samukai
From Instrument
of Oppression to Civic Protective Duty: Challenges of the New Liberian
By Abdoulaye W. Dukule)
During his recent official visit to Washington, DC, the first such
visit by any Liberian Minister of Defense in the past 20 years,
Mr. Brownie Samukai spent much of this time explaining to officials
of the US government what type of military Liberians were hoping
to get at the end of the current restructuring program. From the
States Department to the Department of Defense and DYNCORP the training
agency of the new army, Mr. Samukai emphasized that Liberia wanted
a military that understands its role as that of protecting and serving
rather than terrorizing, a military that knows that it has no command
over the civilian authority and definitely, an army that just doesn’t
sit I idly, playing cards and planning military coups.
Involuntary Public Sector Downsizing Policy: Could it Reignite the
(By Emmanuel Dolo)
Fear that the Sirleaf government’s workforce reduction policy
dubbed “rightsizing” could reignite the conflict is
on a rise. Opponents of the “rightsizing” policy criticize
it on several grounds. First, the Sirleaf administration has seemingly
not made the business case for its policy or demonstrated that it
is rooted in systematic workforce needs analysis. Hence, critics
claim that the policy is arbitrary. Second, given the supposed unsystematic
nature of the policy, the current approach to workforce downsizing
is prone to favoritism and corruption. Third, the mass lay-offs
have the potential to create a pool of alienated and disgruntled
unemployed people.