City curfew after Liberian riots (BBC)
Liberia's President Gyude Bryant has imposed an immediate curfew in the capital Monrovia, after heavy fighting spread through the city overnight. Eyewitnesses say a religious dispute on Thursday evening mushroomed into riots, destroying five churches and a mosque.
Liberian Ambassador's Residence at 52 Whatley Avenue |
Liberian Embassy Properties: Part of the Ongoing Unbridled Corruption
By Sayku Kromah)
The selling of the Liberian Embassy Properties in London, United Kingdom
of Great Britain and Northern Ireland as well as the premises in Lagos,
Nigeria is part of the ongoing unbridled corruption that is so pervasive
in the Liberian Foreign Service. This level of corruption is a result
of the lack of foresight, coupled with any planned coherent foreign
policy, except the old policy of "deal making for personal aggrandizement"
perpetuated by the likes of Fred Bass and Harry Tarr Freeman.
Misadventures of a Public Citizen
By Theodore T. Hodge
Citizen Patrick Tuon has written extensively about issues affecting
Liberia and the Liberian communities here in the United States. He
must be given some credit for raising certain issues and thereby generating
discussions on a number of topics. Unfortunately, most of Mr. Tuon's
writings and the way he expresses his opinions remain devoid of any
sense of gentility commonly associated with acceptable decorum in
public discourse. Many examples come to mind as I pen this piece.
For example, he unilaterally warned the military forces of MODEL,
a group he associated with the Krahn ethnic group, to desist from
harassing the unarmed citizens of Maryland County
Are Calls
for Postponing the 2005 Elections Justified (Part
By William G. Nyanue)
In part I of this paper I discussed the issue of pre-election governance
reform. Some Liberians are calling for the postponement of the scheduled
2005 elections to enable Liberians institute reforms to correct "flawed"
governance institutions. It is argued that we will be reinstating these
institutions if elections were held without instituting the necessary
reforms. The advocates for pre-election governance reform are calling
for the holding of a national conference to agree on the reform measures.
Kimberley Process Certification Scheme Compliance…A Milestone,
(By Gbe Sneh)
Just because it has been announced that Liberia is now KPCS compliant
does not mean that a diamond rush is to be ushered in. The KPCS is
deeper than a superficial paper, a cloak to conduct an unregulated
diamond industry. There are provisions in the KPCS Preamble for participants'
self-regulatory mechanisms to ensure among others, accountability
and transparency. We need to move forward to set these up before we
can truly jubilate.
Evasion: World Bank, IMF Red card NTGL
Both World Bank (WB), and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), have
red carded the Charles Gyude Bryant-led Transitional Government of
Liberia for being financially indiscipline.
Welcome Roadmap for Free Press in Liberia
A national conference on Media Law and Policy Reform adopted last
Saturday an ambitious plan of action to guarantee press freedom in
the country. The final conference statement called upon the National
Transitional Government of Liberia (NTGL) to continue working with
all involved stakeholders.
Your Action
Is Our Expectation
A USAID/LTI, AND UNDP sponsored Resource Center aimed at beefing up
the professional capacity of Liberian media practioners at various
levels was recently launched in Monrovia with the availability of
about 27 computers.
Sells Diplomatic Missions - Foreign Minister Confirms
Liberia's Foreign Minister Thomas Nimely Yaya has confirmed
the sales of two Liberian embassies in Europe and West Africa.
Faces Public Criticism for Implementing UN Mandate, But…
The National Transitional Government is under going public criticism
for implementing the United Nations Security Council's mandate
by freezing the assets of former GOL officials.
LUP Bids Brumskine
Farewell, Denies Allegation (Forum)
The Liberian Unification Party (LUP) has endorsed the resignation
of Cllr. Charles Brumskine from the party but vehemently denied allegations
of merger with the Liberian Action Party (LAP).
Principal Wants Chairman Bryant's Intervention
The Principal of the Mesurado International School, Isaac S. Kolenky,
has called on the NTGL Chairman Charles Gyude Bryant to prevail on
the school's proprietress, Carmenia Tolbert, to pay his just
salary and severance pay.
Chairman Gyude Bryant
Will be Held in October 2005," Says Chairman Bryant
(By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé)
Appearing on the weekly
Voice Of America Program "Africa
Journal," on October 21, 2004, the Head of State of Liberia and
Chairman of the Transitional Government, Gyude Bryant says that the
country will be ready to hold elections in a year time, putting to rest
speculations that the process could be postponed. Bryant said that the
new elections laws would be passed by the legislature next and week
and thus the process would kick-off. During the hour-long program, the
Chairman addressed other issues affecting the state of the peace process,
governance and the economy of the nation.
On Behalf
Of The "Book People"
By Wonderr Freeman
If all the degree holders were to conglomerate in one locality
or in one building, I should consider myself fit enough to be a proud
gatekeeper, knowing fully well that the degree I have earned is still
further down the ladder. Furthermore, it should be considered no disrespect
to the bigwigs amongst the "book people" if I undertake
to speak on behalf of the group, for being a proud gatekeeper, I am
naturally the first line of defense for any one wishing to get into
the conference of the "book people". Additionally, in the
community of the degree holders freedom of speech is so highly cherished
that though the fold may not necessarily agree with all I say or how
I say it, they will defend to death my right to speak - even
on behalf of the degree holders.
Checkpoints Against Falsehood
(By Isaac W. Jackson, Jr.)
Aware that we are acting in the terrain of opinions, where one can
persuade others, much is desired by the enlightened people when facts
are tampered with. This is now the challenge facing Samuel D. Tweah
Jr. in his attempt to misinform and mislead our people, particularly
the "young people," who might uncritically swallow such
sophistries as being propounded by him.
2005: The Wild Card
(By George Yuoh)
A few days ago, a colleague called me up from the east coast (Philadelphia),
and we started our usual reflections on issues of concern affecting
Liberia, and specifically on recent developments that are probably
going to reshape the political landscape of Liberia in the coming
months. He recently returned from Monrovia, about a week ago, and
so for the past few days we had been comparing notes on the good,
the bad, and the ugly on Liberia.
Student of Liberian Heritage Accepted into People to People World
Leadership Forum (Press Release)
Spokane, Washington - October 21, 2004, Cokie Nanka, a student
at the Episcopal Academy, an independent school in suburban Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania has been accepted into the People to People World Leadership
Forum. Cokie was accepted into the People to People World Leadership
Forum last year while she was a student at the St. Rose of Lima Catholic
School in Philadelphia.
Cllr. Charles W. Brumskine
Charles Brumskine Resigned From Liberian Unification Party
(By Josephus Moses Gray)
One of the major contenders for the Liberian Presidency, Cllr. Charles
Walker Brumskine, has announced his formal resignation from the Liberian
Unification Party (LUP). The announcement was made over the weekend
in Gbarnga, Bong County. According to reports, Cllr Brumskine told
the inhabitants of the Central Liberian city of Gbarnga, situated
about 90 miles away from Monrovia, that his resignation comes in the
wake of pronouncement by the National Elections Commission (NEC) that
it wouldn't do any business with the party while a lawsuit involving
factions of the party remains before the courts
of Liberia Faculty Votes 74 to Zero in Favor Dr. Conteh's Appointment
Following months of bickering, opposition and rejection by members
of the University of Liberia Faculty Association (ULFA) over the appointment
of Dr. Al Hassan Conteh, as president of the nation's highest
institution of learning, the faculty members have finally backed-off
and overwhelmingly endorsed his appointment.
Jewel Howard-Taylor
Jewel Taylor
Sells Properties (Forum)
It appears that recent directive given by the National Transitional
government of Liberia (NTGL) Chairman Charles Gyude Bryant, to Justice
Minister Kabineh Ja'neh, to effect the freezing order of Taylor
and his close associates' assets seems to be crash-landing as
Jewel Howard-Taylor is reportedly selling their property suspected
to be targeted by the UN.
Reform Bill To Be Passed In Two Weeks
Commany B. Wesseh, chairman on Peace and Reconciliation at the National
Transitional Legislative Assembly (NTLA) has disclosed that the long
awaited reformed election laws bill, currently being scrutinized by
that August Body, is expected to be promulgated within the next two
Let Them Beware Of The Satan Of Politics
The heat and momentum of the 2005 general and presidential elections
gradually take gravity as days and nights pass along.
Liberian Journalists, Others to Get Computer Training
The Ministry of Information in collaboration with the Press Union
of Liberia, has formally launched a six-month computer training program
at the ministry's Resource Center in Monrovia.
Parts Company with LUP (Forum)
But I must say to you today, elders, chiefs, women and youths, as enshrined
in the Book of Kings, and judging from the wisdom of King Solomon, we
cannot allow our baby to be cut into two- halves, and so let the "forces
of evil" take it alive but for a season. At the appropriate time,
when the little child grows up, he will find his true identity and we
will reclaim our baby, because the child belongs to us," were the
words of Charles W. Brumskine, in Bong County.
Await Trouble Makers (Forum)
The Special Representative of ECOWAS Executive Secretary to Liberia,
Francis Blain, has revealed that sanctions - in the form of Travel
Restrictions, will be imposed against those individuals who are bent
on undermining the peace process.
George Weah
Oppong Weah President?
By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé)
What may sound like a joke to many could well pass to become reality.
A few weeks ago, when the news of a possible George Weah quest for the
Liberian presidency hit the Liberian news organs, a young compatriot
said with a straight face that she would have been proud and happy to
work for Oppong's campaign if she were in Liberia, because, as
she put it, "the man has been the only good thing coming out of
Liberia for the past 14 years." She is 24 and through her adult
life, she had known only Samuel Doe and Charles Taylor as presidents
and a myriad of failed transitional political leaderships.
Lone Star Coach Still in Hiding, Announces Resignation
(By: Josephus Moses Gray)
The head coach of the Liberian national team, Lone Star, Mr. Kardala
Kromah fled underground following the 3-0 defeat of the national soccer
squad in Monrovia by the Teranga Lions of Senegal. He has come under
intense and massive criticism for the national side defeat to Senegal.
The Second
Quarterly Report of the Governance Reform Commission
This is the Second Quarterly Report of the Governance Reform Commission
(GRC) for the period July through September 2004. The report is divided
into four parts including the introduction. Reporting on progress and
the results of activities undertaken during the reporting period constitutes
part two. The focus was particularly on: Completing the Commission's
membership, Developing a Programme Support Document [and] Initiating
programme implementation
Mrs. Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf
Liberian Government
Priorities Are Up-Side Down, Says Governance Reform Commission
The Governance Reform commission (GRC) chaired by Madam Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf
has documented that recent unfolding events together with national
and international pronouncements clearly suggest that the Liberian
Government national priorities have been upside down.
Calls for Postponing the 2005 Elections Justified?
(By William G. Nyanue )
In about 12 months, Liberians will be going to the polls to elect
a new government to replace the current interim government, that is
if the benefactors and managers of the peace process do not change
their minds. There has been much talk recently about postponing the
elections by at least one year to October 2006. A number of Liberians
and Liberian groups have been calling on the international community
not to rush to elections.
President of Liberian Journalists Accused Of Practicing "Yellow
(By Josephus Moses Gray)
A group of Liberian intellectuals schooled in various professional
disciplines including journalism, human rights, political Science,
international relations and diplomacy, legal system, religion, accounting,
economic, medical field and sports, has accused the former president
of the Press Union of Liberia (PUL), Mr. James Kaizolu, of practicing
the highest form of what they termed as "Yellow Journalism".
Make NTGL's
Travel Account Audit Report Public -Says GRC Boss (Forum)
The Chairman of Governance Reform Commission (GRC), Mrs. Ellen Johnson
Sirleaf, is calling on the Auditor-General of Liberia to make public,
audit report of the National Transitional Government of Liberia (NTGL)
travel account from January through April 2004.
Let's Get
Back The Class Of Morality (Forum)
LIBERIA TODAY IS noticeably a place where lawlessness and hooliganistic
attitudes spiral from one corner to the other.
LTC To Regain
Its Status (Forum)
Plans are under way for the Liberia Telecommunications Corporation
(LTC) to regain its lost status over the years. Speaking to LTC
workers recently at their compound on Lynch Street, Monrovia,
the Chairman of the National Transitional Government of Liberia
(NTGL), Charles Gyude Bryant, said efforts are being made to revamp
the system. According to him, he has asked the management, board
and technical people to detail to him the equipment needed to
get off Telecom again.
Court Invites Taylor's Lawyer (Forum)
Credible information emanating from diplomatic circles have it
that exiled Liberian President, Charles Taylor is to appear before
the International Court in The Hague, Netherlands, to answer to
allegations of crimes committed against humanity during the Liberian
Civil War.
Star Faces Blockade In Bong County (Forum)
Controversy is said to be brewing amongst local government officials
of the Bong County, regarding the construction of the Lone Star
Communication Company (LCC) structures in the area.
of Liberian Intellectuals Tasks Liberian Express (Forum)
The Association of Liberian Intellectuals (ALI) has strongly reacted
to a front-page lead story captioned "Conteh Takes Case
To The Streets" in the Monday, 4 October, Volume 1, No.
42 edition of the Liberian Express Newspaper, describing it as
Yellow Journalism and blatant disregard of the truth".
Back To Your Towns, Villages (Forum)
With the seeming beam of light at the end of the tunnel, dwellers
who were forced out of their towns and villages as a result of
the Liberian civil nightmare, have been signalled to go back home
in order to reconstruct their livelihoods; writes R. Karpeh Reeves.
Unversity of Liberia Main Entrance |
Crisis Is Coming To An End
By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé)
According to fresh reports from Monrovia, it appears that the longstanding
arm wrestle between the University of Liberia Faculty Association and
the Bryant Administration is headed towards an amicable resolution,
with the teachers backing off on their demand that LNTG Chairman revisits
the appointment of Dr. Al Hassan Conteh.
Are you better off with "2-3-1" than you were with "3-7-7-4-7"?
By Mohamedu F. Jones)
I began to think about where Liberia's telecommunications was headed
when beginning three weeks ago I could no longer simply pick up my
cell phone from wherever I was in the United States and call home
to talk legal matters with my colleagues at Jones & Jones, or
tell a relative what the "Control Number" was or find out
how an elderly relative was coming along. It is not very clear to
me why cell phone access to Liberia was changed to Liberia's country
code, 2-3-1, from the Monaco country and city codes, 3-7-7-4-7.
is Renewed Hope for the Business Community to Thrive Once Again
(A Statement by Dweh S. Boley)
On behalf of Liberia Business Network, I would like to say thanks
and appreciation to the Sullivan Foundation for the privilege to share
our views on some of the critical issues affecting business, trade,
and investment in Liberia.
The Liberian
Peace Process: Continuing Challenges For The Future
(Part I)
By Philip A. Z. Banks, III)
On August 21, 2003, more than one year and one month ago, the warring
parties to the Liberian conflict selected Mr. Charles Gyude Bryant and
Mr. Wesley Momo Johnson as Chairman and Vice Chairman, respectively,
to head the National Transitional Government of Liberia. The new government,
amongst other things, was charged with the responsibility of ensuring
the scrupulous implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement,
executed on August 18, 2003, one week after the "resignation"
of Mr. Charles Ghangay Taylor as "President of Liberia".
In these new developments, as constitutionally problematic as they were,
our nation seemed primed to begin anew, to move from the relegated new
characterized status of a "failed state" to a new era of
For Public Office - A Test Of Character: The Brumskine Case
By Theodore T. Hodge)
As Liberia prepares for its up-coming elections to be contested in
October 2005, the number of candidates keeps growing astronomically.
Because of the sheer number and the track records of some of these
candidates, it has become comical in many circles; many dismiss them.
But I think we ought to take a critical look at how these public campaigns
are run - in the long term, we may be able to use their various
styles and methods to deduce substance or lack thereof. But more importantly,
although this may not necessarily establish empirical evidence, it
may provide us a glimpse into the content of their characters.
Recipe For Economic Growth In Liberia
(By: George D. Yuoh)
As Liberia recovers slowly from its wounds of self-affliction, the
issue of economic security must be an underlining focus for any succeeding
administration. And as the presidential aspirants make their rounds
of vote courting, how they plan to address the issues of poverty alleviation,
national economic growth, and sustainable development will be of paramount
interest to many Liberians, both in and out of the country.
Liberian Media has an Important Civic Responsibility to Inform and Lead
A Letter By Harry Greaves, Jr.
Mr. John Morlu's article is the first
on the Buchanan iron ore story that makes sense. I share his exasperation
with the Liberian media's failure to do simple research or check the
facts before rushing into print. I do not have all the details of this
particular transaction, but simple arithmetic would have discounted
some of the wilder interpretations of what went on.
Politics is a Recipe for Political Confusion, Power Struggle, Bad
Governance, Says Dr. Joseph Korto
- In a Conversation With Winsley S. Nanka
Dr. Joseph Korto declared his intention to run for the presidency
of Liberia about two years ago on the ticket of the Liberia Action
Party. Dr. Korto served as the President of the University of Liberia
Student Union and Chief Education Officer of Nimba County, the Republic
of Liberia before he traveled to the United States in the 1980s for
post- graduate education. I recently posed questions to him about
a wide range of issues. Below is the full text of my conversation
with Dr. Korto.
Rep. Tapple
Doe Linked To Iron Ore Deal? (Forum)
Fresh report reaching this paper has revealed that some members of
the National Transitional Legislative Assembly (NTLA) have received
money from the questioned iron ore deal involving the Gyude Bryant
led-transitional government. The iron ore in question was sold to
a Chinese firm recently in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County, as D. Emmanuel
Mondaye reports.
NPP Searches Lost
Image (Forum)
The National Patriotic Party (NPP) which once enjoyed a marked droves
of the Liberian people in terms of following thereby wining a clear
democratic election in 1997, with its standard-bearer Charles Taylor
ascending to the presidency, now stands at the crossroad economically
fatigued with dim leadership as its coefficient.
300M Confirmed for Liberia, But… (Forum)
Contrary to the view of many Liberians that the US$ 520 million pledged
by the donor countries in February 2004, would be coming directly
into the coffers of the National Transitional Government of Liberia
(NTGL), latest information gathered by this paper suggests...
Klein In The Ring (Forum)
When NTGL's Chairman Gyude Bryant took the media to task concerning
reports on rampant corruption in his government, to produce evidence
on those accords, and he could not hesitate to dismiss them, little
did he know that he was throwing a monkey wrench in his leadership.
Two Pastors
Fight Over Political Position (Forum)
Hell broke loose recently in the Township of Johnsonville, when supporters
of the newly appointed commissioner, Rev. Emmette Hoff protested the
re-instatement of the Township's suspended commissioner, Rev.
Emmanuel Shaw.
Karson Kopea
Becomes Bishop (Forum)
Saturday, 2 October 2004, marked an ecclesiastical enrichment for
the Faith Fellowship Mission in Liberia when three American prelates
consecrated its first bishop.
Information Minister,
PUL Proxy Bless ASIME (Forum)
A two-man delegation from the Association of Independent Media Editors
or ASIME yesterday met with Executives of the Press Union of Liberia
at its Clay Street Headquarters in Monrovia for formal introduction,
following its formation on August 7, this year.
Buchanan Iron Ore Deal: Which Figure is Correct?
(By John S.Morlu, II)
I have closely followed the controversy over the sale of iron ore that
was stockpiled in Buchanan. The FORUM published an article that was
distributed by titled, "NTGL Officials Give
Conflicting Figures on Iron Ore." Most Liberians appreciate the
efforts that Liberian journalists are making to bring us news. We depend
on them. We understand the plight they are facing---lack of equipment,
know-how, unstable revenue stream, poverty and chaotic political and
judicial environment.
Action For Change: A Challenge Facing The Liberian Media
(By Moses M. Zangar, Jr.)
There is empirical evidence to prove that action for change takes
place based on real problems affection real people and the environment.
And until Liberian media practitioners can come to the realization
that they are people with a mission to stimulate actions for change,
inspire public discourse and serve the public interest, the issue
of overhauling and reconstructing a society moribund by decades of
civil strife remains a mirage.
refugees return home
Some 100,000 Liberians, who fled 14 years of war, are being sent home
a year after the fighting ended. The UN refugee agency, UNHCR, is
starting an operation to repatriate those who escaped to neighbouring
Sierra Leone and Ghana.
Strives To Safeguard Water Facilities (The Inquirer)