Thomas Yaya Nimely
A Controversy in Washington, DC? Liberian Consular Section Closes
By Theodore T. Hodge)
On February 21, the
Daily Observer reported that the consular
section of the Liberian embassy in Washington, DC had temporarily been
closed effective on the date of the report. The story generated frantic
discussions among Liberians here in the US. Among obvious questions
were: “Why was the section closed? Was this done in consultation
with the Foreign Ministry in Monrovia or was the action to close the
embassy a unilateral decision by the ambassador; if so, why? Is corruption
that rampant among employees at the embassy? Was the closure of the
embassy’s consular section a sign of much larger and sinister
political happenings behind the scenes”?
The Perspective
went behind the scenes to interview some of the major players.
Election in Liberia: Haunted By Ghosts of Past Politics
(By Yarsuo Weh-Dorliae )
Liberia today is a failed state that has become virtually a protectorate
of the United Nations. Hence, ordinary Liberians frequently vent their
frustrations by pointing fingers at the “book people”
who make up our political class, for all of the country’s problems.
Truly speaking, the fault of Liberia’s political class is not
in their education, but in their character...
The Road from Calabar to Freetown: Building Durable Peace in Liberia
(Ezekiel Pajibo)
The Economic Community of West African States (ECCOWAS) recently made a very good decision. They would not countenance the coup d’etat in Lome. The pretenders
to the throne in Lome have since begun to sing a new
song. They have said that they erred and would correct
their errant ways. This is a good thing and one gets
the feeling that Africa can get it right one day.
But getting it right one day is not good enough and
this is why.
Liberian candidate makes visit to Randolph County (Ledger-Enquirer)
Visit to ancestral home prompts call for racial unity, cooperation
A candidate for president of the Republic of Liberia spent the day Sunday in Randolph County, Ga., paying homage to his slave ancestors who are buried there and working to establish economic and religious ties to the community.
Bryant Disappoints ULAA, Fails To Ship Donated Buses from U.S.
The Bryant led transitional government has failed to bring home buses
donated to the City Monrovia by City of Dayton (Ohio, USA) through the
instrumentality of the Union of Liberian Association’s in he Americas
(ULAA). In an interview with
The Perspective recently in Monrovia,
Mr. Arthur Watson, President of ULAA, who recently concluded his visit
to the country, noted that following the donation of the buses to Monrovia,
ULAA appealed to the government to act in ensuring that the buses are
transported to the country.
In the Diaspora Want To Participate In Elections, As ULAA President
Addresses Civil Society Confab In Monrovia
(By Josephus Moses Gray)
The National President of the Union of Liberian Associations in the
Americas (ULAA), Mr. Arthur K. Watson says Liberians in the Diaspora
should not be denied the rights to vote, stressing that such action
would be like punishing them for being the victims of the suffering
they, like every Liberian, endured.
Problem with Us - Liberians!
(By Siahyonkron Nyanseor)
In 1795, Thomas Paine, the author of the Common Sense, usually referred
to as pamphleteer, dreamer and patriot in American History wrote in
his Dissertation on First Principles of Government that, “He
that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy
from oppression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent
which will reach himself”.
AND AFL: A Rebirth For Better or For Worse?
By James Thomas-Queh)
Firestone and the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) - are two entities
that have marked the social, economic and political history of Liberia,
and also the Liberian -US relationship. Therefore their very synchronised
and publicised reactivation is not a coincidence. What is more, it
is our generation that brought both entities to the political spotlight
from the 1970s. And like today, both entities were established at
the beginning of the 20th century when Liberia was on her knees; though,
they also perished with her at the end of the same century.
Past and Present, Political and Legal Climate
(A Presentation by Tiawan S. Gongloe)
It is always a pleasure for me to have a chance to tell the story
of my country because it suffers from an amazing degree of obscurity,
despite its unique historical status of being the first independent
African republic, the oldest independent state...
Urged to Ratify Firestone Agreement (Forum)
The need for the immediate rehabilitation of the Liberian Rubber Industry
has been underscored by some rubber experts in the country.
to Take Over LOTTO (Forum)
What appears to be another “bogus contract” has been signed
between the Liberian Government and INLOTT Technologies, an Indian
Lotto company, to take over the management of Liberia National Lotteries,
known as “Lotto” for 12 years.
Legal Counsels Want Court Decision Rescinded (Forum)
The legal counsels of The FORUM newspaper in the case involving Hope
International President, Melee Kermue, for an alleged two million
dollars damage have notified the Civil Law Court at the Temple of
Justice to rescind its previous restriction order.
Monrovia’s Garbage Disposals As a Revenue Source
(Syrulwa Somah)
One of the most vexing problems facing post-conflict Liberia is garbage
collection. Huge garbage deposits and other wastes are clustering the
streets and alleys of Monrovia and its environs every day. Most often,
piles of garbage and human wastes are directly discharged into the streets
of Monrovia or in runoff streams, rivers, and storm drains due to the
lack of adequate public latrines and dumpsites in the city.
Dimensions of Personal and Social Transformation in Liberia
By Tarnue Johnson)
This essay is a critical account about some of the underlying features
of the development of cognitive structures and social change in Liberia.
The article highlights several domains of cognitive functioning, structural
transformation and their endogenous implications from a cross-cultural
Subordination: The Struggle of Women in Liberia Continues
Jestina Doe-Anderson
In the 13 years that ravaged the Liberian nation and claimed the lives
of hundreds of thousands of people, Liberian women and girls were
reported to be the most severely affected victims. They were raped,
abused, and mutilated and suffered emotional trauma, bitterness, and
disempowerment. In spite of this, women of Liberia demonstrated true
resilience and tenacity in their quest for national peace. They organized
themselves to lead a nonviolent initiative for international intervention
in Liberia’s civil crisis. They held prayer vigils, begged the
combatants to lay down their guns, and petitioned the heads of the
Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to convene peace
talks in Accra, Ghana in July of 2003 – the talks that gave
rise to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) which brought an end
to our civil conflict.
Race to Mortgage our Future: “A Catastrophic Tragedy in the
By Stephen O. Adams)
A few short years ago when incendiaries and gravity bombs rained down
on the helpless population of Liberia dispensing carnage, many of
us thought that things could never get worse. During this period of
despair and hopelessness, what appeared to be a promising relief for
the destitute people of Liberia was unfolding in the neighboring state
of Ghana. This air of hope finally cumulated with the election of
what was portrayed then as a neutral progressive individual whose
primary mandate was to manage the affairs of the country and preside
over an Election after a two year cooling off period. The resulting
extra constitutional election together with the sight of the Tyrant
Taylor boarding a Nigerian jet for a prolong exile was at best uplifting.
2005 Liberian Presidential Election Favors Establishment Politicians
(By Winsley S. Nanka)
The election timetable released recently by National Elections Commission
(NEC) of Liberia will benefit the establishment politicians and the
individuals that have name recognition in Liberia. According to press
reports, legislative and presidential aspirants have between September
1 to October 10, 2005 to campaign. It would be difficult for little
known candidates such as Milton Teajay, Mamadee Woah-Tee, Margaret
Thompson, Joseph Korto and others to make significant progress over
the relatively short campaign period given the election guidelines
Fishing Corp. Contributes to Rehabilitation and Reintegration Program (Forum)
Preparations are being affected by the Monrovia Fishing Corporation
to train about 200 ex-combatants desirous of becoming Marine engineers,
fishermen, greasers, winchmen and other marine related skills.
Voting Should be Incorporated into the Entire Voting Process
By Dionysius Sebwe)
It is possible we can surprise the world and compliment ourselves by
pulling off our first genuinely democratic election. Other countries
have done it, so can we! Things have already started to take shape,
especially with the publication of election guidelines. However, there's
still more work to be done to ensure overwhelming election success.
In Bong:
Kpelle, Mandingo Smoke Peace Pipe, But… (Forum)
The day was Saturday, February 5, 2005, when all citizens big or small
from all over Bong County and even Monrovia assembled at the County
Administrative Building to grace an historic occasion marking the
beginning of peace for the county.
Make Good
Use of the Chinese Grant (Forum)
(By Emmanuel S. King, Jr.)
Recently, the Government of China through its Ambassador accredited
to Liberia, Lin Songtian, donated US$6m to the Government of Liberia
for the rehabilitation of the Samuel K. Doe Sports Stadium and the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs respectively.
Clinic for Clay-Ashland (Forum)
(By Lewis K. Glay)
A clinic worth two hundred and thirty thousands United States dollars
has been dedicated outside the Bromley Mission Compound in Clay-Ashland,
Montserrado County.
Ms. Ellen Dunbar, President Obassanjo & Miss Africa International |
Africa International, the Business of Beauty
By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé)
Beauty pageant is more than just parading a long line of young women
or men – on a stage. It is a business and it takes the
same dedication, sense of organization and investment of many resources
as any money making venture. Ms. Ellen Dunbar found that out the hard
way when she first set herself to organize a beauty pageant, with
young African women in the US. First was the issue of coining a name
for the event. “This was not to be a one time thing, I wanted
to do something that would go on for a long time and that would grow
into different areas...
Liberians LEARN LESSONS From the Iraqis?
(By Molley S. Cooper)
The world has watched three important elections in the past four months,
and is watching another historic one today – the elections in
Iraq. The first three of course, were the presidential elections in
the Ukraine, U.S. presidential elections in November 2004, and that
of the Palestinians early this month, January 2005. Though the outcomes
of some of these elections may have been disputed locally or internationally,
the fact of the matter is democracy has taken its course.
Troubled Liberia: A Liberian Tragedy
(By Siahyonkron Nyanseor)
There is a proverb in the Yoruba Language of Nigeria that says, “If
a person has made up his mind not to see the TRUTH, nothing can wake
him to it”. The Troubled Liberia tells of such people in the
Liberian society. The Troubled Liberia is a tragedy in which an indigenous
Liberian woman found herself. This tragedy is the result of a century
and a half old social conflict between the settlers (freed slaves
from North America and the Africans who they met in present day Liberia).
Ethnic Reconciliation Conference, 2004
(ALiMUSA's Conference Report)
The steering committee commenced work immediately. The committee met
with county and ethnic leaders and shared the vision - a national ethnic
reconciliation conference - with them. These leaders were excited about
the vision, grasped it, and agreed to participate in implementing the
Symposium on Collective Security
LIHEDE's Conference Report)
The Liberian History and Education Development, Inc organized a two-day
symposium under the theme: Promoting Civil Liberties, Collective Security
and Development in Post War Liberia on October 29 – 30 on the
campus of North Carolina A&T State University in Greensboro, North
Carolina. The symposium was attended by more than 12 Liberian organizations
in the United States as well as individual participants.
Chairman Gyude Bryant
proof Cars: Chairman Bryant and the Politics of Insecurity
By John S. Morlu, II
Chairman Bryant used the Liberian people’s money to purchase for
himself two nice looking armored, bulletproof jeeps for a whopping US$366,000.
Moses Gray of
The Perspective reported that the Chairman relied
on the historically discredited and bogus personal security threat argument
to justify the
armored vehicles;
the Chairman is convinced that someone is chasing him in a dark room
to kill him. Chairman Bryant also says that he is tired of looking over
his shoulder. Surprise! Surprise! And more surprises! But wait a minute!
The U.N. Expert Panel on Liberia reported that the Chairman is spending
15 percent of the budget on security eventhough UNMIL is responsible
for providing security...
Of Inclusion - Legacy Of Failed Political Arrangements
Versus Broad Based Government
By B. J. Samukai
The proliferation of political parties, and presidential aspirants
under the banner of emerging democratic rights, has generated concerns
for narrowing the field of political contentions. These concerns reflect
the anxiety for an overwhelming participation in elections 2005, but
within a handful set of options to choose from. Suggestions to narrow
these options have ranged from “alliances”, “mergers”,
and “coalition” of political parties, to formation of
‘government of inclusion’ after elections.
Calls for the Resolution of the Leadership Crisis Within the ALNC
The Peace, Justice and Reconciliation Commission of the Association
of the Liberian Ministers in the United States writes to express its
desire and to avail itself to mediate the conflict situation existing
within the Steering Committee of the All Liberian National Conference
for Peace, Reforms and Reconciliation, (ALNC), which has manifested
in the emergence of two conflicting parties claiming legitimacy to
the leadership of the Steering Committee: Steering Committee, All
Liberian National Conference for Peace, Reforms and Reconciliation,
(ALNC) headed by Dr. James T. Tarpeh and the Steering Committee of
the All Liberian National for Peace, Reforms and Reconciliation headed
by Mrs. Mardea Karpeh.
Cllr. Frances Johnson-Morris
Chair, National Elections Commission
THE DIE IS CAST! - Elections Commission
Releases Dates, Guidelines (Forum)
By F. Shelton Gonkerwon)
With just eight months to the holding of the first postwar
general and presidential elections, the National Elections Commission
(NEC), through its Chairperson Cllr. Frances Johnson Morris, yesterday
hosted a major press conference where the electoral guidelines and
key electoral dates were officially released thereby zooming the limelight
under which political parties and related components would guide and
guard themselves.
Principles Of Wholesome Functioning Safety Management
A Speech By Syrulwa Somah)
First, let me thank God for all us of who were able to make it through 2004. The world is going through a lot of natural disaster and other are recovering from devastating civil wars as I speak. More than 150,000 people in several Asian and African nations recently lost their lives to very strong water-waves known as tsunami.
Rep. Cornomiah
Opposes the Sale of Chinese Rice (Forum)
(By: Lewis K. Glay)
A member of the Liberian Parliament, Joseph Cornomiah, has called
on the government to desist from selling the rice donated by the Chinese
Government for war-affected Liberians.
Rice Arrives -Will Ordinary Liberians Benefit? (Forum)
(By Natoe Jallah)
The arrival of 1315 metric tons of Chinese long grain rice in the
country could help alleviate the hiking of the commodity on the Liberian
FORUM Boss Blasts
At NPP Sec. Gen. (Forum)
The Managing Editor of The FORUM newspaper, Augustus B. Fallah, has
lambasted the National Patriotic Party (NPP) Secretary-General John
Whitefield for castigating him (Fallah) on recent Radio Veritas talk
show in Monrovia.
2005: Outlook
Abdoulaye W. Dukulé)
The African Union (AU) held its annual Summit in Abuja and celebrated
its fourth anniversary on the last weekend of January 2005 and looked
at some crucial issues. The war in Sudan that had been termed “a
genocide” by much of the world, including Former US Secretary
of State Colin Powell before the Arab solidarity reduced it to a “humanitarian
crisis” has become a contentious matter that divided the Union
in two groups: the Arab countries sided with the government of Sudan
while the Sub-Saharan nations shyly agreed to a formula “calling
on the international community to send troops …
President Eyadema Dies
Togo's President Gnassingbe Eyadema, Africa's longest serving ruler,
has died and was replaced hours later by his son, Faure, army officials
said.Eyadema, 69, who had been ill for a number of years, died while
being evacuated for medical treatment abroad.The army said the speaker
of parliament, who - under the West African country's constitution -
should take over, was out of the country.
On A Simple, But Dignified Life
A few days ago, a friend called to give me very sad news. The information
was that Mr. Joe L. Bettie, one of Liberia’s foremost mathematicians
had died. Born on January 3, 1929, unto a family of little means,
Joe L. Bettie set the pace for many Liberians who would later pursue
careers in mathematics. But while his professional career which spanned
nearly 40 years at the Ministry of Education and Monrovia Consolidated
School System (MCSS) impacted many lives, the place he made his greatest
contributions was how he fulfilled his citizenship responsibilities.
Blaney Assures Liberians (Forum)
The United States Ambassador to Liberia, John Blaney, has assured
Liberians of his government’s commitment to reconstruct the
country devastated by the 14-year-old war. In his remarks at the ceremony
for the launching of the “Operation Pothole” in Jallah
Town, Amb. Blaney said, “It is indeed an honor and privilege
to be part of this ground breaking event. Today’s drainage cleaning
is the official launching of what has been dubbed “Operation
Pothole.” Later on, we are going to see these potholes filled.”
Still In Lofa
- -Former LURD Generals Threaten to Attack,
If… (Forum)
With the extension of civil administration by the National Transitional
Government of Liberia (NTGL) to the leeward counties as per the mandate
of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement signed in Accra in 2003, Liberia’s
political structure is yet to be fully established as threats to destabilize
the fragile peace continue to come from former fighters.
Ready to Reform Liberian Army (Forum)
There are indications that the United States Government may throw
its weight behind the restructuring of the Liberian security apparatus
aimed at making it capable of defending the nation’s borders
against foreign and domestic threats.
Must Descend in all Respects (Forum)
LIBERIA HAS ONCE again reached the critical period in her social,
political and economic life where transformation required for total
national deliverance is being yearned for by all concerned.
All Liberian
National Conference set for March 10-13, 2005 in Baltimore
(Press Release)
Major Liberian organizations in the United States and Europe are organizing
a national conference under the banner of a member Steering Committee.The
Steering Committee is comprised of 34 organizations and individual members.
Why Did
John Johns Refuse Promotion?
(By Siahyonkron Nyanseor)
As a youth growing up in Monrovia in the 60’s, in the vicinity
of Clay Street & Camp Johnson Road, I honestly thought corruption
was a legal practice. Why? For the most part, individuals who embezzled
government funds were transferred to other positions, instead of being
punished for the crimes they committed. These individuals were transferred
or promoted as if they had contributed to meaningful national developments.
The Jacob Town Violence
Probing Civil Disorder Intensifies Work
By Josephus Moses Gray)
The Ezekiel Pajibo Commission set up to investigate the recent civil
unrest in Monrovia back in October 2004 has intensified its work and
the 15-member Commission mandated by from the Chairman of the National
Transitional Government of Liberia (NTGL) to investigate what has
become known as the Jacob Town riot, has begun inquiries through a
series of community hearings.
The Head of the
Rice Committee, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Speaks on the Hike in the Price
of Rice
Let me first say that a Special Executive Rice Committee was setup
to look into the cost of rice after its price began to escalate on
the market beyond the US$18 that was first set after the induction
of the Bryant government.
Another Political
Party in the Making
((By Josephus Moses Gray))
The political organization, “Friends of Brumskine” (FOB),
has disclosed its plans to form a political party to contest the scheduled
general elections in October this year.
Not New; Look at Slave Trade
Keynote speech delivered by famed supercomputer pioneer Philip
Emeagwali at the Pan-African Conference on Globalization, Washington,
Globalization - or the ability of many people, ideas and technology
to move from country to country - is not new. In Africa, it was initiated
by the slave trade and given impetus by colonialism and Christian missionaries.
The early missionaries saw African culture and religion as a deadly
adversary and as an evil that had to be eliminated. In 1876, a 27-year-old
missionary named Mary Slessor emigrated from Scotland to spend the rest
of her life in Nigeria.
Emerging Liberia: The Fight Against Corruption
(By David K. Flomo)
As we anticipate another elections in Liberia, I joined my fellow
Liberians who have written well-meaning articles and opinions on corruption
in Liberia. Over the years, the pledge of allegiance and the oath
of corruption with impunity from the president to the least civil
servant has criminalized government jobs and hurt foreign investments
in Liberia. We need to put end to this ugly image of government institutions
in our country.