for Rogue (Thief), One Day for Master”
By Siahyonkron Nyanseor)
Since the beginning of 2005, Liberian daily newspapers as well as the
international media have reported about the corrupt practices of Government
officials. The one that caught my attention is, “Police chief
suspended for stealing generator”. This story was reported by
the IRIN on January 11, 2005. The story reads, “The government's
police chief, Chris Massaquoi, was suspended last week after diverting
a US$20,000 generator that was meant to light up the national police
headquarters, for his personal use”.
Election Guidelines: Some Unfinished Business
(By Dweh S. Boley)
The elections season in Liberia is fast approaching, and we have to
applaud the National Election Commission (NEC) for having the strength
and character to keep the process on course under undeniably difficult
circumstances. The Commission has got its structure in place. It is
coordinating with other international and local organizations to mobilized
resources and to ensure fairness and integrity of the process.
The Greatest
Evil In Our Society: Corruption
By James Torh)
When one takes up time to visit Liberian websites to read news from
back home, most if not all the headlines are about corruptions among
our leaders from the Executive Mansion to Capitol Building. The first
branch of government, the National Legislative Assembly is on record
for calling for the suspension of its leadership for corrupt practices.
It is disturbing, worrisome and shocking when the disease is corruption
and the country is Liberia, a tiny country coming out of brutal civil
war for over a decade.
Killings Spark Mob Action in Maryland
(By Josephus Moses Gray)
Some panic-stricken inhabitants of the southeastern county of Maryland,
mainly in Harper city, over the weekend took the law into their hands
when they staged a violent protest over the wave of ritualistic killings
which has re-surfaced in the area.
Center for New Pennsylvanians Profiles Liberian Journalist
A Liberian Journalist residing in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
has been profiled amongst prominent immigrants in the State of Pennsylvania.
And Liberia: Why Is Chairman Bryant Going To Tripoli?
By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé)
As Chairman Charles Gyude Bryant leaves Monrovia at the head of a
delegation for a two-day official visit to Libya starting today, January
25, 2005, it may be timely to reflect or revisit the thorny relationship
between Liberia and Libya and what can be gained from this visit.
In 1979, when President William R. Tolbert hosted the Organization
of African Unity (OAU) Summit, Libyan strongman Moammar Kaddafi flew
into Monrovia with one of the largest delegations, equipped with armored
cars and toilet seats. This was the hey-day of the Cold War.
Min. Mason
Outlines Prospects for Liberia’s Iron Ore Industry (Forum)
The Minister of Lands, Mines & Energy, Jonathan Mason, says Liberia
still has rich deposits of iron ore that can be tapped for future
benefit of the country; writes Josiah S. Hallie. Speaking over the
weekend on Radio Veritas during the phone in talk show, Min. Mason
indicated that the government has put up a biding process recently
for companies interested in mining Mount Nimba, to bid for it.
ULAA Lobbies
for the Participation of Liberians in the Diaspora in the 2005 Elections
As Liberia's 2005 elections draw nearer, it seems clear that Liberians
in the Diaspora will not be allowed to vote outside Liberia. When asked
about the participation of hundreds of thousands of Liberians in the
Diaspora in the coming elections, the head of the Elections Commission,
Cllr. Frances Johnson-Morris said in
interview published in The Perspective (August, 2004) that Liberians
will only vote in Liberia in October, 2005. Asked specifically whether
Liberians would be allowed to vote outside the country, she said, "No,
I do not foresee that. I do not foresee that they will be allowed to
vote outside of Liberia. Liberians have the right to vote, but they
have the right to vote in Liberia.
Malaria in the Next Liberian Republic
(By Syrulwa Somah)
First recorded around 1700 B.C. in China, the vector of malaria (genus
Anopheles, known by their posture: mottled wings and "tail in
the air") is the single biggest cause of death among children
worldwide. Nearly 3,000 children die daily from malaria out of total
annual malaria deaths worldwide of 1.5 million people (WHO, 1999).
The World Health Organization also estimates that out of the 200 million
people affected by malaria worldwide each year, 70 million are children
under the age of 5. In Liberia, about 4,500 Liberian children die
each year from malaria, writer Abdoulaye W. Dukulé quoted a
Liberian Health Ministry physician in his article “Life in Monrovia”
(The Perspective, 2001)
Presidents of Sinoe County Association Pledge Support to the Jarbah-Peal
(A Joint Statement Issued by Chapter Presidents &
Officers of SCAA)
WE, members of the Board of Directors, presidents, officers
and members of local chapters constituting the Sinoe County Association
in America, Inc.- SCAA, an entity duly incorporated under the laws
of the State of Pennsylvania, United States of America, convened our
annual Executive- Board meeting in the city of Bladensburg, Maryland
from January 14th thru the 16th, 2005; and having assembled a constitutionally
mandated quorum at said meeting and consistent with chapters’
constitution and by-laws, do solemnly resolved the following...
Why Moral
Issue Should be a Major Determinant for Elections in October 2005
By Dorsla D. Farcarthy)
As we prepare ourselves for the much awaited elections come October
2005, the issue of morality in my mind must be a major determinant for
the next President of our country. This is something we need to look
at critically because our society is being eroded of those good values
that once characterized our country and people.
Web Sites, Emails or Cell Phone Calls for Liberian Politicians?
By Mohamedu F. Jones)
According to recent new reports, the National Elections Commission of
Liberia (NEC) recently issued Guidelines that reportedly includes the
following statement: “"No activity of political parties and
independent candidates shall extend beyond the boundaries of the country."
National Elections
Commission Taken to Task (Forum)
A prominent Liberian anthropologist, Jutee Dupah, has taken the National
Elections Commission (NEC) to task for its failure to publish the
election laws to educate the Liberian voters; writes Josiah S. Hallie
Urged to Deploy in Foya, Kolahun… (Forum)
The Administrative Assistant to Lofa County Superintendent, George
T. Tengbeh, is urging the authorities of United Nations Mission in
Liberia (UNMIL), to deploy peacekeepers in Foya, Kolahun and Vahun
Drama in Nimba (Forum)
What appears to be a discontentment over the petition of Assemblyman
Sidiki Turay to contest a representative seat for Zoegeh District,
come October 2005 elections has aroused amongst opinion leaders back
Jacques P. Klein
Major and Dangerous Shortfall in Funding…” Says UN Jacques
Klein of Liberia
By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé)
In a bid to keep Liberia on the front burner in US political circles,
Ambassador Jacques Klein, Special Representative of the United Nations
Secretary General and head of the United Nations Mission to Liberia
(UNMIL) was recently in Washington, DC to shore up support for the
fragile peace process in Liberia. Against the background of international
concern and goodwill for the victims of the tsunami who grabbed every
headline in every country in the world for weeks, raising concerns
about the fate of Liberia was not an easy task. In making the rounds,
Mr. Klein, talked to American policy makers and opinion leaders as
well as Liberians about the progress made so far and the challenges
ahead in Liberia
Women Break Silence!
(Association of Liberian Women in Pennsylvania)
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; 1/12/05: Liberian women in Pennsylvania
invoke critical thinking among Liberians and raise the bar as the
country prepares for its presidential elections in October. The women
grouped as the Association of Liberian Women in Pennsylvania, ALWPA,
held an insightful debate with three of Liberia’s “40”
presidential aspirants in attendance.
the Current Call for Another National Conference
(By George-Daweh Yuoh)
If history must be used as a pointer to reference the actions and
possible outcomes of present and future events, then certainly, some
critical questions must be asked about the objectives of the current
call for a Liberian National Conference. And if the individual character
(past attitude) of most of the organizers of this supposedly "national
conference" is anything to go by, especially their past level
of honesty and commitment to the cause of the Liberian people, then
one cannot fault the cries for the abandonment of the current call
for a Liberian National Conference.
Reinforces Our Diversity Not Our Hindrance
(By Syrulwa Somah)
Ethnicity is as old as humankind. People in every part of our modern
world, just as in ancient times, belong to some kind of ethnic or
tribal group that reinforces their sense of belonging, nationalism,
patriotism, social values, political progress, and development. The
languages we speak, the customs and traditions we cherish, the food
we crave, and the clothings we adore all have some linkages to our
ethnicities, whether as Blacks, Europeans, Asians, Icelanders, or
simply as Liberians. Ethnicity reinforces our very beings as persons
and nations in charting our destinies in this world in regard to national
unity and progress.
Voting Abroad: Maximum Participation, International Standards, and
Constitutional Prerogative
By John S. Morlu, II)
We are going to have the elections in October 2005. All the legal and
political maneuverings to postpone the election have failed. We have
elections law that pleased the United States, ECOWAS, the United Nations,
the EU, and practically all international actors with interests in Liberia.
The International Republican Institute, and the National Democratic
Institute, two influential organizations in America, have also blessed
the election laws. U.S. Ambassador John Blaney is satisfied. UNMIL’s
Jacques Klein is satisfied.
Martin Luther King (L), Patrick Lumumba (R)
King and Lumumba: Two Martyrs of Our Time
By Theodore T. Hodge)
Today, as the world remembers and pays tributes to the life and times
of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., we recognize an incredible historical
coincidence, which students of history and aspirants of liberation
need to keenly, reverently observe. Today, January 17, set aside this
year to memorialize Dr. King, happens to be the same day on which
Comrade Patrice Lumumba, the first Prime Minister of Congo was executed
in 1961. Patrice Lumumba, though not as well known as Dr. King, was
revered, feared and hated by many as strongly as Dr. King was.
Statement On the Illegal Detention of 88 Persons in Grand Bassa County
(Statement Issued By
Liberia Democracy Watch (LDW), Green Advocate, Foundation for Human
Rights and Democracy (FOHRD), Foundation for International Dignity
(FIND), Center for Democratic Empowerment (CEDE))
At dusk on January 10, 2005 the Chairman of the Bassa Concern Citizen
Movement, a 12 year old grass-roots and people organization based
in Grand Bassa County requested the intervention of Liberian human
rights and pro-democracy organizations in the illegal arrest and detention
of more than 80 persons. Mr. Gabriel Smith indicated that 88 persons
from District No 4 in Grand Bassa County had been arrested including
a ten year old boy called Shadrach Banwon. He also pointed out that
the arrest took place as local people tried to protest their eviction
from their ancestral homeland.
Government Refuses To Transport Donated Buses To Monrovia (A
Press Release Issued By ULAA)
The Union of Liberian Associations in the Americas (ULAA) expresses
serious disappointment over the attitude of the government of Liberia
in refusing to transport free buses donated to the city of Monrovia
to ease the severe transportation problems facing the residents of the
City. It can be recalled
that last year, the City of Dayton in Ohio donated 12 buses to the City
of Monrovia through the efforts of the Dayton Sister City Relationship
and the City of Dayton, the Dayton Area Liberian Association and ULAA.
Since the donation of the buses, the Union has repeatedly called on
the government of Liberia to act in ensuring that the buses are transported
to Liberia.
Without a Country: A Fool’s Choice
By Theodore T. Hodge)
Growing up an avid reader, one story that left the most profound and
indelible impression on my mind was “The Man Without a Country”,
by Edward Everett Hale. Although a work of fiction, its intensity never
diminished. In the story, “The Man Without A country”, Philip
Nolan, a young army officer was banished for life from ever setting
foot on the land of his nativity, America. In addition, he was banned
from reading any materials (newspaper articles or otherwise) that referred
to the country. In short, Philip Nolan was to live the rest of his life
aboard US naval vessels as a prisoner; deprived of his natural citizenship...
Josepus Moses Gray |
The Perspective's
Liberia Correspondent Attends International Conference In Dakar
Josephus Moses Gray, the Liberia correspondent of The Perspective is
in the Senegalese capital, Dakar, toparticipate in a five-day international
conference on "Audience Research in Community Radio". The
conference runs from January 10-15, 2005. The venue of the conference
is at the AMARC-Africa Central West Africa Regional office in Dakar,
the Best Leadership for Liberia
(By Sonkarley T. Beaie)
Within less than ten months from now, Liberians are expected to go
to the pole to elect our leader, a man or woman that will lead the
war ravaged nation with complete dethroned economy, thousands still
internally displaced and thousands more to return from exile as well
as hundreds of traumatized former fighters. I understood from the
National Elections Commission Boss that about forty-three presidential
aspirants have emerged to contest the election.
On The Wrangling Among Liberia’s Educated Elites: Preventing New
By Emmanuel Dolo)
As Liberia transitions from war to peace, squabble is raging among the
nation’s educated elites once again. The recent example of these
divisions has emerged among members of the Steering Committee designated/elected
to facilitate an All Liberian National Conference (ALNC). The Internet
has been inundated with emails, a few sensible and the majority reflecting
the disappointing quality of thought that emerges from mere jousting
for power and infatuation with self.
The Path to Reconciliation and National Unity
By George M. Kiadii)
During the past decade or more, the citizens of Liberia have suffered
many tribulations. Unquestionably, the assaults on Liberians have created
complicated issues because the conflict pitted neighbors against neighbors
as a result of misleading information given by the leadership of warring
The Executive Mansion |
of The Next President of Liberia
By Gladys K. Johnson)
The military coup of 1980 that precipitated the demise of the True Whig
Party and brought an end to minority settler rule in Liberia (a one
party system that had existed for many years) also created an insatiable
urge or thirst for the position of president. Today, everything that
moves on two legs and is a male thinks he can become president, on the
premises that “if Doe could become president, so can I.”
These men or even women, in limited numbers, seem to forget that Doe
and friends as well as Charles Taylor and his cohorts came to power
by use of military force. And all Liberians are witnesses to the problems
that rule by terror and incompetence created for their country.
Revolutionary Change In agricultural Research In Liberia Will Greatly
Benefit The New Liberia
(A letter from Sonii David)
I was pleasantly surprised to see the article by Syrulwa Somah "Promoting
agricultural production in Liberia". The Perspective
is my main source of information on Liberia, as a Liberian who has
lived abroad for the past 15 years. Agriculture appears to receive
little or no focus in the efforts to reconstruct the country, a very
surprising and alarming situation. Dr. Somah raises a number of very
important points, most of which I agree with.
Slow progress in restoring water, electricity to Monrovia (IRIN)
MONROVIA, 11 Jan 2005 (IRIN) - By night Monrovia hums to
the sound of several thousand private generators. The noise has grown
louder since the end of Liberia's civil war in August 2003, and the
city's lights brighter.
A Message
To All Liberians
From Bennie D. Warner, Former Vice-President (77-80) )
A great opportunity is unfolding before us to return to normalcy and
band ourselves together to begin the process of rebuilding Liberia.
To “Does Liberia Need Another National Conference”
(By B.J. Samukai)
A nation coming out of a major civil crisis finds an appropriate mechanism
to understand the historical path of its contemporary history as a
legacy of understanding contending issues that brought about the conflict.
The evolution of an Agreement centers around exchange of ideas, though
heated and divergent, but with an acceptable theme for galvanizing
the inherent and physical endowment of a Nation State. It evolves
around a common desire to delink selfishness for the common good of
Agricultural Production in the New Liberia
(By Syrulwa Somah, Ph.D.)
Liberia has abundant fertile soil for the growing of bananas, rice,
plantain, bitter ball, cassava, Malaguatta pepper, mushroom, coffee,
kola, cocoa, mango, okra, palm nuts, papaya, pepper, yams, eddoes,
sweet potatoes, greens, and other basic agricultural products consumed
in Liberian homes, cities, towns, and villages everyday.
The Jacob Town Violence |
NTGL Launches
Investigation into Last October Violence (Forum)
The National Transitional Government of Liberia has finally set into
motion a National Commission to trace perpetrators of 29 October 2004
violent disturbances in Monrovia and beyond. More than a dozen reputable
Liberians chaired by the Executive Director of Center for Democratic
Empowerment (CEDE), Ezekiel Pajebo, were recently given the gavel of
authority at the Executive Mansion to immediately begin a thorough investigation
into the core of the violence.
The Ministry of Education has received brand new Land Cruiser Toyota
Jeeps from the United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF), aimed at accelerating
Liberia’s postwar educational program.
Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf
Dedicates Bakalu School in Gbarnga (Forum)
Unity Party Standard-bearer, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, over the weekend
dedicated the newly renovated John F. Bakalu Elementary & Junior
High School in Gbarnga, Bong County.
Advocacy Group to Defend FORUM (Forum)
A media right free expression advocacy organization – the Media
Foundation for West Africa may likely render legal assistance in the
case involving FORUM and Hope International President, Melee Kermue.
FDP Cracks - Vice
Chair Says There Are Two Presidential Hopefuls
As the period of 2005 general and presidential elections is fast approaching,
‘political meningitis’ seems to be eroding the fabrics
of Free Democratic Party (FDP) given the emergence of two factions
within the party over the standard-bearer post.
For All Liberians Participation In The 2005 October General Elections
By Leon Q. Ledlum)
The percentage of Liberians outside the natural borders of Liberia became
more acute, and progressed to chronic state as the civil war protracted,
giving ways to more people seeking shelter elsewhere. For all those
displacements of the ordinary citizenry against their will, no authority
has taken responsibility, but rather more government regulations are
being drawn to regulate their participation in their local and national
civic duties. As it stands today, 10% of Liberia’s population
perished as a result of the wars, while the percentage of Liberians
outside, though not official, may stand at about 35...
Bishop Bennie D. Warner |
Vice President Bennie D. Warner and Others Condemn Corruption in Liberia,
Wish Peace and Security for 2005
By Winsley S. Nanka)
I recently spoke to the former Vice President of Liberia, Bishop Bennie
D. Warner and other Liberians in the United States about various issues
concerning Liberia including the persistent reports of corruption by
Liberian government officials, and the former vice president’s
recent endorsement of Dr. Woah-Tee for the presidency of Liberia on
the ticket of the Liberia Unification Party (LUP). Bishop Bennie D.
Warner, then Bishop of the United Methodist Conference of Liberia, was
selected by William Richard Toltert, Jr. to serve as Vice President
of Liberia in 1977 after the death of Vice President James Edward Greene.
A Year of Possibilities And Dangers
By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé)
The way forward is paved with both dangers and great opportunities.
In the next 10 months, some Liberians will showcase themselves as potential
saviors of the people of the war devastated country. They will promise
a system of governance built on fair play, justice, equity, with democratic
values as their only guiding principles in the process of running the
nation. They will promise the same things politicians always promise
when running for office. And for a short while, with all the hype and
carnival, everything under the sun would seem possible.
Dr. Togba-Nah Tipoteh |
Dr. Tipoteh
Gives Clarification on ULAA (Liberia) Story
The Perspective contacted Dr. Togba Nah Tipoteh to inquire about a story
carried by the Analyst, a Monrovia-based newspaper. According to the
story, which was published in the December 27, 2004 issue, the paper
claimed that the “Liberian Chapter of the Union of Liberian Associations
in the Americas (ULAA) had honored Dr. Tipoteh for being the only Presidential
Candidate who stayed with fellow Liberians throughout the civil strife”.
Was it true that such an organization did honor him, we inquired?
Bryant Says Threats to his Life Justify Spending US$366,000.00 on Armored
By Josephus Moses Gray)
The Chairman of the National Transitional Government of Liberia (NTGL),
Charles Gyude Bryant has justified the purchased of armored jeeps valued
US$366,00.00 last year. He told the nation on January 4, 2005, during
his nationwide address that the amount paid is less than the US$1 million
dollars that the government allocated to purchase the jeeps. He alleged
that there is a security threat on his life brought to his attention
by some foreign governments as well as authorities of ECOWAS prompted
him to purchase the bulletproof vehicles.
(By B. J. Samukai)
The renowned Liberian writer, Dr. Abdoulaye Dukule, in his article
“Liberia & Ivory
Coast: Two Different Paths to Peace” (theperspective.org,
December 30 2004), provided a comparative perspective of the Liberian
and Ivorian conflicts and their path to recovery. On the one hand,
the Ivorians have undertaken to discuss and fully document (with some
degree of biasness depending on which side of their conflict) the
full extent of their crisis, the actors, victims, confessions, circumstance
of events for understanding their contemporary political history.
Across the border in Liberia, without getting together to discuss
anything, letting bygones be bygones without truly
Liberia Need Another National Conference?
By John S. Morlu, II)
The idea of having a national was first floated by Former Chairman of
the Interim Government of National Unity, Dr. Amos Sawyer, in a
to Chairman Bryant in April 2004, when he declined Chairman Bryant’s
request for him (Dr. Sawyer) to serve on the Good Governance Commission.
Dr. Sawyer sees are too many institutional flaws that need correction.
So the holding of the elections should be based on a successful restructuring
of political institutions, and implementing good governance.
A Review
of the NTGL
(A Year-end Statement By K-Hastings Panyonnoh)
While our international friends are fighting tooth and nail to give
us peace and a new beginning in building a new era for our strife-torn
country, there are attempts by certain Liberians to subvert and squander
the enormous external goodwill put at our disposal.
Sekou Conneh
to Endorse the Dismissal of His Nominees, If...
The Chairman Emeritus of the disbanded Liberia United for Reconciliation
and Democracy (LURD), Sekou Demate Conneh has called on members of
the dissolved movement to foster unity in encouraging the ongoing
peace process.
Conception Of A New Nation: Mirror On The Wall
By Emmanuel Dolo)
Months from today, Liberians are likely to go to the polls to vote for
their new leaders: a president, vice president, legislators, and many
occupants of other elective offices. The clock started ticking on January
1, 2005 toward the delivery of a new nation state. The metaphor that
best captures this experience for me is the conception of a baby and
the associated critical processes that influence safe delivery, an imagery
borrowed from Emmanuel Bowier during a recent conversation about our
hope for Liberia in the New Year.
The Tsunami's
Havoc and Mandela's Previous Call for Indian Ocean
(By Paul Barton)
A rainbow of peoples, nations and cultures suffered and continue to
be affected by the Indian Ocean Tsunami that hit South Asia and parts
of coastal East Africa. The region of Asia affected (Indian Ocean
Islands, South Asia) also has the second largest population of Black
(Negro/Africoid) peoples after Africa itself.
Dream Is to See Liberia Redeemed from Darkness” (Forum)
A Liberian professional engineer, John K. Boimah(P.E.) has reemphasized
his fervent desire and preparedness to becoming an instrumental element
in seeing to it that Liberia gets redeemed from the ashes and debris
of war to a prewar status marked by those substantial components of
lifebuoy to include electricity.
No Standard-bearer
for FDP (Forum)
A member of the National Executive Committee of Free Democratic Party
(FDP), Stephen Saysay, says FDP does not have any standard-bearer
yet as it is being portrayed by some partisans.
2005 Begins!
-‘Bryantic’ Ills vs Disappointed Masses (Forum)
Liberians have entered year two of the transitional period with the
ills of the past including corruption in high places, standing as
potential coefficient of year two of the transitional period.