Health Care in Liberia: fake
The Practice of Yellow Journalism Is Putting Liberian Democracy at Risk (Part II)
By John S. Morlu II)
In part one, I argued that President Sirleaf is not alone in thinking
about the state of the media in Liberia. Ambassador, some members
of the Black Journalist Association, the New Democrat, veteran Liberian
journalists and the a large numbers of Liberians agreed with the president.
All is not lost.
The Liberia
Agriculture Company is Good, Good, Good for Grand Bassa County
By Rufus S. Berry II)
Liberia experienced a horrible past in which brothers killed brothers,
neighbors killed neighbors, and friends killed friends. After more
than fifteen years of senseless violence, the Liberian people made
history by electing the first female president on the African continent.
Now, Liberians are on the path to healing, reconciliation and the
rebuilding of the new Liberia.
Liberia And New Beginnings
(Remarks by D. Elwood Dunn)
I would like to thank Crowd ' 50 and the National Investment Commission for the opportunity of the invitation to participate in this important forum. My remarks will focus two things: (1) the international donor-driven agenda for the development of post conflict Liberia, and (2) the role of Diaspora-Liberians and the making of an auxiliary donor.
The Practice of Yellow Journalism Is Putting Liberian Democracy at Risk
By: John S. Morlu II)
However, it is important to note that every ounce of press freedom
comes with an equal measure of responsibility. Some media houses are
doing severe damage to the noble profession of journalism by allowing
the pages of their newspapers and the content of their broadcasts
to be contaminated by messages that have little or no information
of redeeming social value. The media must cease to be agents of character
assassination and instruments of blackmail.
Economy: Decorated Greedy System
(By J. Yanqui Zaza)
As the efforts to reform our economic commence, several writers have
opined their choices between market-economic or capitalism-"the
trickle down concept"- versus mixed capitalism. Proponents of
a market-oriented system believe that prosperity would spread, affecting
everyone because capitalism would limit government role and allow
entrepreneurs to invest and efficiently manage mineral resources,
transportation, manufacturing, utility, education, etc.
Of State And Religion: ARTICLE 14 Of The Constitution vs. The Controversial
2006-2007 National Budget
(By Gbe Sneh)
The very reason for maintaining a separation between state and religion
came to light in the recent controversial 2006/2007 Liberian National
Budget. The Executive Branch included an appropriation for an Episcopalian
College. When the budget landed in the House of Representatives, that
body penciled in a line item for the Seventh Day Adventists. And on
its final leg for approval by the Senate, this body added yet one
more religion-based appropriation for Muslim schools.
development depends on rebuilding public institutions
(UNDP Press Release)
Fourteen years of violent conflict have decimated Liberia’s
capacity to run effective public institutions. That capacity must
be rebuilt as a first step toward sustainable development, according
to a new UNDP led independent report released in the capital, Monrovia,
It appears that recent allegation by a member of the House of Representatives
Dr. Ketekumeh Murray, claiming that unspecified amount of US dollars
went under the table for the Senate to drop the Liberia Petroleum
Refining Company (LPRC) from contributing revenue to the 2006/2007
budget, is a reversal.
Rapist Escapes
(By: B. Davies)
Despite the stringent-measures taken by the Liberian Government against
rapists, reports from Duport Road say an 11-year-old girl name withheld
was recent raped by a 35-year-old Nigerian national named Joseph Nuraku.
Tarpeh Differ on Gov’t.–Media Friction (Forum)
(By: Lewis K. Glay)
Liberia’s Solicitor-General Tiawan Gongloe and Wilson Tarpeh
over the weekend gave their dispositions on what appears to be a friction
between the government and the media.
A Candid Conversation with Bishop Augustus B. Marwieh
By Siahyonkron Nyanseor)
Bishop Augustus Marwieh |
Bishop Dr. Augustus *[G]Bartoe Marwieh served as Principal
of Ricks Institute, Director of E.N.I. (Elizabeth Native Interior) Mission,
he founded the Peoples Polytechnic Institute, the Association of Independent
Churches of Africa (AICA), the Ministry of Hope (MOH), the Agency for
Holistic Evangelism and Development (AHEAD), and the West African College
for Sustainable Development (WACSD) in the Liberian Refugee Camp in
Ghana. Bishop Marwieh is a graduate of University of California at Berkeley...
he earned his MRE in Religious Education from Golden Gate Baptist Theological
Seminary; a Certificate in Pastoral Care from the School of Pastoral
Care of North Carolina Baptist Hospital and Bowman Gray School of Medicine,
and finally his Ph.D. in Missiology from the Reformed Theological Seminary.
Siahyonkron Nyanseor recently conducted this conversation/interview
during a scheduled Teleconference - at which time several issues regarding
Liberia were covered.
Is Every Public Servant A Potential Criminal?
By: Jeff Cooper)
Sometimes ago when I told my history professor that I wanted to write
a piece about corruption in Liberia, she was quick to say “corruption
is everywhere; even in the United States”. I respectfully agreed
with the professor but countered that my concern was not its universality
but its root, who are involved and how rampant it is in my country.
LICPA: Upgrade the Quality
of the Public Accounting Profession in Liberia
(By Winsley S. Nanka)
The Liberian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (LICPA), a
Monrovia based organization of Liberian public accounting professionals
is a member of International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). As
the result, LICPA has an obligation to uphold and protect the public
Rep. Kidau
Refutes Media Report (Forum)
Nimba County lawmaker of Electoral District #4, Madam Nohn Rebecca
Kidau, says at no time has her people expressed vote of no confidence
in her.
NIC Boss
Predicts More Investments for Liberia (Forum)
The Chairman of National Investment Commission (NIC), Richard V. Tolbert,
has disclosed that more investors are willing and prepared to invest
in Liberia’s postwar economy.
Former US President Clinton and Madam Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, President of Liberia |
The Liberia’s
National Security Alert: President Johnson-Sirleaf’s Government
Needs Discipline to Stay the Course
By Rufus S. Berry II)
Liberians made the right choice by electing Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf
as their President. Not only is she qualified, but also she brings
much needed international credibility to the Liberian government.
Over the past few months, she met with several of the world’s
most prominent leaders in order to advocate international support
for the rebuilding of the republic. She has been in office less than
eight months, and has already restored clean running water, and electricity
to Monrovia.
Crime Watch: A Proven Crime Stopper
(By Gbe Sneh)
With the crime rate soaring in the country, we need to get the whole
nation involved to help alleviate this nagging problem that, if allowed
to continue, could have serious repercussions. Poof goes our efforts
to put a dent in a staggering unemployment rate due to an insecure
environment that is adverse to attracting foreign investments; out
of the window goes the establishment of the rule of law; and rising
from the wake is vigilantism.
The Passing
of Mediocrity: Dire Necessity for Trans-Ethnic Leadership
(By: Emmanuel Dolo)
It is a rare opportunity for an alumnus of a rival school, Ganta United
Methodist High to be invited to be a keynote speaker at an occasion
commemorating your annual reunion. I vividly recall the yearly trips
that we made to LTI to play sports and enjoy significant social exchanges
in the 1970s and early 1980s.
Some of the benefits LAMCO left for Nimba-abandoned heavy equip.
Deal, the Best Ever, in Liberia under Scrutiny?
By Yini Guva A. Sahn)
The Deal that former Lands & Mines Minister, Jonathan Mason, qualified
as the “Best Ever in Liberia” is reportedly being investigated
by anti-corruption police in the Netherlands. The investigation was
not a surprise because the deal raised a red flag from its very beginning.
(Mittal’s Liberia Tango: Did Steel Giant Cross the Line?
July 12/06)
Remembering Samuel N. Burnette:
A Personal Appreciation
(By Benedict Wisseh )
On July 25th, I was home late in the afternoon reading, the New York
Times when I was interrupted by a telephone call from a female friend.
As I commenced to say hello, she interrupted me and said: “I
just heard about Sam Burnette, did you?” This was sufficient
for me to know that she had called to tell me that Mr. Burnette had
died. I was shocked and unable to say anything. For about three minutes.
I held the telephone to my ears as tears streamed down from my eyes.
Why did I take his death seriously?
(By Jeremiah J. Kringar Harris)
14 years of senseless civil strife has left the political, social,
economic and infrastructural fabric of Africa’s erstwhile beacon
of hope in absolute tatters. Although this is both sad and depressing
to Liberians who have the best interest of the country at heart, and
there are those who certainly don’t, we find solace in the fact
that our political and social systems, though not perfect, were once
the envy of developing Africa.
Our Educational System To Fit The Challenges Of This 21st Century
(Part II)
(By James Thomas-Queh)
In her recent commencement address, President Johnson-Sirleaf made
reference to the National Consultative Conference on Education Policy
held on September 14, 1974 (see – July 11, 2006).
From this forum, she confirmed, emerged the “program of education
for our nation’s children up to, and including 2000.”
And an educator, Hamidu M. Getaweh Sr, also made mention of the New
Education Law of 2001, which established not only Free and Compulsory
Primary Education in Liberia (FACPEL), but also stipulated that a
25% of the national budget be allotted for education
PaPa Nah Come- with Thirty
(And even this is not a done deal)
(By Paul Collins)
The passage of the 2006/2007 National Budget by the House of Representatives
with some minor changes on the original submission is one good but
insignificant step in the right direction. The lower house is reported
to have increased civil servants salary to at least US$30.00, and
included contributions from LPRC and other state owned enterprises
Tukpah and others are out, but, what’s next?
(Sam K Zinnah )
The durability of an institution largely depends on its foundation.
The foundation of the Unity party led government will “in this
case” be defined as the party’s platform. During the initial
interpretation of this platform, Liberians and the world were strongly
assured that transparency and accountability will be paramount but
from my own observations and good sense of thoughts, those promises
are beginning to fly through the windows. Liberian politicians are
well know for making huge promises when they want to get the votes
of the people but those promises are usually thrown through the windows
as soon as they get into power.
A Salute to a Brighter Future
Independence Day Oration Delivered By Roland
Evans Yancy, Sr.)
These celebrations of our 159th independence come on the heels of
a new day that has dawned in Liberia and in the lives of Liberians.
This is indeed a period to be in a festive mood for we have all
breathed a sigh of relief from civil wars, conflicts, degradation,
of mismanagement, political servitude, manifest incompetence, corruption,
dictatorships...have left a generation of Liberians worse off than
their parents
(Independence Day Speech delivered Saturday, July 29, 2006
at the
Celebration of the 159th Anniversary of the Independence of the
Republic of Liberia By Mohamedu F. Jones)
Decades of mismanagement, political self-service and political servitude,
manifest incompetence, corruption, dictatorships, unlawful and abusive
denial of equal rights and opportunities for certain Liberians,
aggressive self-aggrandizement, unconstitutional acts by Presidents,
Legislatures and Courts, as well as, coups, counter-coups, conflicts
and wars, ...
The Mood of the Future: Rethinking
their Religious Posture
(By: Emmanuel Dolo)
This week, I served as one of two moderators of an intellectual
forum commemorating the 159th year of Liberia as an independent
nation state. Liberians gathered in Minnesota to discuss ways in
which they could achieve pan-ethnic unity and surmount ethnic polarization.
Liberian leader Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has thrown what appeared to
be a direct missile hitting two of her key government officials. The
President yesterday replaced Presidential Affairs Minister Morris
M. Dukuly and Special Security Services Director Victor Helbs, following
the July 26 Independence Day Celebration fire disaster at the Executive
The Liberian
Maritime Fund
The Liberian Maritime Fund, one of the principal revenue generating
institutions for the Liberian Government, is still being beset by
revolving fraud, even in these days of so-called “transparency”
within public sector governance.
Thank You,
Mr. Chief Justice, But ...
BARELY FEW DAYS after the orator of our 159th Independence Anniversary
gave admonition to the three branches of government as per their
individual functions in line with the doctrine of separation of
power, there appeared to be roaming constitutional crisis given
the unfolding circumstances at the head of Judicial Branch.