Unsatisfactorily in Tackling the Domestic Agenda
A Press Release Issued By The Movement For Political Reform in Liberia)
The Movement for political Reform in Liberia (MOP) has said that while President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has scored some progress on the international scene in restoring Liberia’s broken image abroad, her government was performing unsatisfactorily in tackling the domestic agenda. MOP is therefore urging the President to minimize her foreign travels, and to begin to squarely confront the real issues of bread and butter facing the Liberian people.
On Some Aspects Of The Current State Of The Liberian Economy: A Tentative Diagnostic And Assessment*
By Brahima D. Kaba)
In the last part of the 1970’s, the late President William R. Tolbert, who had become increasingly aware of-and concerned about–the rapidly deteriorating conditions of the Liberian economy, commissioned a task force under the chairmanship of the then Minister of Planning and Economy Affairs to make a comprehensive diagnostic and assessment of the many problems confronting the nation’s economy.
Brain Drain, Brain Gain or Brain Circulation: Which Way?
(By Theodore T. Hodge)
Africans have come to the New World (the Americas) since the 1500’s. Since the era of the Middle Passage, when Africans were exported from their homelands to sustain plantation agriculture and to work in the mines of South America, much has changed, while much has remained the same. The biggest change is from involuntary to voluntary movement; while the first waves of Africans were involuntarily exported to these shores as indentured servants and slaves, the tides have changed. Africans now do come voluntarily in search of economic and social betterment.
Poor No Friend: Life is ALL About “GOOD” Relationship
(A Speech Delivered by Siahyonkron Nyanseor)
First, let me give thanks to the Almighty God for His grace and mercy; for it is He who has made this day possible for us to get together to celebrate this august occasion. Secondly, l extend special thanks and appreciation to the officers-elect and the members of Liberian Women Association of Kentuckiana (LWAK) for organizing this association that supports youth in Liberia, and to have considered me worthy of the honor to serve as your keynote speaker
George Weah
Is George Weah an Ambassador: A Clarification
By: Theodore T. Hodge)
In my last article, “A review of the Johnson-Sirleaf Administration”, I addressed the iconic and seminal sportsman turned politician as Ambassador Weah. It wasn’t the first time I referred to him as such, but it was the first time a reader challenged me to explain the reason for the usage. Is George Weah really an ambassador, the reader wondered? I decided it was necessary to address this issue for the many readers out there who may have similar concerns.
LIHEDE Appluads The Chinese Government Effort
The Liberian History, Education, & Development, Inc. (LIHIDE) is gratified by the effort of the Chinese government to send two anti-malaria team of experts to help train about fifty Liberians to combat the infectious but curable disease, malaria.
The Ministry Of Justice: What Lies Ahead?
(By Gbe Sneh)
For most of the key ministries of government, the heads and deputies have been approved. These conduits of government plans of action, presumably, are busy with the necessary staffing to ensure a smooth transition.
Culprits Of The 14-Year Civil War: Profiteers Or Tribalists?
(By J. Yanqui Zaza)
In Washington, District of Columbia, the capital city of profiteers and the Headquarters of the World Bank, Dr. Boima Fahnbulleh again repeated his view that profiteers and not ethnic feud/hatreds triggered the civil war in Liberia.
CarePath, Inc
A non-profit social group, which seeks to provide counseling and other social services for under-privileged female teenagers, has begun active services in Liberia.
Ellen Gives Ja’neh ‘419’? (Forum)
Political analysts and observers are wondering why the man who had served twice in his capacity as Acting Head of State of Liberia could receive such a “big political slap” from the Senate for the top post he was nominated by the President.
We Decry Government’s Z-A Approach (Forum)
Amidst Untold Poverty rate among other fresh hurts as a result of the war under whose adverse effects the nation and people remain painfully bending low, the government of Madam Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has embarked upon throwing marketers off the streets in an uncompromising manner in Monrovia.
Marketers, Police Clash (Forum)
Business activities in the commercial district of Waterside and central parts of the city came to a halt yesterday when officers of the Liberia National Police (LNP) were trying to effect an eviction order by government calling on the street sellers to leave the streets.
GOL Denies CDC Claims (Forum)
The Liberian Government has denied media reports that it arrested CDC first standard bearer George Weah at the Roberts International Airport last Sunday while en route to Nigeria.
Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf
A Review of the Johnson-Sirleaf Administration: Ninety Days in Office
By Theodore T. Hodge)
Only about ninety days ago a new page was turned in Liberian history. Liberia, after experiencing about two decades of turbulent times and crises was holding an inauguration for a new civilian government. A national election was just held and unlike times gone by, this one was a multi-party, multi-candidate election. When it was over the verdict was almost unanimous: It was a free and fair election.
President Sirleaf: Transfer 25 Percent of Government Revenue Annually to the Counties
For Socio-economic Development
(By Winsley S. Nanka)
Socio-economic development funding during the administrations of President William Tubman, William Tolbert and Samuel Doe was not based on a balanced development strategy that took into consideration the equitable redistribution of state resources to meet the development needs of Liberia’s political sub-divisions (counties, districts townships, and etc).
Amnesty and the Liberian TRC: Who Is Pardonable?
(By Aaron Sleh)
In the last analysis, Liberians were able to reach a peace agreement at Accra in 2003. But it was a case of disagreeing to agree, because before they reached the agreement there were many points of disagreement that had to be trashed out.
The Other Dimension Of The Charles Taylor Saga: Return Of Stolen Funds
( By Cecil Franweah Frank)
The visit of President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf to the United States in March of this year was widely heralded as the start of a new era in US – Liberian relations.
Permanent Body set up in U.S. to Help Liberian Media
(By James Seitua)
A permanent task force aimed at mobilizing resources to assist the Liberian media in every aspect of its capacity building process has been established in the United States.
Charles Taylor
Charles Taylor: The Indigent
By Ezekiel pajibo)
A recent statement attributed to Mr. Charles Taylor that he is an indigent is surprising and perhaps untrue. After all, the talk of Mr. Taylor raping Liberia and looting the national coffers are well documented. Even as he left Liberia in August 2003, his underling, Mr. Elias Saleeby, former Governor of the National Bank, assisted him in emptying the national bank of about L$49 million dollars. As a guest of the Nigerian Government he need not have spent a dime, so what happened to the last loot he carted away? Mr. Taylor once told journalists that diamonds were plentiful in Liberia and they littered Duport Road.
Dispensing Justice for All (Forum)
(By: A.Bob Fallah)
For the past years after the establishment of Africa’s first state (Liberia) the laws upon which the state was founded has been inactive.
Photo by Musue Haddad
David Crane
Banks, Crane, Klein Call For War Crimes Tribunal In Liberia
(By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé)
This is a great day for international justice,” said David Crane, the former prosecutor of the United Nations Special Tribunal to Sierra Leone in his opening remarks at the United States Institute Peace panel discussion on the aftermaths of the transfer of Charles Taylor to face the Court in Freetown. Understandably, it was a historic moment for Mr. Crane, who, many years ago, promised that he would not rest until Mr. Taylor was made to answer for his crimes in a court of law.
Enroute To The Pay Day -A Commentary On O Pay Day
The dramatic mirage escape and the subsequent arrest climax by the repatriation and turning over “ceremony” of Africa’s most wanted evil schemer is now history. When comrade Ernest G.Smith Jr. few month ago predicted the above scenario in the above poem, many including the judges at the Special Court in Freetown and fellow advocates never imagined neither agree that the much publicized, sought after and negotiated Taylor’s arrest would have been that easy.
Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf Bankrolling Taylor Trial?
(A Letter From George Fulley Siaway)
I read, with total disgust, in the online abstract of the Analyst News (4/7/06) that the Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf administration is considering footing the legal expenses for Charles Taylor. This is a terrible idea and an abuse of the power of the Presidency. Instead of the Johnson-Sirleaf administration going after the money looted by Mr. Taylor, they are considering the possibility of spending tax payers' money for an individual who destroyed the country's natural resources and ran the country economy like a mafia clan.