Another round of disappointment
By Sam K Zinnah
In my personal opinion, the main objective for political governance in post-war Liberia should be to secure democracy by instilling checks and balances, which have been absent throughout Liberia's long history. Such political system “in a way” would limit or reduce the president or group of people’s power to no longer usurp so much power and wield such extraordinary influence over the fate of the majority...
Obama Movement Versus Big Business In Liberia
By J. Yanqui Zaza
Liberians are rejoicing the heroic achievement of President-elect Barack Obama’s ascendancy to the Presidency of the United States of America with mixed emotions. On the one hand, Obama’s journey to the White House dismisses the myth that blackness signals inferiority or inefficiency
Tarponweh’s Antics Against Kofi Woods A Rejoinder
By Alphonso Nyenuh
On 11/23/08 Mr. Tilberosa Summoh Tarponweh wrote a letter to Frontpageafrica titled: The Curiosity of Minister Wood’s Appearance before the TRC. In that letter Mr. Tarpponweh criticized the timing of Minister Woods’s presentation before the TRC as well as Woods’ support to the TRC.
Beyond Internal Controls & Internal Audit: “A Need for a Holistic Approach to Curbing Corruption”
By Sunny Nyemah
In adversity lie opportunities. In most of Liberia’s daily newspapers, corruption leads the headlines. The amplification of corruption indicates the openness of the current government, and its sincerity about tackling corruption. However, we must go beyond the call for “Internal Controls & Internal Audit” to a more “Holistic Approach to Curbing Corruption”
Finally, a Structural Strategy to Combat Corruption
By Abdoulaye w. Dukulé
No country can claim to totally eradicate corruption. However, one can put in place measures to put the phenomenon under control. In her recent policy statement, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf seems to have embarked on a way to find long-term solutions to something that has permeated the Liberian society and government from its founding days.
Why is there no peace in our Liberian Community?
By Alexander M. Swen
Liberians continue to wonder why there is always problem in our homeland, with increase of Liberians in the Diaspora, conflict continues to linger in all Liberians organization. There are several reasons, I think, the most obvious of which is “self interest” that is being borne by a small number of Liberians and their proxy.
Tackling Lingering Constitutional and Other Legal Issues
By Abraham L. James, Esq.
In this article I will focus on the draft constitution that was written by the National Constitution Commission (NCC), subsequently turned over to the National Advisory Assembly (NAA), reviewed and altered by them and subsequently promulgated in 1986 as the constitution of Liberia. I propose to provide a little background information on the Commission, its mandate and the methodology that was employed in crafting the document.
The Western powers can Prevent Africa’s underdevelopment
By: J. Momolu Kaindii, Jr
Africa’s independence seems to be a nightmare to many ordinary Africans. While its former colonial masters and their anointed African agents scramble over the dividends of independence, the ordinary Africans are there to bear the burdens. This may be provocative, but Africa’s quest for sustainable development have presented a degrading scenario which portrays that the continent still lingers in the closets of its former colonial masters
Capitalists Trickle Down, Not Profits, Corruption On Wall Street, In Liberia, Everywhere
By: J. Yanqui Zaza
Corruption, springing from the tentacles of capitalism, is not new and is everywhere. During the Dutch Tulips and South Sea bubble in 1630, speculators swept away the lifesavings of people, including Isaac Newton (Joe Nocera, NY Times, 10/11/08).
Public Policy Development and Analysis Notes: For Legislators and Local Government Officials in Liberia
By: Gleh Huston Appleton
I believe, and I am sure you agree with me, that as Liberia transitions from a period of acrimony; during the dark period of its history, into the dawn of a new democracy, there is an ever increasing role, duty and responsibility for proficiency marked by accountability, transparency and professionalism and participation in the discharge of public duties.
The Palin Factor in US Elections 2008
By Aisha M. Dukulé
On November 5th, 2008, one of the presidential nominees Obama or McCain will be elected to replace President Bush in the White house. 125 million-200 million people are expected to vote in one of the biggest elections in American history since the 1930’s when FDR was elected. (
Liberia’s Economic Reform: Worldbank Praises; Rodney Sieh Exposes Corruption
By J. Yanqui Zaza
Profiteers are once again attempting to re-institutionalize the accumulation of wealth, although short of selling the poorest Liberians into slavery for few dollars, which the Tipotehs, Matthews, Sawyers, Fahnbullehs exposed and uprooted. While the selling of strategic assets on the cheap in exchange of kickbacks (see Knuckles gate II by Rodney Sieh) might not include the physical transfer of Liberians onto the possession of slaveholders, its
The TRC Struggles for Control
Unpacking the Conduct of the Institutional and Thematic Hearings
By Aaron Weah
The ongoing institutional and thematic hearings by the Liberian Truth and Reconciliation Commission project a scenery of theatrics and grandstanding in the struggle for control of a public process. It is a struggle for control in the effort to ostensibly address wrongs from the recent civil conflict and other violent periods preceding the 1989 rebel insurgency.
Troubled Boundaries, in Liberia’s Past, and Suggestions toward their Resolution
Presentation at TRC Hearing
By Svend E. Holsoe, Ph.D.
Today, I would like to suggest some ways to look at what I will called “troubled boundaries.” Although many of these boundaries may not have directly led to the civil war, what they created was an environment of tensions in the society, which served as an underlying troubled base, from which particular issues could bubble up to outright overt violence. By structuring a way to look at the general situation and to provide a few examples, it may br useful to provide a framework for the TRC and ultimately Liberians to come to grips with the past, and at the same time, create a mechanism to look for sustainable ways of confronting contested social issues
Statement at the Anti-Corruption commissioning ceremony
Delivered By President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
Corruption and poverty are deeply intertwined. Corruption is a major obstacle to sustained economic growth, poverty reduction, and social development. It distorts the rule of law, weakens the social fabric of society, and undermines the institutional foundation on which economic growth depends.
Troubled Boundaries, in Liberia’s Past, and Suggestions toward their Resolution
Svend E. Holsoe, Ph.D.
Today, I would like to suggest some ways to look at what I will called “troubled boundaries.” Although many of these boundaries may not have directly led to the civil war, what they created was an environment of tensions in the society, which served as an underlying troubled base, from which particular issues could bubble up to outright overt violence.
Remarks on “Overcoming Alienation and Building National Community In Liberia” at Thematic Hearings on Historical Review, Truth and Reconciliation Commission
By Dr. D. Elwood Dunn
I propose to focus my remarks on the alienation dimension of our national problem. The fact that there is a connection between political violence prior to, and following1990, should by now be clear as we proceed with the general historical review. For that part of our problem, which dates to 1990, and which is widely perceived in common with civil wars in other countries since the end of the Cold War, there is extensive literature to call upon in our quest at understanding the requirements for national reconstruction
Dual Citizenship: Re-privileging the Newest Wave of Diasporic Liberians?
By Samuel G. Toe
There are fears that a dual-citizenship law in Liberia may be the beginning of the process to re-privilege the newest wave of diasporic Liberians living in the U.S. and elsewhere.
Forgiveness and Human Development, Liberians, the Way Forward to Sustainable Peace and Harmony
By Abraham Hoff
The TRUTH and RECONCILIATION Commissions of Liberia is investigating the causes of the conflict in Liberia, correcting historical inaccuracies and bringing the truths to light under the theme: “Examining Liberia’s Past: Reality, Myth, Falsehood and the Conflict”, accordion to Mr. James Kpargoi, Jr. via the Liberian Journal
Military Alliance: A New Way Forward in International relations
By Nyaquoi Gehgan Bowman
Military alliances which were once seen as threats to world peace are now emerging as new the directions in international relations. Whether these alliances are good for peaceful coexistence in today’s world remains unclear, but this new trend is once again demarcating the world into military zones reminiscent of the Cold War.
The University of Liberia President Search: One Citizen’s Insights
By: Emmanuel Dolo, Ph. D.
The University of Liberia has again launched a search for a new president. Clearly, the University of Liberia is emerging from under the same weight of leadership failure and resource scarcity that the Sirleaf administration is seeking to overcome.
THE RISK OF INGRATITUDE: The Blind and Hurry (Political) Rejection of Liberia’s 1970s Era Progressives
By: Tito M. Johnson
Historians can be very harsh and subjective. It seems that the significant contributions and successesdepending on your perspectiveof the progressives of the 1970s had been overshadowed by the strong sentiments against the failings of the military regime of the erstwhile People’s Redemption Council (PRC), headed by the late Master-Sergeant Samuel Kanyon Doe.
Unmasking the truth through “Reconciliation”
By: Alexander M. Swen
The contentious discussion of “reconciliation" has become a collective phenomenon that has made its way onto public debates. Conversing the issue with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), at forums and even at meeting spots without resulting into violence and hatred that are usually associated with the subject, demonstrates how much we have grown as a people.
National History Commission: Response to Dr. Sakui Malakpa
By William E. Allen, Ph.D.
It took the eloquence and fortitude of Dr. Sakui W. G. Malakai, this year’s Independence Day speaker, to make this generation of Liberians aware of a topic that has come and gone in the past: re-examining Liberia’s history to make it consistent with our national aspirations. I support the general goal of Dr. Malakpai’s proposal of removing names and symbols that undermine national pride and unity.
An Enormous Amount of Support and Sympathy For Liberians, Says Former President Bill Clinton
Former United States President Bill Clinton says there is a need for Liberians to know that there is an enormous amount of support and sympathy for them in the United States and has appealed to Liberians to be patient and not get discouraged. President Clinton attributed the interest and support Liberia has generated in the United States to the admiration Americans have for the leadership of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf...
Liberia The saga and solvency of the Buchanan Renewal Energy
By: Duke E. Kolliegbo
Sometimes last year, I wrote a colleague and a member of the Liberian Legislature regarding a letter sent by Buchanan Renewal Energy to the Chairman of the National Investment Commission, Mr. Richard Tolbert, outlining the Company’s investment strategies in the country.
Prioritize Supply Side Education for Development
By: J. Momolu Kaindii, Jr.
Liberia has since subscribed to the reality that education is a key pillar for sustainable development. But for century plus more, Liberia’s educational system has been unsuccessful in exiting the society from the state of acute poverty and deprivation amidst abundant available natural resources require to positively reversing the scenario. Since 1847 the word education has eluded public policy makers and implementers to the extent that, whether consciously or unconsciously,
Reconnecting With The Source
By: Roderick Nyennatee Lewis
While I must commend the national orator at Liberia’s 161st independence anniversary for overcoming physical setbacks and acknowledging that through the help of slain Liberian Leader William R. Tolbert, he was able to achieve his academic goals, the speech again dwelled on re-writing the history rather than building upon the solid foundations provided by Liberia’s founding fathers.
Happy Birthday, Liberia!
By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé
Liberia turns 161 year-old on July 26, 2008. It is a milestone of historical proportion. President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf will lead the nation into the celebrations for the third time. Notwithstanding their differences, Liberians will celebrate the day as a national holiday. They will pray, dance, drink and dip into those culinary creations that are so uniquely Liberian.
Liberian National Reconciliation Efforts at a Critical Crossroad
By William G. Nyanue
After accusing the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) of shying away from those the Daily Observer calls the “Major Actors” of the Liberian civil war, the Liberian people and world community would, if all goes as planned, soon hear from this group of high profile Liberians whose names are closely associated with the Liberian tragedy.
Why Liberia Needs “Wind Power” for Electricity?
By: Alexander M. Swen
If you live in Liberia or anyone who had followed development in the country, you may have heard of the revampment of the Saint Paul Hydro Plant by the Liberian Electricity Corporation (LEC), but you may not be familiar with its disadvantages or with the controversy it has provoked in some quarters.
The Police In Question : A Grave Security Pitfall To be Reckoned With?
By: James Thomas-Queh
It is no more a taboo that the Liberian National Police (LNP) was restructured with the advice, consent, support and expertise of the UNMIL forces, yet almost three years on the Liberian public does not have confidence in their police to carry arms or solve the apparent surge in crime rate.
By: James W. Harris
Just within the last few weeks alone almost every known Liberian news outlets have been reporting on the seemingly uncontrollable crime wave sweeping the now war-wrecked country, especially, in the Monrovia area
By Alphonso Nyenuh
I have followed with interest your apparent refusal to appear before the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Liberia (The TRC) to explain your role in the violence and murder that took place in Liberia during the last decades as well as to respond to allegations by other witnesses that you committed gross human rights abuses against them and others.
Vacancy for Internal Audit Manager at a Reputable Financial Institution in Liberia
A reputable financial institution seeks an experienced Internal Audit Manager for its operations in Monrovia, Liberia. Candidate will be part of a supportive working environment that allows opportunities for growth. The Internal Audit Manager is responsible for coordinating and overseeing the overall risk assessment of the institution and the execution of the annual audit plan. Introduce computer assisted auditing techniques (CATTs) and other technological enhancement into all facets of the internal audit function.
Liberia’s Truth Commission and the Challenges of Unearthing the Truth
By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf announced last week that she will, as she had said two years ago, face the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) and tell her side of the story regarding whatever role she might have played during the war. This is a welcome development, on at least two points. First, her appearance would remove that veil of suspicion that the president has been held under by those who want to see her as a “war-monger” throughout the 1980s during the military rule...
Women’s Fight Against Domestic Crimes In Liberia and Abroad
By Evelyn Thomas
Women have naturally been disposition as the weakest sex. Yet, few women seek help when domestic crimes are committed against them. Therefore, it is no surprise when Liberian women both at home and aboard do not seek intervention when their lives are threatened by domestic crimes.
The Case of Iran, the debates and the arguments
By Nyaquoi Gehgan Bowman
The standoff over Iran’s nuclear ambition has ignited contentious debates between old cold war allies and enemies. The purpose of this article is not to propose a workable solution to the ongoing debates and arguments over Iran’s alleged production of nuclear bomb; rather, to present a balanced analysis of the debate.
Unifying Liberia’s Transport Sector: A Policy Approach to Economic Development
By Andre Pope
We are happy to note that government is making progress towards addressing some of the concerns raised in the article by pushing Acts to create: a National Transit Authority (NTA), a National Airport Authority (NAA), Liberia Domestic Airports Agency (LDAA) and a Build Operate Transfer (BOT) arrangement for the National Port Authority.
The African Union: Relevant or An International Laughing Stock
By Emmanuel Abalo
In these days the African Union (AU) has been presented with a challenge and opportunity - the challenge of dealing forthrightly with the illegitmate goverment of someone who can be rightfully referred to as "former President Robert Mugabe", calling his game to an end and instead exploiting the opportunity to gain the credibility and relevance
President Sirleaf (L)
& V. P. Boakai (R)
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and the Dilemma of a Second Term
By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé
Because she said in an interview and in some campaign speeches that she would only serve one term, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has been asked from day One in office if she would “keep” her word or stand for another term. In Monrovia and in the Liberian Diaspora, speculations are high. In May, a local newspaper published an article alluding to a breakfast meeting where a certain member of the First Family asked leaders of the ruling Unity Party to find a suitable candidate for the next elections.
(By J. Yanqui Zaza )
As the price of food soars it is difficult for Sub-Saharan Africans, especially Liberians, to understand why Liberia, for example, cannot feed its population of 3.5 million even though it has fertile soil. Or why would a post rice-riot government, headed by a darling of capitalists, afford to lavish $7 million and $16 million at the President’s Office and Legislature respectively as per the 7/1/08-6/30/09 Draft Budget, but allocate minuscule amount to address the food crisis. (FrontPage Africa, 6/21/08).
On the Brink of a Workers’ Revolution in Liberia
TBy Alphonso Nyenuh
he recent achievement by workers at Bridgestone- Firestone in Liberia to form an independent workers union, effectively replacing a company controlled union is a triumph of people power over the all mighty business interest and a remarkable achievement that could have reverberating effects for workers all over the country.
Transitions at the University of Liberia and at the Ministry of Finance
By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé
In the next few weeks, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf will make at least two appointments that will have great impacts on Liberia future and the legacy of her legacy as she promised to combat corruption and waste and promote education. The positions of Minister of Finance and that of the President of the University will soon be vacant. These vacancies offer the president a unique opportunity to take both institutions to another level, to meet the challenges of the new Liberia, after the years of transition.
Where is the 2008/9 Draft National Budget?
By: Ruel Francis Dempster
Executive Branch of government was required to submit a draft fiscal 2008/9 budget along with specified reports and supporting documents to the National Legislature by the 20th of May, 2008. The budget was reportedly submitted on schedule. Bravo to the Executive. Also, President Sirleaf promised to provide the required reports and supporting documents the following week. This, of course, implies that the government did not meet the deadline as required by law.
Should The Liberian Constitution Be Amended?
By: Duke E. Kolliegbo
The Liberian Constitution of 1847 as well as the revised 1984 Constitution and the form of government is based on the principles and ideals of democratic government as modeled after the Constitution of the United States of America
Women From Pleebo-Sodokeh District Bring Harper City To A Standstill
People from Pleebo-Sodokeh District, meanly women, thronged Harper city yesterday in demand for justice. The situation in Harper, Maryland County, is very tense. The demonstrators took over the Harper Cityhall and the Police Station. Most of the county officials were said to be on the run. Barricades were erected at Harper City Hall and Sedekeh on the road linking Harper and Pleebo cities.
Liberia Telecommunications Authority and Cell Phone Companies in Arm-wrestle over Fees and Standards
By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé)
The Liberia Telecommunications Authority (LTA) and the GSM service providers, cell phones, internet and other communication services providers have been going at each other for the past two months over issues that were brought to the public through sound bites, mostly relayed through news articles...
The Role of the Media in the Liberian Civil War: A photographic Exhibition & Conversation with Liberian & International Journalists
The role of the media in covering the Liberian civil war was highly contentious: various media institutions reported and documented human rights abuses, with little to no response from the international community; contrarily, media coverage at times intensified local divisions and fueled further conflict
GAC Wants Cooperation From Gov’t Agencies And Organizations
The General Auditing Commission (GAC) is urging government agencies and organizations to fully coorporate with the Auditor General and his team of auditors in the ongoing audits of 2005/2006 and 2006/2007 fiscal years.
Anson County Health Department's Director, Kateh receives UConn degree
Dr. Francis Kateh, director of the Anson County Health Department was presented a Master of Professional Studies in Homeland Security Leadership degree with emphasis in Public Health Disaster Preparedness earlier this month from the University of Connecticut.
Dr. Francis Kateh, right, is congratulated by Fred Thompson, Ph.D., CEO and administrator of Anson Community Hospital, for his recently awarded Master of Professional Studies in Homeland Security with emphasis in Public Health Disaster Preparedness from the University of Connecticut.
Madam President: Save Liberian Lives with Preventative healthcare: Ban Smoking in Public Venues Now
(By: Rufus S. Berry II)
The urge to run is overwhelming. The poisonous gas engulfs me, it seeps into my clothes, and it chokes me. I can feel the years of my life slipping away. I pick up the speed of my gait, and bolt out of the first open door, into the hot night air.
Democracy: A Fleeting Elusion or a Possible Reality for Liberia?
(By Johnnie Gayechuway)
Democracy may be a word familiar to most, but it is a concept still misunderstood and misused in a time when totalitarian regimes and military dictatorships alike have attempted to claim popular support by pinning democratic labels upon themselves.
Land Reform, Citizenship and the Liberian Constitution
Governance Commission Holds Consultation
(By Abdoulaye W. Dukule)
"Aside from the question of human rights, the [se] issues of land rights have stopped generally poor rural majorities from being acknowledged as owners of invaluable capital assets, an in the process have helped prevent them from clambering out of poverty.”1
Where will corruption take Liberia?
(By: Alexander M. Swen )
The most disquieting aspect of the widespread corruption in Liberia is the fact that it is not anymore confined to autonomous agencies or the government ministries alone. It is prevalent amongst almost every section of the society at every level, even at spiritual institutions.
The Remedy for Peace and Development in Liberia
(By: J. Momolu Kaindii, Jr)
I have lived and studied in Liberia since I knew myself. Though not a psychologist or psychiatrist, but I have closely followed the mentalities and behaviors of the four kinds of Liberian citizens; namely: settler/Congo, assimilated, partially-assimilated and non-assimilated. For the purpose of this article, I will quickly define each group
Official Position Statement from the People of Pleebo-Sodokeh District based in Monrovia and its Environs
Based on credible reports received from Maryland County, we wish to officially inform the people of Pleebo-Sodokeh District residing in Monrovia and around the world, the Maryland Legislative Caucus, and the Government of the Republic Liberia that on May 8 and 9, 2008, a group of people, armed with cutlasses and other weapons, launched two separate attacks on the people of Wetchokeh. Two (2) persons from Wetchokeh were killed and three (3) others critically wounded while two (2) people were abducted but were later released following
Looking Forward to President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf's Cabinet Meeting In Grand Cape Mount County
(By Abraham L. James)
The leaders and citizens of Grand Cape Mount County, including the members of the Legislature, Superintendent and others, are preparing to host President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s third cabinet meeting, scheduled for early May, 2008. Dr. Eugene Shannon, Minister of Lands, Mines, and Energy, is coordinating the arrangements for the visit and meeting. It will be the President’s first official visit to the county.
Is Our Police Ready to fight crimes?
(By Abdoulaye W. Dukule)
Just last week, in our article on the visit of UN Secretary General ban Ki Moon visit to Liberia, we wrote that the Liberian police, without the basic logistics such as transportation and communication could hardly be forced to combat crimes. With mounting criminality, especially armed robberies, the police, in the absence of social and economic solutions, are the last resort to fight crimes.
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, following the directives of our creditor (World Bank), is planning to sell/lease government-owned entities to the rich. And many Liberians, apparently, for obvious reasons, are paying little attention to the issues of neither privatization nor its dire consequences as expressed by billionaire George Soros or Paul Volcker, the former chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank.
Liberia’s Lack of Adequate Accounting, Financial Reporting, and Auditing Standards:Compromises National Income Tax Policies
Disenfranchise the Public Accounting Profession (CPAs)
Generally, when a host country does not have a comprehensive set of accounting and financials reporting standards, foreign companies doing business in that country apply the accounting and financial reporting standards adopted by their respective home countries.
Mr. Ban Ki Moon, Welcome to Peaceful Liberia
(By Abdoulaye W. Dukule)
I walked to Tubman Boulevard and waited for George, who usually picks me up in front of Greeland supermarket in Sinkor. It had been more than thirty minutes since he had told me that he was in front of the JFK Hospital. Usually it takes ten minutes in the morning traffic to cover the distance. Traffic was being diverted and part of the road from Vamoma to 9th street was blocked. As I stood in the hot morning sun with sweat washing away my deodorant, series of convoys, with flashing lights and deafening sirens zoomed through, in the direction of the city. Thousands of people blanketed the sidewalks and trekked towards the city.
From Failed State to False State: The Source of Nationalistic Agony
By: Emmanuel T. Dolo, Ph. D.
After complete collapse of the Liberian state, elections ensued and the country began what seemed like a transition to reconstituting a functioning state. Nearly three years following the presidency of Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, the country is wavering between a failed state and a false state with baby steps toward a functioning state. Nonetheless, the dominant characteristics of the Sirleaf era are a false state.
Only Liberians Can Save Liberia
(By: Jeff Bante Blibo)
January 2009 will mark the half way point of President Sirleaf’s term. With this critical milestone comes the need for the government to begin fulfilling its developmental agenda. President Sirleaf is making strenuous efforts to restore Liberia’s image internationally and to garner international support for her developmental agenda...
President Sirleaf (L) and President Bush
President Bush’s Visit Called, “Great Achievement”
By James Seitua
Reports of his visit spread like a wild fire, and the people turned out in their numbers to greet the man who saved them from a falling despot who would not quit until he brought down everyone with him. First, it was President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf who took it to the floor;
President Sirleaf's Address to the Nation
As we reflect during this month of April, we must all thank God for the peace that prevails, for His continued blessings despite the challenges which we face. We thank the Council of Churches for organizing the 3 day fast and the program on Friday commemorating Fast and Prayer Day. Since its founding, our nation and the body polity...
EU Office At The General Auditing Commission Has Been Burglarized Again
(A Press Release Issued By The General Auditing Commission)
The General Auditing Commission (GAC) is troubled over the consistent criminal attacks on its premises and regrets to inform the public that its offices have been burglarized for the second time within the space of a little over 2 months after the first incident. The unfortunate event took place on Thursday, March 13, before the break of day.
Liberia: President Bush Says Sell Strategy Assets, Or No Money
By J. Yanqui Zaza
Liberians have opined different reasons as to why President George W. Bush gave penny assistance during his visit to Liberia, and now has assisted Liberia to obtain a loan to finance its infrastructure. The chance of a loan was made possible after the U.S. government, through a Bridge Loan (i.e., a loan, which carries an interest rate ranging from 12 to 15 percent-[Wikipedia])...
Campaign Promises, Public Policy, and the Menace of Public Misconceptions and Unrealistic Expectations in Liberia
By Joseph Saah Fallah
Liberia’s political environment is characterized by ingrained misconceptions regarding the realities of political campaign promises, the structure of public policy formulation and management, and the capacity of government to meet the needs of its citizenry amidst competing priorities and limited financial resources. I am concerned, at least since the last general elections, concerning the enormous political and economic expectations being placed on the executive branch of government.
Things We Must Discuss: The TRC & US
By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé
Our piece on the Truth & reconciliation Commission on the web and in the print media in Monrovia gave rise to various reactions, principally from Press Secretary to the President, Mr. Cyrus Badio and a certain Joseph Jerue. A few friends called us and asked that we apologize to Her Excellency and jokingly
Liberians Are Their Own Enemy: The Age-Old Problem of Corruption in Liberia
By Tito M. Johnson
Corruption is the curse of Liberia. Corruption has always existed in the countryat least as long as I can record it, in the many years I have been around as a Liberian citizen. It permeates the society at epidemic proportions. It is overwhelming the nation at such a magnitude that Liberians have come to think of it as a reality of life they must learn to tolerate or live with; the people have accepted it as their life’s condition
Don’t Tell Me About Your Patriotism, Please!
By: James W. Harris
On at least two separate occasions now, someone has asked me this simple and fair question: ȁWhen last were you [physically] in Liberia?” This question came up when I tried to convey to the individuals I was in discussion with that not much has changed in the now war-torn country despite the loss of so many innocent human lives
Liberian Presidential Elections - Two Years Too Long
By Clarence Moniba
It is nearing election time once again in the United States, and doesn’t it seem like a lifetime ago that George W. Bush was elected to his first term in office? For my Liberian friends who don’t keep up with American politics, it was November of 2000; yes, pre- 9/11 which, although the wounds are still healing, also seems like a lifetime past.
Becoming High Impact Citizens: A Winning Proposition for Liberian entrepreneurs, Part I
By: Jackson Fiah Doe Jr.
To become a high impact Liberian, it is imperative, in my view, that one has vision and a plan; the person should also be a doer, have passion and perseverance. Without these qualities, it is difficult, if not impossible, for a Liberian to truly have a significant positive impact on his community or nation.
On Race, Citizenship, and Property in Liberia
By: Konia T. Kolllehlon
As Liberians begin to rebuild various aspects of their material culture (i.e, roads, bridges, buildings, etc) from 14 years of devastating civil war, I hope that they will also take the time to revisit, repair, and, where necessary, rebuild various aspects of their non material culture (norms, values, social structure ) as well.
My View on President Bush’s Memorable Gesture to Liberia
By: J. Momolu Kaindii, Jr.
Liberians were proud to receive President Bush and Mrs. Bush on 21 February 2008 on Liberian soil. The anxiety was well demonstrated in the street corners and communities. Everyone, particularly the ordinary people were overwhelmed with an unimaginable joy and hope. A man breezily passed me by shouting loudly “let me see this wonderful man who saved this country from collapse under Taylor’s tyranny”.
The Perspective is back, and proudly so
We would like to present our regrets to our many readers for the long hiatus, due to technical issues that were beyond our control. For the past many years, has provided a unique space for the accurate reporting, analysis and the sharing of ideas on all matters Africa, with particular emphasis on Liberian issues. Over the years, we have grown to become the most credible voice in the Liberian media in cyber space. Away from sensationalism and partisanship, we have strived to provide to our readers and writers a space where ideas are expressed in the most professional way.
President Sirleaf on the State of the Nation
By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé
It was not a sound-bite filled speech. There were moments when the audience busted out laughing. There were times when people couldn’t tell if they should applaud, laugh or remain quiet. At least on two occasions, she waited, just for a split seconds and people applauded. For any other occasions, with any other reader, the speech may have been a bit long.
Liberia: A Glass “Half Full”
(By Rev. Wilfred M. Manyango)
If one were to pour water into a glass until it reaches the middle and asked what do you see, there are two possible perspectives. Some may see the glass as “half full”, while others may see it as “half empty.” Obviously both perspectives are different and philosophically, both perspectives are true. However, there is a common analysis usually given to both perspectives. Some have stated that the “half empty” perspective is pessimistic...
The Liberian Constitutional Debate
(By J. Patrick Flomo)
I have decided to jump into the Liberian constitutional fray (but from a different perspective) that is raging on the web like a hurricane. The Liberian Supreme Court recently handed down a decision to grant the president the power to appoint the mayor of Monrovia rather than having the mayor be elected.
Snapshots From Home: The TRC at Work in Monrovia
(By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé)
“When the war came to Monrovia, my mother and I left our home in New Krutown to go to Kakata and then we reached the checkpoint. They put the men on one side and the women on one side. They made the men to take off their pants. Then they cut that thing men have in front of their bodies. Then they cut the heads of the men and they put their men-things and their heads on a stick.”
Getting More Of The Same
(By: James W. Harris)
Just when it appeared that the Johnson Sirleaf administration was succeeding in turning the corner resuscitating the country’s severely damaged image at home and abroad, the crisis at the Liberia Agriculture Company (LAC) may have unfortunately reversed any gain made by the “imperial” Liberian President.
The Supreme Court's Ruling on Article 54 b: A License for Dictatorship
(By Francis K. Zazay)
Few days ago I read articles from Messrs Kollie, Nyenuh and Sloh on the Listserv regarding the Supreme Court’s ruling on article 54 b. While it is not my intention to be a latecomer and then try to reinvent the wheel, particularly where important issues such constitutional matters are discussed, it is compelling to comment on the recent Supreme Court’s ruling since it appears to have bigger consequences than its appears.
Hearing a painful truth: why do Truth Commissions conduct public hearings?
(By Ahmed K. Sirleaf)
A Liberian adage goes, “[t] he truth hurts!” The truth exposes and illuminates. The truth when told and handled properly heals for some; brings closure to others, while in the same breadth bestowing the International Human Rights Principles of the victims’ or surviving family members’ right to know what happened (See UN Principles for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights Through Action to Combat Impunity)
As Far As the Eyes Can See: Venturing into Liberia’s Future
By: Saa M. McCarthy
I will judge the nation which they will serve; and afterward they will come out with great wealth. And you will depart from this life and go to your fathers in peace; and you will be buried at a good old age
President Sirleaf (L)
& V. P. Boakai (R)
Second Inaugural Anniversary of the Sirleaf Presidency Celebrated
Ceremonies marking the second inaugural anniversary of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf have been taking place in Monrovia. Wednesday’s programs began with an Intercessory service at the first United Methodist Church in Monrovia, preceded by a parade throughout the principal streets of Monrovia
Weighing in on the “Dual Nationality” Discussion in ULAA’s Constitution
(By Siahyonkron Nyanseor)
There is a Zulu proverb that reads, Kushayw'edonsayo; meaning, when farmers plough the fields, usually using four or six oxen, they choose a lead cow. The lead cow is in the front so she can make sure that the rest follow her and that everything is done just right.
I Killed 20,000 Persons & Have Sex With Dead Body
.. .Former Rebel General Confesses, Tells TRC (New Vision)
A perpetrator in the Liberian civil war 'General Butt Naked' now turned Evangelist has confessed at the ongoing Truth and Reconciliation hearing that he killed about 20,000 persons most of whom were children and have sex with a deadbody
Does the Comptroller General of the Republic of Liberia Have to Report to the Assistant Minister of Debt and Expenditure Management?
(By Paul C. Collins)
Recent publications in the local dailies have raised my interest in the capacity and organisation of the Ministry of Finance, particularly in the areas of accountability and spending. It first began when the MoF through its Debt and Expenditure Section published spending reports of the various agencies, ministries and organisations that have received and spent the tax payers’ money.
Privatize National Port Authority, Etc; Reduce Benefits For Society...
(By J. Yanqui Zaza)
For the moment let us put aside the debate as to whether President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s economic policy, including the double benefits (i.e., tax abatement for and payment in arrears in rent to her supporters) or the payment of $15,000.00 or $25,000.00 per month to few advisors has benefited the general public. Instead, let us review the policy within the Governance and Economic Management Assistance Programme (GEMAP), which will shift a larger share of the profits of government’s properties away from workers and...
President Sirleaf & Visiting Doctors
Visiting Medical Doctors from Mount Sinai Hospital in New York Meet President Sirleaf
The Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York has begun discussions aimed at establishing long-term partnership with the JFK Kennedy Medical Center in Monrovia. The partnership will involve exchange programs between the two hospitals involving Doctors and nurses of the two institutions, capacity building as well as other collaborative programs to enhance the capacity of the JFK Medical Center.
Ali’s assertion is quite worrisome for a young man of his age
(A Letter From Abraham M. Attoh)
It is sadden to note that after more than fourteen years of bloodletting and a century of misrule, some of us Liberians are still prone to be used by the status quo to hack up lies against people who are honestly labouring to bring honour to our war ravaged country.
Truth Telling Will Lead To Healing, But Not Justice
(By Saa M. McCarthy)
As our nation prepares for the revisiting of heinous crimes against innocent civilians at the hands of misguided, ruthless, and arguably demon possessed rebel fighters, it is becoming clearer after two days of victims’ testimonies before the TRC that we cannot simply listen to these horrifying stories and do nothing. Someone has to be held accountable, if not the perpetrators themselves, then the architects of the civil war and the commanders of the forces.
Does the UNMILxs Report #34 Put The Break Door, Fix Door Brouhaha At RIA To Rest?
During the past two weeks, we witnessed the xbreak door, fix doorx dog-fight between the Liberian government and the Auditor General of Liberia. The Auditor General was told that if he did not agree to xbreaking the doorx, he would not be allowed to travel to the United States to spend the holidays with his family. Well, there is UNMIL Report # 34 that talks about what transpired at the Roberts International Airport (RIA).
Inflows of Diaspora Liberian Skill Workers To Liberia Good or Bad
(By D. Alphonso Bahn)
My attention is drawn to an article published January 8, 2008 in the Daily Observe news magazine entitled “A social issue in Liberia no one wants to confront”. The article warns about potential social problem brewing as the result of returning Liberians from the Diaspora given employment in public and private sectors to the resentment of the local public.
Top Liberian Musician Accused of Rape, Killings (New Vision)
(By: Robert T. Jadoe, Jr)
Monrovia, Liberia: The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) on Tuesday, January 8, 2008 begun its public hearings with a call for all Liberians to cooperate with the process and testify before the Commission in a truthful and honest manner.
In AG Morlu and government saga: The present mirrors the past!
(By Tibelrosa Summoh Tarponweh)
Excitement, optimism, relief and upbeat were words used to describe the appointment of a non patronage and self-governing Auditor general of Liberia, or at least an AG not beholden to the political power brokers; that is, a professional for whom he is. This was significant not because Mr. Morlu, a single individual at the helm of a restructured general Auditing commission, would be super miracle worker to cure most of Liberia’s widespread corruption problems, but because many saw his appointment as the clearest sign yet by the new government and its international partners
In Morlu- Gol Saga: Set Up Independent Panel, Expand Scope Of Investigation
(By Alphonso Nyenuh)
I like to firstly commend the Government of Liberia for its expressed commitment to establishing the facts in the alleged incident of vandalism involving Auditor General John S. Morlu, II, at the Robert’s International Airport as well as Morlu’s claims that he was prevented for four days from leaving the country by security forces, and to make a few suggestions which I am convinced will make the inquiry process more credible and perceived to be so.
Snapshots from Home
(By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé)
One a sunny balmy Monrovia Sunday morning, I took the crew out for filming. My cameraman, Zac Greaves said there was nothing going on, as government and businesses, except beach resorts, were closed to observe the age-old city ordinance of “no-work on Sunday.” I asked him if he knew the reason behind the law.
The New Religious Suspects and God Politicians
(By Samuel Toe)
When the English philosopher Thomas Hobbes offered 17th Century Europe a new political philosophy grounded on the possibility of achieving legitimate political power without invoking divine revelations, it appealed to many. This was Europe just emerging from the Wars of Religion, in which Christians, “idled by apocalyptic dreams hunted and killed Christians with a maniacal fury”
LINSU Condemns The Harassment And Intimidation Meted Out Against The Auditor General Of Liberia At RIA
(A Press Release Issued By The Liberia National Student Union)
It is conspicuously that the first audit to be conducted by the Auditor General, John S. Morlu, II will commence the ground-breaking treaty for economic criminals to be prosecuted which will restore fiscal discipline and the value for money to Liberia a nation entrenched in financial malpractices.
ALL HAIL, LIBERIA HAIL: This glorious land of liberty shall long be ours
(By: James Thomas-Queh)
Because we were born in a nation, we have a tendency to ignore the difficulties of that nation to exist and survive (like a child often ignores the hard times of his parents to make it from day to day). At the same time, though, we are angered and despaired by the vigour and determination of nations to crush others even at the sacrifice of their own citizens and billions of dollars only to dispossess and control the vital resources of others.
The General Auditing Commission Commences Special Forensic Audits
(Press Release Issued by GAC)
The Office of the Auditor General of the Republic, in keeping with its Constitutional and statutory responsibility, as stipulated in Chapter 53 of the Executive Law of 1972, wishes to inform the public that the General Auditing Commission (GAC) has commenced Special Forensic Audits of various institution and programs.
Of Democracy, Patronage, and Patriotism in Liberia
By Nat Galarea Gbessagee)
Whether by coincidence or by design,
The Perspective’s Abdoulaye W. Dukulé in December 2007 chose an ill-fated time in recent Liberian history, Christmas Eve, to publish an article that basically begs Liberians to recognize and show appreciation for what ironically amounts to the “democratic miracle” currently taking place in Liberia under the Unity Party government of President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf. Mr. Dukulé not only believes that “Liberians are now taking for granted many things they could not even dream of [in Liberia] just three years ago,”