Liberians are preparing for Liberia’s Independence
Day celebration. This year’s Independence Day calibration is
very unique because this is the first time during the past 15 years
that Liberians are living in peace. The guns are silent! Elections
that ushered in a new democratic process from the aches of the civil
war were held last year. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, an international figure
with an impeccable record, was elected president.
Danger of Arming a Possible Bigot: Allegations or Fact
(By: Emmanuel Dolo)
This short essay explores the development of an emerging
strand of bigotry that is possibly being clothed in the garments
of national security. If left unattended, this national ailment
could take root quickly and reverse any gains that we have made
on social integration, specifically on the religious front. This
is a looming threat to building a pluralistic and religiously tolerant
Growing Momentum for Africa, Africa-Diaspora Partnership
(By Chinua Akukwe)
At the invitation of the Africa Union and the Government
of Brazil, I had the privilege to attend the recent Second International
Conference of Africa and Africans in the Diaspora in Salvador, Bahia,
Brazil. In this conference, I also had the honor of moderating the
only health session in the conference, an eight-hour, morning and
afternoon marathon session.
and Malaria: A Deadly Combination
(Syrulwa Somah)
As we commemorate the 159th independence of our nation, let us remember
that the health of our nation is in serious trouble due to the high
prevalence of HIV/AIDS and malaria than at any period of our history.
HIV/AIDS and malaria would continue to seriously threaten our national
security, or our complete demise as a nation and people if we remain
complacent and not take immediate actions to combat these deadly diseases.
(Jeff Cooper)
Munnah Sieh, Liberia Police Director’s warning against the
wearing of veil in Liberia by Muslim women is outrageous, dangerous,
and must be condemned by every well-meaning Liberian.
Candidate (Part III, The Finale)
(By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé)
I was standing in line, at Chevy Chase Bank in Laurel and watching
the back of his head and wondering if it was him or not. “No,
that can’t be him, or may be yes…” With its unique
shape, his shaved head somehow looked like the roll of hills on
the road to Kakata, with plateaus and valleys. We used to joke him
that he had multiple heads.
Former Vice
President Bennie D. Warner To Speak At LIHEDE Convention
(Press Release Issued by LIHEDE)
Former Vice President of Liberia, Hon. Bennie D. Warner, is the
latest among several high profile personalities who have accepted
to attend the ensuing Pre-National Health Conference Rally and Dinner
Ball being organized by LIHEDE to be held on the campus of the North
Carolina A& T State University in Greensboro, NC on September
We Cannot
Build the Fourth Republic by Keeping Each Other Down
(A Speech Delivered by By Dr. Syrulwa Somah)
We cannot build a great nation by keeping each other down.
I want to thanks the young Liberians who out ran me on the field.
You did well! I was in Liberia two months ago and the team we played--players
out ran me as you did today. You didn’t do anything wrong
for making me breathless so do not feel discourage. Thanks for the
good game!
The Honorable House Deserves
A Better Leader
By Gbe Sneh)
House Speaker Snowe has so many unresolved issues: a front page
Taylor collaborator hit with a UN Travel Ban; a former director
of LPRC who was involved in a questionable contract award; a government
employee whose salary does not match his accumulated wealth; an
electoral candidate who withheld information on asset declaration
sheets He keeps adding to that. How long are we to continue counting
before we stop?
Nepotism, Americo-Liberian Indigenous Divide Must be Abolished in
Liberia- Dr. Nya Kwaiwon Taryor
(By Winsley S. Nanka)
Dr. Nya Kwaiwon Taryor, Sr has urged Liberians to abolish the vices
that retard the progress of the country if Liberia is to move forward.
Dr. Taryor was speaking to The Perspective in an interview shortly
after the Reunion and Homecoming program organized by the Ganta
United Methodist Mission School Alumni Association (GUMMSAA-USA)
in Philadelphia on July 14, 2006.
Trouble For Snowe
(By Helroz Zorleh)
Barely few days after his apology to members of the House of Representatives
by Speaker Edwin M. Snowe for his unilateral letter written to the
Taiwanese Embassy in The Gambia for the restoration of diplomatic
ties between Liberia and Taiwan, another call has been made by the
Senate for the Speaker to face probe.
President Suspends Entrance Registration
By: Emmanuel King, Jr.
The President of the University of Liberia Dr. Al-Hassan Conteh
has instructed the comptroller of the UL to halt the entrance registration
Coverage on Corruption, Budget Advocated
(By Lewis K. Glay)
Reporting on corruption and the National Budget in Postwar Liberia
has become a paramount concern to the public including media related
Corruption, Lack Of Accountability And Transparency In Financial
And Economic Matters On The Part Of High Government Officials
Final Report Submitted By A Team Of ECOWAS Investigators
As a result of complaints filed by civil society organizations and
Liberia’s development partners against alleged “rampant
corruption, lack of accountability and transparency in financial
and economic matters on the part of high government officials [of
the Gyude Bryant administration]”, ECOWAS sent a team of six investigators.
(Courtesy of CEDE)
the Tentacles of Corruption: The Case of Liberia’s Former
Commerce Minister Samuel Wlue
(By: Emmanuel Dolo & Winsley Nanka) Glimpses
of what happened during the transitional period between Charles
Taylor’s departure and the inauguration of the Johnson-Sirleaf
Government are just beginning to emerge. The enthronement of the
interim government, which was chaired by Gyude Bryant, has taught
us some important lessons. One of such lessons is the crafty maneuverings
of wild-eyed contingent of hustlers who masqueraded as “liberators” and pretended to be patriots bent on removing the Taylor regime.
of the Final Report of ECOWAS Team of Investigators Into Economic
Crime in Liberia
(A Press Release Issued By CEDE)
The Center for Democratic Empowerment (CEDE) in furtherance of its
public duty is pleased to inform the public that it has within its
possession the Forensic Investigation Report by ECOWAS which is
entitled: Final Report of ECOWAS Team of Investigators Into Economic
Crime in Liberia. CEDE intends to do the following in regards with
the report.
Hats and Headties off to the Press Union of Liberia
for Taking a Gallant Stance
(By Siahyonkron Nyanseor)
Being the Fourth Estate, the Media is charged with the responsibilities
of checking on the activities of the First Branch of government
– the Legislature, which makes Laws; the Second – the
Executive, enforces the Laws, and the Third – the Judicial,
decides arguments about the meaning of laws, how they are applied,
and whether their application violate the Constitution and the rights
of citizens.
and Incompetence Engulf Liberian Congress
By Theodore T. Hodge)
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than
to open your mouth and remove all doubt.” The quotation above
is one of those aphorisms that make their way through our collective
consciousness and we come to accept as truism; a self-evident truth.
Reconciliation, Peace and Economy Viability”
(Speech Delivered By Francis N. Kateh)
“Allow Prince Kaboo (Samuel Morris) to become the
Beacon of Light that will lead the New Liberia toward True Reconciliation,
Peace and Economy Viability”
Will Exonerate My Administration
(Farewell Remarks By Klahn-Gboloh Jarbah)
I believe history will exonerate my administration to the point
that, while during my term of office, there was a crisis in the
organization, it will also say, we stood firm against the aggressors
and defeated them. Their defeat was made possible as the result
of our collective determination to defend the SCAA and to make our
goals and objectives clear; the hope of the perpetrators of this
division went down the drain.
Speaker Snowe |
Speaker Edwin Snowe Errs Again --- Tempers Flare
By: Theodore T. Hodge)
In recent days it has been reported that the Speaker of the Liberian
House of Representatives, Honorable Edwin Snowe, has committed another
blunder --- the latest in a series since assuming the high office.
The speaker is said to have undertaken a scheme with the intent
to dictate or undermine the country’s foreign policy by promising
to establish diplomatic relations with Taiwan. (It will be recalled
that the Republic of Liberia has subscribed to the One-China-Policy,
officially recognizing the People’s Republic of China).
Of Another Coalition Of The Unwilling
(By Gbe Sneh)
An SOS for rescue from corruption was sent out during the NTGL.
It was heeded by ECOWAS and other partners in the international
community and, GEMAP was agreed to by GOL and its partners. GEMAP
was then sent in to the rescue. Is it then not in the interest of
Liberia that we allow GEMAP to work unhindered? Why are some members
of both houses rejecting a necessary exercise of matching paychecks
with recipients? Are we to witness yet another “coalition
of the unwilling” like the one that plagued us during the
for Urban Economic Development in Liberia
(By Winsley S. Nanka)
On June 22, 2005, in the article “Proposals for Liberian Presidential
Candidates, I made a series of proposals which included the establishment
of the Monrovia Urban Redevelopment Authority (MURA) to spearhead
urban renewal in Monrovia. I stated that MURA would be primarily
responsible for economic development programs, such as business
assistance, financing, housing, and a variety of other options.
Corruption - A Holistic Approach
By K. Koiquoe Wilson)
Corruption, for time immemorial, has wreaked immeasurable havoc
as a consequence of its chronic omnipresence throughout our society.
Many Liberians harbor the incredulous illusion that expunging the
culture of corruption, which has been historically very pervasive,
is contingent upon the advent of some messianic administration.
As is manifest in myriad publications today, the nascent Johnson-Sirleaf
administration is now being challenged to accomplish this prodigious
Klahn-Gboloh Jarbah
"…History will exonerate me for my stand on having my fellow Sinoeans realize that we are Liberians…”, says Klahn-Gboloh Jarbah, the outgoing President of SCAA, Inc.
(An Interview Conducted By Siahyonkron Nyanseor)
Mr. Klahn-Gboloh Jarbah is the outgoing President of the Sinoe County Association in the Americas, Inc. He was elected in July 13, 2004 an election that split the organization into two separate groups based on similar divide that led Liberia in disintegration until the recent election of October 2005. Prior to serving as President of SCAA, he served as President of the Minnesota Chapter of ULAA 1984-1986. Mr. Jarbah is a graduate of Lott Carey Baptist Mission High School, Brewerville, Liberia. He earned his BS in Marketing, University of Nevada, and MA - Public Administration and Management from Webster University, Missouri. Mr. Jarbah is a Business Consultant/Contractor and Regional Director, Grace Management. Mr. Jarbah is a resident of San Antonio, Texas.
House Speaker
Edwin Snowe Accused Of Violating Article 57 Of The Liberian Constitution
A letter purportedly written by House Speaker Edwin Snowe to the
Taiwanese Ambassador accredited to the Gambia, Amb. Patrick P. C.
Chang, could lead to serious investigation. Some of Speaker Snowe’s
colleagues are now accusing him of violating Article 57 of the Liberian
Constitution which states: “The President shall have the power
to conduct the foreign affairs of the Republic and in that connection
he is empowered to conclude treaties, conventions and similar international
agreements with the concurrence of a majority of each House of the
Due Process Wallops From Above
(By: Ekena Wesley)
History will tell us that at every stage of civilization, mankind
evolved with some level of development. So were the days of the
Stone Age, Cro-Magnon man, the era of survival the fittest and the
infamous wide west in North America. There was one identity likened
to all of these times in human history. Such was the free-for-all
scenario whereby jungle justice was administered to the fullest.