America’s Weimar Moment
By Dr. Sam Ben-Meir
This month commemorates seventy-five years since the attack on Pearl Harbor by the forces of Imperial Japan - an attack in which 2,403 Americans were killed and directly led to the United States' entry into World War II. By December 11th, the United States was officially at war with Japan, as well as Germany and Italy. The war lasted four years, and by the end over four hundred thousand Americans were killed - approximately sixty million people worldwide.
Mt. Coffee Hydropower Plant |
Dealing With The Razzmatazz And Euphoria of Mount Coffee Hydropower Plant
By Martin K. N. Kollie
National Debates must be characterized by Patriotism, Sincerity and Substance. We must hold our leaders accountable by what they say they will do for the people. We must never run away from speaking the truth even if it hurts. The debate surrounding Mount Coffee Hydropower Plant is becoming increasingly interesting and I thought to weigh in from where I sit. This is just an initial analysis, but I shall endeavor to publish a full column of my thoughts in due course
If I Were a Gift at Christmas: I Would be a Little Light Bulb
By Mwalimu-Mku Moses Blonkanjay Jackson
If I were a gift at Christmas, I would be a little light bulb to shine a light around people in this doggone troubled world, who do not have anybody to give them gifts this Christmas, while others are receiving lavishly. I would shine a light so bright that they would put aside their woes and lay their sorrows at the Compassionate Savior’s feet and hum the tone of the great 17th Century hymn, “Come ye disconsolate, where’er ye languish, come to the mercy seat fervently kneel…earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot cure” But I would not stop there.
Unveiling environmental safeguards provisions within the Petroleum Exploration and Production Law of Liberia - 2016
By Urias Goll
In 2002, the government, under the leadership of President Charles Taylor, made a knee-jerk decision to accelerate an oil and gas program through the establishment of NOCAL and enactment of the New Petroleum Law 2002. Some who believe that the country was desperately in need to find additional funding sources to build up its revenue base for socio-economic development heralds this decision. I disagree because most, if not all, of the revenue generated in Liberia, were redirected to providing security and fill the pockets of the few elites against the wishes of the rest of the citizenry considered at the time as “riffraff”.
Diaspora Social & Economic impacts- the Liberian Experience
By Jimmy Suah Shilue
Liberia’s resurgence following paralyzing brutal upheavals and resilience against the recent Ebola epidemic was not possible without the collective efforts of both home-land and its Diaspora populations. This brings into perspective on-going debate about Diaspora in relation to their transnational contributions to their home economies- a discourse which has been gaining immense attention both in the academia and in development circles. The debate has been further enhanced by Globalization- which has created or simplified the relationship between relatives, sojourners, migrants and country of origin. This phenomenon gives opportunities for Diasporas to emerge, to survive and to thrive.
"Gaging Anti-Corruption Efforts in Liberia"
By Cllr. Tiawan S. Gongloe
While corruption, as our president has observed on many occasions, can be found in the family, in places of worship, in community organization, etc, our focus in highlighting the issue of corruption is on government because it is government that leads a nation and signs international treaties and protocols, including those on combating corruption. It is official of government that take oath, committing themselves to seek the collective interest of the people, to obey the laws of the country, including laws against corruption and to maintain good moral good while serving the people.
Selective Obedience-Disobedience To Laws: The Case Of Liberia’s Recent Past & Present-Prevailing Activities
By Bai M. Gbala, Sr.
Rules, Regulations, Public Policies and Laws are made to guide action in protecting society for peace, security and stability; and to do so, governments are instituted to enforce, protect and defend the laws so made in the effort to ensure peace, security and stability, with specific, particular emphasis on “international peace and security”, during these fast-paced, modern days of the 21st century.
An Education and Teaching Regulatory Authority: Laudable Effort by President Sirleaf to Cement her Legacy
By Moses Blonkanjay Jackson (MsEd, EdM)
As a national mantra that is apparently not based on research, the education sector of Liberia is in a “messy” condition and has yet to achieve its goals as enshrined in the 2011 Education Act in spite of many missed opportunities for improvement. Admittedly, since her ascendency as President, education reform has been challenging and therefore prompted Madam Sirleaf to make frequent changes of administrators starting from Dr. Korto to George Werner.
“No Front-Runner For 2017”: A Commentary
By Bai M. Gbala, Sr.
In Liberia, nothing is done without the agreement with and/or practical participation by the President. The analysts’ assessment says that “the President appoints nearly (we say, all executive) public officials . . . seen as (the classic example of) winner-take all contest which could be (in fact, will be) highly contentious, as was (had been, and is, throughout Liberia’s 169-year history) the case in 2005 and 2011”. This power of the President was cast in iron, enshrined in the Constitution in 1847 and encapsulated in the doctrine of the Unitary Structure
President-Elect Donald Trump |
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf |
Diametrically Differing with President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf over President-elect Donald Trump’s Victory
By Martin K. N. Kollie
It has been barely 3 weeks now since millions of Americans headed to the polls to decide the successor of President Barrack H. Obama who has served for two terms (8 years) as Commander-in-Chief of the most powerful nation in the World, the United States of America. Even though the race for Presidency is over between Trump and Clinton, but this gone election sent a lot of messages about politics and its dynamic nature.
Questions And Answers About Some Of The Raging Events In The Middle East (Part II)
By Dr. Alon Ben-Meir
I challenge anyone who can point out a leader anywhere in the world who has the qualities to lead with vision, courage, tenacity, and strength and know where he/she is leading and can, in fact, change the course of history in a very positive and effective way. Where are the Lincolns, the Churchills, where are the Ben Gurions and the Anwar Sadats? The question is, will new leaders rise up in response to the people’s frustration?
Of Frustration, Self Interest and Contradiction
By Ivor S. Moore
The election of Donald Trump as the 45th president of the United States of America was obviously received with unprecedented anxiety shockwaves not only by citizens and immigrants within its borders but by all nations of the world. Despite his pacifying victory speech calling for unity and offering to work with all countries wishing to work with America, uncertainties reduction in the wide and threat-worthy statements of the Trump’s Phenomenon of making ‘America great again’ cannot be guaranteed
Liberia at a Glace after 27 years of UNCRC: The Harsh Realities That Require Concrete Remedies
By Martin K. N. Kollie
I am elated to form part of this event, but I am also sad, because even as I speak to you now, dozens of children around the world are being abused and exploited by cruel elements. The world is yet to find a more concrete and sustainable cure to child labor, force marriage, teenage pregnancy, rape, sexual harassment, infant mortality, child prostitution, sex trafficking, kidnapping, child pornography, neglect and the forceful recruitment of children as soldiers.
Donald Trump’s Victory: Will White America Take On Corporate Greed?
By J. Yanqui Zaza
Winners or losers emerge after every competition be it a game, war or election. Some winners or losers might not have supported the victor during the election. Also winners might not have similar views, rather different interest. So, although big businesses, on the one hand, and ordinary white Americans, on the other hand, are rejoicing about President-elect Donald Trump’s historic election, big businesses will not cease to exploit them (i.e., for example, Wells Fargo Bank’s 5,200 customers).
5 Key Lessons from Trump's Shocking Victory for Liberian Opposition Parties
By Lee H. Williams
You cannot claim to be a ‘serious’ opposition/oppositions when you are considered or seemed to be considered insider/insiders harvesting from the very failed status quo, ruling class and elites you claimed you want to change. In short, you cannot be part of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and want to defeat her Vice President Joseph Boakai.
Questions And Answers About Some Of The Raging Events In The Middle East
By Alon Ben-Meir
In a recent conversation I had with students, faculty, and alumni at New York University just before the start of my program “Global Leaders: Conversations with Alon Ben-Meir” on November 3, I had the opportunity to answer some questions concerning the turmoil in the Middle East and America’s role in the world. The following is my take on some of these events and how they might further evolve over time; questions and answers have been edited and condensed for clarity.
Trump’s Victory and Eventual Presidency; President Sirleaf’s Concerns; Where I disagree
By Jones Nhinson Williams
Many Americans have and continue to express serious concerns about their president-elect, business executive Donald J. Trump, Sr. While some of these concerns may be legitimate, not all are real or based on facts. A good number of them are based on the President-elect’s campaign-fever/mood utterances, which contextually and in my understanding, reflect a man who was once a reality TV star that later on happened to become a candidate for president of the United States, and who clearly understood the anger and frustration of his fellow Americans,...
Trump’s Daunting Foreign Challenges
By Prof. Alon Ben-Meir
If nothing else, the 2016 elections have once again reaffirmed America’s solid democratic system. Without any major incidents, tens of millions of Americans went to polling stations across the land, voted for the candidate of their choice, and readied themselves, as always, for the peaceful transfer of power. I believe that even those who were deeply disappointed with the results of the election will sooner than later rise above the fray,
Liberia In Liberian National Politics, - Part 1
By Bai M. Gbala, Sr.
By this analysis, we argue that the facts of history of the Liberian political experience show, clearly, that the Republic of Liberia is still locked in the dangerous TRANSITION from DICTATORSHIP, seeking Liberal, Progressive DEMOCRACY, following the dissolution of the Republican Party (of the light-skinned African-American settlers, children of white slave owners) in 1876; the overthrow of the True Whig Party (of dark-skinned African-American settlers) in 1980; and the nightmare of the African-American settlers-led,
The victory of Donald Trump in the U.S. presidential race could jeopardize U.S. support in Nigeria’s fight against Boko Haram, according to Nigerian Nobel Prize winner Wole Soyinka. In an exclusive interview, Soyinka tells Newsweek that Trump’s “bunker mentality” could see the U.S. withdraw support for counter-terrorism operations in West Africa.
Liberia’s 2016/2017 Outrageous Recurrent Expenditures
By Seltue Karweaye
Liberians heaved a sigh of relief in May of 2016 when the newly appointed Minister of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP), Boima S. Kamara submitted the Draft National Budget for 2016/2017 of US$555.9 million, comprising of US$495.5 million for Core Domestic Revenue; US$30.2 million as Grant; and US$30.1 million as Contingent Domestic Revenue. However, between the battle for more money from the Executive and the Legislature branches, President Sirleaf October 1, 2016, President signed into law the National Budget for the fiscal year (FY) 2016/2017.
A Paradigm Project for the Future - Location: Morocco
By Yossef Ben-Meir
What makes for a great development project? Which qualities imbue an initiative with longevity and sustainability, enabling it to meet a whole range of interconnected material and emotional needs? Is there a single concept applicable to a specific geographical location that - exceptionally – embodies those qualities?
"Justice – Reconciliation Quagmire": Some Comments
By Bai M. Gbala, Sr.
The sad, sordid memory of Liberia’s historic tragedy of the civil war of plunder, looting, destruction, population displacement, rape, maiming, brutal atrocities of mass murders, extra-legal executions, human suffering and death will live with Liberians who survived the nightmare, as long as they live.
And So, Is the Usual Case with University Of Liberia: Candidates Challenge Results
By Mohammed Salue Sy
The University Of Liberia as the nation’s premier institution of learning has come under grave public’s questioning in most recent time as she officially released her 2015/2016 entrance and placement results. For so long graduates of high schools profoundly express their anxiety to seek admission at the University Of Liberia even though there are other tertiary institutions that provide similar education. Unfortunately ,thousands of those students anxiety and hope are dashed in the wilderness.
Jeffrey Gbatu Is Not War Criminal
By Bai M. Gbala, Sr.
The newspaper Front Page Africa reports (FPA, October 28, 2016) that “A deportation date (back to Liberia) has been set for Jeffrey Gbatu, the former Speaker of Samuel Doe’s People Redemption Council... The Daily Observer newspaper reported recently that Gbatu was arrested... in Charlotte, North Carolina after Homeland Security alerted INTERPOL, which subsequently charged him (Gbatu) with ‘war crimes and crimes against humanity’ which he allegedly committed in the aftermath of the 1980 coup
Donald Trump & Hillary Clinton |
New York Times Endorsement Of US Presidential Candidate
By Bai M. Gbala, Sr.
In today’s Socio-cultural World of culture-in-flux, changing life-styles, cultural diversity, people or population movement and urbanization; Political-Economic World of industrial development, cut-throat competition, excessive consumption; and the Global world characterized by excessive desire for wealth and political power, personality-cult, jealousy, rivalry, lies, deceit, desire/demand for money, bribery, graft & greed, lacking basic principles and beliefs of moral rectitude .
Celebrating Football Legend, Sarkpah Nyanseor, At 60
By Benedict Nyankun Wisseh
In sports, it is common for every former athlete to be referred to as a legend by people who have watched them play. Therefore, in Liberia, it is not strange that we have taken to doing it, greeting and referring to every former athlete as a legend. We do it, undoubtedly, as a genuine appreciation and respect for the athletes. But that demonstration of appreciation and respect becomes an obligation when the athletes have aged and no longer can run again, leaving us to reminisce about their performances in order to comfort and satisfy our inability to reverse the trajectory of the clock on their ages to watch them perform again.
Sound Vote or Perish
By Ansumana Konneh
When the Liberian people voted for Charles Taylor in 1997 under the slogan: "He killed my ma, he killed my pa, but I will vote for him", they did not realize that the consequences of that decision were at the expense of the future of their children and the fabric of the Liberian society. They failed to realize that Taylor was an egoist who wanted to enrich himself at the expense of the masses of our people.
A Personal Tribute To My Friend, Ambulai B. Johnson, Jr
By:James Thomas-Queh
I telephoned "AB" (as he was affectionately called) and Thelma (his devoted wife) on Sept. 21st to find out how both (the patient and the diligent nurse) were doing. But there was no answer; so I left a message. Immediately after, I called another friend who quickly broke the news that AB had just passed away. Unbelievable, it was a total shock. Then Thelma later returned my call, in tears, to confirm that AB had died peacefully in her arms at home on the night before.
My Recollections of Our Childhood Days: A Tribute to the late Alhaji Saku B. Sillah, MS, BA
By Al-Hassan Conteh, Ph.D
This is a story of my recollections of a fun-filled life growing up with the late Saku Sillah and a host of friends in Monrovia, Liberia, during the Sixties, our childhood years. Saku passed away on August 12, 2016, after a brief illness, during a business trip to Conakry, Guinea. May his soul rest in perfect peace.
Construction Of Ministerial Complex: Who Benefits?
By Bai M. Gbala, Sr.
Rumors and spirited debates regarding demolition of the uncompleted Ministry of National Defense Building on Tubman Boulevard in Congo Town for the construction of a proposed Ministerial Complex on the site have been the subject in executive suites, posh restaurants, cook-shops, barber shops, beauty salons, street-corner intellectual discourses and residential dinner tables for some time in Monrovia.
How Vice President Joseph Boakai Could Lose the Presidency to Charles Brumskine
By Kewellen Dolleh
Let’s face it, Vice President Joseph Boakai’s snail-pace style of walking and talking is annoying as it mimics the pace of Liberia’s infrastructure development under President Ellen Sirleaf. And more worrying is the fact that the Liberian people are impatient and dissatisfied with the Sirleaf-Boakai administration. You name it: poor infrastructure, a broken educational system, a blatant lack of healthcare delivery system, massive unemployment are among many reasons why most Liberians will find it difficult to vote for Vice President Joseph Boakai--come 2017.
Police Director Gregory Coleman LNP pursues Zogos |
Fate Of Homeless Liberians And Others Removed From The Streets
CDC Youth League Writes to LNP
There is a level of concern that we have as regards the manner in which these persons have been forcibly and with brutality enjoined from the enjoyment of their liberty by the unilateral directive of Abraham Kromah, one of your deputies. We begin by referring you to Article 20 of the Liberian Constitution which states that “No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, security of the person, property, privilege or any other right except as the outcome of a hearing judgment consistent with the provisions laid down in this Constitution and in accordance with due process of law.”
The War against ‘Zogos’ is Commendable, but must be Holistic and Systematic
By Martin K. N. Kollie
The Liberian society is engulfed with plethora of vexing social perplexities due to numerous of factors. Overtime, holistic and systematic steps have not been taken to address these prevailing challenges. The proliferation of ‘Zogos’ is just one of those social challenges currently facing Liberia. This revolving social problem continues to endanger public safety and security since peace returned to Liberia in 2003. The nation has been severely hit by this social dilemma.
Professor Dunn Urged "Liberians To Introspect...": Some Comments
By Bai M. Gbala, Sr.
While we appreciate and will remain grateful for the opportunity to learn and benefit from the political, diplomatic, and economic history of the African struggle for freedom from colonial, minority rule in which the Republic of Liberia, its patriotic sons and daughters – statespersons - were frontline leaders, but the facts of history of the South African and the Liberian struggles for freedom show absolute differences and, because of these differences, the “lessons” (of history) – of compromise, give-and-take, negotiated settlement and, indeed, reconciliation
You Want To Be The Next President Of Liberia?
By Bai M. Gbala, Sr.
This Article, as indicated above, is directed, specifically and particularly, to the Announced Candidates for President of Liberia, with invited attention of the Liberian Voter. It is, also, our Response to 2017, the profoundly hyped campaign and expectations. The article is the edited, revised, updated and condensed version of our earlier Message-Reminder of the requirements-expectations of the Candidate for President, published on April 30, 2014.
Economic Paralysis: the Bane of Liberia
Building a successful middle class is the newest mantra on the lips of policy makers and would be policy makers, but whether the framework to do so has been devised is a question we can ponder over. One knows in time like these good intensions do not address the imploding challenges that are pivoting the masses in the abyss.
WAEC Credibility Questioned
By Mohammed Salue Sy
The issue of education in post-war Liberia continues to be marred by excessive problems which have over the years not been ably addressed by national leaders .There is no doubt that the assertion by Her Excellency President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf that the Liberian educational system is a “mess” has become a fact instead of anyone treating it as a mere personal view. For too long the system has widely been described in every nook and quarter by Liberians in many ways but with little or nothing being done to address the educational maladies.
Youth Unemployment in Post-conflict Liberia: A Recipe for Public Chaos
By Martin K. N. Kollie
Young people account for about 65% of Liberia’s 4.4 million population. This means that Liberia has a youthful population that is capable of serving either as a driving force for economic growth and development or a risky channel of violence and insecurity. Creating employment, empowerment and educational opportunities for young Liberians is very crucial to sustaining peace and harmony as Liberia transitions politically in 2017.
Supporting the Kingdom of Morocco
By Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir
In recent decades the Kingdom of Morocco has embarked on a path that fully commits the nation to a development and civil course that is at once progressive and strongly connected to its national identity. The Moroccan model for success - with its core ideals of decentralization, human development, multiculturalism, south-south connectivity, and participatory methods - is essential not only for its own people but also for establishing a viable strategy for the people of Africa, the Middle East, and the world.
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf |
Liberia Is Virtually Under Siege By Pres. Ellen Sirleaf,,,
I have been pondering over the situation that is currently unfolding in my country. It is so mind bugging that I have to pose the following questions: Is Liberia still a sovereign nation? Has the country been placed under siege? On reflection, I can only say that Liberia has lost her sovereignty and has been placed under siege by Ellen Sirleaf and her criminal gang. And they appear to be very arrogant, refusing to accept the proposition that the interest of the Liberian people supersedes their narrow interest.
World Teachers Day October 5, 2016: Re-Branding and Valuing Embattled Liberian Teachers
World Teachers’ Day October 5 is set aside by UNESCO each year to recognize the sacrifices of teachers and honor them; all nations and stakeholders are required to implement programs befitting the essence of the day. According to a UNESCO release, this year World Teachers’ Day marks the 50th anniversary of the adoption of the 1966 ILO/UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers. It is also the first world Teachers’ Day (WTD) to be celebrated within the new Global Education 2030 Agenda adopted by the world community one year ago.
Statesmanship versus Demagoguery
By Dr. Alon Ben-Meir
The death of President Shimon Peres highlights the stark difference in leadership between him and Prime Minister Netanyahu - the difference between a statesman and a demagogue. Peres never hesitated to change his position and embrace policies from the left, right, or center as long as it served the country’s interests and advanced peace, which he always placed above party politics. Netanyahu, however, has proved time and again that he is stuck in the past, holding fast to reactionary policies and putting his personal ambitions and ideological bent above the national interest
George K. Werner
Minister of Education |
Rethinking Short-term Educational Improvement Strategies: Government’s Public - Private Partnership Dilemma
By George Wah Williams
Conversations around the introduction of the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) agreement between the government of Liberia and the US-based Bridge Incorporated, continue to draw attention from educational practitioners, civic groups for innumerably justifiable reasons. While the PPP idea does generate incorporable considerations for contextual inclusion in a national reform program, the current evolution of the program institution by the Government of Liberia will remain typically a monumental flaw in the nation’s expressed endeavor towards sustainable social development.
Turkey And The PKK: Mutual Violence Is Not The Answer
By Dr. Alon Ben-Meir
Turkey’s President Erdogan has claimed that military operations against the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) will continue until "the very last rebel is killed" What is puzzling about this statement is that after more than 30 years of violence that has claimed the lives of over 40,000 Turks and Kurds, Erdogan still believes he can solve the conflict through brutal force. However, he is fundamentally mistaken, as the Kurds’ long historical struggle is embedded in their psyche and provides the momentum for...
The Fatality of Democracy: Why Elections are Rigged in Africa
By Martin K. N. Kollie
Democracy in Africa is difficult to flourish, because there are too many kleptocrats, autocrats and opportunists flooding the political parameter. A free, fair and transparent election on the continent is rare due to anti-democratic precedents mostly devised by failed and corrupt regimes. Democracy in Africa is eclipsed by immaturity, impropriety and intolerance.
Vice President Joseph N. Boakai |
An Enemy of My Enemy is my friend: Liberia’s Opposition Parties 2017 Dilemma
By Nyankor Matthew
In December 2014 the Israeli Labor Party, Hatnuah party and Green Movement party formed a center-left political alliance called the Zionist Union to unseat Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. By March 2015 (within three months) the alliance had established a government in waiting. Individuals for the positions of Finance Minister and defense Minister among others, were named announced to Israeli voters. I note with emphasis that within three months, the Zionist Union Party was able to concretize its political ambition.
“From Mess to Best” Education Reform Policy: Is Minister George K. Werner a Reformist or Deformist? - Part I
By Martin K. N. Kollie
Liberia in this age of globalization and modernity is wedged in a web of dilemma due to array of factors. With all of what this country has in terms of natural wealth, it remains a symbol of poverty and illiteracy in Africa, even though it was once seen as the Pride of Africa. Notable among those factors responsible for Liberia’s slow-paced development yesteryear and even now are, but not limited to...
The Moral Crisis in Liberia Remains Unabated
By Ivor S. Moore
Finally, Speaker Alex Tyler has recused himself as presiding over the House’ plenary. What was said to be a “moral fight” against him over criminal charges resulting from the Global Witness’ “The Deceivers” report has ended into jubilancy for the Ant-Tyler bloc headed by Deputy Speaker Hans Baschue, now presiding of plenary with the power of the gavel. It is only time when Tyler is no longer Speaker.
"Hell Is Truth Seen Too Late"
By Dr. Alon Ben-Meir
Senator Bernie Sanders’ call during the primaries for a new approach to resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was on-point and necessary. However, his plea for the US to adopt a policy of even-handedness in dealing with Israel and the Palestinians will not suffice. In fact, even if the incoming administration changed its approach by coercing Israel to make important concessions and stop its settlement enterprise, this will not produce the necessary conditions to make peace at this particular juncture of the conflict.
Reflections-Response Counter To “Deepening Liberia’s New Democracy”
The Writers argue (FPA, September 8, 2016) that “Liberia has not, historically, been the model of liberal democracy. However, conditions are changing gradually. The seeming end of the Legislative stand-off which resulted in the Speaker’s (of the House of Representative)... recusal, symbolizes the strength of our emerging democracy. The state of our unity may be fragmented, but our new democracy has proven to withstand shocks that could have resulted in crisis, under previous governments...
Hon. Speaker Tyler, I Told You So
By: James Thomas-Queh
On my recent pilgrimage to Liberia just few months after the brutal death of Harry Greaves, I expected this tragic event to have still been the much talk of the town, but it was not. However, there was a sort of ominous atmosphere, and despite the severe financial pinch and tax harassment from the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA), the beach resorts were relatively customers overcrowded. Well, only once I overheard someone around a beer table adjacent to ours said: "What a great lost" - in reference to Greaves' death.
Dr. Togba-Nah Tipoteh |
Dr. Togbah Nah Tipoteh: The Fallacy of a Legacy
By Theodore Hodge
Something has puzzled me for a very long time, and perhaps the time has come to share my thoughts with you in this very public manner. Let’s pose some relevant questions: Is it acceptable for a man to build a popular and grandiose legacy on an outright falsehood? Is it worth the deception, just to receive the accolades and praise, knowing that what is attributed to one is in fact a lie? How far must one be willing to go in encouraging the praise singers who call him a “great hero” over and over again?
Africa in Tatters
By Martin K. N. Kollie
The Africa of our dream seems too far from rising above mediocrity, self-pity, conflict, foreign aid and poverty. In this generation and judging from an objective opinion, Africa can best be described as a rich and populous continent with a group of hopeless and choiceless people whose destiny is predominantly dictated by foreign powers and handouts. Africa in my view is like an island in the middle of the sea with its inhabitants experiencing drought.
Dr. Tipoteh Accused Of Being ‘On The Wrong Side of History’
By Siahyonkron Nyanseor
When we wanted to reply the “No Name Diaspora Liberian Group” which accused Dr. Togba-Nah Tipoteh of being on the Wrong Side of history for his stance in support of ‘Single Liberian Citizenship, we were advised not to because it is a HOT BUTTON ISSUE. Anyway, we’re going ahead - opposing views are what make a democracy works. We believe it would’ve been in the interest of us all had the group members identified themselves so that readers would know their motivation and purpose regarding a topic of concern to many Liberians.
The Tipoteh Sandals: A Powerful Policy Lesson on our Foreign-Dependent Extractive Economy
By Geepu-Nah Tiepoh, Ph.D.
An important theme running through the many tributes made to Dr. Togba-Nah Tipoteh last week, as part of an historic symposium commemorating his 75th birthday, is the fact that during the 1970s he wore and popularized the now famous ‘Tipoteh Sandals’ – a brand of rubber sandals knitted out of discarded car tires. A few of the tributes published so far alluded to some of the various meanings the sandals symbolized. Siahyonkron Nyanseor, for instance, mentioned that the shoes “injected into our national consciousness an awareness of a lost heritage”; Yanqui Zaza stated how they conveyed to our people the need to transcend material obsession; and Cllr. Tiawan Gongloe stressed that by wearing the shoes Tipoteh taught us to live a simple lifestyle and focus on the critical issues that mattered the most to our people.
A Moral Outrage That Enraged No One
By Dr. Alon Ben-Meir
The ongoing horror in Aleppo should awaken every global leader with an ounce of courage to step up and do whatever it takes to end the slaughter and inhuman suffering of the Syrian people. The fact that the siege of Aleppo continues unabated only exposes the ineptitude and moral decadence of the international community, who have failed to save innocent Syrians from Assad’s killing machine. The US should now take a firmer position on ending the butchery in Aleppo.
Ay-yah! Ah Bai Seedee Gurva Wanneh: A Tribute to Ms. Wynn Seedee of Barclayville
By Ray Martin Toe
It is still heartrending to reflect on the short life of Wynnie Seedee - even three years after her untimely passing in the United States. Wynnie suddenly died on July 26, 2013 in Atlanta, Georgia where she was visiting her daughter. She was laid to rest on August 24 in Highland, Maryland. If Wynnie had woken up on that July 26 morning, she would have picked up the phone and conveyed her July 26 compliments to her many friends and relatives. She would have certainly done the same on that August 24 had she not lain in state to be buried in a few hours.
Can The "Savior" Save Liberia's Education System?
By Gerald D. Yeakula
The Ministry of Education (MOE) has decided to tackle the problem at its core with focus on early childhood and primary education. Consolidation of quality at these levels should set the foundation to support onward growth and development of students at all levels. To insert sustainable quality in the system, the MoE wrestles with the idea of fixing the system itself or engaging the expertise of external agents. The latter is being considered and the early childhood and primary levels would be affected. The Ministry of Education has contracted the services of Bridge International Academies, a private company, to adopt 50 schools and pilot its technology-driven delivery of education.
Speaker Alex Tyler has recused himself, but he's still Speaker of the 53rd National Legislature
Once again, I am constrained to address the people of Liberia through the press on the Global Witness Saga that have drifted to leadership and constitutional crisis in Liberia. As you are all aware, Global Witness wrote a report in which the Republic of Liberia and the Republic of Guinea were accused of corrupt practices naming several government officials of both countries as being involved.
Dr. Togba-Nah Tipoteh |
Tipoteh and the Struggle for Rights and Rice
By Tiawan S. Gongloe
Dr. Togba Nah Tipoteh, in at the age of 32 established the Movement for Justice in Africa (MOJA) along with Dr. Amos Sawyer and Dew Tuan Wleh Mason then only in their twenties, who were later joined by Drs. H. Boima Fahnbulleh and Nya Quiawon Taryor, amongst others, as a national consciousness movement for the transformation of the social, political and economic condition in Liberia, using the pan-African agenda, with a focus on the struggle for change in Guinea Bissau and Cape Verde, led by PAIGC, Mozambigue led by FRELIMO, Namibia, led by SWAPO, Zimbabwe led by ZANU, South Africa led by the ANC, and Angola led by MPLA.
The Evolving Trouble At The Capitol Building - A Threat To Our Collective Security
By Tiawan S. Gongloe
For a weeks now the Legislature has not been able to function. The situation evolved from a position taken by some members of the House of Representatives that Speaker Alex Tyler should recuse himself from functioning as Speaker because of his indictment by the Grand Jury of Montserrado County for bribery. The speaker in reaction to the request for his recusal took the position that he was innocent and that consistent with the Liberian Law that says that an accused person is presumed innocent until proven guilty, he would not recuse himself. Members of the House of Representatives who were advocating for him to recuse himself then decided not sit under his gavel and vacated the chambers for the regular meeting of the House to another location of the Capitol Building.
Liberia tops UNICEF ranking of 10 worst countries for access to primary school - Thomson Reuters
Liberia has the highest proportion of children missing out on primary school education, the United Nations said on Thursday, with nearly two-thirds of its children never stepping inside a classroom.
The nation mourns when a conscious voice fades - A Tribute to Mamadee Diakite
By Martin K. N. Kollie
The rising sun was gleaming from the bottom of the Atlantic with a humid breeze of disbelief spreading across Monrovia and its environs. The nation woke up once more to an atmosphere of shock and surprise. Almost everyone was in a state of mourning as a result of a loss we are yet to get over. Getting over such a loss may not be anytime soon.
Tribute To Dr. Togba Nah Tipoteh ("Tipoteh Shoes")
By J. Yanqui Zaza
It is a general knowledge that mankind is not only endowed with his/her genes, but endowed with family norms, educational developments, religious upbringings, community influences, etc.; or as Ms. Carolyn N. Kinder of Yale University puts it: “The genes you are born with influence your behavior. Your social environment including your family, school and neighborhood also influence your behavior.”
"Better late than never" in Discovering Diamond in Our Backyard
By Siahyonkron Jglay Kpa-kay Nyanseor, Sr.
History is replete with stories of individuals who sacrificed their professions, careers, and even lives in order to serve as examples to be followed, or take the bold steps that motivated many of us to become the better persons, or more comfortable people we are today. In African American history, for example, visionaries and doers such as entrepreneur and sea captain John Cuffee, who used one of his very own ships to transports twenty of his brethren from 1815 racist America to Sierra Leone. Others included John B. Russman, Henry Highland Garnet, Charles Lenox Remond, Frederick Douglas, Dr. W.E.B Du bois, Booker .T. Washington, Dr. Martin Luther King, Sojourner Jones, Harriet Tubman, Bessie Smith, Rosa Parks, not forgetting the son of a Kenyan immigrant who reached the US presidency.
Oil Company: Spent US $138m In 2012/13; No Report In 2013/14
By J. Yanqui Zaza
Liberia’s annual budgetary document, like any other budget, should fulfill at least the civil obligation in providing transparent, verifiable information to the public. This practice, used partly to gain public confidence, has been around for centuries. In fact it was the desire for transparency and accountability that gave birth to the idea of capitalism in 1602, according to Jacob Soll, a professor of history and accounting at the University of Southern California
Liberia’s National Oil Company Sacks Entire Staff - VOA
By James Butty
The National Oil Company of Liberia (NOCAL) Tuesday sacked its entire staff of 200, saying it did so to save itself from collapse due to declining oil prices. President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf endorsed the cuts, saying they will reduce costs and put NOCAL on a more viable financial footing.
Little Shakie Kamara died in pain |
Defense Minister Samukai said Shakie was just cut by barbed wire. |
The Unforgotten Story: Shakie Kamara Deserves Justice
By Martin K. N. Kollie
In 2014, Liberia was engulfed by a fatal disease it has never known. The Ebola Virus Disease was rapidly ravaging our nation and posing serious risk to its sovereignty. As a result of this deadly plague, 4,810 of our countrymen had to fall prey. After almost 2 years since this common enemy (Ebola) was axed, its scars remain noticeable across our nation. The orphans, widows, widowers and survivors of Ebola are still in a state of discomfort, disbelief and trauma. Getting over such tragedy may not be anytime soon due to its dreadful and overflowing impact.
Incentives And Peace [Part 2]
By Dr. Alon Ben-Meir
Unless distrust, insecurity, and illusions are first addressed, no incentives - however sweeping and compelling - will motivate Israel and the Palestinians to make the critical concessions needed to reach a peace agreement.
House Speaker Alex Tyler |
Fighting On Whose Behalf Speaker Tyler?
By John H. T. Stewart Jr
According to some Legislators, embattled House Speaker Alex Tyler’s fight to remain as Speaker is right and just because, in their eyes Speaker Tyler is fighting against Presidential excesses and tyranny. By their logic, the Speaker is protecting the gains of democracy acquired through decades of unrelenting struggle against minority rule in Liberia and is therefore justified in his actions.
Prioritizing Human Security, transforming Monrovia to a "Resilient City"
By James Suah Shilue
Liberia is increasingly confronted with development challenges exacerbated by growing urbanization and the recent Ebola epidemic, which exposed major shortcomings in Liberian society, such as weak social contract, weak institutions, inadequate capacity among public institutions to address uncoordinated rural urban migration and growing crime rate. Monrovia has experienced surge in population from its pre- war four hundred thousand inhabitants to slightly 1.1 million- showing that significant percent of the country’s population lives in Monrovia. In addition, Montserrado County,
Eulogy Written on Flag Day: The Audacity to Still be a Liberian Flag
By Moses Blonkanjay Jackson
In my thinking thoughts, I realized it would soon be August 24 and Liberians would be celebrating National Flag Day. I noted that this nation usually observes its Independence Day before the Flag Day making it to appear like the independence was declared before Madam Susannah Lewis and the six ladies completed the knitting of the revere banner. Whatever was the case, in spite of the events which have charted the history of this nation, whether embattled by incidents or thriving peaceably, when others waivered to be patriotic, the Liberian Lone Star Banner always had the audacity to still be the identity of the nation state.
What Do We Teach Our Children In Liberia?
By Nat Galarea Gbessagee
The abysmal performance of Liberian students in the West African Examination Council (WAEC) exams has been a recurring irritant in the Liberian educational system over the last couple of years. It is also an open secret that Liberian students are not performing too well at local high school and college entrances or matriculation tests and at any number of related scholastic and workforce aptitude tests. But this was not always the case. It is the Liberian educational system that produced many of the current cadets of national leaders, educators, lawyers, diplomats, journalists, clerics, and other professionals running Liberia today, and it is the Liberian educational system that produced the 2016 national independence day orator and medical inventor, and other such Liberians who have excelled...
Incentives And Peace [Part I]
Dr. Alon Ben-Meir
The international conference that was convened by France on June 3rd in Paris to advance the Israeli-Palestinian peace process ended up without concretely establishing specific measures that would persuade both parties to resume negotiations in order to reach a peace agreement. The joint communique issued following the conference stated "The participants discussed possible ways in which the international community could help advance the prospects for peace, including by providing meaningful incentives to the parties to make peace."
Fiddling While The Nation Burns!
By John H. T. Stewart, Jr.
The drama continues - it is all fife and fiddle at the Capitol where members of the House of Representatives are pitched against each other in what appears to be Tyler’s last but desperate chance to stave off last ditch attempts by his opponents to remove him from office as Speaker of the House of Representatives. For the past few weeks now normal Legislative business has been interrupted by the continuous hauling and pulling between Legislators, some of who have vowed to remain unrelenting until Speaker Tyler recuses himself or until he is removed as Speaker by majority vote.
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf |
Epitome of "Systemic" Corruption: Tyler's Removal, Ellen-Brumskine Conspiracy, etc.
By Abraham Z. Mustapha
The current fragile political situation in Liberia continues to worsen due to the treacherous machinations of politicians with naive fantasies of determining who becomes president in 2017, without considering the dangerous consequences to our hard-earned peace for their self-conceited reasons. This determination to orchestrate and superimpose the outcome of the 2017 national elections is one of the devilish interests of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and those egregious political masterminds within the inner cycle of President Sirleaf.
Replace the
Incompetent Education Minister With Competent Liberian Educator
By Ansumana M.M Konneh
Our country is in awful times; a time when Liberians from all walks of life are basically concerned about the current of state affairs of their country; a time when our economy is in shambles, our peace questioned, and our education system a total “mess” as you’ve consistently admitted. I must admit, Madam President, that all of these are attributes of your culture; a culture of mere platitudes and empty promises that are designed on the basis of absolute sophism and fretful words.
Liberian Currency |
CBL’s Monetary Policy Priority: Portability or Stability? Implications of the New LD500 Banknotes
By Paul Columbus Collins, PhD
The Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) recently held a press conference to provide information to the Liberian people on the rapid depreciation of the Liberian Dollar (LD) currency against the United States Dollar (USD) currency. This appeared to have been a communications strategy to either allay the fears of the Liberian people, who were concerned about the seeming free-fall (depreciation) of the LD currency, or a conference to reassure all that the CBL was aware of the situation, and taking steps to contain the free-fall of the LD.
Progressives Politics did not Fail: A Reminder to the Apologists and Remnants of the Defunct True Whig Party
By: Moses Uneh Yahmia
“No matter how big the lie; repeat it often enough, and the masses will regard as the truth”. The denotative meaning of Churchill’s words can be credited to unearthing the Ponzi scheme that has been persistently purveyed or parroted by the revisionists of Liberia’s history in their attempt to stamp a guilty verdict on the “Progressive forces” for confronting the 133years misrule of the moribund True Whig Party; paradoxically, at the same time, celebrating the brutal and callous restoration of the old order during the latter time of Samuel K. Doe
Standing with the Altruistic Struggle of the Progressives Part II
By Alfred P. B. Kiadii
Throughout history positive societal changes are ushered in by men and women that subscribed to noble causes, who do not allow themselves to be pulled down by the stasis of society they want to change. On the other hand, the conservatives or beneficiary of the status quo will fight to their demise to stop this change in the short run, but insofar the change is reflective of the collectivity of the people, their success at truncating it will only be a respite. Whether they keep it in its tract, like volcano eruption, it is bound to happen.
A Failed WAEC Liberia National Office and its Pedagogy of Oppressed Liberian Students
By: Moses Blonkanjay Jackson (MsEd, EdM)
In my thinking thoughts I considered the news that the mass student failure in the 2016 West African Examination Council (WAEC) exams is the worst since 2013. I pondered why people are surprised as it was clear from the onset that our students would fail massively. I also wondered why WAEC-Liberia National Office (LNO) always blames our students who are victims of oppression, and no mention is made of its own foibles and failures.
How Do We Defeat Islamo-Nihilism?
By Dr. Alon Ben-Meir
The Islamic State will ultimately collapse - and indeed it was doomed from the start because it could not offer real hope to the populations under its control, only the relentless fury of destruction and an obsession with perpetual war against enemies real and imagined, coupled with extreme religious interpretations of daily life.
Official Neglect Leads To Liberia’s Food Insecurity
By Prof. Wollor E. Topor, PhD
A warning from Dr. Kilo - Resident Representative of the African Development Bank (AfDB) - that ‘Liberia invest seriously in agriculture’ reported in the Daily Observer's Monday edition of August 1, 2016 is not the first time this has been said to the Madam Ellen ‘s government. The author listed many attempts which the Daily Observer alerted Liberian Government.
The Limits of Disability
By: Lekpele M. Nyamalon
No one should ever have to undergo discrimination based on conditions beyond his physical or mental power. Sadly, this has been the case in our World. Disability continues to be a tag that has affected thousands of equally, highly gifted and talented individuals. Infact, the world has known and seen some of the finest intellectuals who are considered disable due to physical or mental limitations.
The Afghanistan Quagmire: Time For An Exit Strategy
By Dr. Alon Ben-Meir
Two weeks ago, President Obama announced that the US will draw down its troops in Afghanistan from 9,800 to 8,400, altering his original plan to reduce the number to 5,500. His decision suggests that conditions on the ground are not as promising as he expected them to be, and maintaining a larger number of troops is important as he believes 'it is in our national security interests...
Standing with the Altruistic Struggle of the Progressives, Part I
By: Moses Uneh Yahmia
After slavery was abolished in the 19th Century, Freed African American slaves were given two options: repatriate to Africa, or stay in America and suffer the brutality and bankruptcy of discrimination. Many chose to stay in America and fight for their freedom; because they had no idea of their ancestry in Africa. Few took the option of repatriation due to their aspiration to experience total freedom after centuries of languishing in the cesspool of captivity.
Changing the narratives for Post-Electoral Success in Liberia
By: Wainright Y. Acquoi
The 2017 Presidential and General Elections period is fast approaching in Liberia. As a constitutional mandate, after every six years of a presidential tenure, elections must be held to elect new code of officers to serve the country. During the period of preparations, there are several things that happen in the political sphere.
The Ghost of July 29, 1990
The story of the Liberian civil war remains incomplete when the horrific memory of the massacre at the St. Peter’s Lutheran Church is omitted. In the early morning hours of July 29, 1990, cowards-in-arms stormed the sacred edifice of the St. Peter’s Lutheran Church and murdered scores of men, women and children in cold blood.
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf |
Ellen’s Dilemna
By John H. T. Stewart, Jr.
As the clock ticks to October 2017, so too has the race to replace President Ellen Sirleaf not only begun in earnest but is intensifying with each passing day. Already the number of presidential candidates vying for the nation’s top job stands at 12 and the list is not closed yet. As expected, accusations and counter accusations are already being traded and from the look of things, the mudslinging, the parade of lies and half-truths, the posturing, the grandstanding and the continuous spiral into the abyss of what should be a national debate as well as the groveling of critical national issues into the dirt are all likely to continue.
The Liberian Condition: the Election of a Progressive is the Best Way Forward!
By Alfred P. B. Kiadii
Liberia has been a country rocked by complexities of conundrums that inevitably led to the punctuation in the normal rhythm of governance. For some reasons, the entire existence of the state has been characterized by superfluity of contradictions. These contradictions and other attending anomalies created the schism of bloodletting that beset the republic for 14 years. Our founding fathers, especially the negatively Americanized and Americo-centric bigots excluded the vast majority of the aborigines from the founding of the state.
Defeating ISIS And Ending Sunni-Shiite War In Iraq
By Dr. Alon Ben-Meir
Now that Iraqi forces, with the support of the international coalition, are gearing up to recapture Mosul - ISIS’s last major stronghold in Iraq - the question that looms high is what will be the fate of the Iraqi Sunni community following ISIS’s inevitable defeat? I maintain that unless the political discussion begins now between the Shiite-dominated Iraqi government and the Sunnis (under the auspices of the US) to determine the fate of the Sunni community, defeating ISIS alone will not end the ongoing Sunni-Shiite civil war in Iraq that has claimed the lives of tens of thousands since 2003.
Liberia after Ebola - turning midwives into surgeons- The Cure
South African Dr Tlaleng Mofokeng travelled to Liberia to investigate. “Liberia has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the world,” she says. “It is estimated that three women die every day from complications during childbirth. Many of these deaths are preventable with simple surgery and adequate equipment. However, a chronic lack of doctors here means that many maternity wards are overstretched and understaffed.”
Liberia at 169, A Sad Story
By Seltue Robert Karweaye
Liberia has more natural resources than most emerging nations such as Botswana, Rwanda, and arguably even, Brazil. With the recent exploration of oil, independence in 1847 and having survived the civil war in 2003, the achievements we recorded as a sovereign nation are far below average when you compare the achievements of other countries in Africa such as Rwanda Botswana, South Africa, Ghana, Kenya, Ethiopia, Tunisia, Morocco, Ivory Coast or against other emerging countries like Tanzania, Equatorial Guinea, or, for that matter, Malawi..
Liberia at a Glance: Formal Colonization Instead of Early Independence
By: Moses Uneh Yahmia
All countries in Africa, except Liberia and Ethiopia that are considered least colonized nations on the continent, were colonized either by Great Britain, France, Belgium, Portugal, Spain, etc. Despite my abhorrence for colonialism in Africa, I would have preferred my Country Liberia to have been formally colonized by either of those colonizing European countries, rather than gaining quick independence on July 26, 1847.
Panama Papers Reveal Wide Use of Shell Companies by African Officials - New York Times
Entrepreneurs and corrupt officials across Africa have used shell companies to hide profits from the sale of natural resources and the bribes paid to gain access to them, according to records leaked from a Panamanian law firm.
Dr. Amos C. Sawyer
Governance Commission |
Disband The Governance Commission
By Teah Jardia
The fourteen-year civil unrest created a circus, politically for Liberia. With no solution yet in sight given the kaleidoscopic atmosphere that has culminated into selective justice and ritualistic killing; the Country’s fragile peace, which was cascaded on peace agreement upon peace agreement signed between rebel factions, still hangs in the balance. With the penchant for power at the time, rebel leaders had the tendency of reneging on agreements because they desired to appoint civil servants that would be accountable to them instead of the State. Against the whirlwind of political uncertainty that was and still looms over the nation with majority of the population still living in squalor...
Robert F. Stockton |
Has Our Independence Met Its Promise?
By Martin K. N. Kollie
After 167 years of existence, the question that seems too hard to answer in some quarters is “HAS OUR INDEPENDENCE MET ITS PROMISE?” I want to emphatically say NO! The promise of Liberia’s independence is still lingering in the wilderness of uncertainty. After more than a century of political endurance, where is democratic inclusion – where is equality – where is economic freedom – where is Justice - where is unity – where is patriotism – where are all these good promises?
President Sirleaf & VP Boakai |
Liberia’s 169th Independence Day: An Old Nation Continuously and “Appropriately” Celebrating in Turbulence
Moses Blonkanjay Jackson
Over its existence, this small West African state has painfully maneuvered through diverse turbulences. From the day the ex-slaves were offloaded on these shores by the American Colonization Society, to the days of the Ebola Virus Disease and the peculiar Unity Party leadership, there has always been turbulence. For example, NOCAL is bankrupt, ruling Unity Party Chairman Varney Sherman and the Speaker of the House of Representative Alex Tyler are indicted for corruption.
Turkey’s Elected Dictator
By: Dr. Alon Ben-Meir
Even before the failed military coup, Turkey's President Erdogan governed like a dictator who had the last word on all state matters. The botched coup was nothing but, as he put it, "a gift from God" to purge what is left of Turkey's democracy and cleanse the army and judiciary in order to ensure the total subordination of all institutions to his whims.
Big Boy 1 and Big Boy 2: The Invisible Twins
By: Martin K. N. Kollie
From the balcony of the Executive Mansion to the bicameral chambers of the National Legislature, there is an increasing wave of corruption, greed, bribery, nepotism and patronage. From the courtrooms of the Supreme and Subordinate Courts to the Correction Centers, justice is on sale at the detriment of those who do not have deep pockets as well as those who are far away from the power that be.
Dr. Togba-Nah Tipoteh |
A Tribute to Dr. Togba-Nah Tipoteh on His 75Th Anniversary, July 17, 2016
By Elitha Maning
Dr. Togba-Nah Tipoteh, as you, our leader and mentor, turns 75 years of age on Sunday, July 17, 2016, we who fall under the umbrella called Liberians for Tipoteh (LIFT) thank Our Common Maker, God, Allah, Nngala, Glaypor, Nyihnswa, Kamba, for your long fruitful life and wish for you many more productive years . So, we say Happy Birthday to you Dr. Tipoteh. We know that you are bereaved, as your older Brother, Mr. Patrick Geegbe, Chairman of the Eight Nominating Districts of the Borough of Krutown, has passed away, and so we also say never mind yah Dr. Tipoteh
Dr. H. Boima Fahnbulleh Jr.: Sixty-Seven Years Of A Revolutionary Life In Retrospection
By Ivor S. Moore
Today, July 16, 2016, marks the sixty-seventh birth anniversary of Dr. H. Boima Fahnbulleh Jr. In commemorating the natal day of our leader, teacher and friend, we take cognizant of the risk of berthing into the realm of the “Cult of the Personality”, that anti-revolutionary tendency with its history of ruining great leaders and their followers and thwarting their revolutionary struggles. It represents the tendency of fifth columnists and reactionary bourgeois personalities who pride themselves in vainglorious god-like worship.
A Movement To End The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
By Dr. Alon Ben-Meir
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been steadily deteriorating, making the prospect of reaching an agreement on the basis of a two-state solution ever more intractable. What is sorely lacking is effective opposition parties that could present an alternative to Netanyahu’s policy toward the Palestinians, and a national popular movement demanding change before the continued entrenchment of Israel in the West Bank becomes irreversible.
Liberian Currency |
Should Liberia Dump the USD and Stick with LRD
By Paul Columbus Collins, PhD
It has been reported that a bill is circulating in the national legislature that seeks to make Liberia a single currency (Liberian dollars) economy, a move from the current dual currency regime where both the United States dollars and the Liberian dollars are used jointly as legal tender. This move appears to have been stimulated by criticisms proffered by some renown Politicians, Economists and financial experts who blame the declining Liberian Dollar (LD) against the USD on the dual currency regime, arguing that the Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) hands are tied as it (CBL) does not have control over monetary policy as it should, considering that the dominant currency (USD) is a “foreign” currency.
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf |
President Sirleaf: Big Businesses Offer Bribes; Really?
By J. Yanqui Zaza
Sable Mining, Mittal Steel, Exxon Mobil, Chevron, Firestone, etc., or predatory investors, as President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf called them, have and continue to offer bribes in order to amass wealth at the expense of society. Consequently, they reduce government’s resources to create, etc., jobs; thereby increasing income inequality, hatred, etc., according to David Kingston, the author of the book called "Free Lunch." However, using “Information Propaganda, they have shielded their identities as the thieves that drain government’s coffer.
In Search Of The Shepherd: What should be our compass?
By Alston C. Armah
On a recent survey in Liberia’s northern Lofa County, an elderly respondent, most likely to be in her late 50’s, named roads and safe drinking water as the priority needs of her community. To probe further, the respondent was given two scenarios and asked which one she would choose if it was Election Day. In the first scenario, a presidential candidate says “If you vote for me, I will build your roads and provide safe drinking water for your community.” In another scenario, a second presidential candidate gives out a bag of rice and asks you to vote for him. Whom will you vote for? The respondent emphatically said...
CDC Youth League Identifies with Flood Victims in Joe Blow Town & Dolo’s Town
The Revolutionary National Youth League of the mighty congress for Democratic Change over the weekend embarked on a two days of cleaning Up campaign as a means of identifying with flood victims of lower Margibi , Margibi County specifically Joe Blow Town and Dolo’s Town . As part of it community service engagement, the Youth league of the CDC conducted a vigorous clean up exercise that affected two Towns that was highly hit by the recent flood that left many homeless.
The Birth and Death Of Unity Party Under Ellen and Joe
By Charles Russell
As we go into the 2017 presidential election with Unity Party once again feeding a presidential candidate and being the ruling party, it would be fair to scrutinize and grade the party for the benefit of ordinary Liberians who are catching hell under this UP led Government. It is the poor people who stand in line for hours waiting to cast ballots in favor of candidates who they believe would represent their interests.
Moving Beyond The Quartet
By Dr. Alon Ben-Meir
The report that was recently released by the Middle East Quartet - comprised of the United States, Russia, the European Union, and the United Nations - is a welcome step. The report reiterates the importance of reaching a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians on the basis of a two-state solution. Perhaps most crucially, the report concludes with a pointed observation that unless significant and tangible progress toward peace is made, the status quo will inevitably lead to further deterioration in Israeli-Palestinian relations and potentially renewed full-scale violence between the two sides.
Keeping The Promise Of Maintaining Peace In Liberia-An Obligation Of All Liberians
By Cllr. Tiawan S. Gongloe
A few days ago, the United Nations Observer Mission in Liberia ended its duties of peacemaking, peacekeeping and peacebuilding. From October, 2003 to June 30, 2016, the world through the United Nations deployed here in Liberia, members of the military, para-military and civilians to support the United Nations effort to make peace, keep peace and to consolidate or strengthen peace in Liberia. In other words the United Nations brought to Liberia well-armed soldiers, police officers, correction officers, immigration officers, fire service officers, intelligence officers, amongst others.
Warlords Kromah & Taylor |
Microscoping Liberia’s Security Sector as UNMIL Transitions
By Martin K. N. Kollie
Soldiers loyal to ex-President Charles G. Taylor and various warring factions were never willing to put an end to bloodletting and butchery in Liberia as straight bullets, mortars and grenades could not just spare our people. There was a loud cry out for rescue from the compound of Greystone as LURD and MODEL invaded Monrovia
Malia, Sasha & Michelle Obama |
Foreign Aid to Liberia: An Instrument meant to empower the Political Elite and Oppress the Poor
By Moses Uneh Yahmia
After the visit of Mrs. Obama, and her daughters, and the donation of over USD25Million toward girls education in Liberia, I don't see any significant improvement that will be made in providing access to education to over One Hundred Thousand (100,000) Liberian girls who are out of school either due to lack of finance, teenage pregnancy, etc.
Letter to Malia and Sasha Obama - Weeping Voices in Dying Valleys
By Martin K. N. Kollie
With esteemed hospitality and a great degree of compliments, we want to heartily welcome you and your mom along with her entourage to Africa’s oldest nation and the World’s second black Republic. Liberians, especially teenage girls are glad to have you (Malia and Sasha) visiting a rich, but yet poor country like Liberia.
Jean-Pierre Bemba |
Jean-Pierre Bemba sentenced by ICC to 18 years in prison for rape, murder and pillage in CAR
Press Release Issued By FIDH
(The Hague, Paris) The International Criminal Court (ICC) delivered a landmark sentence today, condemning Jean-Pierre Bemba to 18 years in prison for rape, murder and pillage committed by his troops in the Central African Republic in 2002 and 2003.
An Open Letter to President and Mrs. Barrack Obama on Michelle's Historic visit to Liberia
By Jerry Wehtee-Maotee Wion
We Liberians see Mrs. Obama's visit as our only and perhaps last chance with a black man in the White House whose father is an African. Liberia is Africa's first failed experiment at genuine democracy on the Continent. After nearly 170 years of so-called "independence” on July 26, 1847, we are still as a nation trying to figure out how to run clean and safe drinking water into pipes to Liberians in our cities and towns from the abundance of our reservoir of fresh water rivers and lakes.
Donald Trump (Republican Party's Presumptive Presidential Nominee) |
Is Trump a New Kind of Fascist?
By Dr. Alon Ben-Meir
Donald Trump's obscene demagoguery; his contemptuous regard for the first amendment, his desire to expand the authorities of the presidency (the awesome power of which has never been equal to what it is now), his belligerent and threatening attitude towards the judiciary, his shameless blurring of private and public agendas, his cynical exploitation of the fears of millions of Americans concerning Muslims in the wake of the nation's deadliest mass shooting in Orlando, his nationalist, anti-immigrant, racist politics, and finally, his endorsement of violent outbursts against dissenters, have all served to raise the specter of a new fascism on the political landscape.
Sasha, Malia & Michelle Obama |
Michelle Obama Planned Liberia’s Stopover: A Solidarity With Struggling Liberian Women
By: Jones Nhinson Williams
U.S. First Lady and Harvard trained lawyer, Michelle Obama, the Obamas’ daughters, Malia and Sasha and their grandmother, Ms. Mariam Robinson, included Liberia in their “Let Girls Learn Initiative” planned tour across the globe with a few hours stopover in Liberia scheduled for June 27, 2016. Mrs. Obama’s stopover in Liberia is not a celebration of President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf’s leadership, or our Liberian mothers, aunts, sisters, nieces and daughters, but a moment of sympathy with all Liberian women and girls for the inhumanity and neglect they have and continue to face in the country, especially under the corrupt government of a fellow woman.
Distorted Circulatory Migration and Misgovernance in Tandem: The Liberia Scenario
By Lawrence A. Zumo, MD
Brain drain, a darker perception of international mobility of well trained, higher intellectually endowed individuals to move from one country to another, usually from a less developed country (eg. Africa, Asia) to a more developed country, has been studied for quite a long time now. The origin of the term and concept is subject to debate but it is widely accepted that the term applied to the emigrants from post war Europe to North America after World War II. With the passage of time away from post World War II
Donald Trump (Republican Party's Presumptive Presidential Nominee) |
Let Thy Voice Rebuke Vanity Thru Overwhelming Votes
By Elder Siahyonkron Nyanseor
A Donald Trump presidency portends a return to the blatantly anti-African Americans policies of the Reagan-Bush years; characterized by a general disregard for Blacks and the perception of Africa as a continent ONLY good for its mineral and natural resources. This is the reason why come November this year, African Americans and Africans who are US citizens should VOTE to deny Mr. Trump the presidency. We will have ourselves to blame if WE DO NOT VOTE!
Amb. Greenfield and President Sirleaf
Photo: mofa |
Ambassador Linda Thomas Greenfield, Do Not Pressure The Liberian Lawmakers To Rectify The WTO Agreement
(A Letter to Liberian Lawmakers and U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs)
There are calls for Liberian Legislature to quickly ratify Liberia’s accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO). The pressure being put on the Legislature by some local actors and international actors seem reminiscent of the same pressure that Ms. Greenfield and others put on the Legislature to ratify more than 100 concessions and contracts since the inception of the Ellen Johnson Sirleaf administration in January, 2006. Moore Stephens, a London based international accounting firm, reviewed a sample of 68 of the more than 100 concessions and contracts in Liberia and the findings were appalling.
Now that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, the local sales manager of the World Trade Organization has become incapacitated due to non-natural causes such as Big Boy #1, etc., etc., the ultimate manager or international sales manager of big business is in charged. In an ultimatum, the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Africa Affairs has warned Liberia Lawmakers to approve the World Trade Organization Legislation, and allow Liberia to join the WTO.
Counselor J. Fonati Koffa |
A Counterpoint to Mr. Jones Nhinson Williams
By: Theodore T. Hodge
Over the last several months, Mr. Jones Nhinson Williams has appointed himself a tireless advocate of Liberia’s poor and wretched. He has catalogued the shortcomings of the administration and criticized the government relentlessly, to the delight of many. Now, somehow mysteriously, he has a change of heart as he writes: "... the good news is President Sirleaf and her administration have gained relative consciousness about the need to fight corruption by setting up a 'presidential taskforce' headed by a brilliant lawyer..." By brilliant lawyer, he refers to none other than Jonathan Fonati Koffa.
Liberia: Why Liberia Needs to Join World Trade Organization (WTO) - allAfrica
By Linda Thomas-Greenfield
To secure a peaceful and prosperous future for its youngest citizens, Liberia must ensure that they will have ample opportunity to succeed as the country enters its second decade of post-conflict stability.
Jonathan Fonati Koffa Guilty of Embezzlement: “He did it for Liberia” - (From Archives of The Perspective)
By: Theodore T. Hodge
The case of Counselor Jonathan Fonati Koffa has taken yet another turn. (Now disbarred for dishonorable behavior). Is it for better or worse? Well, that depends on one’s vantage point. I venture to say that Koffa did get a good deal and here’s why: It was reported that Jonathan Koffa had pled guilty to four federal charges related to the suspected embezzlement of $500,000”.
President Sirleaf’s Fight Against Corruption: The Way I See it
By: Jones Nhinson Williams
Not only is corruption a complex problem in Liberia and under President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf’s regime, it has gravely damaged the institutional and social fabrics of the Liberian society, both in the short and long terms. After a decade of catalepsy on the impact and evil of corruption, the good news is President Sirleaf and her administration have gained relative consciousness about the need to fight corruption by setting up a ‘Presidential Taskforce'...
Senator Bernie Sanders |
Bernie Sanders And The French Initiative
Dr. Alon Ben-Meir
Following the 2016 US presidential elections, the next administration must adopt a new and realistically balanced policy toward Israel and the Palestinians to bring an end to their conflict in the context of a comprehensive Arab-Israeli peace based on the Arab Peace Initiative. Throughout the primary campaign, only Senator Bernie Sanders had a position on this consuming conflict that was fresh, balanced, and welcome, especially given the increased intractability of the conflict and its dangerous implications not only for Israel and the Palestinians
Counselor Jonathan Fonati Koffa Pleads Guilty to Embezzlement
By: Theodore T. Hodge
A story many in the Liberian communities and other interested parties have followed is coming to a climax: The News Observer has reported that Counselor Jonathan Fonati Koffa has pled guilty to “four federal charges related to the suspected embezzlement of $500,000”. The paper also reports that Koffa could face as much as “10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine.”
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf |
Amid Corruption and Deceit, Liberians Should Oppose Sirleaf’s Borrowing Spree Global PR Waste
By Jones Nhinson Williams
It is one thing to keep amazing people all the time. It is quite another thing to not love one’s country, disregard one’s fellow citizens and blatantly refuse to have pity for the suffering of the poor, especially when a vast number of them are women, children and the elderly. Liberian president Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, prior to being president and as president, has clearly demonstrated the tenacity to amaze Liberians and the world at large by many of her personal, self-seeking and self-fulfilling engagements.
CDC On Hunger Strike |
CDC Seeks U.S Government's Denial of Entry to all accused in Global Witness' Report
CDC Statement Presented To The US Government
After three days of Hunger-Strike, a difficult, but necessary revolutionary act of self-denial & pains inflicted to draw attention to the reign of corruption in our country, we extend profound thanks for your tolerance to let us gather in the shadows of your embassy.
Poverty in the Midst of Plenty: the Paradox of Liberia!
By Alfred P. B. Kiadii
Throughout the epoch of social existence in the ecology of the world, social structures and societies have been transiently in motion; primarily as a consequence of contradictions-internal and external. This outlook of society has not been taken into consideration by individuals imbibed in the defects of conservatism. These conservatives’ outlooks underestimate the potency of the people’s consciousness.
Donald Trump (Republican Party's Presumptive Presidential Nominee) |
Will America Survive a Trump Administration?
By Dr. Alon Ben-Meir
At his last and final White House Correspondents’ Dinner, President Obama quipped that “the end of the republic never looked better.” With Trump as the presumptive Republican nominee, and Hillary Clinton beginning to steadily lose ground to him in national polls, it is time for millions of Americans to emerge from their nearly year-long state of denial and face the reality that Trump may very well be the 45th President of the United States.
Backwards Metamorphosis of Corruption in Liberia: From Grotesque Public Enemy to Wicked Vampire
By: Moses Blonkanjay Jackson (MsEd, EdM)
In my thinking thoughts last night I reflected on President Sirleaf’s Annual Message especially the assertion that corruption had become a blood sucking vampire in Liberia. The assertion caused me to reminisce; when the President first assumed leadership, she declared “Corruption” as number one enemy; 10 years later instead of eliminating this enemy, corruption has metamorphosed into a supernatural vampire that sucks blood.
Fire Within CDC Youth Wing
A Press Release From CDC Youth President Jefferson T. Koijee
The NEC of the Revolutionary National Youth League of CDC is pleased to inform the Liberian populace that during its official deliberations convened at its Headquarters in Congo Town on 25th May 2016, it unanimously voted to suspend Mr. Sattiah A. Sattiah pending investigation by the Grievance and Ethics Committee of the Youth League headed by Mr. Hassan Newland.
The Rubber Republic: A Work Of Fiction
A Book Authored By Theodore Hodge
The Rubber Republic covers two decades, the late 1950s through the 1970s. Set mainly in West Africa, the story takes the reader to the United States and a few other stops along the way. The story is mainly about the intriguing and fantastic lives of two young men, Yaba-Dio Himmie and Yaba-Dio Kla, who leave their parents' farm in search of enlightenment and adventure. But the story is also about their country, the Republic of Seacoast, and a giant American Rubber conglomerate, The Waterstone Rubber Plantation Company. The two boys meet and befriend an American expatriate, Christian Snyder who quickly becomes their benefactor. They assume his surname and take the names Harry and Charlie Snyder. He becomes inflicted with the malaria virus and returns home to Akron, Ohio, where he quickly dies, but not before leaving them as beneficiaries of his will...
Slum of Liberia |
Madam Sirleaf Should Not Evict Westpointers Like Animals
By Abubakar Bah, Contributing Writer
Few days ago, I heard about a plan by the Government of Liberia to relocate the heavily impecunious people of the densely populated township of West Point that host over 75,000 inhabitants. The Government has been expressing concerns about the constant sea erosion which takes place one after the other and is causing serious panic not just among residents but also to concern citizens of Liberia who are prognosticating that if nothing is done rapidly, there will be a colossal disaster that will happened in the not too distant future.
Varney Shernan |
Cllr Varney Sherman - Why Always You?
By Alfred P. B. Kiadii
In Liberia most of our public officials who are cut in corruption cobweb are fond of justifying their misdeeds, instead of showing remorse for their action. This growing culture of abrogating the people’s trust runs deep in their psyche simply because they think that the people are inactive; consequently, their bad deeds continue to hamper both the people and the forward march of the republic.
Political Parties Must Take Action On The Global Witness Report
By Abubakar Bah
Liberia has become a subject of discussions all around the World not because of the right reason but because of the wrong reason. As a Liberian Activist, I am extremely disappointed in the way and manner our Country has been placed on the international news wire. Allegations of Corruption have taken center stage of every major discussion surrounding major national actors in Liberia who have played counterproductive postures against the interest of our beloved Country, Liberia.
How Economic Liberalism has Bedeviled the Growth and Development of Liberia
By: Ivor S. Moore
Apologists of economic liberalism in Liberia continue to argue that there is no problem with this system, that had it not been for this system our resources like iron ore, diamond and gold would remain untouched while the nation and its people perish out of financial and technical inabilities to extract them, that Liberia only needs to fight against corruption to propel its development and prosperity.
Deradicalization In Refugee Camps And Beyond
By Dr. Alon Ben-Meir
The influx of millions of Syrian refugees to Europe is more than likely to become another source of radicalization that could increase the number of violent extremists among the refugees and lead to further acts of terror in their host countries. Depending on how long the refugees stay in camps and the way they are treated, terror attacks will either be reduced in number, frequency, and scope, or made increasingly acute once they are permanently resettled.
Liberia’s Real Problems are Bigger than President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
By: Jones Nhinson Williams
Even if we try to sugar-coat it, the truth is, President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf’s administration is a failure. No doubt about that. So is the entire ruling Unity Party’s government and all those who served and are serving in the current Liberian administration. Does this failure impact President Sirleaf’s legacy? Of course, it does in many different respects, even though the sycophants, praise-singers, graft beneficiaries and deceptive cohorts in her administration will say otherwise.
The sudden arrival of Tamaya 1 in Liberia: A mystery of fear and insecurity
By Martin K. N. Kollie
There World has Seven Wonders, but it seems like the sudden harboring of Tamaya 1, an oil tanker vessel on the coast of Liberia may just be the eighth one. The docking of Tamaya 1 in Robertsports, Grand Capemount County with no crew members or passengers onboard remains a mystery of fear and insecurity across Liberia. The mystery surrounding this abandoned orange ship is something no one can easily explain or comprehend, not even personnel of our Coast Guard, Immigration and Police Force. This situation is panicking and points to existing gap within our security sector.
Liberia’s Mess and Corruption: The Two Faces of U.S.’s Stance on Good Governance, Human Rights and Democracy in Africa
By Jones Nhinson Williams
The facts remain that the world looks up to the United States for the application of reasonable universal standards - in politics, economics, business, governance, transparency, law and even with respect to basic living standards. Liberia, in particular, has always regarded and continues to look up to the United States in almost every aspect of life, especially when it comes to good leadership, accountability, the rule of law, transparency and basic fairness. This comprehension is so engrained in the Liberian populace so much so that even villagers in the country largely adulate Liberian political candidates on the basis of how well the U.S. thinks of them. Obviously the U.S. has used this influence for years in its historical and traditional relationship with Liberia.
Partial view of slum life in Liberia |
A teenage girl crushing rock in Liberia |
Hopelessness vs. Joblessness: The Dilemma of Unification Day in Liberia
By Martin K. N. Kollie
Since this year began, I have made it my business to conduct a practical assessment of the livelihood and wellbeing of our people in various communities across Liberia, especially Montserrado County. I have gone to slum communities like West Point, Clara Town, Soniwen, Chicken Soup Factory, Logan Town, Doe Community, Red Light, Plumcor, Neezoe, New Kru Town, Bassa Town and many other shantytowns. I have seen for myself the horrifying living condition of our people.
With God On Their Side, They Will Have The Last Laugh!
By Elder Siahyonkron Nyanseor
In 2006 when then auditor general John S. Morlu II described the Sirleaf Administration as “three times corrupt than its predecessor”, the (Interim National Transitional Government of Liberia (INTGL) - all of her supporters, and UP partisans accused him of not knowing what he was saying. Since he left the GAC, reported corruption cases grew exponentially engulfing every strata of the bureaucracy and state enterprises so devastatingly that our president renamed rampart corruption “Vampire”
Another Story of Shipwreck in Liberia (1980) And its uncanny coincidences
By Abdoulaye W. Dukule
On January 17, 1980, a British ship The Trident rescued Captain Aimitrios Georoulis, Chief Engineer Antonios Kalomiropoulos - both of Greece nationality - and 24 crewmen (Tunisians and Greeks) in the Atlantic Ocean, off the Senegalese coast. The seamen claimed that their oil tanker, the Salem had caught fire and exploded but they were able to escape. The crew was turned over to Senegalese authorities. After finding out that the tanker was registered under Liberia flag of convenience, Senegal turned over the Captain and the Chief Engineer to Liberia. The rest of the crew, Tunisians and Greeks were let go.
Cartoon by Sam Ben-Meir |
How Turkey Became A De Facto Dictatorship
By Dr. Alon Ben-Meir
The forced resignation of Turkey’s Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu suggests only one thing - President Erdogan, who is totally absorbed by his lust for power, will tolerate no one in his government to deviate from any of his political positions. Prime Minister Davutoglu was no exception. Although the Turkish constitution grants the Prime Minister executive powers while leaving the role of the president largely ceremonial, this is not what Erdogan had in mind when he asked then-Foreign Minister Davutoglu to form a new government following the last election.
Global Witness exposes bribes to top Liberian officials by UK mining company and Varney Sherman
A Press Release Issued By Global Witness on Wednesday 11th May 2016
A Global Witness expose released today has uncovered over US$950,000 in bribes and other suspicious payments by UK mining firm Sable Mining and its Liberian lawyer, Varney Sherman. Responding to Global Witness’ findings, the government has pledged to investigate and hold those culpable to account. The report, The Deceivers (1), shows how in 2010 Sable hired Varney Sherman, Liberia’s best-connected lawyer and current Chairman of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s Unity Party, in an effort to secure one of Liberia’s last large mining assets, the Wologizi iron ore concession in northern Liberia. Sherman told Sable that in order to obtain the contract the company must first get Liberia’s concessions law changed by bribing senior officials, according to a source familiar with the discussions.
John S. Morlu, II |
Kenya’s Auditor General and the Corruption in Liberia: An Indication of Unprotected Mockery and Hypocrisy
By: Jones Nhinson Williams
Liberia has more serious problems that demand more serious attention, a more serious leadership and more serious people with integrity, honesty and above all, a fear of God. So while it may be true that the Auditor General of Kenya, Mr. Edward R.O. Ouko, seems to be a very nice, serious and perhaps honest man, his recent participation in the unending mockery and hypocrisy that keep unfolding in Liberia and under the Unity Party-led administration raises more questions than answers, and provide more doubts than clarity.
No Condition is Permanent: “Get Up, Stand Up for Your Rights”
By Elder Siahyonkron Nyanseor
The foundation of democracy is safeguarding the freedoms of expression, movement, association, and assembly. After all, God gave us FREE WILL to think for ourselves, and the Ten Commandments to guide our actions. Through His merciful grace the Lord also granted joint dominion of all resources and creatures on land, sea, and air to all His children, but the persistence by others to seize every inheritance solely for themselves is the main driver of misunderstanding and conflict.
The Tragedy of Liberian Media: In Defense of Press Freedom
By Martin K. N. Kollie
May 3rd of each year is set aside to pay special homage to journalists worldwide who have gone beyond the call of duty to unveil hidden truths and disseminate accurate, balance and credible report on global and local issues. This day renews the inspiration and strength of those who have steadfastly stood in defense of press freedom and freedom of expression. It salutes outstanding institutions and individuals that have made immense contribution to promoting a free press amidst coercion and censorship.
George Weah |
Making the Case for George Weah While Defending Meapeh Kou Gono: George Weah Vs Gono’s Child Support Case
By: Jones Nhinson Williams
The recent child support case involving Montserrado County (Liberia) Senator George Manneh Weah of the Congress for Democratic Change, and Ms. Meapeh Kou Gono, a Liberian lady residing in the state of Georgia, USA is regrettable and sad because the two individuals involved are seemingly good persons and parents who love their daughter. So far, Senator Weah has and is not refuting claims that he fathered a child by Ms. Gono. Neither is Ms. Gono arguing that she is going after the senator because he is a bad parent who has willfully neglected his child’s welfare.
Liberian Opposition Defends Leader - VOANEWS
By James Butty
Liberia’s main opposition party, Congress for Democratic Change (CDC), is denying that there is an arrest warrant in the United States for its leader and presumptive candidate for president, George Oppong Weah.
The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Breaking The Deadlock
By Dr. Alon Ben-Meir
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has rarely been so far from finding a resolution. Since the cessation of hostilities between Israel and Hamas during the summer of 2014, the desire to seek peace has been diminishing, and instead growing tensions have prevailed, punctuated by stabbings and car-ramming attacks by the Palestinians, and violent acts including arson by the settlers.
John S. Morlu, II |
Former Auditor General Morlu Requests for Copy of Audit Report
Editor's Note: On the 27 of April, the Liberian Observer quoted the Auditor General of Kenya as saying, "the General Auditing Commission (GAC) of Liberia from 2009 - 2013 was extremely corrupt and failed to comply with rules governing international financial best practice." Though Morlu was not served a copy of the report and was not at GAC for most part of the period under review, drawing inference from comments about the purported audit report, Liberians still feel that John Morlu is still the Auditor General of Liberia. But the former auditor general is now requesting copy of the audit to respond to the "findings." It is an open secret that President Sirleaf’s legacy has been ruined by all forms of corruptions with impunity that permeate her administration. As some observers put it, this seems to be a sinister and calculated attempt to not only disparage Morlu's reputation, but it is also a gimmick to nullify audits done by Mr. Morlu and his auditors. Others opine that this is happening because of Morlu’s expressed interest in putting his hat in the 2017 race.
Liberia’s Vision 2030: An Overdue Trash or A Well-Thought-Out Scam
By: Jones Nhinson Williams
The most appreciable fundamental of life is not to copy what other people do if you don't understand why they do it, why they want to do it, or how they are doing it. The reason is if these basics are not grasped the possibilities for the most profound errors are even higher. This is exactly what is happening with the so-called vision 2030 initiative launched or undertaken by the Liberian government under President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf. Instead of expressing absolute failure and disappointment in the process, the dreamers and implementers of our country’s vision 2030 are coining phrases such as "Amid Setbacks, Vision 2030 On Course."
Baptist Women Make Case for Indigenous Language Proficiency In Public Discourse in Liberia
By Nat Galarea Gbessagee
In late March 2016, I received invitation from the Women’s Department of Zion Ebenezer Baptist Church in Harper, Maryland County to participate in an honoring program at the church on Sunday, March 27. The program was being held to honor Professor Elizabeth Davis-Russell, Ed.D, PhD, President of William V. S. Tubman University, for her invaluable services to education of women and girls in Maryland County and Liberia. Dr. Davis-Russell is a native of Maryland County and the first female president of Tubman University, and by extension the only female head of a higher institution of learning in the history of the county.
Liberian Educational System
Privatization of the Liberian Education System
Editor’s Note: Since the publication of the article on the new initiative by the Liberian Government to privatize the Liberian education system, written by Dr. Chris Tokpah (My Take on Public-Private Partnership Proposed by Liberia's Ministry of Education), there has been a spate of inquiries concerning the nature of the agreement between the government and New Globe Schools, Inc. ( a.k.a: Bridge International Academies). Some consider it a ploy to buy time until President Sirleaf leaves office, while others see it as a gimmick by government to embezzle more money as was done to the “ free primary education” money under President Sirleaf and Education Minister Josseph Korto.As we pen this note, teachers are carrying on consultations for a nationwide strike because of the MOU. The Perspective has received a copy of the MOU. Click the link above to access the MOU.
Vice President Joseph N. Boakai |
Making the 2017 Case for Liberia’s Vice President Joseph Boakai: The Unsolicited Defense and Analysis
By: Jones Nhinson Williams
Democratic political ‘culture’ calls for a siting vice president to contest elections and possibly succeed a retiring president. And, history is replete with such manifestations, particularly under an atmosphere where the retiring president, assisted by the sitting vice president, have provided good stewardship. Ambassador Joseph Boakai was elected alongside President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf in 2006 and 2011, as president and vice president of the Republic of Liberia, respectively.
The Global Crisis Of Leadership
By Dr. Alon Ben-Meir
A question often raised is: are leaders a reflection of their time, or are they individuals who rise to answer the call of the hour? History has shown that many have risen to the occasion out of strong moral conviction. The events and the circumstances at the time were such that acting or failing to act had colossal implications of such magnitude that changed the course of history.
Reforming Liberian Schools in Five Easy Steps, Part IV
By Elliott Wreh-Wilson, Ph.D.
Charter schools have been embraced in many parts of the world, including the United States to supplement government efforts to fix failing schools. They have also been used to provide choices for families wanting to remove their children from failing schools. But the experiment has not been without controversy. Rather than fund government schools where we find most poor children, the opponents say charter schools instead takes money away from public schools in order fund charter schools.
MOU With Bridge International Academies Creates A 2-tier System And Hinders The Right To Education
By Chris Tokpah, Ph.D
The Ministry of Education (MOE) recently announced a public private partnership (PPP) affecting 120 elementary public schools in Liberia. 50 schools have been contracted to Bridge International Academies (BIA) (an international for-profit company) to run while local non-governmental operators are being invited to bid for the opportunity to manage 70 schools.
In the wake of Liberia’s mess, President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf lacks moral authority; Unity Party-Government is a rogue regime
By: Jones Nhinson Williams
No administration in the history of Liberia has received so much support from the international community and goodwill from its citizens than President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf’s Unity Party-led government. Equally, no administration in the history of Liberia has caused so much short and long term damage to the future of Liberia and the mindset of the Liberian people than the Sirleaf-Unity Party-led government.
King Salman of Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia - A Kingdom In Retreat
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which was once at the front and center of the Arab world and a significant player on the global stage due to its oil riches, has been steadily losing its regional influence and prominent role. In recent years, Saudi Arabia has been confronted with multiple challenges simultaneously, including its domestic, social, political, economic and religious trials, its conflict with Iran, its bilateral relations with the US, the rise of extremism, and the intra-Arab crisis.
ULIMO-K Commander Arrested For Lying About Role In The Liberian Civil War
An indictment was unsealed Wednesday charging a Philadelphia-area man with immigration fraud and perjury. The man was arrested at his residence today following an investigation by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI).
My Take on Public-Private Partnership Proposed by Liberia's Ministry of Education
By Chris Tokpah, Ph.D
Education Minister Werner announced the introduction of Public Private Partnership (PPP) as one of the ways to improve the attainment of learning outcomes at the primary level in government-run schools. Minster Werner, in the statement, identified two major challenges facing the educational sector: limited access to quality education for students and the lack of resources and expertise to provide ongoing training for existing teachers. He suggested that the PPP is an attempt by his Ministry to help in mitigating the problem.
Student Group Against Tuition Increment at the University of Liberia
As we inform the Liberian people and the World at large about the prevailing cruelty and wickedness being perpetrated against thousands of struggling students, today marks another moment to add a new page to our history. The over 31,000 students are about to embark on a journey to defend their right to quality education, which is enshrined in Article 6 of our Constitution.
Puppets in Pampers: When an Inept Person Leads LINSU...
By Martin K. N. Kollie
Our longstanding struggle to change Liberia and Africa squarely rests upon the shoulders of conscious, visionary and sincere minds. This cherished duty and inescapable mandate we have inherited must never be given to a group of misguided thugs and imprudent charlatans. Until generational preparedness becomes an indispensable priority, generational change shall forever remain an irreversible illusion and daydream.
ULAA Council of Eminent Persons (UCEP) Decries suspicious drowning deaths, ritualistic killings, muzzling of the freedoms of speech
A Press Release Issued By UCEP
The ULAA Council of Eminent Persons (UCEP), INC., composed of former presidents and former board chairpersons of the Union of Liberian Associations in the Americas (ULAA), the umbrella Diaspora organization, have over the years assumed the burden of applying acquired wisdom and experience to protect foundational principles for the benefit of ULAA, and for Liberians everywhere, especially the voiceless at home.
ULAA Council of Eminent Persons (UCEP) Appeals to West African Leaders to Help address the Prevailing Calamities in Liberia to Avert the Looming Disasters in the Region
Since 2006 to today, the Republic of Liberia and its people under the Ellen Johnson Sirleaf led Government, have painfully observed and come to realize that the policies and practices of the Government of Liberia, namely corruption, nepotism and bad governance have evidentially drawn Liberia and its people potentially from peace, to instability and insecurity. Consequently, such negative political, social and economic determinants are bound to inevitably threaten the hard-earned peace and stability that both Liberia and the citizens of ECOWAS have witnessed and are enjoying.
Why The Brussels Attack Was All But Inevitable
By Dr. Alon Ben-Meir
The horrific attacks in Brussels by terrorists affiliated with ISIS that claimed the lives of 35 people and injured more than 200 was all but inevitable. These attacks may well increase in frequency and intensity in many European cities where citizens travel freely and violent extremists among them can plot attacks without early detection. Although a substantial increase in internal security personnel, intelligence gathering and sharing between the European community, and better preparedness are critically important, they will not in and of themselves drastically stem such terrorist attacks.
University of Liberia |
Pessimism Clouds Over UL students As Tuition Fees Increase: Masses Wordless Cry of Despair
By Mohammed Salue Sy
The University Of Liberia is a government funded institution of higher learning that was not established by any religious body or enterprises .Besides, the University of Liberia is the oldest institution of learning in tropical Africa that was authorized by the Liberian government in 1851 to educate Liberian and foreign nationals as well. The school opened its door in 1863 as Liberia College and became a university in 1951
Former PW Minister Woods & President Sirleaf |
Liberia Spends $1b A Year; But 1 High School In River Cess County
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, in her January 25, 2016 Annual Message, stated that Feasibility studies are completed for the “…Gbarnga to Mendekorma, Lofa …feasibility studies are also ongoing…” for Ganta to Zwedru, Zwedru to Fish Town, Buchanan to Greenville, Barclayville to Pleebo and Sanniqueville to Cote d’Ivoire.” I, However, felt sad after I read a newspaper report, which stated that, “…the government of Liberia has spent more than seven hundred fifty million United States dollars…but with no good impact…” Mr. Gyude Moore, Minister of Public Works, is reported to have made this statement at a Liberian Legislative Hearing in July of 2015.
How Syria Was Swept By The Merchants Of Death
By Dr. Alon Ben-Meir
the wake of the unimaginable horror of World War II the international community committed itself to never allow such atrocities to take place again with impunity. But as was the case with the many tragic genocides that happened since then, including Bosnia and Rwanda, witnessing in real time the systematic destruction of a country and its people without enraging the human conscience is a shame with which every single head of state will have to live.
Chickens Always Come Home to Roost!
By Elder Siahyonkron Nyanseor
The expression “Chickens come home to roost”is similar to "what goes around comes around". Basically, it means that the consequences of one's evil actions catch up in a negative way. In addition, the idea that a wrongful curse comes back to the one who is cursed as a "bird returns to its nest" dates back to the days of antiquity.
President Sirleaf's Liberia |
Citizens demand probe; called for protest in wake of mysterious disappearances and deaths |
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s Liberia: A scary Place to Live
By James Kokulo Fasuekoi
Judging from recent local newspaper reports as well as interviews conducted with people returning from Liberia, it’s evident that the country is no longer the way former interim leader Charles Gyude Bryant or indicted former Pres. Charles Taylor left it in terms of appreciable level of security for all as the state of general security has deteriorated for worse, perhaps than any other period in Liberia’s history.
Rethinking Liberia’s Forests: Implementing the new vision
A Report Issued By Global Witness
A conference on rethinking Liberia’s forests: implementing the new vision was originally conceived in March 2014 during discussions between Forestry Development Authority (FDA) and Global Witness. Once the conference had been decided upon as a positive and necessary step forward for Liberia, key stakeholders – including the Land Commission, the NGO Coalition of Liberia, USAID, and the Rights and Resources Initiative – were invited to form a planning committee. The devastating Ebola outbreak prevented the conference from happening in 2014, but it went ahead a year afterwards in October 2015
"All who draw the sword will die by the sword"
By Siahyonkron Nyanseor
“All who draw the sword will die by the sword” is continuation of yours truly 45 years tradition of advocacy for equality of opportunities, social justice, and human rights on behalf of all citizens including those who reside within our borders. My people, while others are missing, dying mysterious deaths and the Unity Party government of President Sirleaf violating the Liberian people’s freedom of speech and rights, arresting, shooting and killing a protester, “a ULAA You Can Believe In” on February 8, 2016 issued a press release (that had no teeth) titled: “ULAA CONDEMNS ACTS OF DEATHS AND CALLS ON GOVERNMENT TO END”.
The Road to 2017 Decisive Presidential Election: The Analysis of Down-size of Liberia’s Political System
By: Josephus Moses Gray
The 2017 general and presidential elections with particular reference to the decisive presidential election, the process-service as a conduit for the nation to move another step forward; provides an opportunity for those eying the presidency to advance their respective strategies, distinctive platforms and manifestos and understanding of state power. The 2017 poll should not be used by avaricious politicians and other bureaucrats to exploit the poverty-stricken masses’ vulnerability; instead it should be classed as a precise movement for positivity in Liberia.
Hon. Daniel Johnson, former Mayor of Monrovia is dead
A Tribute to Daniel “DJ” Johnson: A Man of the People
By Theodore Hodge
Since I learned of the death of Daniel “DJ” Johnson, I have felt a very strong inclination to write something in memory of the fallen hero. Somehow the seemingly simple task has proven to be too difficult. I don’t know exactly why, but perhaps it is because the news of DJ’s death came as such a tragic shock, a shock that I’m yet to overcome emotionally. It is hard to say those final words about a departed friend.
The Unraveling Of Turkey's Democracy
By Dr. Alon Ben-Meir
Only a few months after Turkey’s President Erdogan raided the offices of the Koza Ipek Media Group, the Turkish police assaulted early this month the offices of Feza Publications, which owns two newspapers (including Zaman) and two TV stations, without any warning. There is little else more injurious to any democracy than closing down news outlets and choking off freedom of speech.
Tribute to Harry A. Greaves, Jr
By Winsley S. Nanka
On Sunday, January 31, 2016 I received a call from a colleague about the death of Mr. Harry A. Greaves, Jr, known in his close family circle as “Boy Harry”, the man I have known for over thirty years. I first met Mr. Greaves, Jr. when he arrived from the United Kingdom in the early 1980s where he had gone to sit professional accountancy examinations.
Freeport of Monrovia: What to Expect and Do
By George Q. Deshields
It is like a huge shanty-town, with haphazardly built structures that serve little to no purpose. The buildings are all leaky when it rains; the main entrance is a narrow passageway that allows one person at a time - do not wear high-heels or stand more than 5’7” tall; the overhead hangs very low. You have to literally walk a tight rope to enter and leave the port. During the rainy seasons, the entrance is flooded, so they have built this concrete platform that also allows just one person in at a time. The platform is so narrow that people often fall in this diseased and very dirty water that stretches some 150 yards!
Maryland County Association Of Atlanta, USA, Donates Medical Supplies To J.J. Dossen Memorial Hospital In Maryland County, Liberia
By Stevenson Kobeh Dweh
On Saturday, February 13, 2016 J.J. Dossen Memorial Hospital in Harper City, Maryland County received consignment of assorted medical supplies from Maryland County Association Of Atlanta, Georgia, USA, through Hon. J. Gbleh-bo Brown, Senator of Maryland County, Liberia. The medical supplies including hospital beds, crutches, wheelchairs, and blankets amongst others.
The Late Harry A. Greaves
Remembering A Forgotten Murder And Autopsy, January 1980 - Culled From Professional Notes
By James Thomas-Queh
The controversies surrounding the gruesome death of Mr. Harry Greaves and the political impact on the national leadership has forced me down my memory line. That is, the cold bloody murder of inmate Myer on January 15, 1980, and the autopsy that ensued - Palace of Correction, Zwedru, Grand Gedeh County - bares a slight similitude to the current case. Both occurred at regimes endings in high tension; thus making two already unpopular Presidents to become the most unpopular.
"I've Fought My Fight; Will You Fight Yours?": Tribute To Hon. Harry A. Greaves, Jr.
By John Erakias Fallah, PhD
It was about a month ago today when I received the vexing text that suddenly altered my usual Starbucks and after-church happy mood. The colloquial subject line read: “Someone did Harry Greaves.” “What!” ” I wonder what happened”, I thought to myself. A string of other questions and conspiracy theories subsequently invaded my mind. But the autopsy report says that subject line was erroneously predictive of the cause of death. The preliminary findings suggest that Hon. Harry A. Greaves, Jr., whose remains were found naked on the beach in Liberia, died from drowning.
Liberia: We Removed a Tyrant and got a Dictator
By: Jones Nhinson Williams
Every Liberian, and indeed the entire world, probably knows that the Charles Taylor’s regime was tyrannical and Mr. Taylor behaved and acted like a tyrant. A tyrant according intellectual understanding, is someone who rules his/her country and people by himself/herself. A tyrant persecutes, imprisons and even kills anyone who stands in his/her way and his/her desire for power, wealth and authority. Tyrants are generally considered to be evil as they only care about keeping power at any cost, including destroying the life of anyone who opposes them in any form, shape and manner.
A Plea For Reason: An Open Letter To Prime Minister Netanyahu
By: Dr. Alon Ben-Meir
Last week I published an open letter to Prime Minister Netanyahu, and the response from many corners has been tremendous. I am sending this again because I have received many requests to do so from readers who missed it the first time around, and at the expense of receiving it a second time, I hope you do not mind.
Hon. Daniel Johnson, former Mayor of Monrovia is dead
Daniel G. Johnson (DJ), the Strong man from Sarbo impacts Liberia
A Press Release Issued By the Johnson Family on the Achievements and Home Going of Daniel G. Johnson, Former City Mayor of Monrovia
Liberia has lost a great servant!
A "true trailblazer for peace and unity whose ability to stimulate, mobilize and cause the unleashing of creative energies of defenseless people into meaningful productive engagements, has won him remarkably historic distinctions in Liberia." Dr. Amos Sawyer. William Twedall, in his letter of introduction, described Mayor Johnson as, "the energetic Mayor whose leadership is critical to improving living conditions in the safe haven of Monrovia."
Harry’s Death: Violence Rises In A “Winner Takes All” Society
By J. Yanqui Zaza
As the story of the mysterious death of Mr. Harry Greaves, Jr. fades away, just as others have faded before him, one wonders why violence continues to knock at Liberia’s door. For example, in 1820 the settlers killed indigenous Liberians in order to own territories; a college-graduate, rich businessman, and the fifth President of Liberia, Mr. Edward James Roye was violently killed in 1872; Mr. Welleh Didwho Twe, a former presidential candidate in 1952, fled from Liberia into exile because of a violent threat; Mr. Samuel David Coleman, a son of the former President of Liberia, William Coleman, was violently killed on his farm in 1955; hundred of unarmed demonstrators were gunned down in 1979; thirteen government officials were executed during the1980 coup; and subsequently, violence has now become a regular affair in Liberia.
Student Group Issues Statement on the Prevailing Corruption, Nepotism, Greed, Injustice, Insecurity and inequality in Liberia
A Press Release Issued By Student Unification Party (SUP)
In an effort to sustain democratic coherence, national unity and nonstop peace through inclusiveness, equality and justice at every layer of our society, we have come once more with unhindered determination and oneness of purpose to push the common interest of our nation. A nation whose future is severely threatened by forces of evil. A nation that finds itself in the middle of widespread corruption, nepotism, greed, injustice and inequality.
The Promised Land Promised By Africa's First Female President: West Point, Bussy Quarter, Doe Community, Clara Town, PHP, Chicken Soup Factory, Logan Town, Soniwen, New Kru Town, Red Light, etc., etc. |
Leadership is About Service, and not Self-enrichment
By Martin K. N. Kollie
If anybody deserves better, then it is the PEOPLE. Regrettably, the ‘leaders’ of the people have become lords and demagogues unto themselves. Instead of becoming servants, they have become kings and queens living in opulence, while the people decay in poverty. If anybody deserves quality education, better health care, electricity, safe drinking water, improved housing, and other basic social services, then it is the PEOPLE. Since all power is inherent in them according to Article one (1) of our Constitution, then it means that the welfare of the people must be an indispensable national priority.
An Iraqi Sunni State Is Prerequisite To Defeating ISIS
One of the main prerequisites to defeating ISIS in Iraq and stabilizing the country is the establishment of an independent Sunni Iraqi state alongside the current Shiite government and the autonomous Kurdish entity. As long as the Sunni Iraqis do not know what the future has in store for them, they will be unwilling to make the necessary sacrifices to battle ISIS only to benefit the Shiite government in Baghdad, which they despise even more than ISIS. Concurrently with the fight against ISIS, the Obama administration must begin to negotiate with the Shiite government in Baghdad over the future status of the Sunnis in Iraq.
A Local Political Group Decries the Appointment of President Sirleaf’s Son as Acting Governor of the National Bank of Liberia
The LPP USA branch calls on our mother party and all of its partners to join us in issuing this unanimous and categorical no vote for the recent appointment of Mr. Robert Sirleaf as acting governor by the board of the national bank of Liberia. This appointment is shortsighted, counterproductive and only confirms popular concerns regarding secret machinations long orchestrated by hidden hands to accelerate the departure of the then Governor Jones, and subsequently, to again install another member of the first family in a strategic position.
Major General Suraj Alao Abdurrahman
(Front Left)
A Military of Infancy: Does Liberia Really Have An Army?: Part I: Honoring Major General Suraj Alao Abdurrahman
By Martin K. N. Kollie
History has taught us never to forget about our fallen heroes and heroines whose compassionate contribution to mankind is incredibly distinct. Whenever we fail to pay courtesy to deserving statesmen and outstanding global actors who are worthy of public admiration, we pierce our own consciences with sharp instruments of ingratitude and immodesty. We become no different from a vicious ingrate who lives in pretense and pomposity
Consolidating Trust-Building Initiatives in Government: The Liberian Case
By Emmanuel Dolo, Ph.D
This article attempts to advance how government can consolidate trust-building initiatives. It aims to look into Liberian history for some explanations of widespread mistrust and suspicions. To avoid falling prey to emotions that fuel diatribes, innuendoes and allegations, this article deliberately and purposefully takes the “high road.” The intention here is to be solution-focused as opposed to being problem...
Simeon Freeman of Movement for Progressive Change
Photo: Courtesy of Parrotnews
Liberia: Call for Independent Investigation Into Critic's Death - VOA
By James Butty
A Liberian opposition leader is calling for an independent investigation into the mysterious death of a government critic - Harry Greaves - whose naked body was discovered last month on the beach behind the Liberian ministry of foreign affairs building in Monrovia.
Liberia and the Face of God: A Call for Soulful Revival
By Alex Redd, Th.D
Liberia is still drenched in deep wounds of unforgiven hearts. Though the guns are silent since the end of the civil war, the reality of peace, personal security, and hope continue to elude Liberians as they foresee the challenges of rebuilding the country. We have witnessed various levels of false accusations, coup d' etats, assassinations, executions, and brutal civil war that claimed over 250,000 lives. As a result, the country and its people have experienced the reality of governmental instability, economic instability, relational instability, personal instability, and more...
The gruesome remains of Harry Greaves
- Courtesy of the Informer
LPP USA Issues Statement On “The Recent Killings In Liberia”
The Liberian People's Party-USA and affiliates observed with utmost regret and disgust, the recent wave of mysterious killings that have engulfed Liberia. First, it was Michael Allison, then Dan Orogun and now Harry Greaves.
Erecting A Giant Prison For All Israelis
By Dr. Alon Ben-Meir
The demagoguery of Prime Minster Netanyahu seems to have no limit-demagoguery in a sense that he says and acts on anything to buttress Israel’s hold on the West Bank in the name of national security. This time around, Netanyahu came up with another absurd idea, proposing, as he stated, a “multi-year plan to surround Israel with security fences to protect ourselves in the current and projected Middle East.”
Sustaining Liberia’s New Economic Growth Model and its Rippling Effects
By: Samuel K. Goteh
The current pursuits of economic diversification, industrialization and rejuvenation in post-Ebola Liberia should be strategic and holistic, thus considering a careful cost-benefits analysis for sustainable growth and infrastructure development. The new shift in economic policies has been precipitated by the rapid decline of oil price from US$ 128 per barrel in 2014 to US$29 in 2015. What is perplexing about policy makers and architects of the economy in this government and past regimes is whether they have not heard about the “Dutch Disease’ before for which they built the economy on natural resources (oil, rubber and iron ore).
"Redefining National Leadership for Liberia’s Transformation"
By Tiawan S. Gongloe
As a people, we have found that narrow-mindedness in whatever shape or form and for whatever reason or purpose, has failed to serve our collective interest. Narrow mindedness has brought about exclusionary politics and exclusionary governance in our country and this has led us, as a people, to state failure. We have all recognized the fact that we are all Liberians and are bound to live together in peace and harmony, irrespective of the origins of our parents, our ethnic identities, our religious affiliations, our looks, our fraternal associations, our secret societies. We must not judge each others by the history of our settlement in this part of the Africa.
We want a building, reads a placard of the protesting students of Cape Palmas High School |
Reforming Liberian Schools in Five Easy Steps -- Part III
By: Elliott Wreh-Wilson, PhD
Let me first thank the Editor at The Perspective for entertaining this discussion. Second, let me thank Mr. Scott, Mr. Hodge, Mr. Smith, Mr. Doe and all those who have joined us in the conversation. These are all very familiar voices, and they enlighten me each time I view what they say. Yes, there are answers - many answers - what we can do now is to weave them into a not-so-complex whole that may save our children one day in the near future.
The gruesome remains of Harry Greaves
- Courtesy of the Informer
Political and Economically-Inspired Assassinations: Sirleaf, Boaikai and Alex Tyler Must Resign
By Jones Nhinson Williams
There are some things that one can sugar-coat and there are other things that just cannot be sugar-coated at all. When a government that supposed to protect its citizens is knowingly covering up cold bloodied murders of government’s critics, whistle-blowers and innocent citizens, and in particular, when the killings are, by every and all measures, politically and economically motivated, driven and executed, we must not sugar coat anything. The former managing director of the Liberia Petroleum Refinery Company (LPRC), Mr. Harry Greaves
The Truth About Israel's National Security
By Dr. Alon Ben-Meir
Israel’s historical experiences, coupled with decades of violent confrontations with Arab states and the Palestinians, have created a major psychological barrier embedded in the psyche of every Israeli, placing Israel’s legitimate national security concerns at the center of its domestic and foreign policy. That said, no military might or even the expropriation of the entire West Bank will guarantee Israel’s security, short of a sustainable Israeli-Palestinian peace.
Examining the Liberian Family System and the Implications for Nation Building
By Emmanuel Dolo, Ph. D.
Historical and cultural factors, principally the civil war, exacerbated rural to urban migration and chronic poverty (structural impediments, limited opportunities, long-term joblessness, deprivation of basic needs – food, shelter, security combined with grief and loss sustained for prolonged periods), which in turn, have negatively shaped the functioning of the contemporary Liberian family system. However, very little has been written in the academic and/or popular press concerning the Liberian family.
Patriots Never Fall Victims To Their Actions......A Call Of Patriotism For Liberia To Produce A Un Secretary General
By Abraham M. Keita, VI
Fellow Liberians, sons and daughters of the masses, nationalists and patriots and men, women and children of the intellectual class of the motherland, it was not by mistake that we found ourselves in the geographical spot called Liberia. The conditions we face today must never lead us to questioning the Supreme Creator why he placed us in Liberia. But if we were to ask such question, the answers, in my mind, will be "you were placed in Liberia to be the revolutionaries and champions of change;
House Speaker Alex Tyler |
Students Divided Over Selection of Speaker Tyler as Intellectual Discourse Speaker
By Mohammed Salue SY
The University of Liberia on Capitol Hill last Wednesday, January 27 stood still as its made another headline as a result of the speaker presence through the Intellectual Discourse Committee of ULSU interim leadership.Undoubtedly, the University of Liberia as the microcosm of the nation and the highest institution of learning should be the first to set precedents for other universities to emulate.
Lonestar of the 1960's |
Liberia Lone Stars’ First Victory Over Ghana Black Stars: The Story
By Benedict Nyankun Wisseh
The passage of time has a unique way of undermining one’s ability to recall the facts of national history. As a result, the revisionist accounts, although constructed in distortions and supported by persistent repetitions, are eventually accepted to be true. Such is the claim by some Liberian football enthusiasts that Ghana’s first loss to Liberia took place in 1988, when James Debbah, Pewu Bestman, Mark Gibson, George Weah, Joe Nagbe and Boye Charles reigned as superstars for the Liberian side.
Between despondency and hope in Morocco's Oriental Region
By Elle Houby
On the fringes of the Saharan desert, skirted by the rocky coastline of the northern Maghreb where it meets the blue Mediterranean, lies the Oriental region of Morocco. Nestling within an often verdant, predominantly mountainous terrain is Oujda, the largest city in the northeast of the Kingdom and the region’s administrative capital, with a population of around 550,000.
The Making of National Heroes and Heroines - Part II
By Emmanuel Dolo, Ph.D.
At Liberia’s establishment, the Congoe-Country divide placed ethnic identity over national identity. It fostered longstanding tensions between citizenship and ethnicity. The stratified citizenship or ethnic separatism was done at the expense of building a collective sense of citizenship and social cohesion throughout the population. The civil conflict reinforced social polarization and with the shrinking space of citizenship came threat to political stability – ethnic politics dragging communities into cycles of protracted enmity
The Dire Consequences Of Revenge And Retribution
By Dr. Alon Ben-Meir
A regular reader of my weekly column recently shared with me a commentary about the brutal murder of Dafna Meir, an Israeli Jew who was stabbed to death by a Palestinian teenager. Needless to say, there are no words to express the anger and revulsion over this atrocious crime-murdering an innocent woman with six children who had no malice in her heart against any Palestinian. It is rather natural to react with rage and venom, and what often comes to mind is revenge and retribution against the perpetrator for such a heinous, cold-blooded murder.
The President of Liberia's 2015 State of Nation Address: An Empty Bridge to Nowhere
By: Jones Nhinson Williams
Every president of a nation is like a CEO in whose ability citizens and residents entrust their wellbeing and livelihood, including their national resources and future. In the corporate world, investors do the same to the CEOs of major business institutions under whose control they put their resources, confidence and assets. Like business CEOs who are accountable to their shareholders and investors in the corporate world, presidents are accountable to their own unique shareholders and investors: The citizens of the country.
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf |
Liberia's State of the Nation Address
We were pleased to note the passage of twenty-two pieces of legislations during your last sitting. All are contributory to the advancement of the development agenda of the country. We urge the passage of several other bills before you including: an Amendment to the Public Health Law to add a Chapter on Mental Health; a Mental Health Procedural Bill; an Act to Amend the New Executive Law of 1972 to Establish the Ministry of Health; the Fire Arms and Ammunition Control Bill of Liberia; The National Police Bill; and Liberia Immigration Service Bill.
Speaker Alex Tyler |
MERITS / DEMERITS: Analysing Speaker Tyler's Recent Assertions, Actions, and Speech
By: James Thomas-Queh
For some of us who have witnessed our history a little longer, we experienced the effects of the real powers of the Speaker of the House of Representatives. As an equal among the equals of that time, what he said or did vibrated and echoed just as much as the President’s or the Chief Justice's. Thus the force with which Honourable Alex Tyler has totally metamorphosed in recent time to reaffirm his status as the reborn SPEAKER, must be a welcome development for our nation now and in the future. The man now talks like the Speaker; he walks like the Speaker, and he acts and performs like the Speaker.
Remodeling Higher Education in Liberia: Driving Innovative Learning and Rebuilding Competitive Academic Reputation
By Samuel K. Goteh
The debate on robust transformation in the education sector is fermenting daily with an outcry of citizens, parents and well-meaning Liberians in every knob and corner of the country with constant participation of the diaspora community. Many commentators, observers and scholars in the educational disciplines have penned down volumes of dossiers and academic publications with their expert opinions and suggestions in cleaning the ‘mess’ that engulfs the system.
UNMIL’S Departure: Implications for Bridging Security-Society Divide
By Emmanuel Dolo, Ph.D.
Following the end of nearly two decades of civil conflict, in 2003, the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) was established. The goal was for UNMIL to support the ceasefire agreement and the peace process. UNMIL would provide protection for UN staff, facilities, and civilians as well as support humanitarian and rights-based activities. UNMIL also has responsibility for facilitating national security reform, coupled with training the national police force, while restructuring the military (UN Security Council Resolution 1509).
Lifting The Sanctions Will Not End Iran's Revolutionary Zeal
By Dr. Alon Ben-Meir
The timely implementation of the Iran deal and Tehran's full compliance with its various provisions to date should not be viewed as just an accomplished goal, but as a continuing process that could take several years to determine its viability and the extent to which it impacts Iran's foreign and domestic policy. I believe the deal will encourage Tehran to continue its customary underhanded activities to advance its strategic interests.
Liberia: The Making of National Heroes and Heroines - Part I
By: Emmanuel Dolo, Ph.D.
For too long, I have struggled with a question that has loomed ever since I wrote my last book entitled Ethnic Tensions in Liberia’s National Identity Crisis: Problems and Possibilities in 2007. It was not until the dual citizen debate emerged with new vigor this year, that I thought to go back and revisit this question. I have asked myself repeatedly, “Why is it that Liberian society does not have national heroes and heroines?” The emphasis here is on national heroes and heroines.
74-years old Jenneh's Residence in Gardnersville
Earmarked for Demolition Today |
Land, Missing Rib In UNMIL’s Drawdown Talk?
By Samuka V. Konneh
By the break of dawn on Monday, July 18, 2015, residents of Gardnersville woke up to see caterpillar machines demolishing their homes, leaving scores homeless as a result of deliberate decision by the Liberian government to reclaim its lands. The government contends the lands were illegally occupied by its citizens, who counter claim the action and inaction by their government to improve their living standards compelled them to build on these lands.
Bai T. Moore |
Eulogizing the Legend of Liberian Literature: Bai T. Moore
By Martin K. N. Kollie
There is profound happiness in honoring great statesmen and women who have gone beyond the call of duty to impact society in positive ways. It pays to always remember a very great hero whose existence on earth brought special pride and recognition to Liberia. It is unfortunate today that most Liberians careless about celebrating past patriots and nationalists who made vast contributions in different areas of life to ensure our sweet Land of Liberty remains a shining image among comity of nations in Africa and beyond.
ArcelorMittal CEO Regrets Mass Lay-Offs
The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of ArcelorMittal Liberia, Michel Prive, has expressed regrets over the unfavorable economic environment that has prompted the reduction of the company’s workforce by 167. The company in a communication on Thursday disclosed that it took the difficult but necessary decision to reduce its workforce as a result of continuing unfavorable market conditions and changes to the company’s operating model.
We want a building, reads a placard of the protesting students of Cape Palmas High School |
Reforming Liberian Schools in Five Easy Steps (Part II)
By Elliott Wreh-Wilson, Ph.D
On December 16, 2015 I called for re-starting the conversation on reforming our schools. See the 12/15/15. There, I listed 5 provisional steps to reforming our schools. Now, taking into account the reactions to my invitation to fellow Liberians to join the conversation, I want to expand briefly on the first step, which calls for a reduction in class size. This time, however, I hope we can join the conversation without the invectives and name-calling.
Speaker Alex J. Tyler’s Speech
Legislature must be the conduit of political, social and economic rights to the people. We must be their ears, eyes, mouth and planners of their destiny. We must intercede for them and be the custodians of their trust. The failure of the National Legislature to inspire and process economic growth and development as well as the social and economic rights of the people, shall indeed be a failure to exercise the powers they have conferred on us and the faith they have in us.
Civil Disobedience Is The Palestinians’ Best Option
By Dr. Alon Ben-Meir
The use of violence to end the occupation has not served the Palestinian cause well, instead making matters worse as it hardened the resolve of successive Israeli governments to deal with violent extremism with an iron fist. The current bloody clashes, often referred to as the ‘Knife Intifada,’ and the killing of innocent Israeli bystanders outraged just about every Israeli regardless of their political leanings (and for good reason), when in fact the Palestinians need to draw the Israelis to support their cause.
We Envision Africa Thus
By Alston C. Armah
When the leaders of 33 independent African countries met in May that year in Addis Ababa, they were undertaking a task many thought was unrealistic and impossible to achieve. That task was to form a continental body that would be used as a platform to elevate the campaign against all forms of colonization and thus liberate Africa from European subjugation and humiliation. With dedication and commitment, the leaders of independent Africa – William Tubman of Liberia, Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, Sekou Toure of Guinea, and Halie Selassie of Ethiopia, among others
Age cheating holding back African teams - CIES report - Yahoo Sports
Despite fielding the youngest players in A national teams in 2015, Nigeria, Ghana and Cameroon continue to remain underachievers due to endemic age cheating, a CIES report has stated.
Africa’s Growing War on Corruption - Project-Syndicate
To the chagrin of most Africans, the world has long viewed their continent through the prism of the three "Cs" - conflict, contagion, and corruption.Yet the first two are anything but general. Civil war is confined mainly to particular regions – for example, South Sudan or the Democratic Republic of Congo. And Ebola in West Africa spread more to Europe and the United States than to the rest of the continent. But the third, corruption, has been universal, blighting almost every country.
By Seward Montgomery Cooper
The largest number of Liberia's skilled population resides in the Diaspora. Over the years they have acquired diverse skills and wealth from various countries. How can we affect them so that within their hearts - the place to which they will always want to return or contribute even after being away for extended periods - will be Liberia? How can we tap into this latent pool of direly needed skills, this sleeping source of capital, to help resuscitate our country?
The Reintegration Effects of Dual Citizenship Considered
Emmanuel Dolo, Ph. D.
Many waves of forced migration took Liberians to different nations during various periods of history, prominently, after the 1980 coup and during the 1989 civil war, coupled with subsequent insurgencies. Most of these people had urgent need to assimilate in their host nations. This meant regularizing their legal statuses to avoid being indentured labor during their time of displacement. These persons of Liberian origin, at least some of them, have the desire to return and resettle in their homeland. Without doubt, there are other Liberians who left for further education or in search of better opportunities and may have taken citizenship in their host countries
Abolishing “Constitutional Racism” and Single Citizenship in Liberia
By Ernest S. Maximore
Article 27(b) of the Liberia Constitution read thus: “In order to preserve, foster and maintain the positive Liberian culture, values and character, only persons who are Negroes or of Negro descent shall qualify by birth or by naturalization to be citizens of Liberia.” In a layman, plain, simple and strict interpretation, when you are not a Negro or Negro descent, you cannot or will not be able to help and/or preserve, foster and maintain the positive Liberian culture, values and character.
Shiite cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr |
Saudi Arabia’s Act Of Strategic Defiance
By Dr. Alon Ben-Meir
The Saudi decision to execute Shiite cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr at this particular juncture was a strategic act of defiance meant to challenge Iran and the United States in particular. The Saudis wanted to send a blatant and carefully calculated message that the Kingdom is capable of standing on its own, and it will not be deterred by either the already destabilized region or by the repercussions of its act.