Africa between
China and the West: The New War of Influence
By Abdoulaye W. Dukulé)
On his way to attend the 5th Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC,
November 4-5, 2006, Beijing), President Abdoulaye Wade of Senegal
stopped over in Washington, DC and had discussions with American policymakers.
In one of the meetings, the subject of China came up and Wade was
asked if Africans were aware that China was only interested in Africa’s
oil and other raw materials.
Is On The Ropes, But We Want A Knock-Out
(By Gbe Sneh)
We are beginning to live the result of what happens when we are determined
to work together under a common banner. "Operation Sweeping Wave"
Successful, headlined in the November 7 Analyst article lends proof
to this. But, “Successful” at the end of the headline
should not make our heads swell, get carried away, to the point of
losing focus.
A Friendly
Rebuttal to: “Which Way Perspective: Open or Close Society”
(By Theodore T. Hodge)
I generally do not respond to other writers who react to my articles.
I usually write highly opinionated pieces, though I take precaution
to be as balanced and objective as I can be. There are those who generally
agree and those who disagree with me occasionally. Since I make no
claims to infallibility, I respect the fact that each is entitled
to his/her opinion. I consider myself a fair target because I take
the risk of inviting public scrutiny.
a Peek into Liberian History: The Case of Chicken Coming Home to Roost
(By Siahyonkron Nyanseor)
Taking a peek into recent Liberian History is a case of “what’s
it in it for me,” which reminds me of “chicken coming
home to roost”. A case in point is the statement the former
Liberian Senate Majority Leader Honorable Abel Momolu Massaley made
during the Taylor Administration
A Rejoinder,
LPRC So-called Oil Deal, “Madam President we beg to differ”
(By Sunny G. Nyemah)
“It is only when the tide goes out that you can see who’s
swimming naked” Warren Buffett. Liberians were fool in the past
because of limited access to information, and learning opportunities.
Now, most Liberians have developed the ability to decipher what is
deceitful, from what is truthful.
Seventh Grade Student Murdered In Pleebo (Forum)
(By: Lewis K. Glay)
The commercial city of Pleebo, Maryland County was reportedly paralyzed
recently when protesting youth took to the streets demanding justice
for the death of their colleague identified only as AB.
A Rejoinder To: "The
Human Rights Farce and the UNMIL Conspiracy"
(By S. Herron Gbidi)
Historically, Liberia has been a country of an age-old unprecedented contradictions between forces of good and evil, patriotism and egotism, nationalism and sectionalism. While professing to be a country of God, Liberians of the later category have denied the existence of God by their denial and crucifixion of facts and realities on the alter of sycophancy.
Tradition: What are Human Rights in the Liberian Context (Part I)
By Ezekiel Pajibo)
Ordinarily, I would have kept my laptop closed and not respond to
the two most recent articles posted on the perspective website. I
can not do that. I think one needs to further explore the issues raised
by Messrs Theodore Hodges and George Nubo in regards to human rights,
attempt bribery, customary practices and tradition. My response will
be in two parts and here is part one.
LPRC Announces
Third Quarter Financial Results
( A Press Release)
The board of directors and management of the Liberia Petroleum
Refining Company (LPRC) are pleased to announce the corporation’s
3rd quarter financial results. For the 9 months ended September 30,
2006, LPRC earned a net profit of US$3.4 million on revenue of US$9.4
million. This performance is truly remarkable in a number of respects.
Is Exporting Corruption Into AFRICA
(John S. Morlu)
Africa and most developing
countries have been branded as the most corrupted. But over the course
of the past several years, Transparency International has realized
that corruption is a two dimensional activity—the corrupter and the corrupted. For the most part, the largest costs of corruption come in the form of bribery, instead of the general notion of asset misappropriation.
Aloysius Toe
The Human
Rights Farce and the UNMIL Conspiracy
By George H. Nubo)
Not too long ago, one of our contributors submitted an article on the human rights outfits in Liberia to The Perspective for publication. The writer launched a scathing attack on the human rights entities in the country, saying it had become the most lucrative job in the country. He added that Charles Taylor had made heroes out of the individuals heading these institutions.
The Managing
Director and Human Rights Defenders: The Bungled Case?
By Theodore T. Hodge)
For weeks now, some of us have heard and read about a mysterious oil deal between the Nigerian government and the Liberian Petroleum Refining Corporation (LPRC). No details have been made available, but it seems many, who know anything about the deal, remain suspicious. The press, in its usual sensational way, has published one vague story after another; telling us nothing substantial in the meantime. But what exactly is the deal?
Sirleaf; Adopt New Policies To Reduce Poverty
(By J. Yanqui Zaza )
Would President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s visit to China lead
to adopting economic policies that would move Liberians out of poverty?
Many experts such as Thomas L. Friedman suggest that China’s
economic system could end poverty. He reported in the NY Times (11/10/06)
that China’s economic system has moved more Chinese people “…out
of poverty faster than at any time in the history of the world.
The Time
Is Still On Our Side, Madam President!
By James Thomas-Queh)
We are on the eve of Christmas and the first year anniversary of our
much sought democracy, where peace and optimism are still firmly within
our horizon. But then during her last two visits to the United States,
President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf struck few warning notes. First, she
made it known that the much financial aid promised was “too
slow” in coming.
LPRC GEMAP Expert Withdrawn
- As Oil Deal Backfires
(By: Lewis K. Glay)
Latest information reaching The FORUM has revealed that the Governance
Economic Management Assistance Program (GEMAP) expert assigned at
the Liberia Petroleum Refining Company, John Lumburg, has been withdrawn.
IMF Rebuffs ‘Plan Truth’
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) Resident Representative to Liberia,
Michael A. Tharkur, has sharply reacted to the October 23, 2006 Plain
Truth newspaper story captioned: “Government Stinks with Corruption,”
of which the paper allegedly quoted “credible source working
with the International Monetary Fund.”
Speaker Snowe Enters PUL
Politics - Expresses Support for Zeon
It appears that early speculations that House Speaker Edwin Melvin
Snowe was meddling in the activities of the Liberian media particularly
the Press Union of Liberia (PUL) are coming to light as he has reportedly
given support for the candidacy of Alphonsus Zeon for the presidency.